Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

I'm waiting for your link, liar.

You run like a bitch? Pleas direct us to the dishonesty so far. I’m going real slow for you Jr.

Your claim that exculpatory evidence was intentionally withheld.

Post it up, loser.
A federal judge has issued an updated standing order in the case of U.S. v. Flynn, suggesting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team may have withheld exculpatory evidence in prosecuting former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, United States district judge for the District of Columbia, on Friday issued what is called the “Brady rule," which requires the prosecution to turn over "any exculpatory evidence" to the defendant in a criminal case, meaning Mueller must provide Flynn with all information that is favorable to his defense.

Mueller’s team last week filed an agreed-upon motion to provide discovery to General Flynn under a protective order governing the use of the material.

According to former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, this is a "huge" development because "prosecutors almost never provide this kind of information to a defendant before he enters a plea — much less after he has done so."

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Judge Orders Mueller to Provide Flynn’s Attorneys With 'Any Exculpatory Evidence'

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Nowhere does it say any evidence was intentionally withheld.
No judge was forcibly removed either, liar.
He recused himself.
I guess you haven't figured out how to use Google. A simple search will show you that in FACT "Rudy" was "recused".
FBI Agent Who Interviewed Flynn Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge
It's time for you to take off your cute 'Trayvon Martin Was An Angel' tank top and wise up.

He was recused. Just like Flynn was found guilty. Both are statements of fact but neither give information of the circunstances.
Nowhere does it say any evidence was intentionally withheld.
No judge was forcibly removed either, liar.
He recused himself.

Lol, what a schmendrik. The Judge was removed. He was recused, he did not voluntarily leave.

Why was Judge recused from Mueller/Flynn case?

In early December 2017, Judge Rudolph Contreras was recused from the criminal case involving Gen. Michael Flynn who had pleaded guilty in an arrangement with Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

You will find nothing in print that says he refused himself. Face it, Hillary “Strokypoo” Clinton is in deep shit. If that is, she don’t die. She ain’t looking so good these days.
The Judge was removed. He was recused, he did not voluntarily leave.

You will find nothing in print that says he refused himself.

Judge in Flynn case recuses himself

Judge in Mike Flynn's case recuses himself

Judge presiding over Michael Flynn case recuses himself — and no one knows why

Judge in Flynn case recuses himself

Walk away, loser.

Judge presiding over Michael Flynn criminal case is recused: court

Judge presiding over Michael Flynn criminal case is recused: court

(Reuters) - The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trump's former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been recused from handling the case, a court spokeswoman said on Thursday.

Great. Where does it say he didn't recuse himself?
FBI Agent Who Interviewed Flynn Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge

Same. Where does your link say he didn't recuse himself?
McCabe voted in every presidential election since he was old enough and voted for the Republican candidate in every election except in 2016, he did not vote for President, he sat out.
McCabe voted in every presidential election since he was old enough and voted for the Republican candidate in every election except in 2016, he did not vote for President, he sat out.

Wow he is really dumb.
He threw it all away to protect the Dirty Clintons.
He didn't throw anything away, Dunce. Trump firing McCabe will end up making McCabe millions. He is has retired aq 50 and has endless great job offers available for beginning a new career. His government pension has not been lost, only delayed. He will be able to collect it when he is 57. In all likelihood, however, he will probably rake one the government jobs being offered to qualify for his early retirement Trump tried to steal from him.

He won't be getting any government jobs after they prosecute him for perjury and obstruction of justice.
He wo't be prosecuted for perjury because he did not commit perjury....

Jeff Sessions said he was being fired for:

A lack of candor

Sessions NEVER SAID he lied to investigators by or thru falsifying his statements....

and a lack of candor is distinctly DIFFERENT from "falsification".....

I just googled it, and seems like Jeff Sessions did the president's bidding, and fired McCabe for political reasons to please President Putin, I mean Trump....

Sometimes federal agencies attempt to discipline its employees with the very subjective allegation of the employee’s “lack of candor”. The charges are sometimes misplaced or overused based upon the difficulties in establishing just what is required to prove the charge.

To begin with, lack of candor and falsification are distinct charges. Falsification “involves an affirmative misrepresentation and requires intent to deceive,” lack of candor, by contrast, “is a broader and more flexible concept whose contours and elements depend on the particular context and conduct involved.”

For example, lack of candor need not involve an affirmative misrepresentation, but “may involve a failure to disclose something that, in the circumstances, should have been disclosed to make the statement accurate and complete.”

Furthermore, while lack of candor “necessarily involves an element of deception, ‘intent to deceive’ is not a separate element of the offense—as it is for falsification.”

Read more here:

How a Federal Agency May Prove An Employee's Lack of Candor

Lack of candor is basically lying by omission. McCabe lied and deserves to be prosecuted.
there is no prosecution for the lack of candor that I could find, it is simply disciplinary, as punishment....

and we have a WHOLE BUNCH of ''lack of candor'' from SESSIONS.....lest we forget? Should sessions be FIRED and stripped of his govt pension....? Justice is suppose to be BLIND ya know?

Dave Gomez, a former FBI agent and a senior fellow at George Washington University’s Center for Cyber and Homeland Security, echoed Miller’s assessment that the timing was linked to Trump. “I think there’s a substantial amount of evidence that this is the result of retaliation on the part of the Justice Department and the White House,” Gomez told me. “While there might have been sufficient cause to fire him under FBI rules, the way it was done, [shortly] before retirement, smacks of a vindictive and retaliatory nature.”

Ali Soufan, a former FBI agent who now runs the Soufan Group security firm, suggested the charge that McCabe “lacked candor” was hypocritical. He pointed to Sessions’s own testimony under oath to the Senate last year, in which he falsely stated he had no contact with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign. “He was fired for lack of candor by people who have no candor,” Soufan said.

McCabe’s Firing Chips Away at the Justice Department’s Independence

Judge presiding over Michael Flynn criminal case is recused: court

Judge presiding over Michael Flynn criminal case is recused: court

(Reuters) - The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trump's former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been recused from handling the case, a court spokeswoman said on Thursday.

Great. Where does it say he didn't recuse himself?

Why was Judge recused from Mueller/Flynn case?

According to Joe DiGenova, a former US Attorney for the District of Columbia, Contreras was, in fact, removed from the case. DiGenova revealed the claim during an interview earlier this month on WMAL radio in Washington DC:

Not only a liar, but lazy to. What a fag.
Not only a liar, but laz

Not only lazy, but dumb as shit.

This is your source?

Now I remember you! You're the poster who claimed George Zimmerman got his broken nose when his "cheap gun" backfired and hit his nose.
Are you having any luck unloading those dozens of 'Hands Up Don't Shoot" hoodies on ebay yet?
Talk about someone being a loser. HAAA HAAAA!
McCabe was/is dirty.
Everyone in the FBI/DOJ/OPR knows it.
Wray fired McCabe. Wray said he was "disgusted" by McCabe's corruption.
President Trump KNEW McCabe was dirty. Sessions KNEW McCabe was dirty. Sessions waited until he got the FBI/DOJ/OPR recommendations to fire McCabe.
McCabe is about to be charged with at least 15 federal crimes. When he gets out of federal prison he'll be eligible for old age pension.

Now I remember you! You're the poster who claimed George Zimmerman got his broken nose when his "cheap gun" backfired and hit his nose.

Not me, dope.
McCabe voted in every presidential election since he was old enough and voted for the Republican candidate in every election except in 2016, he did not vote for President, he sat out.
McCabe voted in every presidential election since he was old enough and voted for the Republican candidate in every election except in 2016, he did not vote for President, he sat out.

Wow he is really dumb.
He threw it all away to protect the Dirty Clintons.
He didn't throw anything away, Dunce. Trump firing McCabe will end up making McCabe millions. He is has retired aq 50 and has endless great job offers available for beginning a new career. His government pension has not been lost, only delayed. He will be able to collect it when he is 57. In all likelihood, however, he will probably rake one the government jobs being offered to qualify for his early retirement Trump tried to steal from him.

He won't be getting any government jobs after they prosecute him for perjury and obstruction of justice.
He wo't be prosecuted for perjury because he did not commit perjury....

Jeff Sessions said he was being fired for:

A lack of candor

Sessions NEVER SAID he lied to investigators by or thru falsifying his statements....

and a lack of candor is distinctly DIFFERENT from "falsification".....

I just googled it, and seems like Jeff Sessions did the president's bidding, and fired McCabe for political reasons to please President Putin, I mean Trump....

Sometimes federal agencies attempt to discipline its employees with the very subjective allegation of the employee’s “lack of candor”. The charges are sometimes misplaced or overused based upon the difficulties in establishing just what is required to prove the charge.

To begin with, lack of candor and falsification are distinct charges. Falsification “involves an affirmative misrepresentation and requires intent to deceive,” lack of candor, by contrast, “is a broader and more flexible concept whose contours and elements depend on the particular context and conduct involved.”

For example, lack of candor need not involve an affirmative misrepresentation, but “may involve a failure to disclose something that, in the circumstances, should have been disclosed to make the statement accurate and complete.”

Furthermore, while lack of candor “necessarily involves an element of deception, ‘intent to deceive’ is not a separate element of the offense—as it is for falsification.”

Read more here:

How a Federal Agency May Prove An Employee's Lack of Candor

Lack of candor is basically lying by omission. McCabe lied and deserves to be prosecuted.

Similar then to answering with "I can't recall" dozens of times.
Wow he is really dumb.
He threw it all away to protect the Dirty Clintons.
He didn't throw anything away, Dunce. Trump firing McCabe will end up making McCabe millions. He is has retired aq 50 and has endless great job offers available for beginning a new career. His government pension has not been lost, only delayed. He will be able to collect it when he is 57. In all likelihood, however, he will probably rake one the government jobs being offered to qualify for his early retirement Trump tried to steal from him.

He won't be getting any government jobs after they prosecute him for perjury and obstruction of justice.
He wo't be prosecuted for perjury because he did not commit perjury....

Jeff Sessions said he was being fired for:

A lack of candor

Sessions NEVER SAID he lied to investigators by or thru falsifying his statements....

and a lack of candor is distinctly DIFFERENT from "falsification".....

I just googled it, and seems like Jeff Sessions did the president's bidding, and fired McCabe for political reasons to please President Putin, I mean Trump....

Sometimes federal agencies attempt to discipline its employees with the very subjective allegation of the employee’s “lack of candor”. The charges are sometimes misplaced or overused based upon the difficulties in establishing just what is required to prove the charge.

To begin with, lack of candor and falsification are distinct charges. Falsification “involves an affirmative misrepresentation and requires intent to deceive,” lack of candor, by contrast, “is a broader and more flexible concept whose contours and elements depend on the particular context and conduct involved.”

For example, lack of candor need not involve an affirmative misrepresentation, but “may involve a failure to disclose something that, in the circumstances, should have been disclosed to make the statement accurate and complete.”

Furthermore, while lack of candor “necessarily involves an element of deception, ‘intent to deceive’ is not a separate element of the offense—as it is for falsification.”

Read more here:

How a Federal Agency May Prove An Employee's Lack of Candor

Lack of candor is basically lying by omission. McCabe lied and deserves to be prosecuted.
there is no prosecution for the lack of candor that I could find, it is simply disciplinary, as punishment....

and we have a WHOLE BUNCH of ''lack of candor'' from SESSIONS.....lest we forget? Should sessions be FIRED and stripped of his govt pension....? Justice is suppose to be BLIND ya know?

Dave Gomez, a former FBI agent and a senior fellow at George Washington University’s Center for Cyber and Homeland Security, echoed Miller’s assessment that the timing was linked to Trump. “I think there’s a substantial amount of evidence that this is the result of retaliation on the part of the Justice Department and the White House,” Gomez told me. “While there might have been sufficient cause to fire him under FBI rules, the way it was done, [shortly] before retirement, smacks of a vindictive and retaliatory nature.”

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Ali Soufan, a former FBI agent who now runs the Soufan Group security firm, suggested the charge that McCabe “lacked candor” was hypocritical. He pointed to Sessions’s own testimony under oath to the Senate last year, in which he falsely stated he had no contact with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign. “He was fired for lack of candor by people who have no candor,” Soufan said.

McCabe’s Firing Chips Away at the Justice Department’s Independence

We can discuss Session if the OPR recommends that he be fired for lies of omission.

Until then, McCabe deserved to be fired.
I'm sure there isn't to a soft brained boob such as yourself.
That's it? Your famous 'one-liners'? That's it?
(I bet that's not the first time someone has told you that.)
McCabe is about to be charged with about fifteen federal crimes. He'll be getting out of federal prison about the time his old age pension kicks in.
Struck/Page and a couple of dozen other seditious traitors are facing prison time.
McCabe will sing like a fucking bird the moment he sees the prison bars.
Within a month he'll be wearing a pink tutu and matching pink 'fuck-me' pumps.
McCabe is about to be charged with about fifteen federal crimes.

Who has said that?
You're being hysterical.
Sessions only referenced two rather ambiguous reasons from an unreleased IG report as grounds for his termination.
Wray saw the IG/OPR report and the day after essentially fired McCabe. Wray said he was "disgusted" by what he saw in the report/s about McCabe's corruption. The reports by the DOJ/OPR stated McCabe had lied "numerous times" to the FBI.
Yes we haven't seen these reports BUT Sessions has. If you think Sessions is lying about McCabe's "numerous lies" to the FBI you need mental help.

Liar. We saw no report. It hasn't even been completed let alone released.

Sessions gave two rather ambiguous reasons neither of which was "numerous lies".

Feel free to post it up.

The New York Times differs with you on this:

Andrew McCabe, a Symbol of Trump’s F.B.I. Ire, Faces Possible Firing



WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reviewing a recommendation to fire the former F.B.I. deputy director, Andrew G. McCabe, just days before he is scheduled to retire on Sunday, people briefed on the matter said. Mr. McCabe was a frequent target of attack from President Trump, who taunted him both publicly and privately.

Mr. McCabe is ensnared in an internal review that includes an examination of his decision in 2016 to allow F.B.I. officials to speak with reporters about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. The Justice Department’s inspector general concluded that Mr. McCabe was not forthcoming during the review, according to the people briefed on the matter. That yet-to-be-released report triggered an F.B.I. disciplinary process that recommended his termination — leaving Mr. Sessions to either accept or reverse that decision.

The New York Times differs with you on this:
In what way?
That's it? Your famous 'one-liners'? That's it?
(I bet that's not the first time someone has told you that.)
McCabe is about to be charged with about fifteen federal crimes. He'll be getting out of federal prison about the time his old age pension kicks in.
Struck/Page and a couple of dozen other seditious traitors are facing prison time.
McCabe will sing like a fucking bird the moment he sees the prison bars.
Within a month he'll be wearing a pink tutu and matching pink 'fuck-me' pumps.
McCabe is about to be charged with about fifteen federal crimes.

Who has said that?
You're being hysterical.
Sessions only referenced two rather ambiguous reasons from an unreleased IG report as grounds for his termination.
Wray saw the IG/OPR report and the day after essentially fired McCabe. Wray said he was "disgusted" by what he saw in the report/s about McCabe's corruption. The reports by the DOJ/OPR stated McCabe had lied "numerous times" to the FBI.
Yes we haven't seen these reports BUT Sessions has. If you think Sessions is lying about McCabe's "numerous lies" to the FBI you need mental help.

Liar. We saw no report. It hasn't even been completed let alone released.

Sessions gave two rather ambiguous reasons neither of which was "numerous lies".

Feel free to post it up.

The New York Times differs with you on this:

Andrew McCabe, a Symbol of Trump’s F.B.I. Ire, Faces Possible Firing



WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reviewing a recommendation to fire the former F.B.I. deputy director, Andrew G. McCabe, just days before he is scheduled to retire on Sunday, people briefed on the matter said. Mr. McCabe was a frequent target of attack from President Trump, who taunted him both publicly and privately.

Mr. McCabe is ensnared in an internal review that includes an examination of his decision in 2016 to allow F.B.I. officials to speak with reporters about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. The Justice Department’s inspector general concluded that Mr. McCabe was not forthcoming during the review, according to the people briefed on the matter. That yet-to-be-released report triggered an F.B.I. disciplinary process that recommended his termination — leaving Mr. Sessions to either accept or reverse that decision.

The New York Times differs with you on this:
In what way?

Did you write this?

"Liar. We saw no report. It hasn't even been completed let alone released.

Sessions gave two rather ambiguous reasons neither of which was "numerous lies".

Feel free to post it up."

If so you were already answered to show that it wasn't a lie or made up.
Wow he is really dumb.
He threw it all away to protect the Dirty Clintons.
He didn't throw anything away, Dunce. Trump firing McCabe will end up making McCabe millions. He is has retired aq 50 and has endless great job offers available for beginning a new career. His government pension has not been lost, only delayed. He will be able to collect it when he is 57. In all likelihood, however, he will probably rake one the government jobs being offered to qualify for his early retirement Trump tried to steal from him.

He won't be getting any government jobs after they prosecute him for perjury and obstruction of justice.
He wo't be prosecuted for perjury because he did not commit perjury....

Jeff Sessions said he was being fired for:

A lack of candor

Sessions NEVER SAID he lied to investigators by or thru falsifying his statements....

and a lack of candor is distinctly DIFFERENT from "falsification".....

I just googled it, and seems like Jeff Sessions did the president's bidding, and fired McCabe for political reasons to please President Putin, I mean Trump....

Sometimes federal agencies attempt to discipline its employees with the very subjective allegation of the employee’s “lack of candor”. The charges are sometimes misplaced or overused based upon the difficulties in establishing just what is required to prove the charge.

To begin with, lack of candor and falsification are distinct charges. Falsification “involves an affirmative misrepresentation and requires intent to deceive,” lack of candor, by contrast, “is a broader and more flexible concept whose contours and elements depend on the particular context and conduct involved.”

For example, lack of candor need not involve an affirmative misrepresentation, but “may involve a failure to disclose something that, in the circumstances, should have been disclosed to make the statement accurate and complete.”

Furthermore, while lack of candor “necessarily involves an element of deception, ‘intent to deceive’ is not a separate element of the offense—as it is for falsification.”

Read more here:

How a Federal Agency May Prove An Employee's Lack of Candor

Lack of candor is basically lying by omission. McCabe lied and deserves to be prosecuted.

Similar then to answering with "I can't recall" dozens of times.
more than 60 times in one hearing...
McCabe is being flooded with job offers from Democrat Congressmen and women. He will work for two days and reapply for his pension.
And that would make many taxpayers very angry when they find out how much money he gets paid for two days of fake work.

And just think of the damage it would do to the morale of the rank and file FBI agents who all know damn well that McCabe would have shit canned them for doing the same thing that he did.
Idiot. He’ll be getting paid for his many years of service, which he rightfully deserves; not just for two days.
Who has said that?
You're being hysterical.
Sessions only referenced two rather ambiguous reasons from an unreleased IG report as grounds for his termination.
Wray saw the IG/OPR report and the day after essentially fired McCabe. Wray said he was "disgusted" by what he saw in the report/s about McCabe's corruption. The reports by the DOJ/OPR stated McCabe had lied "numerous times" to the FBI.
Yes we haven't seen these reports BUT Sessions has. If you think Sessions is lying about McCabe's "numerous lies" to the FBI you need mental help.

Liar. We saw no report. It hasn't even been completed let alone released.

Sessions gave two rather ambiguous reasons neither of which was "numerous lies".

Feel free to post it up.

The New York Times differs with you on this:

Andrew McCabe, a Symbol of Trump’s F.B.I. Ire, Faces Possible Firing



WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reviewing a recommendation to fire the former F.B.I. deputy director, Andrew G. McCabe, just days before he is scheduled to retire on Sunday, people briefed on the matter said. Mr. McCabe was a frequent target of attack from President Trump, who taunted him both publicly and privately.

Mr. McCabe is ensnared in an internal review that includes an examination of his decision in 2016 to allow F.B.I. officials to speak with reporters about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. The Justice Department’s inspector general concluded that Mr. McCabe was not forthcoming during the review, according to the people briefed on the matter. That yet-to-be-released report triggered an F.B.I. disciplinary process that recommended his termination — leaving Mr. Sessions to either accept or reverse that decision.

The New York Times differs with you on this:
In what way?

Did you write this?

"Liar. We saw no report. It hasn't even been completed let alone released.

Sessions gave two rather ambiguous reasons neither of which was "numerous lies".

Feel free to post it up."

If so you were already answered to show that it wasn't a lie or made up.


We have seen no report and it did not say there were "numerous lies".

Your link proves that, fool.
He didn't throw anything away, Dunce. Trump firing McCabe will end up making McCabe millions. He is has retired aq 50 and has endless great job offers available for beginning a new career. His government pension has not been lost, only delayed. He will be able to collect it when he is 57. In all likelihood, however, he will probably rake one the government jobs being offered to qualify for his early retirement Trump tried to steal from him.

He won't be getting any government jobs after they prosecute him for perjury and obstruction of justice.
He wo't be prosecuted for perjury because he did not commit perjury....

Jeff Sessions said he was being fired for:

A lack of candor

Sessions NEVER SAID he lied to investigators by or thru falsifying his statements....

and a lack of candor is distinctly DIFFERENT from "falsification".....

I just googled it, and seems like Jeff Sessions did the president's bidding, and fired McCabe for political reasons to please President Putin, I mean Trump....

Sometimes federal agencies attempt to discipline its employees with the very subjective allegation of the employee’s “lack of candor”. The charges are sometimes misplaced or overused based upon the difficulties in establishing just what is required to prove the charge.

To begin with, lack of candor and falsification are distinct charges. Falsification “involves an affirmative misrepresentation and requires intent to deceive,” lack of candor, by contrast, “is a broader and more flexible concept whose contours and elements depend on the particular context and conduct involved.”

For example, lack of candor need not involve an affirmative misrepresentation, but “may involve a failure to disclose something that, in the circumstances, should have been disclosed to make the statement accurate and complete.”

Furthermore, while lack of candor “necessarily involves an element of deception, ‘intent to deceive’ is not a separate element of the offense—as it is for falsification.”

Read more here:

How a Federal Agency May Prove An Employee's Lack of Candor

Lack of candor is basically lying by omission. McCabe lied and deserves to be prosecuted.

Similar then to answering with "I can't recall" dozens of times.
more than 60 times in one hearing...

It's curious how the soft-brained Tumpists can find such fault with McCabe when the guy who fired him doesn't even come close to meeting the same standard.
He won't be getting any government jobs after they prosecute him for perjury and obstruction of justice.
He wo't be prosecuted for perjury because he did not commit perjury....

Jeff Sessions said he was being fired for:

A lack of candor

Sessions NEVER SAID he lied to investigators by or thru falsifying his statements....

and a lack of candor is distinctly DIFFERENT from "falsification".....

I just googled it, and seems like Jeff Sessions did the president's bidding, and fired McCabe for political reasons to please President Putin, I mean Trump....

Sometimes federal agencies attempt to discipline its employees with the very subjective allegation of the employee’s “lack of candor”. The charges are sometimes misplaced or overused based upon the difficulties in establishing just what is required to prove the charge.

To begin with, lack of candor and falsification are distinct charges. Falsification “involves an affirmative misrepresentation and requires intent to deceive,” lack of candor, by contrast, “is a broader and more flexible concept whose contours and elements depend on the particular context and conduct involved.”

For example, lack of candor need not involve an affirmative misrepresentation, but “may involve a failure to disclose something that, in the circumstances, should have been disclosed to make the statement accurate and complete.”

Furthermore, while lack of candor “necessarily involves an element of deception, ‘intent to deceive’ is not a separate element of the offense—as it is for falsification.”

Read more here:

How a Federal Agency May Prove An Employee's Lack of Candor

Lack of candor is basically lying by omission. McCabe lied and deserves to be prosecuted.

Similar then to answering with "I can't recall" dozens of times.
more than 60 times in one hearing...

It's curious how the soft-brained Tumpists can find such fault with McCabe when the guy who fired him doesn't even come close to meeting the same standard.

Your standards are so toxic that not upholding them is to Sessions' credit.
He wo't be prosecuted for perjury because he did not commit perjury....

Jeff Sessions said he was being fired for:

A lack of candor

Sessions NEVER SAID he lied to investigators by or thru falsifying his statements....

and a lack of candor is distinctly DIFFERENT from "falsification".....

I just googled it, and seems like Jeff Sessions did the president's bidding, and fired McCabe for political reasons to please President Putin, I mean Trump....

Sometimes federal agencies attempt to discipline its employees with the very subjective allegation of the employee’s “lack of candor”. The charges are sometimes misplaced or overused based upon the difficulties in establishing just what is required to prove the charge.

To begin with, lack of candor and falsification are distinct charges. Falsification “involves an affirmative misrepresentation and requires intent to deceive,” lack of candor, by contrast, “is a broader and more flexible concept whose contours and elements depend on the particular context and conduct involved.”

For example, lack of candor need not involve an affirmative misrepresentation, but “may involve a failure to disclose something that, in the circumstances, should have been disclosed to make the statement accurate and complete.”

Furthermore, while lack of candor “necessarily involves an element of deception, ‘intent to deceive’ is not a separate element of the offense—as it is for falsification.”

Read more here:

How a Federal Agency May Prove An Employee's Lack of Candor

Lack of candor is basically lying by omission. McCabe lied and deserves to be prosecuted.

Similar then to answering with "I can't recall" dozens of times.
more than 60 times in one hearing...

It's curious how the soft-brained Tumpists can find such fault with McCabe when the guy who fired him doesn't even come close to meeting the same standard.

Your standards are so toxic that not upholding them is to Sessions' credit.
Your standards are so toxic that not upholding them is to Sessions' credit.

What does that even mean?
Wray saw the IG/OPR report and the day after essentially fired McCabe. Wray said he was "disgusted" by what he saw in the report/s about McCabe's corruption. The reports by the DOJ/OPR stated McCabe had lied "numerous times" to the FBI.
Yes we haven't seen these reports BUT Sessions has. If you think Sessions is lying about McCabe's "numerous lies" to the FBI you need mental help.

Liar. We saw no report. It hasn't even been completed let alone released.

Sessions gave two rather ambiguous reasons neither of which was "numerous lies".

Feel free to post it up.

The New York Times differs with you on this:

Andrew McCabe, a Symbol of Trump’s F.B.I. Ire, Faces Possible Firing



WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reviewing a recommendation to fire the former F.B.I. deputy director, Andrew G. McCabe, just days before he is scheduled to retire on Sunday, people briefed on the matter said. Mr. McCabe was a frequent target of attack from President Trump, who taunted him both publicly and privately.

Mr. McCabe is ensnared in an internal review that includes an examination of his decision in 2016 to allow F.B.I. officials to speak with reporters about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. The Justice Department’s inspector general concluded that Mr. McCabe was not forthcoming during the review, according to the people briefed on the matter. That yet-to-be-released report triggered an F.B.I. disciplinary process that recommended his termination — leaving Mr. Sessions to either accept or reverse that decision.

The New York Times differs with you on this:
In what way?

Did you write this?

"Liar. We saw no report. It hasn't even been completed let alone released.

Sessions gave two rather ambiguous reasons neither of which was "numerous lies".

Feel free to post it up."

If so you were already answered to show that it wasn't a lie or made up.


We have seen no report and it did not say there were "numerous lies".

Your link proves that, fool.

From the NYT you manage not to see:

"r. McCabe is ensnared in an internal review that includes an examination of his decision in 2016 to allow F.B.I. officials to speak with reporters about an investigation into the Clinton Foundation. The Justice Department’s inspector general concluded that Mr. McCabe was not forthcoming during the review, according to the people briefed on the matter. That yet-to-be-released report triggered an F.B.I. disciplinary process that recommended his termination — leaving Mr. Sessions to either accept or reverse that decision."

bolding mine

McCabe is being flooded with job offers from Democrat Congressmen and women. He will work for two days and reapply for his pension.
And that would make many taxpayers very angry when they find out how much money he gets paid for two days of fake work.

And just think of the damage it would do to the morale of the rank and file FBI agents who all know damn well that McCabe would have shit canned them for doing the same thing that he did.
Idiot. He’ll be getting paid for his many years of service, which he rightfully deserves; not just for two days.
You are full of shit. If what you say is true then he would not have to work for two days.

The bottom line: Whatever the difference is in his pension with and without the two days of "work" is the amount it would cost us taxpayers for those two days of work.
Last edited:
You run like a bitch? Pleas direct us to the dishonesty so far. I’m going real slow for you Jr.

Your claim that exculpatory evidence was intentionally withheld.

Post it up, loser.
A federal judge has issued an updated standing order in the case of U.S. v. Flynn, suggesting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team may have withheld exculpatory evidence in prosecuting former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, United States district judge for the District of Columbia, on Friday issued what is called the “Brady rule," which requires the prosecution to turn over "any exculpatory evidence" to the defendant in a criminal case, meaning Mueller must provide Flynn with all information that is favorable to his defense.

Mueller’s team last week filed an agreed-upon motion to provide discovery to General Flynn under a protective order governing the use of the material.

According to former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, this is a "huge" development because "prosecutors almost never provide this kind of information to a defendant before he enters a plea — much less after he has done so."

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Judge Orders Mueller to Provide Flynn’s Attorneys With 'Any Exculpatory Evidence'

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Nowhere does it say any evidence was intentionally withheld.
No judge was forcibly removed either, liar.
He recused himself.
I guess you haven't figured out how to use Google. A simple search will show you that in FACT "Rudy" was "recused".
FBI Agent Who Interviewed Flynn Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge
It's time for you to take off your cute 'Trayvon Martin Was An Angel' tank top and wise up.

He was recused. Just like Flynn was found guilty. Both are statements of fact but neither give information of the circunstances.

Nope. He plead guilty moron. That's not even the point. The point is Andy McCabe being fired and you retards saying Trump did it. That is a blatant lie. I know you are stupid, but I refuse to believe you and care4all are THAT stupid.

Look real hard at the situation. It has ZERO to do with Russia. Andy McCabes peers, Obama appointees all recommended he be fired. And more is coming. This ain't a political issue. This should scare the shit out of you no matter WHO you like or hate. Now I'm going to change the fluids on my new (to me) Harley. Late.
Breaking Update Fact:

The OIG started the McCabe investigation in the summer of 2016 before Trump was even president.
Your claim that exculpatory evidence was intentionally withheld.

Post it up, loser.
A federal judge has issued an updated standing order in the case of U.S. v. Flynn, suggesting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team may have withheld exculpatory evidence in prosecuting former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, United States district judge for the District of Columbia, on Friday issued what is called the “Brady rule," which requires the prosecution to turn over "any exculpatory evidence" to the defendant in a criminal case, meaning Mueller must provide Flynn with all information that is favorable to his defense.

Mueller’s team last week filed an agreed-upon motion to provide discovery to General Flynn under a protective order governing the use of the material.

According to former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, this is a "huge" development because "prosecutors almost never provide this kind of information to a defendant before he enters a plea — much less after he has done so."

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Judge Orders Mueller to Provide Flynn’s Attorneys With 'Any Exculpatory Evidence'

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Nowhere does it say any evidence was intentionally withheld.
No judge was forcibly removed either, liar.
He recused himself.
I guess you haven't figured out how to use Google. A simple search will show you that in FACT "Rudy" was "recused".
FBI Agent Who Interviewed Flynn Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge
It's time for you to take off your cute 'Trayvon Martin Was An Angel' tank top and wise up.

He was recused. Just like Flynn was found guilty. Both are statements of fact but neither give information of the circunstances.

Nope. He plead guilty moron. That's not even the point. The point is Andy McCabe being fired and you retards saying Trump did it. That is a blatant lie. I know you are stupid, but I refuse to believe you and care4all are THAT stupid.

Look real hard at the situation. It has ZERO to do with Russia. Andy McCabes peers, Obama appointees all recommended he be fired. And more is coming. This ain't a political issue. This should scare the shit out of you no matter WHO you like or hate. Now I'm going to change the fluids on my new (to me) Harley. Late.

He plead guilty moron

Yes and the judge recused himself, dope.
Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Judge Orders Mueller to Provide Flynn’s Attorneys With 'Any Exculpatory Evidence'

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Nowhere does it say any evidence was intentionally withheld.
No judge was forcibly removed either, liar.
He recused himself.
I guess you haven't figured out how to use Google. A simple search will show you that in FACT "Rudy" was "recused".
FBI Agent Who Interviewed Flynn Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge
It's time for you to take off your cute 'Trayvon Martin Was An Angel' tank top and wise up.

He was recused. Just like Flynn was found guilty. Both are statements of fact but neither give information of the circunstances.

Nope. He plead guilty moron. That's not even the point. The point is Andy McCabe being fired and you retards saying Trump did it. That is a blatant lie. I know you are stupid, but I refuse to believe you and care4all are THAT stupid.

Look real hard at the situation. It has ZERO to do with Russia. Andy McCabes peers, Obama appointees all recommended he be fired. And more is coming. This ain't a political issue. This should scare the shit out of you no matter WHO you like or hate. Now I'm going to change the fluids on my new (to me) Harley. Late.

He plead guilty moron

Yes and the judge recused himself, dope.

Back to lying again. Okay, return to porn or whatever fantasy land you live in. Maybe you and care4all can discuss hookers pissing on pillows or something. Talking to you weirdos is like trying to teach a downs child to tie it's shoes.

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