Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

Nowhere does it say any evidence was intentionally withheld.
No judge was forcibly removed either, liar.
He recused himself.
I guess you haven't figured out how to use Google. A simple search will show you that in FACT "Rudy" was "recused".
FBI Agent Who Interviewed Flynn Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge
It's time for you to take off your cute 'Trayvon Martin Was An Angel' tank top and wise up.

He was recused. Just like Flynn was found guilty. Both are statements of fact but neither give information of the circunstances.

Nope. He plead guilty moron. That's not even the point. The point is Andy McCabe being fired and you retards saying Trump did it. That is a blatant lie. I know you are stupid, but I refuse to believe you and care4all are THAT stupid.

Look real hard at the situation. It has ZERO to do with Russia. Andy McCabes peers, Obama appointees all recommended he be fired. And more is coming. This ain't a political issue. This should scare the shit out of you no matter WHO you like or hate. Now I'm going to change the fluids on my new (to me) Harley. Late.

He plead guilty moron

Yes and the judge recused himself, dope.

Back to lying again. Okay, return to porn or whatever fantasy land you live in. Maybe you and care4all can discuss hookers pissing on pillows or something. Talking to you weirdos is like trying to teach a downs child to tie it's shoes.
Lie? That's your game.
I gave you multiple links, dope.
What amazes me is all the crying and weeping over a possible dirt bag who was willing to do deplorable things that would destroy people, but when it boomeranged back the swamp dives in to protect, and make excuses for. However when if any of us make the slightest mistake in life, they want our aces barbequed or cooked over a flaming pit of hot coals.
Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Judge Orders Mueller to Provide Flynn’s Attorneys With 'Any Exculpatory Evidence'

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Nowhere does it say any evidence was intentionally withheld.
No judge was forcibly removed either, liar.
He recused himself.
I guess you haven't figured out how to use Google. A simple search will show you that in FACT "Rudy" was "recused".
FBI Agent Who Interviewed Flynn Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge
It's time for you to take off your cute 'Trayvon Martin Was An Angel' tank top and wise up.

He was recused. Just like Flynn was found guilty. Both are statements of fact but neither give information of the circunstances.

Nope. He plead guilty moron. That's not even the point. The point is Andy McCabe being fired and you retards saying Trump did it. That is a blatant lie. I know you are stupid, but I refuse to believe you and care4all are THAT stupid.

Look real hard at the situation. It has ZERO to do with Russia. Andy McCabes peers, Obama appointees all recommended he be fired. And more is coming. This ain't a political issue. This should scare the shit out of you no matter WHO you like or hate. Now I'm going to change the fluids on my new (to me) Harley. Late.

He plead guilty moron

Yes and the judge recused himself, dope.

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethics violation allegations..
Nowhere does it say any evidence was intentionally withheld.
No judge was forcibly removed either, liar.
He recused himself.
I guess you haven't figured out how to use Google. A simple search will show you that in FACT "Rudy" was "recused".
FBI Agent Who Interviewed Flynn Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge
It's time for you to take off your cute 'Trayvon Martin Was An Angel' tank top and wise up.

He was recused. Just like Flynn was found guilty. Both are statements of fact but neither give information of the circunstances.

Nope. He plead guilty moron. That's not even the point. The point is Andy McCabe being fired and you retards saying Trump did it. That is a blatant lie. I know you are stupid, but I refuse to believe you and care4all are THAT stupid.

Look real hard at the situation. It has ZERO to do with Russia. Andy McCabes peers, Obama appointees all recommended he be fired. And more is coming. This ain't a political issue. This should scare the shit out of you no matter WHO you like or hate. Now I'm going to change the fluids on my new (to me) Harley. Late.

He plead guilty moron

Yes and the judge recused himself, dope.

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethic violations allegations..

Post it up, loser.
I guess you haven't figured out how to use Google. A simple search will show you that in FACT "Rudy" was "recused".
FBI Agent Who Interviewed Flynn Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge
It's time for you to take off your cute 'Trayvon Martin Was An Angel' tank top and wise up.

He was recused. Just like Flynn was found guilty. Both are statements of fact but neither give information of the circunstances.

Nope. He plead guilty moron. That's not even the point. The point is Andy McCabe being fired and you retards saying Trump did it. That is a blatant lie. I know you are stupid, but I refuse to believe you and care4all are THAT stupid.

Look real hard at the situation. It has ZERO to do with Russia. Andy McCabes peers, Obama appointees all recommended he be fired. And more is coming. This ain't a political issue. This should scare the shit out of you no matter WHO you like or hate. Now I'm going to change the fluids on my new (to me) Harley. Late.

He plead guilty moron

Yes and the judge recused himself, dope.

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethic violations allegations..

Post it up, loser.
(Reuters) – The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been recused from handling the case, a court spokeswoman said on Thursday.

According to a court filing, U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1 hearing where Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his contacts with Russia, will no longer handle the case.

Court spokeswoman Lisa Klem did not say why Contreras was recused, and added that the case was randomly reassigned. Reuters could not immediately learn the reason for the recusal, or reach Contreras. An attorney for Flynn declined to comment. (Link)

"HAS BEEN RECUSED" this is the term used when ethics violations are alleged and an investigation is in process. The Judge was removed from the case. He wasn't given a choice!
He was recused. Just like Flynn was found guilty. Both are statements of fact but neither give information of the circunstances.

Nope. He plead guilty moron. That's not even the point. The point is Andy McCabe being fired and you retards saying Trump did it. That is a blatant lie. I know you are stupid, but I refuse to believe you and care4all are THAT stupid.

Look real hard at the situation. It has ZERO to do with Russia. Andy McCabes peers, Obama appointees all recommended he be fired. And more is coming. This ain't a political issue. This should scare the shit out of you no matter WHO you like or hate. Now I'm going to change the fluids on my new (to me) Harley. Late.

He plead guilty moron

Yes and the judge recused himself, dope.

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethic violations allegations..

Post it up, loser.
(Reuters) – The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been recused from handling the case, a court spokeswoman said on Thursday.

According to a court filing, U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1 hearing where Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his contacts with Russia, will no longer handle the case.

Court spokeswoman Lisa Klem did not say why Contreras was recused, and added that the case was randomly reassigned. Reuters could not immediately learn the reason for the recusal, or reach Contreras. An attorney for Flynn declined to comment. (Link)

"HAS BEEN RECUSED" this is the term used when ethics violations are alleged and an investigation is in process. The Judge was removed from the case. He wasn't given a choice!

Great. Now show us where it says this, dope......

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethics violation allegations..
Nope. He plead guilty moron. That's not even the point. The point is Andy McCabe being fired and you retards saying Trump did it. That is a blatant lie. I know you are stupid, but I refuse to believe you and care4all are THAT stupid.

Look real hard at the situation. It has ZERO to do with Russia. Andy McCabes peers, Obama appointees all recommended he be fired. And more is coming. This ain't a political issue. This should scare the shit out of you no matter WHO you like or hate. Now I'm going to change the fluids on my new (to me) Harley. Late.

He plead guilty moron

Yes and the judge recused himself, dope.

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethic violations allegations..

Post it up, loser.
(Reuters) – The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been recused from handling the case, a court spokeswoman said on Thursday.

According to a court filing, U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1 hearing where Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his contacts with Russia, will no longer handle the case.

Court spokeswoman Lisa Klem did not say why Contreras was recused, and added that the case was randomly reassigned. Reuters could not immediately learn the reason for the recusal, or reach Contreras. An attorney for Flynn declined to comment. (Link)

"HAS BEEN RECUSED" this is the term used when ethics violations are alleged and an investigation is in process. The Judge was removed from the case. He wasn't given a choice!

Great. Now show us where it says this, dope......

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethics violation allegations..
Liberal Defense Mechanisim.JPG
Yes and the judge recused himself, dope.

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethic violations allegations..

Post it up, loser.
(Reuters) – The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been recused from handling the case, a court spokeswoman said on Thursday.

According to a court filing, U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1 hearing where Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his contacts with Russia, will no longer handle the case.

Court spokeswoman Lisa Klem did not say why Contreras was recused, and added that the case was randomly reassigned. Reuters could not immediately learn the reason for the recusal, or reach Contreras. An attorney for Flynn declined to comment. (Link)

"HAS BEEN RECUSED" this is the term used when ethics violations are alleged and an investigation is in process. The Judge was removed from the case. He wasn't given a choice!

Great. Now show us where it says this, dope......

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethics violation allegations..
View attachment 183582

So, Nothing?

I thought so, loser.

Text Messages May Shed Light on Judge’s Recusal in Flynn Case

"A federal judge may have recused himself from overseeing the case of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, because a personal friend was connected to the matter, newly disclosed messages exchanged between two FBI officials suggest.

The federal judge, Rudolph Contreras, recused himself after accepting Mr. Flynn’s guilty plea in December "

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethic violations allegations..

Post it up, loser.
(Reuters) – The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been recused from handling the case, a court spokeswoman said on Thursday.

According to a court filing, U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1 hearing where Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his contacts with Russia, will no longer handle the case.

Court spokeswoman Lisa Klem did not say why Contreras was recused, and added that the case was randomly reassigned. Reuters could not immediately learn the reason for the recusal, or reach Contreras. An attorney for Flynn declined to comment. (Link)

"HAS BEEN RECUSED" this is the term used when ethics violations are alleged and an investigation is in process. The Judge was removed from the case. He wasn't given a choice!

Great. Now show us where it says this, dope......

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethics violation allegations..
View attachment 183582

So, Nothing?

I thought so, loser.

Text Messages May Shed Light on Judge’s Recusal in Flynn Case

"A federal judge may have recused himself from overseeing the case of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, because a personal friend was connected to the matter, newly disclosed messages exchanged between two FBI officials suggest.

The federal judge, Rudolph Contreras, recused himself after accepting Mr. Flynn’s guilty plea in December "
Pull your head from your ass...

The story behind why U.S. District Court Judge would be recused, is transparently missing from any follow-up by media. With all the current sunlight over possible manipulation of a FISA court application by the FBI, no-one seems curious if Judge Rudolph Contreras was the FBI’s FISA approval judge, and the U.S. DC Judge in the Flynn pleading.

The story has disappeared into the swamp; but the story is important.

There is a very strong possibility that U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras was forcibly recused by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, because Contreras is also the FISA Court Judge who signed-off on the 2016 FISA application (warrant) that led to the wiretapping and surveillance of General Flynn. That FISA application is now being questioned.

"There is a very strong possibility that U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras was forcibly recused by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, because Contreras is also the FISA Court Judge who signed-off on the 2016 FISA application (warrant) that led to the wiretapping and surveillance of General Flynn. That FISA application is now being questioned."

This isn't going away... corruption of the FISA Court is scary as hell and I've been told it was Chief Justice Roberts who ordered the recusal and also who opened the ethics investigation.. The Judiciary is compromised meaning that it is a criminal mess.

Pucker up butter cup... your ass kissin isn't going to save your homies... When this is brought out into the light its going to be epic.. if you think we Americans have no trust in our laws now... Its going to get real ugly real fast when they realize the courts no longer serve WE THE PEOPLE..
Post it up, loser.
(Reuters) – The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been recused from handling the case, a court spokeswoman said on Thursday.

According to a court filing, U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1 hearing where Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his contacts with Russia, will no longer handle the case.

Court spokeswoman Lisa Klem did not say why Contreras was recused, and added that the case was randomly reassigned. Reuters could not immediately learn the reason for the recusal, or reach Contreras. An attorney for Flynn declined to comment. (Link)

"HAS BEEN RECUSED" this is the term used when ethics violations are alleged and an investigation is in process. The Judge was removed from the case. He wasn't given a choice!

Great. Now show us where it says this, dope......

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethics violation allegations..
View attachment 183582

So, Nothing?

I thought so, loser.

Text Messages May Shed Light on Judge’s Recusal in Flynn Case

"A federal judge may have recused himself from overseeing the case of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, because a personal friend was connected to the matter, newly disclosed messages exchanged between two FBI officials suggest.

The federal judge, Rudolph Contreras, recused himself after accepting Mr. Flynn’s guilty plea in December "
Pull your head from your ass...

The story behind why U.S. District Court Judge would be recused, is transparently missing from any follow-up by media. With all the current sunlight over possible manipulation of a FISA court application by the FBI, no-one seems curious if Judge Rudolph Contreras was the FBI’s FISA approval judge, and the U.S. DC Judge in the Flynn pleading.

The story has disappeared into the swamp; but the story is important.

There is a very strong possibility that U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras was forcibly recused by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, because Contreras is also the FISA Court Judge who signed-off on the 2016 FISA application (warrant) that led to the wiretapping and surveillance of General Flynn. That FISA application is now being questioned.

"There is a very strong possibility that U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras was forcibly recused by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, because Contreras is also the FISA Court Judge who signed-off on the 2016 FISA application (warrant) that led to the wiretapping and surveillance of General Flynn. That FISA application is now being questioned."

This isn't going away... corruption of the FISA Court is scary as hell and I've been told it was Chief Justice Roberts who ordered the recusal and also who opened the ethics investigation.. The Judiciary is compromised meaning that it is a criminal mess.

Pucker up butter cup... your ass kissin isn't going to save your homies... When this is brought out into the light its going to be epic.. if you think we Americans have no trust in our laws now... Its going to get real ugly real fast when they realize the courts no longer serve WE THE PEOPLE..

What is this nonsense? Where's your link?

My link is from yesterday.

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethic violations allegations..

Post it up, loser.
(Reuters) – The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been recused from handling the case, a court spokeswoman said on Thursday.

According to a court filing, U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1 hearing where Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his contacts with Russia, will no longer handle the case.

Court spokeswoman Lisa Klem did not say why Contreras was recused, and added that the case was randomly reassigned. Reuters could not immediately learn the reason for the recusal, or reach Contreras. An attorney for Flynn declined to comment. (Link)

"HAS BEEN RECUSED" this is the term used when ethics violations are alleged and an investigation is in process. The Judge was removed from the case. He wasn't given a choice!

Great. Now show us where it says this, dope......

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethics violation allegations..
View attachment 183582

So, Nothing?

I thought so, loser.

Text Messages May Shed Light on Judge’s Recusal in Flynn Case

"A federal judge may have recused himself from overseeing the case of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, because a personal friend was connected to the matter, newly disclosed messages exchanged between two FBI officials suggest.

The federal judge, Rudolph Contreras, recused himself after accepting Mr. Flynn’s guilty plea in December "

If you are such a liar that you can not even accept all the articles I linked that’s on you. To drunk on trump sperm. The Judge who was TOLD TO REMOVE himself ain’t even an issue. You use a lie as a deflection from another lie you have been telling all over the thread. No matter how much you put your hands on your ears and scream the fact remains, Flynn’s case will be tossed, McCabe will face criminal charges and you will have to accept that. No, go round up your girlfriend and get back to yalls little circle jerk. I’m bored with your lying ass.
He was recused. Just like Flynn was found guilty. Both are statements of fact but neither give information of the circunstances.

Nope. He plead guilty moron. That's not even the point. The point is Andy McCabe being fired and you retards saying Trump did it. That is a blatant lie. I know you are stupid, but I refuse to believe you and care4all are THAT stupid.

Look real hard at the situation. It has ZERO to do with Russia. Andy McCabes peers, Obama appointees all recommended he be fired. And more is coming. This ain't a political issue. This should scare the shit out of you no matter WHO you like or hate. Now I'm going to change the fluids on my new (to me) Harley. Late.

He plead guilty moron

Yes and the judge recused himself, dope.

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethic violations allegations..

Post it up, loser.
(Reuters) – The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been recused from handling the case, a court spokeswoman said on Thursday.

According to a court filing, U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1 hearing where Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his contacts with Russia, will no longer handle the case.

Court spokeswoman Lisa Klem did not say why Contreras was recused, and added that the case was randomly reassigned. Reuters could not immediately learn the reason for the recusal, or reach Contreras. An attorney for Flynn declined to comment. (Link)

"HAS BEEN RECUSED" this is the term used when ethics violations are alleged and an investigation is in process. The Judge was removed from the case. He wasn't given a choice!

He won’t listen. No matter how many times you show him the same shit.
This is what I just can not understand, why is this a political thing at all? I could see if it was Russia or something, but it’s not. I could see if it was a directive from trump, it was not. You have two Obama appointed agency’s recommending McCabe be fired. And he was. Think of it like this, any one of you/us could be right in the spot Trump is without millions for lawyers. What if this has happened before ? On two separate occasions the FBI run by these people have gone out of their way to try and ramrod charges on people. Killed their reputations. This should be disturbing to both parties, at least to American citizens. How can we not all agree this is bull shit ? This is some 1984 shit for fuck sake.
Post it up, loser.
(Reuters) – The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been recused from handling the case, a court spokeswoman said on Thursday.

According to a court filing, U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1 hearing where Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his contacts with Russia, will no longer handle the case.

Court spokeswoman Lisa Klem did not say why Contreras was recused, and added that the case was randomly reassigned. Reuters could not immediately learn the reason for the recusal, or reach Contreras. An attorney for Flynn declined to comment. (Link)

"HAS BEEN RECUSED" this is the term used when ethics violations are alleged and an investigation is in process. The Judge was removed from the case. He wasn't given a choice!

Great. Now show us where it says this, dope......

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethics violation allegations..
View attachment 183582

So, Nothing?

I thought so, loser.

Text Messages May Shed Light on Judge’s Recusal in Flynn Case

"A federal judge may have recused himself from overseeing the case of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, because a personal friend was connected to the matter, newly disclosed messages exchanged between two FBI officials suggest.

The federal judge, Rudolph Contreras, recused himself after accepting Mr. Flynn’s guilty plea in December "

If you are such a liar that you can not even accept all the articles I linked that’s on you. To drunk on trump sperm. The Judge who was TOLD TO REMOVE himself ain’t even an issue. You use a lie as a deflection from another lie you have been telling all over the thread. No matter how much you put your hands on your ears and scream the fact remains, Flynn’s case will be tossed, McCabe will face criminal charges and you will have to accept that. No, go round up your girlfriend and get back to yalls little circle jerk. I’m bored with your lying ass.

The extent of Contreras’ involvement in the case was to hear Flynn plead guilty and to accept his plea. How on Earth does his personal connection with Strzok buy Flynn a get out of jail card?
(Reuters) – The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia judge presiding over the criminal case for President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn has been recused from handling the case, a court spokeswoman said on Thursday.

According to a court filing, U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras, who presided over a Dec. 1 hearing where Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation about his contacts with Russia, will no longer handle the case.

Court spokeswoman Lisa Klem did not say why Contreras was recused, and added that the case was randomly reassigned. Reuters could not immediately learn the reason for the recusal, or reach Contreras. An attorney for Flynn declined to comment. (Link)

"HAS BEEN RECUSED" this is the term used when ethics violations are alleged and an investigation is in process. The Judge was removed from the case. He wasn't given a choice!

Great. Now show us where it says this, dope......

The judge was forcibly recused and is now facing ethics violation allegations..
View attachment 183582

So, Nothing?

I thought so, loser.

Text Messages May Shed Light on Judge’s Recusal in Flynn Case

"A federal judge may have recused himself from overseeing the case of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, because a personal friend was connected to the matter, newly disclosed messages exchanged between two FBI officials suggest.

The federal judge, Rudolph Contreras, recused himself after accepting Mr. Flynn’s guilty plea in December "

If you are such a liar that you can not even accept all the articles I linked that’s on you. To drunk on trump sperm. The Judge who was TOLD TO REMOVE himself ain’t even an issue. You use a lie as a deflection from another lie you have been telling all over the thread. No matter how much you put your hands on your ears and scream the fact remains, Flynn’s case will be tossed, McCabe will face criminal charges and you will have to accept that. No, go round up your girlfriend and get back to yalls little circle jerk. I’m bored with your lying ass.

The extent of Contreras’ involvement in the case was to hear Flynn plead guilty and to accept his plea. How on Earth does his personal connection with Strzok buy Flynn a get out of jail card?

Holey shit. I would rather let wetbacks vote then you all.
Great. Now show us where it says this, dope......
View attachment 183582

So, Nothing?

I thought so, loser.

Text Messages May Shed Light on Judge’s Recusal in Flynn Case

"A federal judge may have recused himself from overseeing the case of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, because a personal friend was connected to the matter, newly disclosed messages exchanged between two FBI officials suggest.

The federal judge, Rudolph Contreras, recused himself after accepting Mr. Flynn’s guilty plea in December "

If you are such a liar that you can not even accept all the articles I linked that’s on you. To drunk on trump sperm. The Judge who was TOLD TO REMOVE himself ain’t even an issue. You use a lie as a deflection from another lie you have been telling all over the thread. No matter how much you put your hands on your ears and scream the fact remains, Flynn’s case will be tossed, McCabe will face criminal charges and you will have to accept that. No, go round up your girlfriend and get back to yalls little circle jerk. I’m bored with your lying ass.

The extent of Contreras’ involvement in the case was to hear Flynn plead guilty and to accept his plea. How on Earth does his personal connection with Strzok buy Flynn a get out of jail card?

Holey shit. I would rather let wetbacks vote then you all.
I suppose for some folks, like this ^^^ one, invective is their only recourse because they can’t actually defend their bullshit.


So, Nothing?

I thought so, loser.

Text Messages May Shed Light on Judge’s Recusal in Flynn Case

"A federal judge may have recused himself from overseeing the case of Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, because a personal friend was connected to the matter, newly disclosed messages exchanged between two FBI officials suggest.

The federal judge, Rudolph Contreras, recused himself after accepting Mr. Flynn’s guilty plea in December "

If you are such a liar that you can not even accept all the articles I linked that’s on you. To drunk on trump sperm. The Judge who was TOLD TO REMOVE himself ain’t even an issue. You use a lie as a deflection from another lie you have been telling all over the thread. No matter how much you put your hands on your ears and scream the fact remains, Flynn’s case will be tossed, McCabe will face criminal charges and you will have to accept that. No, go round up your girlfriend and get back to yalls little circle jerk. I’m bored with your lying ass.

The extent of Contreras’ involvement in the case was to hear Flynn plead guilty and to accept his plea. How on Earth does his personal connection with Strzok buy Flynn a get out of jail card?

Holey shit. I would rather let wetbacks vote then you all.
I suppose for some folks, like this ^^^ one, invective is their only recourse because they can’t actually defend their bullshit.


Na, I find your willingness to obfuscate, deflect and lie amazing. First off, several times I have posts links and articles stating in no uncertain terms the judge was removed. To say anything else is a lie period. If it was so slam dunk, Flynn should at a minimum have an ankle monitor on. He doesn’t because it’s looking like that plea will be withdrawn. Posted and linked to that to. Posted all the info on Andy m’s peers WHO RECOMENDED he be fired. Andy McCabe broke the law. More and more it’s looking like some crazy Alex No es shit. The exact shit you weirdos go on about all the time. This is t about Russia either, if anything Hillary should be pretty posed to. At any rate, reguardless of your need to feel good on a message board and your need to stroke other members egos, this should scare the hell out of you. We have people in the upper echelons of the best law enforcement organization in the world doing scared shit. If that doesn’t bother you, or scare you just alittle, then you just aren’t worth the time. Lie on, do your little kill trump circle jerk or whatever.

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