Breaking: NYTimes -- Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn Investigation.

Consider the following:
  • 1. What has Comey ever lied about - that can be proven.
  • 2. What has Trump ever lied about - that can be proven.

1. Comey is a decent and dignified person.
2. Trump is a pathological liar. Lie after lie.

So now your game is to say you didn't want Comey fired and Comey didn't lie to Congress about the 1000s of e mails sent to weiners?


Lying suits you so what ever.


Don't understand when people found out Comey was investigating Trumpov huh?

March 20, 2017:  Comey confirms Russia investigation before Congress

That article is based on a Washington Post article from unnamed sources, once again. Funny how they seem to be the source in most of these stories, of which many have been proven to be false.
Good catch.
Breaking Update:

Houston, we have a problem!

Not really. Flynn was already in hot water before he resigned. This is what Trump asked Comey to "let go"...

Trump adviser Michael Flynn discussed hacking sanctions with Russia – report

The Post said Flynn on Wednesday denied that he had discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador, but on Thursday backed away from the denial through a spokesman.

Flynn “indicated that while he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up,” the Post quoted the spokesman as saying.

Officials said this week that the FBI is continuing to examine Flynn’s contacts with Kislyak, according to the paper.

It was well known that Flynn had been communicating with at least one Russian official. How do you think it came to the attention of the White House which led to firing Flynn for lying to Pence by denying he had any contact with any Russians.

Your first mistake was agreeing with Steve_McGarrett. That unabashed racist is almost never right about anything.
NYTimes Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn investigation

Mod Edit of the Title for merged threads.
no he didn't, more fake news.
Only thing fake jc is that pos in the WH you call your president
and your OP.
Find it funny how you believe the lying pos Trump instead of a man known for his honesty and good reputation But then again you're a dupe ,a republican ,,,but I repeat myself
NYTimes Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn investigation

Mod Edit of the Title for merged threads.
no he didn't, more fake news.
Only thing fake jc is that pos in the WH you call your president
and your OP.
Find it funny how you believe the lying pos Trump instead of a man known for his honesty and good reputation But then again you're a dupe ,a republican ,,,but I repeat myself
who the fk are you talking about?
NYTimes Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn investigation

Mod Edit of the Title for merged threads.
no he didn't, more fake news.
Only thing fake jc is that pos in the WH you call your president
and your OP.
Find it funny how you believe the lying pos Trump instead of a man known for his honesty and good reputation But then again you're a dupe ,a republican ,,,but I repeat myself
Trump has his sycophants well trained to shout out, "fake news," over any reports not favorable to him. That might just be Trump's greatest talent.
Their hysteria relies on the phrase...."I hope....." and that is Greg Gutfeld pointed out, that is not an order, that is not a request......

"I hope...." is a statement of whimsy..........and on that they have amped up the hysteria.....

May Trump learn his lesson about these people and finally lay into them and lay waste to the whole place......they could have made deals with Kurt Russel said...they wanted the thunder...I hope they fucking get it......

Remember When Trump Said Hillary Clinton Couldn't Be 'Trusted' With Classified Info?


Intel agencies said Trump couldn't be trusted not to leak classified intel to Russia, guess what?

Yeah, remember that time back in February when this was reported: US Intel fearing leaks to Russia are witholding classified intel from Trump White House.

The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins

He didn't leak anything asswipe......

Oh right since Trumpov can leak CLASSIFIED INTEL FROM US ALLIE'S to the Russians directly, it no longer is considered classified? The right wing spin machine sure is working overtime :(

I get it, but let ANYONE else LEAK the exact same intel and see what happens? lol

Stupid fuck, CNN reported the Laptop story on April 1st.

Don't understand what CNN did versus the intel Trumpov gave to Russia huh?

April 1:
First on CNN: New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say
First on CNN: New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say -


The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State
Their hysteria relies on the phrase...."I hope....." and that is Greg Gutfeld pointed out, that is not an order, that is not a request......

"I hope...." is a statement of whimsy..........and on that they have amped up the hysteria.....

May Trump learn his lesson about these people and finally lay into them and lay waste to the whole place......they could have made deals with Kurt Russel said...they wanted the thunder...I hope they fucking get it......

Remember When Trump Said Hillary Clinton Couldn't Be 'Trusted' With Classified Info?


Intel agencies said Trump couldn't be trusted not to leak classified intel to Russia, guess what?

Yeah, remember that time back in February when this was reported: US Intel fearing leaks to Russia are witholding classified intel from Trump White House.

The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins

He didn't leak anything asswipe......

Oh right since Trumpov can leak CLASSIFIED INTEL FROM US ALLIE'S to the Russians directly, it no longer is considered classified? The right wing spin machine sure is working overtime :(

I get it, but let ANYONE else LEAK the exact same intel and see what happens? lol

Stupid fuck, CNN reported the Laptop story on April 1st.

Don't understand what CNN did versus the intel Trumpov gave to Russia huh?

April 1:
First on CNN: New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say
First on CNN: New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say -


The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State
Trump's loose lips may have blown an undercover operation to infiltrate ISIS ... righties defend him.
That Russian official, the ambassador, just as prior incoming administrations have been known to do. But because it was Russia and Trump, it played to the false narrative the Dems had created. They claimed it was unusual, when they themselves were sitting down to eat with him.



That article is based on a Washington Post article from unnamed sources, once again. Funny how they seem to be the source in most of these stories, of which many have been proven to be false.
Good catch.
Breaking Update:

Houston, we have a problem!

Not really. Flynn was already in hot water before he resigned. This is what Trump asked Comey to "let go"...

Trump adviser Michael Flynn discussed hacking sanctions with Russia – report

The Post said Flynn on Wednesday denied that he had discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador, but on Thursday backed away from the denial through a spokesman.

Flynn “indicated that while he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up,” the Post quoted the spokesman as saying.

Officials said this week that the FBI is continuing to examine Flynn’s contacts with Kislyak, according to the paper.

It was well known that Flynn had been communicating with at least one Russian official. How do you think it came to the attention of the White House which led to firing Flynn for lying to Pence by denying he had any contact with any Russians.

Your first mistake was agreeing with Steve_McGarrett. That unabashed racist is almost never right about anything.
Mark Levin chimed in on this.......

"There is a concerted effort by the media and the Democrat Party to take out President Donald Trump. The latest in the New York Times is that a memo written by James Comey in February claims that Trump asked him to end the investigation into Mike Flynn. This is a self-serving contemporaneous memo. According to the memo, the President told Comey that he hoped Comey could let this go. Comey is a leaker and person who destroyed the FBI. He doesn’t like the way he was fired and the fact he was fired, so is striking back. If this is obstruction, why would Comey wait 2 and a half months later to show this memo? Only after Trump fired him does this become a major issue. Comey is really a modern day J. Edgar Hoover. This is just another phony scandal with the disgusting and deceitful left wing media. Congress should ask Comey where his memos are and how many he has and should be directed to preserve those memos. In addition, we have Democrat media outlets like the New York Times receiving classified information via leaks. The leakers are committing felonies. The irony is that the leakers are undermining the President and Israel yet nothing is done about them. What is being done to Trump in this presidency is unprecedented and worse than what they did to Ronald Reagan."

Mark Levin - May 16, 2017

audioBoom / 5/16/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind


Forget the decades and hundreds of millions to "get" a Clinton and you had BJ Bill lying about a consensual sexual relationship, lol

Maybe you righties can drag up some MORE Bengaaaaaaaazzzi nonsense?
Anyone crying "fake news" needs to ask themselves a few questions:

1) Would Comey let people keep saying he wrote a memo claiming Trump asked him to stop the election...if he really didn't?
2) Are anonymous sources a new thing?

Let's start with the second question first. Of course anonymous sources aren't a new thing. And yes, they can be very credible and reliable.
Now, the obvious answer to the first question is "HELL NO". If Comey didn't write such a memo and if he wasn't ready to claim Trump pressured him into stopping the investigation, he'd have come out right away and put the kibosh on that crap.

It's real. Trump did it. Because he has little understanding of government ethics and because he thinks he can get away with anything.
That Russian official, the ambassador, just as prior incoming administrations have been known to do. But because it was Russia and Trump, it played to the false narrative the Dems had created. They claimed it was unusual, when they themselves were sitting down to eat with him.



That article is based on a Washington Post article from unnamed sources, once again. Funny how they seem to be the source in most of these stories, of which many have been proven to be false.
Good catch.
Breaking Update:

Houston, we have a problem!

Not really. Flynn was already in hot water before he resigned. This is what Trump asked Comey to "let go"...

Trump adviser Michael Flynn discussed hacking sanctions with Russia – report

The Post said Flynn on Wednesday denied that he had discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador, but on Thursday backed away from the denial through a spokesman.

Flynn “indicated that while he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up,” the Post quoted the spokesman as saying.

Officials said this week that the FBI is continuing to examine Flynn’s contacts with Kislyak, according to the paper.

It was well known that Flynn had been communicating with at least one Russian official. How do you think it came to the attention of the White House which led to firing Flynn for lying to Pence by denying he had any contact with any Russians.

Your first mistake was agreeing with Steve_McGarrett. That unabashed racist is almost never right about anything.
Great, now you're trying to divert the conversation to Democrats . Typical. Bringing it back....

Flynn denied talking to Russians. The White House was notified that was a lie. Clearly, that also reveals the FBI was looking into the matter.

Trying to rewrite history as though the FBI wasn't looking into it, just to claim there was no reason for Trump to ask Comey to "let it go," is bullshit. How conservative of you.
That Russian official, the ambassador, just as prior incoming administrations have been known to do. But because it was Russia and Trump, it played to the false narrative the Dems had created. They claimed it was unusual, when they themselves were sitting down to eat with him.



That article is based on a Washington Post article from unnamed sources, once again. Funny how they seem to be the source in most of these stories, of which many have been proven to be false.
Good catch.
Breaking Update:

Houston, we have a problem!

Not really. Flynn was already in hot water before he resigned. This is what Trump asked Comey to "let go"...

Trump adviser Michael Flynn discussed hacking sanctions with Russia – report

The Post said Flynn on Wednesday denied that he had discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador, but on Thursday backed away from the denial through a spokesman.

Flynn “indicated that while he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up,” the Post quoted the spokesman as saying.

Officials said this week that the FBI is continuing to examine Flynn’s contacts with Kislyak, according to the paper.

It was well known that Flynn had been communicating with at least one Russian official. How do you think it came to the attention of the White House which led to firing Flynn for lying to Pence by denying he had any contact with any Russians.

Your first mistake was agreeing with Steve_McGarrett. That unabashed racist is almost never right about anything.

From Israels Defense Minister after the accusation in US media, and McMaster stating it was wholly appropriate-

Liberman wrote on Twitter, “The security relationship between Israel and its great ally the US are deep, significant and unprecedented in their scope and contribution to our strength.”

“That’s how it’s been and that’s how it will continue,” he said.

Remember When Trump Said Hillary Clinton Couldn't Be 'Trusted' With Classified Info?


Intel agencies said Trump couldn't be trusted not to leak classified intel to Russia, guess what?

Yeah, remember that time back in February when this was reported: US Intel fearing leaks to Russia are witholding classified intel from Trump White House.

The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins

He didn't leak anything asswipe......

Oh right since Trumpov can leak CLASSIFIED INTEL FROM US ALLIE'S to the Russians directly, it no longer is considered classified? The right wing spin machine sure is working overtime :(

I get it, but let ANYONE else LEAK the exact same intel and see what happens? lol

Stupid fuck, CNN reported the Laptop story on April 1st.

Don't understand what CNN did versus the intel Trumpov gave to Russia huh?

April 1:
First on CNN: New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say
First on CNN: New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say -


The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State
Trump's loose lips may have blown an undercover operation to infiltrate ISIS ... righties defend him.
NYTimes Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn investigation

Mod Edit of the Title for merged threads.
no he didn't, more fake news.
Only thing fake jc is that pos in the WH you call your president
and your OP.
Find it funny how you believe the lying pos Trump instead of a man known for his honesty and good reputation But then again you're a dupe ,a republican ,,,but I repeat myself
who the fk are you talking about?
There is certainly evidence of developing dementia. Have you ever wondered why your 5 year old understands everything Trump says? If you do a word count of high use verbs, non-specific nouns, and fillers in his speeches and interviews, you will find he speaks at a 4th grade level. This is disturbing because his speech pattern has been deteriorating both in level and cohesion. Although never a great public speaker, there is a a very noticeable deterioration over the last 25 years . Also, his mind wanders in interviews and he often forgets the question. The interviewer ask about Afghanistan and Trump replies with comments on ISIS. His interviews are often incomplete sentences where he loses his train of thought, changes the subject, and drops into a platitude. Be careful jc I see signs of dementia in your posts
Given how dishonest the New York Times has been in their Trump hit pieces, I'll wait for concrete evidence before believing any of this.
Their hysteria relies on the phrase...."I hope....." and that is Greg Gutfeld pointed out, that is not an order, that is not a request......

"I hope...." is a statement of whimsy..........and on that they have amped up the hysteria.....

May Trump learn his lesson about these people and finally lay into them and lay waste to the whole place......they could have made deals with Kurt Russel said...they wanted the thunder...I hope they fucking get it......

Remember When Trump Said Hillary Clinton Couldn't Be 'Trusted' With Classified Info?


Intel agencies said Trump couldn't be trusted not to leak classified intel to Russia, guess what?

Yeah, remember that time back in February when this was reported: US Intel fearing leaks to Russia are witholding classified intel from Trump White House.

The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins

He didn't leak anything asswipe......

Oh right since Trumpov can leak CLASSIFIED INTEL FROM US ALLIE'S to the Russians directly, it no longer is considered classified? The right wing spin machine sure is working overtime :(

I get it, but let ANYONE else LEAK the exact same intel and see what happens? lol

Stupid fuck, CNN reported the Laptop story on April 1st.

Don't understand what CNN did versus the intel Trumpov gave to Russia huh?

April 1:
First on CNN: New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say
First on CNN: New terrorist laptop bombs may evade airport security, intel sources say -


The information the president relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.

The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said Trump’s decision to do so endangers cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State
not sure your point. are you saying the president shouldn't be talking to foreign partners about defeating our enemies? wow, you are very anti american. see you traitor.
Then why did he not notify doj, under Yates, if that was the case, as he is required to do. And why is it not in the archives, as required by law.
Anyone crying "fake news" needs to ask themselves a few questions:

1) Would Comey let people keep saying he wrote a memo claiming Trump asked him to stop the election...if he really didn't?
2) Are anonymous sources a new thing?

Let's start with the second question first. Of course anonymous sources aren't a new thing. And yes, they can be very credible and reliable.
Now, the obvious answer to the first question is "HELL NO". If Comey didn't write such a memo and if he wasn't ready to claim Trump pressured him into stopping the investigation, he'd have come out right away and put the kibosh on that crap.

It's real. Trump did it. Because he has little understanding of government ethics and because he thinks he can get away with anything.

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