Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

I agree with POTUS

Awesome day


Because you are a brain dead Trumpster tool.

I haven't felt this good since Obama's -Toomey/Manchin gun bill was crushed.

-Geaux Can you not even follow what the convo is about? Of course not, you are brain dead.
That's harsh two days before his pension. If they are pursuing criminal charges, than clearly the FBI are standing up for their reputation.

I will reserve judgement, but no one man (or woman *cough cough*) should be above justice and the Rule of Law.
This isn't a matter of left or right, but right and wrong.
May the same mercy shown to McCabe be shown to all of you.....amen! ;)

Well, if you're dumb enough to lie to your bosses at the FBI, then your case is deferred to others at the review board who are FBI officials, and they recommend termination..........

then you're fired

Why have they not shown this report to us?

For over a year McCabe has been Trumps punching bag in tweets....

Did that influence this decision?

Seems there is more 'there' there coming with criminal charges. We'll see.


Made up I'm sure.
Just another vindictive, childish move by the trump cabal to appease his evangelical vermin.
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.
McCabe is a true Clintonian Sociopath. He deserves jail time. The Libs evidently don't know any thing about OPR. Sessions simply acted on their recommendations. If McCabe has any brains, he will cut deal and rat out the rest of the conspirators.
Breaking Update!

Sessions statement:


"Lacked candor" means he was a lying asshole..
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.
McCabe is a true Clintonian Sociopath. He deserves jail time. The Libs evidently don't know any thing about OPR. Sessions simply acted on their recommendations. If McCabe has any brains, he will cut deal and rat out the rest of the conspirators.

Do you understand he got fired for leaking info that HURT Clinton?
McCabe is the typical lying butt hurt Moon Bat asshole that was pissed that Crooked Hillary didn't win. You know, the pink pussy hat red pajama boy howling at the sky asshole like we see marching in the streets with a vagina costume. Pissed that Crooked Hillary wasn't elected to continue the damage done by Obama to make this country a Socialist shithole.

The only difference between him and the Libtards that post on here is that he was in a government position.

I hope he starts signing like a bird when facing jail time and brings down the rest of that corrupt Obama Administration filth.

Liberals are the scum of this country.
May the same mercy shown to McCabe be shown to all of you.....amen! ;)
And may the same mercy shown to Flynn be shown to all you douchebag snowflakes.
Was Flynns retirement affected?

What did McCabe actually do? Has anyone seen the report?
Of course it affects his retirement, you dumb fucking numskull. Do you actually think spending hundreds of thousands on legal bills doesn't affect your retirement? He's going bankrupt, dumbass.

Now tell us again why anyone should give a damn for that sleazy lying weasel McCabe.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement

An action by adolescent boys like sessions and trump.This is just the latest example of the incredible lack of integrity in the totally corrupt trump administration. Our nation is now run by hoodlums.

Trump had nothing to do with it, you dumb bitch.
How many crocodile tears did you shed over Flynn's plight? Oh yeah . . . . none.

Fuck Flynn! He plead guilty. He is a lying Putin lover and Trump sycophant. And now he sings to Mueller like a stool pigeon. Flynn is a gutless traitor!


McCabe is a traitor and a disgrace who tried to stage a coup against a lawfully elected president. Fuck McCabe!

Proof? Credible links? Adolf Trump was not lawfully elected.

Then why is he sitting in the Oval office, Chief Shitting Bull?
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.
McCabe is a true Clintonian Sociopath. He deserves jail time. The Libs evidently don't know any thing about OPR. Sessions simply acted on their recommendations. If McCabe has any brains, he will cut deal and rat out the rest of the conspirators.

Do you understand he got fired for leaking info that HURT Clinton?

What leak was that?
McCabe is the typical lying butt hurt Moon Bat asshole that was pissed that Crooked Hillary didn't win. You know, the pink pussy hat red pajama boy howling at the sky asshole like we see marching in the streets with a vagina costume. Pissed that Crooked Hillary wasn't elected to continue the damage done by Obama to make this country a Socialist shithole.

The only difference between him and the Libtards that post on here is that he was in a government position.

I hope he starts signing like a bird when facing jail time and brings down the rest of that corrupt Obama Administration filth.

Liberals are the scum of this country.

How many times do you idgets have to be told he got fired for trying to set the record straight and say they were still investigating Hillary... which hurt her, not helped her.

Good grief!
Story breaking right now. Will have a link ASAP. Laura Ingraham reporting it now.
McCabe is a true Clintonian Sociopath. He deserves jail time. The Libs evidently don't know any thing about OPR. Sessions simply acted on their recommendations. If McCabe has any brains, he will cut deal and rat out the rest of the conspirators.

Do you understand he got fired for leaking info that HURT Clinton?

What leak was that?

He let people know they were still investigating Clinton, to set the record straight because everyone was saying they weren't doing anything with her investigations. Him letting it out that she was STILL under investigation just a week before the election did not help Clinton.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement

An action by adolescent boys like sessions and trump.This is just the latest example of the incredible lack of integrity in the totally corrupt trump administration. Our nation is now run by hoodlums.

Trump had nothing to do with it, you dumb bitch.

Your name calling says it all about you. You support corrupt hoodlums. It shows. This is retribution by sessions, who will do anything to protect his slut of a corrupt boss from the consequences of his actions.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony as a fact witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the Comey firing. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

McCabe responded to the firing in a lengthy statement.

“The investigation by the Justice Department’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) has to be understood in the context of the attacks on my credibility,” McCabe wrote.

He continued:

The investigation flows from my attempt to explain the FBI’s involvement and my supervision of investigations involving Hillary Clinton. I was being portrayed in the media over and over as a political partisan, accused of closing down investigations under political pressure. The FBI was portrayed as caving under that pressure, and making decisions for political rather than law enforcement purposes. Nothing was further from the truth. In fact, this entire investigation stems from my efforts, fully authorized under FBI rules, to set the record straight on behalf of the Bureau, and to make clear that we were continuing an investigation that people in DOJ opposed.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Is Fired 2 Days Before Retirement

An action by adolescent boys like sessions and trump.This is just the latest example of the incredible lack of integrity in the totally corrupt trump administration. Our nation is now run by hoodlums.

Trump had nothing to do with it, you dumb bitch.

Your name calling says it all about you. You support corrupt hoodlums. It shows. This is retribution by sessions, who will do anything to protect his slut of a corrupt boss from the consequences of his actions.
Uh, the OPR and IG office suggested Sessions fire him.
Anyone with two connected brain cells can see Trump did this because McCabe came out and said he can confirm Comey's memos and talks with Trump. McCabe can help push Trump from the White House to the Big House.

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