Breaking: NYTimes -- Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn Investigation.

Try chic Try hard You seem like you're far from the dummies most of your ilk are This trump is incompetent He acts like a 4 year old He can't speak, his thinking powers are not all there he repeats ,he can't answer questions etc etc an embarrassment Obama wasn't....

Now, calm down.
None of your post is true.

Trump, unlike your lord and savior, has actually accomplished things and proven to be a success.

The basis of your ire can be summed up in this:
" If they think they are going to give you your country back without a fight, you are mistaken. Every day, it is going to be a fight."" Steve Bannon

I hope America wins the fight.

From racist crap Bannon? It must be true. Trump is dividing and turning this country upside down as you can see idiot Trump is on the defensive mode every day.

Can't get over the election, and America kicking you to the curb, huh?


Don't ever change.

I never mentioned election. I'm just telling you the reality of what trump is doing to this country.
in your opinion. funny how you left leave that off of your opinion pieces.

Nope----- Look what is going in this country. All because of self inflicted wounds from your god. He is acting like a little sorry ass boy then blame the system because everything is rigged against him.
Obama saved the car companies. Saved the economy. Presided over more than 75 straight months of economic growth. Took an economy that was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs a month, unemployment peaked at over 10% down to over 5 million jobs unfilled with unemployment at 4.7%. Remember during the election Republicans said his saying he would take down Bin Laden no matter what showed his inexperience. So what did he do? Took down Bin Laden. Republicans had to blackmail him into extending the Bush Tax cuts. Republicans blocked him from investigating the BP oil spill in the Gulf and he still got BP to pay 20 billion for clean up. Equal pay for equal work. Healthcare for millions more Americans. His list of achievements goes on and on. Even with Republicans calling him boy, tar baby, gay, attacking his children and calling his wife a transexual. Even with all that, he was successful. No scandal and no drama. The GOP tried, but like with everything else, thank God they failed.

Those are the facts and they can be proven.

Right wingers never tell the whole story:


Unemployment skyrocketed under Reagan and then he was able to make corrections and it fell. Up again under Bush 1 and fell during the entire Clinton Administration, exploded under Bush 2 and fell dramatically over the entire 8 years under Obama.

Then you look at GDP:


There was growth in GDP under Reagan, but there were a lot of times where it was hugely negative.
Clinton was fantastic, but Bush 2 was devastating. Obama had two short periods of small negative growth but look at what he was given. Not only did the Republicans ruin the economy, move the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, but watched millions of jobs move overseas and over 42,000 factories close. They handed a ruined economy to Obama and took away the means of bringing in revenue. It was during that time it occurred to me the GOP wants this country destroyed.
Thank you Dean Now that you've shone the light,, watch the cockroaches run for cover or lie their way out know I never lie.

Everything in post #448 is factual, documented, linked and sourced.

Now what?

Sure you do. You lied big time.
You purposely ignored that Obama inherited a lousy economy and the collapse of the housing industry. What do you expect?
From there we are still recovering to this day.
You also ignored that the GOPs purposely tried very hard to bring him down for 8 years. Despite from that constipations ( that's right constipation) from the Republicans he manages to bring this country back.
Lo and behold ------- Americans mistakenly elected Trump ------- Now he is taking all credits of the recovery.

"You purposely ignored that Obama inherited a lousy economy and the collapse of the housing industry. What do you expect? "

1. The mess he inherited was due to Democrat policy.

2. He never improved it....because he is as inept as everyone who voted for melanin over competence.
Raise your paw.
You remember what the pos McConnell said about Obama before Obama even visited the WH ?? Go cut and paste it here and maybe people might think you're not a one way party before country poster
yep, he was wrong. I already posted they should have been laying legislation on his desk weekly. We can be critical of our side. he's useless.
Now, calm down.
None of your post is true.

Trump, unlike your lord and savior, has actually accomplished things and proven to be a success.

The basis of your ire can be summed up in this:
" If they think they are going to give you your country back without a fight, you are mistaken. Every day, it is going to be a fight."" Steve Bannon

I hope America wins the fight.

From racist crap Bannon? It must be true. Trump is dividing and turning this country upside down as you can see idiot Trump is on the defensive mode every day.

Can't get over the election, and America kicking you to the curb, huh?


Don't ever change.

I never mentioned election. I'm just telling you the reality of what trump is doing to this country.
in your opinion. funny how you left leave that off of your opinion pieces.

Nope----- Look what is going in this country. All because of self inflicted wounds from your god. He is acting like a little sorry ass boy then blame the system because everything is rigged against him.
in your opinion, you keep missing that part of your response.
Seems like the same old Orange Cretin to me ... the one talking about how the Central Park five are still guilty ... the only question is why 60 million SUCKERS voted for the POS
AND Obama wasn't a citizen What crap republicans support
To this day, we can't confirm Obama was a citizen due to him releasing a 100% fraudulent birth certificate on April 27, 2011.

LOL..... I thought Trump clown already told you that Obama was born here in US?
Oh that? No! That was just a tactical strategic political maneuver by Trump to get the media off his back during the final stretch of the campaign.

Are you saying that Trump lied again? Oh my goodness.
Are you saying you and Trump cannot get their act together? OMG OMG.
how's that? he said he accepted it. he moved on. the fact still remains, no birth certificate has ever been produced. but we don't need to discuss details.
Obama saved the car companies. Saved the economy. Presided over more than 75 straight months of economic growth. Took an economy that was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs a month, unemployment peaked at over 10% down to over 5 million jobs unfilled with unemployment at 4.7%. Remember during the election Republicans said his saying he would take down Bin Laden no matter what showed his inexperience. So what did he do? Took down Bin Laden. Republicans had to blackmail him into extending the Bush Tax cuts. Republicans blocked him from investigating the BP oil spill in the Gulf and he still got BP to pay 20 billion for clean up. Equal pay for equal work. Healthcare for millions more Americans. His list of achievements goes on and on. Even with Republicans calling him boy, tar baby, gay, attacking his children and calling his wife a transexual. Even with all that, he was successful. No scandal and no drama. The GOP tried, but like with everything else, thank God they failed.

Those are the facts and they can be proven.

Right wingers never tell the whole story:


Unemployment skyrocketed under Reagan and then he was able to make corrections and it fell. Up again under Bush 1 and fell during the entire Clinton Administration, exploded under Bush 2 and fell dramatically over the entire 8 years under Obama.

Then you look at GDP:


There was growth in GDP under Reagan, but there were a lot of times where it was hugely negative.
Clinton was fantastic, but Bush 2 was devastating. Obama had two short periods of small negative growth but look at what he was given. Not only did the Republicans ruin the economy, move the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, but watched millions of jobs move overseas and over 42,000 factories close. They handed a ruined economy to Obama and took away the means of bringing in revenue. It was during that time it occurred to me the GOP wants this country destroyed.
Thank you Dean Now that you've shone the light,, watch the cockroaches run for cover or lie their way out know I never lie.

Everything in post #448 is factual, documented, linked and sourced.

Now what?

Sure you do. You lied big time.
You purposely ignored that Obama inherited a lousy economy and the collapse of the housing industry. What do you expect?
From there we are still recovering to this day.
You also ignored that the GOPs purposely tried very hard to bring him down for 8 years. Despite from that constipations ( that's right constipation) from the Republicans he manages to bring this country back.
Lo and behold ------- Americans mistakenly elected Trump ------- Now he is taking all credits of the recovery.

"You purposely ignored that Obama inherited a lousy economy and the collapse of the housing industry. What do you expect? "

1. The mess he inherited was due to Democrat policy.

2. He never improved it....because he is as inept as everyone who voted for melanin over competence.
Raise your paw.

1. So what is that supposed to mean? Obama did not inherit a bad economy? How many billions added to the deficit when bush invaded Iraq that we are still paying today?
2. Nope you are lying.

1. I never lie

2. Obama was an incompetent, unvetted, amateur who was elected because of his skin color.

3. While the mistake is clear and evident, the dumbest still cling to propaganda.
Raise your paw.
Thank you Dean Now that you've shone the light,, watch the cockroaches run for cover or lie their way out know I never lie.

Everything in post #448 is factual, documented, linked and sourced.

Now what?

Sure you do. You lied big time.
You purposely ignored that Obama inherited a lousy economy and the collapse of the housing industry. What do you expect?
From there we are still recovering to this day.
You also ignored that the GOPs purposely tried very hard to bring him down for 8 years. Despite from that constipations ( that's right constipation) from the Republicans he manages to bring this country back.
Lo and behold ------- Americans mistakenly elected Trump ------- Now he is taking all credits of the recovery.
the GOP was wrong. they should have been putting legislation on obummer's desk weekly and having to have him veto it. they were wrong, I'm not afraid to admit that. they are useless .

Not just useless.....they are allied with the enemy of America, the Democrats.

Democrats are Americans ------ it's the same ugly rhetoric coming from Trump ----- A clear and good example of dividing this country. What a fucked yo president. Keep it up.
they are? hahahahahahaaha sure bubba, sure. nope you all want illegals vs americans. ever hear of the words sanctuary city? oh yeah, your american, middle americans, not US americans.
1. I don't use language like that, but I have often found that those losing the argument, do.

2. You can't answer my posts because they are 100% true and correct.

3. 'Ruining America' should be reserved for the only President never to have guided our economy to even a 3% GDP....first in nearly a hundred years.

And....the first to encourage a nuclear arms race in the world.

Wadda guy, huh?
Obama saved the car companies. Saved the economy. Presided over more than 75 straight months of economic growth. Took an economy that was hemorrhaging 750,000 jobs a month, unemployment peaked at over 10% down to over 5 million jobs unfilled with unemployment at 4.7%. Remember during the election Republicans said his saying he would take down Bin Laden no matter what showed his inexperience. So what did he do? Took down Bin Laden. Republicans had to blackmail him into extending the Bush Tax cuts. Republicans blocked him from investigating the BP oil spill in the Gulf and he still got BP to pay 20 billion for clean up. Equal pay for equal work. Healthcare for millions more Americans. His list of achievements goes on and on. Even with Republicans calling him boy, tar baby, gay, attacking his children and calling his wife a transexual. Even with all that, he was successful. No scandal and no drama. The GOP tried, but like with everything else, thank God they failed.

Those are the facts and they can be proven.

Right wingers never tell the whole story:


Unemployment skyrocketed under Reagan and then he was able to make corrections and it fell. Up again under Bush 1 and fell during the entire Clinton Administration, exploded under Bush 2 and fell dramatically over the entire 8 years under Obama.

Then you look at GDP:


There was growth in GDP under Reagan, but there were a lot of times where it was hugely negative.
Clinton was fantastic, but Bush 2 was devastating. Obama had two short periods of small negative growth but look at what he was given. Not only did the Republicans ruin the economy, move the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, but watched millions of jobs move overseas and over 42,000 factories close. They handed a ruined economy to Obama and took away the means of bringing in revenue. It was during that time it occurred to me the GOP wants this country destroyed.

then why did trump win?

Because of stupid Americans.
nice that you think half the country is stupid while you and your band of idiots play in fairytale land.

Half of the country? Half of the country? Fairy tale.

Pathetically and anemically Trump only received 63 millions votes from 212 millions registered voters.
Now that 63 millions are slowly eroding.
no they are not. you're mistaken. prove me wrong.
Thank you Dean Now that you've shone the light,, watch the cockroaches run for cover or lie their way out know I never lie.

Everything in post #448 is factual, documented, linked and sourced.

Now what?

Sure you do. You lied big time.
You purposely ignored that Obama inherited a lousy economy and the collapse of the housing industry. What do you expect?
From there we are still recovering to this day.
You also ignored that the GOPs purposely tried very hard to bring him down for 8 years. Despite from that constipations ( that's right constipation) from the Republicans he manages to bring this country back.
Lo and behold ------- Americans mistakenly elected Trump ------- Now he is taking all credits of the recovery.
the GOP was wrong. they should have been putting legislation on obummer's desk weekly and having to have him veto it. they were wrong, I'm not afraid to admit that. they are useless .

Not just useless.....they are allied with the enemy of America, the Democrats.

Democrats are Americans ------ it's the same ugly rhetoric coming from Trump ----- A clear and good example of dividing this country. What a fucked yo president. Keep it up.

No one who ascribes to this....
the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech really an American.

Now, I told you twice: raise your paw.
Try chic Try hard You seem like you're far from the dummies most of your ilk are This trump is incompetent He acts like a 4 year old He can't speak, his thinking powers are not all there he repeats ,he can't answer questions etc etc an embarrassment Obama wasn't....

Now, calm down.
None of your post is true.

Trump, unlike your lord and savior, has actually accomplished things and proven to be a success.

The basis of your ire can be summed up in this:
" If they think they are going to give you your country back without a fight, you are mistaken. Every day, it is going to be a fight."" Steve Bannon

I hope America wins the fight.

From racist crap Bannon? It must be true. Trump is dividing and turning this country upside down as you can see idiot Trump is on the defensive mode every day.

Can't get over the election, and America kicking you to the curb, huh?


Don't ever change.

I never mentioned election. I'm just telling you the reality of what trump is doing to this country.

No the dishitscum and people like you are the ones causing all of the problems in this country, I will add a few stupid Republicans that are chicken shit and need to be beaten in their next primary to the group. The Republican problem is they should have slapped the dimshit scum liberals to the toilet and flushed them first order of business. THEN they should have slapped the press with a million subpoenas and made them name a source that would be subpoenaed then and shown to be lying, and made the press retract their lies. IT is coming there will be a law forcing the press to tell the truth, and then you lying liberal shit will have no where to hide as you are skinned alive..

I have not called people names yet but since you started it. Let's see.
Really? WHO is creating all these self inflicted wounds? Who is creating all these problems that we right now? Did the left fired Comey? Did the left kissing or sucking Putin dick? Closed meeting with Russians barred US media except Tass Russian media. Every time he talk him and against the Americans. Then contradicts his own people. Then his unaffordable health care that favored people like me but not the poor.

What the fuck kind of president is that?
Either he is ignorant or just plain don't know what the hell he is doing.

Now tell me where I lied. Now answer that SHITHEAD.
Now, calm down.
None of your post is true.

Trump, unlike your lord and savior, has actually accomplished things and proven to be a success.

The basis of your ire can be summed up in this:
" If they think they are going to give you your country back without a fight, you are mistaken. Every day, it is going to be a fight."" Steve Bannon

I hope America wins the fight.

From racist crap Bannon? It must be true. Trump is dividing and turning this country upside down as you can see idiot Trump is on the defensive mode every day.

Can't get over the election, and America kicking you to the curb, huh?


Don't ever change.

I never mentioned election. I'm just telling you the reality of what trump is doing to this country.

No the dishitscum and people like you are the ones causing all of the problems in this country, I will add a few stupid Republicans that are chicken shit and need to be beaten in their next primary to the group. The Republican problem is they should have slapped the dimshit scum liberals to the toilet and flushed them first order of business. THEN they should have slapped the press with a million subpoenas and made them name a source that would be subpoenaed then and shown to be lying, and made the press retract their lies. IT is coming there will be a law forcing the press to tell the truth, and then you lying liberal shit will have no where to hide as you are skinned alive..

I have not called people names yet but since you started it. Let's see.
Really? WHO is creating all these self inflicted wounds? Who is creating all these problems that we right now? Did the left fired Comey? Did the left kissing or sucking Putin dick? Closed meeting with Russians barred US media except Tass Russian media. Every time he talk him and against the Americans. Then contradicts his own people. Then his unaffordable health care that favored people like me but not the poor.

What the fuck kind of president is that?
Either he is ignorant or just plain don't know what the hell he is doing.

Now tell me where I lied. Now answer that SHITHEAD.
ahh shit, I was gonna respond, but it's the same snowflake lies again. yawn.
yo pocahontas, if you didn't want an answer, you should not have asked your question.
Try chic Try hard You seem like you're far from the dummies most of your ilk are This trump is incompetent He acts like a 4 year old He can't speak, his thinking powers are not all there he repeats ,he can't answer questions etc etc an embarrassment Obama wasn't....

Now, calm down.
None of your post is true.

Trump, unlike your lord and savior, has actually accomplished things and proven to be a success.

The basis of your ire can be summed up in this:
" If they think they are going to give you your country back without a fight, you are mistaken. Every day, it is going to be a fight."" Steve Bannon

I hope America wins the fight.

From racist crap Bannon? It must be true. Trump is dividing and turning this country upside down as you can see idiot Trump is on the defensive mode every day.

Can't get over the election, and America kicking you to the curb, huh?


Don't ever change.

I never mentioned election. I'm just telling you the reality of what trump is doing to this country.


Coming right up:

"In California, state planners and legislators focused on things such as outlawing plastic grocery bags while California’s roads and dams over three decades sank into decrepitude. The result is crumbling infrastructure that now threatens the very safety of the public. Powerful Californians with impressive degrees also came up with the loony and neo-Confederate idea of nullifying federal immigration law through sanctuary cities.

Sophisticated Washington, D.C., economists produced budgets for the last eight years that saw U.S. debt explode from $10 trillion to nearly $19 trillion, as economic growth sank to its lowest level since the Hoover administration.

For a year, most expert pundits and pollsters smugly assured the public of a certain Hillary Clinton victory — until the hour before she was overwhelmed in the Electoral College.

Rhodes Scholar and former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice lied repeatedly on national television about the Benghazi debacle."
Is the American Elite Really Elite?

And that's why America kicked you out.

Nah. You must be desperate using national review as your link. An ultra right wing bias media.

California is the 6th largest economy of the world. We must be doing something right.
Despite with largest populations ------- we are not the dirtiest, drugiest, ugliest, criminals, poorest states.

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