Breaking News:Flynn Case Being Dropped

I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.

The shift will be - DOJ is corrupt because Trump appointed Barr. Not very clever, but Dems ran out of intelligence and love of country long ago.
Like I mentioned several times. This administration is the most amateur and inept president that Americans has ever seen.

if you have to do this kind of corruption why not play it safely and don’t make the justice system a total joke. Flynn plead guilty and there’s no such thing as someone just goes free. All Trump has to do is let it play the sentencing then pardon him before he goes to jail. Now he just made Barr a corrupted AG and the justice system a total joke under his own leadership.

But Holder being Obama's wing man works fine for you...or how about Lynch meeting Bill on the tarmac?...hypocrite much? are just tired of losing...well I suggest you find another hobby because all I see is losing for dems for the next 10 years....
I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.

The shift will be - DOJ is corrupt because Trump appointed Barr. Not very clever, but Dems ran out of intelligence and love of country long ago.
Like I mentioned several times. This administration is the most amateur and inept president that Americans has ever seen.

if you have to do this kind of corruption why not play it safely and don’t make the justice system a total joke. Flynn plead guilty and there’s no such thing as someone just goes free. All Trump has to do is let it play the sentencing then pardon him before he goes to jail. Now he just made Barr a corrupted AG and the justice system a total joke under his own leadership.

Gotta disagree. Trump hired him because he already was showing signs of being open to corruption and a joke, that wrote opinions on policy sucking up to trump justifying expanded powers of the presidency before he was hired. Trump got over trying to hire competent non-lackey help during first year and a year. Hence the revolving door management staff crap.
I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.

The shift will be - DOJ is corrupt because Trump appointed Barr. Not very clever, but Dems ran out of intelligence and love of country long ago.
Like I mentioned several times. This administration is the most amateur and inept president that Americans has ever seen.

if you have to do this kind of corruption why not play it safely and don’t make the justice system a total joke. Flynn plead guilty and there’s no such thing as someone just goes free. All Trump has to do is let it play the sentencing then pardon him before he goes to jail. Now he just made Barr a corrupted AG and the justice system a total joke under his own leadership.

Gotta disagree. Trump hired him because he already was showing signs of being open to corruption and a joke, that wrote opinions on policy sucking up to trump justifying expanded powers of the presidency before he was hired. Trump got over trying to hire competent non-lackey help during first year and a year. Hence the revolving door management staff crap.
Let’s see you back up that assertion...
All that's left is to screw the bad guys who pulled this travesty of justice as hard as they screwed Flynn.

They are requesting it be dropped. It still needs to be adjudicated.
What the hell needs to be "adjudicated?" The DOJ has the authority to drop a case.
He's plead guilty in federal court. He's convicted of a federal felony, dope.
The DOJ certainly cannot undo that.
He withdrew his plea, moron.
Which no one can do after being convicted, dope. Either way, it still needs to be adjudicated.
As usual, you're wrong. Also, your use of the word "adjudicated" is meaningless.
As usual, you're wrong. Also, your use of the word "adjudicated" is meaningless.
Explain to us what the next step(s) are, professor. What action(s) and by whom must be done to finalize this?

It means that the criminal act of railroading the perpetrators of this should be indicted, and tried for their crime(s) and adjudged by their peers.
It means that the criminal act of railroading the perpetrators of this should be indicted, and tried for their crime(s) and adjudged by their peers.
This move by the DOJ only works on idiots like yourself. There were no "criminal acts of railroading", dope.

"Last year Mr. Flynn asked the federal judge to throw out his conviction because, he claimed, the prosecutors and F.B.I. agents on his case had engaged in misconduct. The judge rejected his request, finding that the agents had not entrapped Mr. Flynn. And a report by the Justice Department’s inspector general found that the bureau had sufficient evidence to investigate Mr. Flynn as part of its inquiry into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, even as the report was sharply critical of the F.B.I.’s broader handling of that investigation."

"Last year Mr. Flynn asked the federal judge to throw out his conviction because, he claimed, the prosecutors and F.B.I. agents on his case had engaged in misconduct.

And boy was he right.
Except the judge said no, dope. You know, in the part of the quote you left out.

The judge, last year, didn't have the exculpatory evidence that the prosecutors illegally withheld.
The judge ruled on this in January of this year.

The exculpatory evidence that the prosecutors illegally withheld was just revealed in the last 2 weeks.
There is no exculpatory evidence, fool.
A 302 saying he didn't exhibit outward physical signs of lying doesn't mean he didn't lie. He was charged with doing so and admitted to doing so.

(CNN)The Justice Department said Friday it shared with Michael Flynn's lawyers a number of documents uncovered in a review ordered by Attorney General William Barr, raising the prospect that the department now believes potentially exculpatory information wasn't turned over as required before the former Trump national security adviser pleaded guilty.

I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.

The shift will be - DOJ is corrupt because Trump appointed Barr. Not very clever, but Dems ran out of intelligence and love of country long ago.
Like I mentioned several times. This administration is the most amateur and inept president that Americans has ever seen.

if you have to do this kind of corruption why not play it safely and don’t make the justice system a total joke. Flynn plead guilty and there’s no such thing as someone just goes free. All Trump has to do is let it play the sentencing then pardon him before he goes to jail. Now he just made Barr a corrupted AG and the justice system a total joke under his own leadership.

Gotta disagree. Trump hired him because he already was showing signs of being open to corruption and a joke, that wrote opinions on policy sucking up to trump justifying expanded powers of the presidency before he was hired. Trump got over trying to hire competent non-lackey help during first year and a year. Hence the revolving door management staff crap.
Let’s see you back up that assertion...
Instead of reading his inane shit, can we talk about something more interesting, like grout cleaners and sealants?
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.

This is a good example of total corruption of this administration at the highest level.

If you can coerced a general like Flynn then he is either an idiot or retarded. You can not just simply coerced a general without his advisers. Flynn is guilty however you look at it.

He was seen eating dinner with Putin a US general. Did you ask any of US military what they think of Flynn. I did. They want to fry him.

What I want for Trump is re hire Flynn again as part of his cabinet ASAP before the election.

If you think him an idiot, retarded or open to coercion, why would you want him back on the trump cabinet. He has people who really are sycophant idiots. I'm sick of him as all his fkn idiots.
I want him back in the cabinet so more Americans will be pissed off with this administration. Just imagine a general pleaded guilty and he goes free because of total corruption then they see him running around next to Trump. That is INCREDIBLY wonderful to see.

They are cheering for Flynn. I don’t think these people realized how disgusting this is but we cannot stop them so let them play their games but we will see them in November election. This administration is going down the toilet and they are (fueling) adding more water for easier flush.

Like when Trump goes to his rallies the democrats, the democrats, the democrats. These gullibles loves it but they don’t know how Trump created an enemies with in his own country. Since when a president attack his own people? Trump the worst president ever.
Who’d have thought that our “law and order” Republican USMB members would celebrate this obvious miscarriage of justice?

The man pleaded guilty. The charges don’t get dropped very often after a guilty plea.

But this is the Trump era. Things are different now.
Ask Hillary Clinton, she is next!
Why? What did sea-doo and sea-don’t in the middle of the ocean?
I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.

The shift will be - DOJ is corrupt because Trump appointed Barr. Not very clever, but Dems ran out of intelligence and love of country long ago.
Like I mentioned several times. This administration is the most amateur and inept president that Americans has ever seen.

if you have to do this kind of corruption why not play it safely and don’t make the justice system a total joke. Flynn plead guilty and there’s no such thing as someone just goes free. All Trump has to do is let it play the sentencing then pardon him before he goes to jail. Now he just made Barr a corrupted AG and the justice system a total joke under his own leadership.

But Holder being Obama's wing man works fine for you...or how about Lynch meeting Bill on the tarmac?...hypocrite much? are just tired of losing...well I suggest you find another hobby because all I see is losing for dems for the next 10 years....

I understand truth hurts.
Compared to Trump corruption? Absolutely. those are nothing compared to Trump.
We can’t wait for November.

We are in the middle of crisis that Americans has never seen. Then we have to put up with all these usual BULLSHITS of this lousy POTUS.
I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.

The shift will be - DOJ is corrupt because Trump appointed Barr. Not very clever, but Dems ran out of intelligence and love of country long ago.
Like I mentioned several times. This administration is the most amateur and inept president that Americans has ever seen.

if you have to do this kind of corruption why not play it safely and don’t make the justice system a total joke. Flynn plead guilty and there’s no such thing as someone just goes free. All Trump has to do is let it play the sentencing then pardon him before he goes to jail. Now he just made Barr a corrupted AG and the justice system a total joke under his own leadership.

Gotta disagree. Trump hired him because he already was showing signs of being open to corruption and a joke, that wrote opinions on policy sucking up to trump justifying expanded powers of the presidency before he was hired. Trump got over trying to hire competent non-lackey help during first year and a year. Hence the revolving door management staff crap.
Re-hiring a person like Flynn is a total joke.
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Do you realize how much of this you'll be eating until Nov. Put sugar, coloring, and freeze it.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

Misspelled internet taunts are funny.
Yeah, can’t add to the conversation, resort to nazi spelling police.
Of all the things on these sites. Insults, flames...etc..................I'd like to put my fist in the face of Spell Checkers. I really hate Spell Checkers. Though I must say this site doesn't have ones I've seen on other dumps.

It's obvious what happened. Bill Barr did tRump's dirty work, that's all. I don't know why you think its anything else.

Bill Barr has sunk to a new low...

Think about this, a judge heard the case and not only accepted the guilty but found the FBI recommended no jail didn't punish Flynn enough.

Barr has interfered in this case and there will be repercussions for these people in the next administration. There will be people in the DOJ that will be pissed.
Trump will be focused (as should be) on the nation's economic comeback for the next 4 years, instead of bogging down into the muck with this demoncrat bullcrap for the next 4 years.

Who will be pissed ? You mean the ones that supported their forces being used politically in order to support an agenda that wasn't represented by the majority of the Americans who work, trust God, and live a good decent life in America ??

You mean the economy which is in the toilet after he made wrong decision after wrong one on COVID...
Made a wrong decision ? The jury is still out on who is actually guilty of the entire tragedy, and this meaning all the way from the get go in China. Better hope that the Dems weren't somehow involved with China either indirectly or directly meaning (in support of China, by helping to hide it's cover up).

The whole world was taken by surprise on this thing, and thus who'd a thought that a simple corona virus would pack such a deadly punch (not even the Chinese figured it to be this deadly or did they?), and everyone reacted slowly to it, and China hid it, so what's your point ?
View attachment 333967
Post all the memes you want, but you are just as in the dark as anyone else about the origins of the virus exactly, and so all you have is speculation also. All I'm saying is that it best not be found out if there's something more to these things than meets the eye. Funny thing though, on how I've been right about alot of events in the past, and you are right when you say conspiracy thoughts are everywhere when information is lacking, but hopefully my sixth sense or conspiratorial thinking is not right on this one this time. I don't want to be right trust me, because I don't like it when my thoughts materialize into a reality about these things. I hate being right when the information finally comes into the light, because I don't spike the ball in the inzone, but just worry about where it is that we are heading as a nation, and into our future.
I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.

The shift will be - DOJ is corrupt because Trump appointed Barr. Not very clever, but Dems ran out of intelligence and love of country long ago.
Like I mentioned several times. This administration is the most amateur and inept president that Americans has ever seen.

if you have to do this kind of corruption why not play it safely and don’t make the justice system a total joke. Flynn plead guilty and there’s no such thing as someone just goes free. All Trump has to do is let it play the sentencing then pardon him before he goes to jail. Now he just made Barr a corrupted AG and the justice system a total joke under his own leadership.

Yeah just let Flynn be pardoned (forget about it), and leave the deep state alone eh ??? Figures. If there wasn't so much corruption, a blind eye of justice might be turned, but it had gone to far, and the deep state out to get Trump revealed their hand in it all.
I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.

The shift will be - DOJ is corrupt because Trump appointed Barr. Not very clever, but Dems ran out of intelligence and love of country long ago.
Like I mentioned several times. This administration is the most amateur and inept president that Americans has ever seen.

if you have to do this kind of corruption why not play it safely and don’t make the justice system a total joke. Flynn plead guilty and there’s no such thing as someone just goes free. All Trump has to do is let it play the sentencing then pardon him before he goes to jail. Now he just made Barr a corrupted AG and the justice system a total joke under his own leadership.

Gotta disagree. Trump hired him because he already was showing signs of being open to corruption and a joke, that wrote opinions on policy sucking up to trump justifying expanded powers of the presidency before he was hired. Trump got over trying to hire competent non-lackey help during first year and a year. Hence the revolving door management staff crap.
No, Trump just realized how bad and deep the deep state went over time (especially with the judges)......Not all administration appointees were deep, but for the ones that were it was time to get the boot. He really went light on the deep state, because a huge amount more should have been done.
Link when it comes out.
Well of course. Billy the bagman do s whatever tRump wants. The justice department is now a joke.

Do you realize how much of this you'll be eating until Nov. Put sugar, coloring, and freeze it.

Now I want Paul Manafort out of jail and I want Roger StoneS case dismissed!

Misspelled internet taunts are funny.
Yeah, can’t add to the conversation, resort to nazi spelling police.
Of all the things on these sites. Insults, flames...etc..................I'd like to put my fist in the face of Spell Checkers. I really hate Spell Checkers. Though I must say this site doesn't have ones I've seen on other dumps.

It's obvious what happened. Bill Barr did tRump's dirty work, that's all. I don't know why you think its anything else.

Bill Barr has sunk to a new low...

Think about this, a judge heard the case and not only accepted the guilty but found the FBI recommended no jail didn't punish Flynn enough.

Barr has interfered in this case and there will be repercussions for these people in the next administration. There will be people in the DOJ that will be pissed.
Trump will be focused (as should be) on the nation's economic comeback for the next 4 years, instead of bogging down into the muck with this demoncrat bullcrap for the next 4 years.

Who will be pissed ? You mean the ones that supported their forces being used politically in order to support an agenda that wasn't represented by the majority of the Americans who work, trust God, and live a good decent life in America ??

You mean the economy which is in the toilet after he made wrong decision after wrong one on COVID...
Made a wrong decision ? The jury is still out on who is actually guilty of the entire tragedy, and this meaning all the way from the get go in China. Better hope that the Dems weren't somehow involved with China either indirectly or directly meaning (in support of China, by helping to hide it's cover up).

The whole world was taken by surprise on this thing, and thus who'd a thought that a simple corona virus would pack such a deadly punch (not even the Chinese figured it to be this deadly or did they?), and everyone reacted slowly to it, and China hid it, so what's your point ?
View attachment 333967
Post all the memes you want, but you are just as in the dark as anyone else about the origins of the virus exactly, and so all you have is speculation also. All I'm saying is that it best not be found out if there's something more to these things than meets the eye. Funny thing though, on how I've been right about alot of events in the past, and you are right when you say conspiracy thoughts are everywhere when information is lacking, but hopefully my sixth sense or conspiratorial thinking is not right on this one this time. I don't want to be right trust me, because I don't like it when my thoughts materialize into a reality about these things. I hate being right when the information finally comes into the light, because I don't spike the ball in the inzone, but just worry about where it is that we are heading as a nation, and into our future.
images (3).jpeg
And also with the relase,of transcripts, besides Flynn, remember all the articles stating crowdstrike knew the Russians stole the data off the dnc server? Well, under crowdstrikes founders transcript, this was his reply when asked-
Declassified documents released by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff show the president of CrowdStrike Services — a computer-and-network-security firm hired to investigate the hacking of Democratic National Committee servers — couldn't say for certain that Russians downloaded Democratic Party emails.

During the interview made public Thursday, Shawn Henry explained that CrowdStrike found some evidence that information was taken from DNC servers, but it was not conclusive.

Responding to a question from Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas), he said, “There is evidence of exfiltration, not conclusive, but indicators of exfiltration off the DNC.”
Lawyers and judges weigh in:

>> Channing Phillips, former acting U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia: “I can guarantee you, he is going to question the prosecutors,” Phillips said in a phone interview. “He is going to want to understand exactly the basis for this motion. … You have a new attorney general. You have a new U.S. attorney. You have new prosecutors who take a different position. But the facts haven’t changed.” [Reuters]

>> Julie O’Sullivan of Georgetown University Law Center and a former federal prosecutor: “I’ve been practicing for more time than I care to admit and I’ve never seen anything like this.” [The New York Times]

>> Shira Scheindlin, of counsel at Stroock & Stroock & Lavan and former federal judge in Manhattan: “It’s highly unusual. Usually the government moves to dismiss because the defendant dies, like in the Jeffrey Epstein matter. Even then, the judge held a hearing. This is a strange occurrence—this is a man who pled guilty twice and was prepared to be sentenced. He had a motion pending to withdraw his plea, which had not been decided,” Scheindlin told The National Law Journal. “There’s a really bad political smell to this, particularly after the Roger Stone debacle,” she added. “This is going to be seen critically by prosecutors across the country as the Justice Department being the lawyer for the president, not the lawyer for the people.”

>> Kim Wehle of University of Baltimore Law and a former federal prosecutor: “Bill Barr’s shrugging off of Flynn’s established lying to Barr’s own FBI—and his nose-thumbing at his longtime friend and former colleague Robert Mueller’s careful work as a prosecutor with regulatory independence from Donald Trump—is a swipe at the heart of the rule of law in America. Once again, this administration’s self-dealing means that it now falls to the judicial system to remind us of the most fundamental of our collective values in the age of Trump.” [The Bulwark]

>> Michael Bromwich of Steptoe & Johnson LLP and a former DOJ inspector general: “I have been in and around DOJ since 1983. I have never seen a case dropped after someone has pled guilty and the underlying facts demonstrate beyond any shadow of a doubt he is guilty. This is simply a pardon by another name. A black day in DOJ history.” [Twitter]

>> Jonathan Turley of the George Washington University School of Law: “The Flynn case represents one of the most ignoble chapters of the Special Counsel investigation. Notably, the motion itself could lay the foundation for suing on the basis of malicious prosecution.” [Turley's blog]

>> Preet Bharara, former Obama-era U.S. attorney for Manhattan: “Who are the authors of the motion to dismiss the case against Michael Flynn? Usually their names would be on the brief. I doubt US Atty Timothy Shea wrote it by himself.” [Twitter]

>> Nancy Gertner, former Massachusetts federal trial judge: “The implications of the position they’re taking with Flynn would undermine false statement prosecutions from one end of the country to the other.” [Los Angeles Times]

>> Mike Davis, former lead judiciary counsel for U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa: “We are very fortunate to have Bill Barr as the Attorney General of the United States. He doesn’t need the job, fame, or money. And he’s fearless. He undid a grave injustice by Comey & other Deep State snakes by ordering TheJusticeDept to move to dismiss General Flynn’s case.” [Twitter]

>> Barbara McQuade of University of Michigan Law School and a former Obama-era U.S. attorney: “DOJ lawyers of integrity will be tempted to resign over today’s motion to dismiss the Flynn case. My advice is to please stay. We need you instead of those who might replace you.” [Twitter]

>> Solomon Wisenberg, white-collar defender: “It is absolutely clear from reading the exhibits to the DOJ’s Motion to Dismiss in U.S. v. Flynn that Comey was the brilliant, incredibly devious mastermind behind the Logan Act Hoax. He ran circles around DOJ’s leadership in two administrations, as well as the newbies in the WH.” [Twitter]

>> Frank Bowman of University of Missouri School of Law: “The fact that DOJ has reversed itself 180 degrees to let a presidential ally off the hook—after he pled guilty—is a yet another among the slinking cavalcade of humiliations Trump and Barr have inflicted on the [DOJ].” [Slate]

>> Elizabeth de la Vega, former federal prosecutor: “It’s possible Judge Sullivan will deny the motion to dismiss, esp given that he thought the deal too lenient in the first place. He, like anyone experienced with criminal law, will see this motion to dismiss for what it is: A backdoor pardon based on lies about facts and law.” [Twitter]

>> Joshua Geltzer, executive director of the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection: “Remember that Trump could’ve achieved the same result (basically) by pardoning Flynn. But he didn’t have the guts. So Barr found a way to do it for Trump—but shield him from the responsibility & accountability. That makes it a bad day for BOTH the Justice Dept & democracy.” [Twitter]

>> Scott Greenfield, criminal defense lawyer: “To watch a defendant beat back a § 1001 charge, to watch a guilty plea forsaken, to see the AG, the big guy himself, become embroiled in the claimed mishandling of a prosecution and do something about it, and to see the government put in writing the words every defense lawyer argues against the government, should be a wondrous thing, a miracle, cause for celebration. So why are the very people who should be thrilled by this bizarre turn of events not shouting with glee? Because it won’t help them. It won’t help their clients. It won’t help me or you. Because we’re not Flynn.” [Simple Justice]

I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.

The shift will be - DOJ is corrupt because Trump appointed Barr. Not very clever, but Dems ran out of intelligence and love of country long ago.
Like I mentioned several times. This administration is the most amateur and inept president that Americans has ever seen.

if you have to do this kind of corruption why not play it safely and don’t make the justice system a total joke. Flynn plead guilty and there’s no such thing as someone just goes free. All Trump has to do is let it play the sentencing then pardon him before he goes to jail. Now he just made Barr a corrupted AG and the justice system a total joke under his own leadership.

Gotta disagree. Trump hired him because he already was showing signs of being open to corruption and a joke, that wrote opinions on policy sucking up to trump justifying expanded powers of the presidency before he was hired. Trump got over trying to hire competent non-lackey help during first year and a year. Hence the revolving door management staff crap.
Let’s see you back up that assertion...

Article by Daniel Hemel, Eric Posner Ded 2018

The Bribery Debate
Barr argues that “statutes that do not expressly apply to the President must be construed as not applying to the President if such application would involve a possible conflict with the President’s constitutional prerogatives.”
Barr concedes that “if a President knowingly destroys or alters evidence, suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony, or commits any act deliberately impairing the integrity or availability of evidence, then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction.” But Barr claims that the obstruction statutes cannot extend to “facially-lawful acts taken by the President in exercising the discretion vested in him by the Constitution.”

In our op-ed , we argued that Barr’s distinction between “evidence impairment” and “facially-lawful acts” is illusory. We noted that tearing up a piece of paper is “facially lawful,” while tearing up a piece of paper so that it can’t be subpoenaed by a federal prosecutor is obstruction. Indeed, the whole reason we have obstruction statutes is to criminalize otherwise-legal acts that impede law enforcement functions.

Barr’s analysis is rooted in a “venerable” theory of constitutional law that recognizes the president’s absolute power over the executive branch, namely, the “unitary executive theory.” Unfortunately, the meaning of this theory is far from clear, and McCarthy muddies the waters by invoking it. Originally, it simply meant that there is a single rather than plural executive—a position that the founders took and with which no one disagrees. Under a broader view, it means that the president has significant or possibly unlimited authority over officials in the executive branch—which is a possible view to hold but one that is at variance with constitutional practice since the founding era, and even more so over the last century.
Obstruction and Collusion
Barr’s theory—picked up by McCarthy—seems to be that if Trump can obstruct justice so successfully that his collusion with Russia is obscured, then he is off the hook for obstruction and for collusion. We said that theory was “[n]onsense,” and it gets no better in McCarthy’s second telling. To apply Barr’s theory would be to reward obstruction rather than to punish it.

also noted the incongruence between Barr’s memo and a statement he signed in 1998 arguing that Kenneth Starr, Barr and the others concluded that “[t]he counsel’s service can then be judged ... when the results of the investigation and the facts underlying it can be made public.”
Barr acknowledges in his newly revealed memononetheless says—without equivocation—that “Mueller should not be permitted to demand that the President submit to interrogation about alleged obstruction.”

Comments about the Trump administration
During the first two years of the Trump presidency, Barr frequently criticized legal challenges against Trump and investigations into the Trump 2016 campaign and presidency.[75][76]

In 2017, Barr said there was "nothing inherently wrong" with Donald Trump's calls for investigating Hillary Clinton while the two were both running for president. Barr added that an investigation into an alleged Uranium One controversy was more warranted than looking into whether Trump conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 elections.[77] Barr also said in 2017 that he didn't think "all this stuff" about incarcerating or prosecuting Hillary Clinton was appropriate to say, but added that "there are things that should be investigated that haven't been investigated," although the FBI began investigating the Clinton Foundation and the related Uranium One matter in 2015, followed by investigations by Republican congressional committees.[78][79][80]

In February 2017, Barr argued Trump was justified in firing Acting Attorney General Sally Yates over her refusal to defend Executive Order 13769.[81]

Barr was publicly critical of the special counsel investigation. In 2017, he faulted Mueller for hiring prosecutors who have contributed to Democratic politicians, saying that his team should have had more "balance," and characterized the obstruction of justice investigation as "asinine" and that it was "taking on the look of an entirely political operation to overthrow the president."[82][83]

In June 2018, Barr sent an unsolicited 20-page memo to senior Justice Department officials. He also provided copies to members of Trump's legal team and discussed it with some of them.[84] In his memo, Barr argued that the Special Counsel should not be investigating Trump for obstruction of justice because Trump's actions, such as firing FBI Director James Comey, were within his powers as head of the executive branch.[85][86][87] He characterized the obstruction investigation as "fatally misconceived" and "grossly irresponsible" and "potentially disastrous" to the executive branch.[88][89] The day after the existence of the memo became known, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said "our decisions are informed by our knowledge of the actual facts of the case, which Mr. Barr didn't have."[90] Democrats later characterized the memo as Barr's "job application" for the Attorney General position.[91]
Phone surveillance program
In 1992, Barr launched a surveillance program to gather records of innocent Americans' international phone calls.[52] The DoJ inspector general concluded that this program had been launched without a review of its legality.[52] According to USA Today, the program "provided a blueprint for far broader phone-data surveillance the government launched after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001."[52]

On December 5, 2019, Democratic Senators Ron Wyden and Patrick J. Leahy asked the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility to investigate Barr for approving an illegal surveillance program without legal analysis.[53]
Executive powers
Barr is proponent of the unitary executive theory, which holds that the President has broad executive powers.[3][218][219][220] Prior to joining the Trump administration, he argued that the president has "complete authority to start or stop a law enforcement proceeding."[3

I have also heard and repeated that Barr has been known to eat shit and run rabbits like dog, but I was corrected and told he has never run a rabbit. I don't like him.
Last edited by a moderator:
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.

This is a good example of total corruption of this administration at the highest level.

If you can coerced a general like Flynn then he is either an idiot or retarded. You can not just simply coerced a general without his advisers. Flynn is guilty however you look at it.

He was seen eating dinner with Putin a US general. Did you ask any of US military what they think of Flynn. I did. They want to fry him.

What I want for Trump is re hire Flynn again as part of his cabinet ASAP before the election.

If you think him an idiot, retarded or open to coercion, why would you want him back on the trump cabinet. He has people who really are sycophant idiots. I'm sick of him as all his fkn idiots.
I want him back in the cabinet so more Americans will be pissed off with this administration. Just imagine a general pleaded guilty and he goes free because of total corruption then they see him running around next to Trump. That is INCREDIBLY wonderful to see.

They are cheering for Flynn. I don’t think these people realized how disgusting this is but we cannot stop them so let them play their games but we will see them in November election. This administration is going down the toilet and they are (fueling) adding more water for easier flush.

Like when Trump goes to his rallies the democrats, the democrats, the democrats. These gullibles loves it but they don’t know how Trump created an enemies with in his own country. Since when a president attack his own people? Trump the worst president ever.
I understand. Don't necessarily agree, but understand the mindset. It is kind of like the trumptards liking what the pres does or says at time, not because it is good for the country, but taking joy that it pisses off the Democrats.
I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.

The shift will be - DOJ is corrupt because Trump appointed Barr. Not very clever, but Dems ran out of intelligence and love of country long ago.
Like I mentioned several times. This administration is the most amateur and inept president that Americans has ever seen.

if you have to do this kind of corruption why not play it safely and don’t make the justice system a total joke. Flynn plead guilty and there’s no such thing as someone just goes free. All Trump has to do is let it play the sentencing then pardon him before he goes to jail. Now he just made Barr a corrupted AG and the justice system a total joke under his own leadership.

Gotta disagree. Trump hired him because he already was showing signs of being open to corruption and a joke, that wrote opinions on policy sucking up to trump justifying expanded powers of the presidency before he was hired. Trump got over trying to hire competent non-lackey help during first year and a year. Hence the revolving door management staff crap.
Let’s see you back up that assertion...

Article by Daniel Hemel, Eric Posner Ded 2018
The Bribery Debate
Barr argues that “statutes that do not expressly apply to the President must be construed as not applying to the President if such application would involve a possible conflict with the President’s constitutional prerogatives.”
Barr concedes that “if a President knowingly destroys or alters evidence, suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony, or commits any act deliberately impairing the integrity or availability of evidence, then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction.” But Barr claims that the obstruction statutes cannot extend to “facially-lawful acts taken by the President in exercising the discretion vested in him by the Constitution.”

In our op-ed , we argued that Barr’s distinction between “evidence impairment” and “facially-lawful acts” is illusory. We noted that tearing up a piece of paper is “facially lawful,” while tearing up a piece of paper so that it can’t be subpoenaed by a federal prosecutor is obstruction. Indeed, the whole reason we have obstruction statutes is to criminalize otherwise-legal acts that impede law enforcement functions.

Barr’s analysis is rooted in a “venerable” theory of constitutional law that recognizes the president’s absolute power over the executive branch, namely, the “unitary executive theory.” Unfortunately, the meaning of this theory is far from clear, and McCarthy muddies the waters by invoking it. Originally, it simply meant that there is a single rather than plural executive—a position that the founders took and with which no one disagrees. Under a broader view, it means that the president has significant or possibly unlimited authority over officials in the executive branch—which is a possible view to hold but one that is at variance with constitutional practice since the founding era, and even more so over the last century.
Obstruction and Collusion
Barr’s theory—picked up by McCarthy—seems to be that if Trump can obstruct justice so successfully that his collusion with Russia is obscured, then he is off the hook for obstruction and for collusion. We said that theory was “[n]onsense,” and it gets no better in McCarthy’s second telling. To apply Barr’s theory would be to reward obstruction rather than to punish it.

also noted the incongruence between Barr’s memo and a statement he signed in 1998 arguing that Kenneth Starr, Barr and the others concluded that “[t]he counsel’s service can then be judged ... when the results of the investigation and the facts underlying it can be made public.”
Barr acknowledges in his newly revealed memononetheless says—without equivocation—that “Mueller should not be permitted to demand that the President submit to interrogation about alleged obstruction.”

Comments about the Trump administration
During the first two years of the Trump presidency, Barr frequently criticized legal challenges against Trump and investigations into the Trump 2016 campaign and presidency.[75][76]

In 2017, Barr said there was "nothing inherently wrong" with Donald Trump's calls for investigating Hillary Clinton while the two were both running for president. Barr added that an investigation into an alleged Uranium One controversy was more warranted than looking into whether Trump conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 elections.[77] Barr also said in 2017 that he didn't think "all this stuff" about incarcerating or prosecuting Hillary Clinton was appropriate to say, but added that "there are things that should be investigated that haven't been investigated," although the FBI began investigating the Clinton Foundation and the related Uranium One matter in 2015, followed by investigations by Republican congressional committees.[78][79][80]

In February 2017, Barr argued Trump was justified in firing Acting Attorney General Sally Yates over her refusal to defend Executive Order 13769.[81]

Barr was publicly critical of the special counsel investigation. In 2017, he faulted Mueller for hiring prosecutors who have contributed to Democratic politicians, saying that his team should have had more "balance," and characterized the obstruction of justice investigation as "asinine" and that it was "taking on the look of an entirely political operation to overthrow the president."[82][83]

In June 2018, Barr sent an unsolicited 20-page memo to senior Justice Department officials. He also provided copies to members of Trump's legal team and discussed it with some of them.[84] In his memo, Barr argued that the Special Counsel should not be investigating Trump for obstruction of justice because Trump's actions, such as firing FBI Director James Comey, were within his powers as head of the executive branch.[85][86][87] He characterized the obstruction investigation as "fatally misconceived" and "grossly irresponsible" and "potentially disastrous" to the executive branch.[88][89] The day after the existence of the memo became known, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said "our decisions are informed by our knowledge of the actual facts of the case, which Mr. Barr didn't have."[90] Democrats later characterized the memo as Barr's "job application" for the Attorney General position.[91]
Phone surveillance program
In 1992, Barr launched a surveillance program to gather records of innocent Americans' international phone calls.[52] The DoJ inspector general concluded that this program had been launched without a review of its legality.[52] According to USA Today, the program "provided a blueprint for far broader phone-data surveillance the government launched after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001."[52]

On December 5, 2019, Democratic Senators Ron Wyden and Patrick J. Leahy asked the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility to investigate Barr for approving an illegal surveillance program without legal analysis.[53]
Executive powers
Barr is proponent of the unitary executive theory, which holds that the President has broad executive powers.[3][218][219][220] Prior to joining the Trump administration, he argued that the president has "complete authority to start or stop a law enforcement proceeding."[3

I have also heard and repeated that Barr has been known to eat shit and run rabbits like dog, but I was corrected and told he has never run a rabbit. I don't like him.
All of that was printed by left wing rags. All of it.
I guess we won't see Faun here anymore since he was so wrong about Flynn and I was right all along.....poor Faun.....Flynn will walk and with a ton of money come the lawsuits.....
you and i both know they just shift narrative.

The shift will be - DOJ is corrupt because Trump appointed Barr. Not very clever, but Dems ran out of intelligence and love of country long ago.
Like I mentioned several times. This administration is the most amateur and inept president that Americans has ever seen.

if you have to do this kind of corruption why not play it safely and don’t make the justice system a total joke. Flynn plead guilty and there’s no such thing as someone just goes free. All Trump has to do is let it play the sentencing then pardon him before he goes to jail. Now he just made Barr a corrupted AG and the justice system a total joke under his own leadership.

Gotta disagree. Trump hired him because he already was showing signs of being open to corruption and a joke, that wrote opinions on policy sucking up to trump justifying expanded powers of the presidency before he was hired. Trump got over trying to hire competent non-lackey help during first year and a year. Hence the revolving door management staff crap.
Let’s see you back up that assertion...

Article by Daniel Hemel, Eric Posner Ded 2018
The Bribery Debate
Barr argues that “statutes that do not expressly apply to the President must be construed as not applying to the President if such application would involve a possible conflict with the President’s constitutional prerogatives.”
Barr concedes that “if a President knowingly destroys or alters evidence, suborns perjury, or induces a witness to change testimony, or commits any act deliberately impairing the integrity or availability of evidence, then he, like anyone else, commits the crime of obstruction.” But Barr claims that the obstruction statutes cannot extend to “facially-lawful acts taken by the President in exercising the discretion vested in him by the Constitution.”

In our op-ed , we argued that Barr’s distinction between “evidence impairment” and “facially-lawful acts” is illusory. We noted that tearing up a piece of paper is “facially lawful,” while tearing up a piece of paper so that it can’t be subpoenaed by a federal prosecutor is obstruction. Indeed, the whole reason we have obstruction statutes is to criminalize otherwise-legal acts that impede law enforcement functions.

Barr’s analysis is rooted in a “venerable” theory of constitutional law that recognizes the president’s absolute power over the executive branch, namely, the “unitary executive theory.” Unfortunately, the meaning of this theory is far from clear, and McCarthy muddies the waters by invoking it. Originally, it simply meant that there is a single rather than plural executive—a position that the founders took and with which no one disagrees. Under a broader view, it means that the president has significant or possibly unlimited authority over officials in the executive branch—which is a possible view to hold but one that is at variance with constitutional practice since the founding era, and even more so over the last century.
Obstruction and Collusion
Barr’s theory—picked up by McCarthy—seems to be that if Trump can obstruct justice so successfully that his collusion with Russia is obscured, then he is off the hook for obstruction and for collusion. We said that theory was “[n]onsense,” and it gets no better in McCarthy’s second telling. To apply Barr’s theory would be to reward obstruction rather than to punish it.

also noted the incongruence between Barr’s memo and a statement he signed in 1998 arguing that Kenneth Starr, Barr and the others concluded that “[t]he counsel’s service can then be judged ... when the results of the investigation and the facts underlying it can be made public.”
Barr acknowledges in his newly revealed memononetheless says—without equivocation—that “Mueller should not be permitted to demand that the President submit to interrogation about alleged obstruction.”

Comments about the Trump administration
During the first two years of the Trump presidency, Barr frequently criticized legal challenges against Trump and investigations into the Trump 2016 campaign and presidency.[75][76]

In 2017, Barr said there was "nothing inherently wrong" with Donald Trump's calls for investigating Hillary Clinton while the two were both running for president. Barr added that an investigation into an alleged Uranium One controversy was more warranted than looking into whether Trump conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 elections.[77] Barr also said in 2017 that he didn't think "all this stuff" about incarcerating or prosecuting Hillary Clinton was appropriate to say, but added that "there are things that should be investigated that haven't been investigated," although the FBI began investigating the Clinton Foundation and the related Uranium One matter in 2015, followed by investigations by Republican congressional committees.[78][79][80]

In February 2017, Barr argued Trump was justified in firing Acting Attorney General Sally Yates over her refusal to defend Executive Order 13769.[81]

Barr was publicly critical of the special counsel investigation. In 2017, he faulted Mueller for hiring prosecutors who have contributed to Democratic politicians, saying that his team should have had more "balance," and characterized the obstruction of justice investigation as "asinine" and that it was "taking on the look of an entirely political operation to overthrow the president."[82][83]

In June 2018, Barr sent an unsolicited 20-page memo to senior Justice Department officials. He also provided copies to members of Trump's legal team and discussed it with some of them.[84] In his memo, Barr argued that the Special Counsel should not be investigating Trump for obstruction of justice because Trump's actions, such as firing FBI Director James Comey, were within his powers as head of the executive branch.[85][86][87] He characterized the obstruction investigation as "fatally misconceived" and "grossly irresponsible" and "potentially disastrous" to the executive branch.[88][89] The day after the existence of the memo became known, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said "our decisions are informed by our knowledge of the actual facts of the case, which Mr. Barr didn't have."[90] Democrats later characterized the memo as Barr's "job application" for the Attorney General position.[91]
Phone surveillance program
In 1992, Barr launched a surveillance program to gather records of innocent Americans' international phone calls.[52] The DoJ inspector general concluded that this program had been launched without a review of its legality.[52] According to USA Today, the program "provided a blueprint for far broader phone-data surveillance the government launched after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001."[52]

On December 5, 2019, Democratic Senators Ron Wyden and Patrick J. Leahy asked the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility to investigate Barr for approving an illegal surveillance program without legal analysis.[53]
Executive powers
Barr is proponent of the unitary executive theory, which holds that the President has broad executive powers.[3][218][219][220] Prior to joining the Trump administration, he argued that the president has "complete authority to start or stop a law enforcement proceeding."[3

I have also heard and repeated that Barr has been known to eat shit and run rabbits like dog, but I was corrected and told he has never run a rabbit. I don't like him.
A blog dude?

Hey anyone wanna quote, me for validation????

Same fucking concept.
Good for Flynn. If justice no longer wishes to sentence after his guilty plea, to the point that the lead prosecutor has resigned from the case, so be it.
When you have been coerced by threat into a guilty plea, well, yeah. I know you’d be singing a different tune if this had happened to a Dem...
BS. You may think him coward or easily coerced, but it ain't so, Fool, coward, or easily open to coercion are not of his make up. I have met a lot of Generals, especially pulling duty as a General's aide. They are often some of the stubbornest, hard to convince people I ever worked with or worked for. It is partly the steadiness and belief in themselves that gets them to that level, and gives them the ability to command. Easily coerced by anybody's standard with threats against self, family or country? No Way.
Bullshit, when you are going broke trying to defend yourself, losing your home and the threat of a trumped up charge against your son, yeah, he was coerced.

This is a good example of total corruption of this administration at the highest level.

If you can coerced a general like Flynn then he is either an idiot or retarded. You can not just simply coerced a general without his advisers. Flynn is guilty however you look at it.

He was seen eating dinner with Putin a US general. Did you ask any of US military what they think of Flynn. I did. They want to fry him.

What I want for Trump is re hire Flynn again as part of his cabinet ASAP before the election.

If you think him an idiot, retarded or open to coercion, why would you want him back on the trump cabinet. He has people who really are sycophant idiots. I'm sick of him as all his fkn idiots.
I want him back in the cabinet so more Americans will be pissed off with this administration. Just imagine a general pleaded guilty and he goes free because of total corruption then they see him running around next to Trump. That is INCREDIBLY wonderful to see.

They are cheering for Flynn. I don’t think these people realized how disgusting this is but we cannot stop them so let them play their games but we will see them in November election. This administration is going down the toilet and they are (fueling) adding more water for easier flush.

Like when Trump goes to his rallies the democrats, the democrats, the democrats. These gullibles loves it but they don’t know how Trump created an enemies with in his own country. Since when a president attack his own people? Trump the worst president ever.
I understand. Don't necessarily agree, but understand the mindset. It is kind of like the trumptards liking what the pres does or says at time, not because it is good for the country, but taking joy that it pisses off the Democrats.
You could give one damn about anything other than your bias. You refuse to look at facts. You seem to think your publications that have lied so often it isn’t even funny, and retract days later, if they do, are factual. Honey, I’ve got real news for you. Facts are something they are immune to, just as you are.

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