BREAKING: President Donald Trump Signs Memo Ending ‘Catch and Release’ Policy

There's lots of land out in west bum, you know where, Texas, where tents can be set up just fine to house the illegals.

Yep and 4,000 Guardsmen on the way to the border to man those tent cities.

That caravan and the media were discussing our laws highlighting catch
and release. Maybe now we know what The Donald was planning all along.

We get ya stay until your hearing and then you're outta here.

Two days ago the Regular Army (Pentagon) announced its plans to support
spying technology along the border to assist the Border Patrol.

The Dems should have funded the wall and removed it as a campaign issue.
(Yes, their base would have been unhappy, but they would have still voted
for them, if they didn't stay home) NOW, Everybody is going to be talking about immigration laws all the way thru the election and Trump is on the side
of the American people on that one.

For a guy that took up politics as a hobby he's become quite the politician.
And don't forget the new funding bill is due on Sept 30th. 6 weeks before the
He's a dumbass. This will be a disaster. The catch and release program was started because we had no place to put these people.
You LIB dummy!
The detained illegals will stay in detention facilities for a couple of weeks and then be deported.
There are hundreds of immigration judges right now being sent to the border towns. Each one of them will process a few hundred illegals a day. Within a few months the detention facilities will be ghost camps.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
Yep and 4,000 Guardsmen on the way to the border to man those tent cities.

That caravan and the media were discussing our laws highlighting catch
and release. Maybe now we know what The Donald was planning all along.

We get ya stay until your hearing and then you're outta here.

Two days ago the Regular Army (Pentagon) announced its plans to support
spying technology along the border to assist the Border Patrol.

The Dems should have funded the wall and removed it as a campaign issue.
(Yes, their base would have been unhappy, but they would have still voted
for them, if they didn't stay home) NOW, Everybody is going to be talking about immigration laws all the way thru the election and Trump is on the side
of the American people on that one.

For a guy that took up politics as a hobby he's become quite the politician.
And don't forget the new funding bill is due on Sept 30th. 6 weeks before the
He's a dumbass. This will be a disaster. The catch and release program was started because we had no place to put these people.
You LIB dummy!
The detained illegals will stay in detention facilities for a couple of weeks and then be deported.
There are hundreds of immigration judges right now being sent to the border towns. Each one of them will process a few hundred illegals a day. Within a few months the detention facilities will be ghost camps.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
Why, you don’t want concentration camps so send them home. What are they gonna argue in court?
Yep and 4,000 Guardsmen on the way to the border to man those tent cities.

That caravan and the media were discussing our laws highlighting catch
and release. Maybe now we know what The Donald was planning all along.

We get ya stay until your hearing and then you're outta here.

Two days ago the Regular Army (Pentagon) announced its plans to support
spying technology along the border to assist the Border Patrol.

The Dems should have funded the wall and removed it as a campaign issue.
(Yes, their base would have been unhappy, but they would have still voted
for them, if they didn't stay home) NOW, Everybody is going to be talking about immigration laws all the way thru the election and Trump is on the side
of the American people on that one.

For a guy that took up politics as a hobby he's become quite the politician.
And don't forget the new funding bill is due on Sept 30th. 6 weeks before the
He's a dumbass. This will be a disaster. The catch and release program was started because we had no place to put these people.
You LIB dummy!
The detained illegals will stay in detention facilities for a couple of weeks and then be deported.
There are hundreds of immigration judges right now being sent to the border towns. Each one of them will process a few hundred illegals a day. Within a few months the detention facilities will be ghost camps.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
illegals are not citizens and are not entitled to constitutional protections. Funny how the left fails to understand that..
He's a dumbass. This will be a disaster. The catch and release program was started because we had no place to put these people.
You LIB dummy!
The detained illegals will stay in detention facilities for a couple of weeks and then be deported.
There are hundreds of immigration judges right now being sent to the border towns. Each one of them will process a few hundred illegals a day. Within a few months the detention facilities will be ghost camps.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
illegals are not citizens and are not entitled to constitutional protections. Funny how the left fails to understand that..
I still want to know what their argument is
He's a dumbass. This will be a disaster. The catch and release program was started because we had no place to put these people.
You LIB dummy!
The detained illegals will stay in detention facilities for a couple of weeks and then be deported.
There are hundreds of immigration judges right now being sent to the border towns. Each one of them will process a few hundred illegals a day. Within a few months the detention facilities will be ghost camps.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
Why, you don’t want concentration camps so send them home. What are they gonna argue in court?
Lol, what do you think they are gonna argue in court? They are gonna try to convince the judge they should be allowed to stay. Many are you know.

You wanna skip due process? I know conservatives hate most of the Constitution but that's going kinda far.
Courts & jails are over crowded, violent criminals go free because border patrol grabbed low hanging fruit women & children!

Trump wants more violent illegals causing harm to get more citizens pissed at illegals!

Illegals are housed in deportation facilitates. Only criminals are placed in jails.
There is limited space. Every facility used for illegals is one less for criminals. Plus Trump removed Obama directive to prioritize violent criminals, so the low hanging fruit will be caught, detained, clogging jails & courts first. After 20 days or 6 months depending on classification, they all get released!!!

There's lots of land out in west bum, you know where, Texas, where tents can be set up just fine to house the illegals.

Yep and 4,000 Guardsmen on the way to the border to man those tent cities.

That caravan and the media were discussing our laws highlighting catch
and release. Maybe now we know what The Donald was planning all along.

We get ya stay until your hearing and then you're outta here.

Two days ago the Regular Army (Pentagon) announced its plans to support
spying technology along the border to assist the Border Patrol.

The Dems should have funded the wall and removed it as a campaign issue.
(Yes, their base would have been unhappy, but they would have still voted
for them, if they didn't stay home) NOW, Everybody is going to be talking about immigration laws all the way thru the election and Trump is on the side
of the American people on that one.

For a guy that took up politics as a hobby he's become quite the politician.
And don't forget the new funding bill is due on Sept 30th. 6 weeks before the
Concentration camps....what could go wrong?
lol... illegal immigrant detention camps. Not concentration camps. one was for detaining legal citizens(ie: WWII where we detained US citizens of Japaneses descent) the other is for illegal immigrants who broke our immigration laws. two very different things.
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You LIB dummy!
The detained illegals will stay in detention facilities for a couple of weeks and then be deported.
There are hundreds of immigration judges right now being sent to the border towns. Each one of them will process a few hundred illegals a day. Within a few months the detention facilities will be ghost camps.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
Why, you don’t want concentration camps so send them home. What are they gonna argue in court?
Lol, what do you think they are gonna argue in court? They are gonna try to convince the judge they should be allowed to stay. Many are you know.

You wanna skip due process? I know conservatives hate most of the Constitution but that's going kinda far.
They’re not due anything. Convince them what? Let’s see your visas! Ain’t got them, bye! Home you go. Simple.

Want respect, follow our laws!

Don’t like our laws, leave
You LIB dummy!
The detained illegals will stay in detention facilities for a couple of weeks and then be deported.
There are hundreds of immigration judges right now being sent to the border towns. Each one of them will process a few hundred illegals a day. Within a few months the detention facilities will be ghost camps.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
Why, you don’t want concentration camps so send them home. What are they gonna argue in court?
Lol, what do you think they are gonna argue in court? They are gonna try to convince the judge they should be allowed to stay. Many are you know.

You wanna skip due process? I know conservatives hate most of the Constitution but that's going kinda far.
due process is not required for non-citizens as they have no constitutional protections even though we give most of them those protections.
You LIB dummy!
The detained illegals will stay in detention facilities for a couple of weeks and then be deported.
There are hundreds of immigration judges right now being sent to the border towns. Each one of them will process a few hundred illegals a day. Within a few months the detention facilities will be ghost camps.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
Why, you don’t want concentration camps so send them home. What are they gonna argue in court?
Lol, what do you think they are gonna argue in court? They are gonna try to convince the judge they should be allowed to stay. Many are you know.

You wanna skip due process? I know conservatives hate most of the Constitution but that's going kinda far.
Due process is Citizens rights. We have borders and you don’t want them. Don’t preach to me about constitution. You also want to take away amendments, more hate of my constitution

You should go find a country that matches your wants
If they are caught crossing the border, illegally.

Nab them...Name, if possible. Home Country. DNA sample. Maybe a meal.
Then throw them back across the river.

If they return...illegally...they get one year of picking lettuce for free before they
are deported again. (And the years go up each time)
He's a dumbass. This will be a disaster. The catch and release program was started because we had no place to put these people.
You LIB dummy!
The detained illegals will stay in detention facilities for a couple of weeks and then be deported.
There are hundreds of immigration judges right now being sent to the border towns. Each one of them will process a few hundred illegals a day. Within a few months the detention facilities will be ghost camps.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
illegals are not citizens and are not entitled to constitutional protections. Funny how the left fails to understand that..
No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

That's the 14th amendment BTW. You should actually read the Constitution some day, it's educational.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
Why, you don’t want concentration camps so send them home. What are they gonna argue in court?
Lol, what do you think they are gonna argue in court? They are gonna try to convince the judge they should be allowed to stay. Many are you know.

You wanna skip due process? I know conservatives hate most of the Constitution but that's going kinda far.
due process is not required for non-citizens as they have no constitutional protections even though we give most of them those protections.
Again, for the slow of thinking, the 14th amendment:

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
There is limited space. Every facility used for illegals is one less for criminals. Plus Trump removed Obama directive to prioritize violent criminals, so the low hanging fruit will be caught, detained, clogging jails & courts first. After 20 days or 6 months depending on classification, they all get released!!!

There's lots of land out in west bum, you know where, Texas, where tents can be set up just fine to house the illegals.

Yep and 4,000 Guardsmen on the way to the border to man those tent cities.

That caravan and the media were discussing our laws highlighting catch
and release. Maybe now we know what The Donald was planning all along.

We get ya stay until your hearing and then you're outta here.

Two days ago the Regular Army (Pentagon) announced its plans to support
spying technology along the border to assist the Border Patrol.

The Dems should have funded the wall and removed it as a campaign issue.
(Yes, their base would have been unhappy, but they would have still voted
for them, if they didn't stay home) NOW, Everybody is going to be talking about immigration laws all the way thru the election and Trump is on the side
of the American people on that one.

For a guy that took up politics as a hobby he's become quite the politician.
And don't forget the new funding bill is due on Sept 30th. 6 weeks before the
He's a dumbass. This will be a disaster. The catch and release program was started because we had no place to put these people.
You LIB dummy!
The detained illegals will stay in detention facilities for a couple of weeks and then be deported.
There are hundreds of immigration judges right now being sent to the border towns. Each one of them will process a few hundred illegals a day. Within a few months the detention facilities will be ghost camps.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
Watch and learn. These judges aren't LIB assholes trying to drag out every case for political reasons.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
Why, you don’t want concentration camps so send them home. What are they gonna argue in court?
Lol, what do you think they are gonna argue in court? They are gonna try to convince the judge they should be allowed to stay. Many are you know.

You wanna skip due process? I know conservatives hate most of the Constitution but that's going kinda far.
Due process is Citizens rights. We have borders and you don’t want them. Don’t preach to me about constitution. You also want to take away amendments, more hate of my constitution

You should go find a country that matches your wants
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
Why, you don’t want concentration camps so send them home. What are they gonna argue in court?
Lol, what do you think they are gonna argue in court? They are gonna try to convince the judge they should be allowed to stay. Many are you know.

You wanna skip due process? I know conservatives hate most of the Constitution but that's going kinda far.
due process is not required for non-citizens as they have no constitutional protections even though we give most of them those protections.
Again, for the slow of thinking, the 14th amendment:

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
I don’t see illegals in there! And the president knows it catch and release
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There's lots of land out in west bum, you know where, Texas, where tents can be set up just fine to house the illegals.

Yep and 4,000 Guardsmen on the way to the border to man those tent cities.

That caravan and the media were discussing our laws highlighting catch
and release. Maybe now we know what The Donald was planning all along.

We get ya stay until your hearing and then you're outta here.

Two days ago the Regular Army (Pentagon) announced its plans to support
spying technology along the border to assist the Border Patrol.

The Dems should have funded the wall and removed it as a campaign issue.
(Yes, their base would have been unhappy, but they would have still voted
for them, if they didn't stay home) NOW, Everybody is going to be talking about immigration laws all the way thru the election and Trump is on the side
of the American people on that one.

For a guy that took up politics as a hobby he's become quite the politician.
And don't forget the new funding bill is due on Sept 30th. 6 weeks before the
He's a dumbass. This will be a disaster. The catch and release program was started because we had no place to put these people.
You LIB dummy!
The detained illegals will stay in detention facilities for a couple of weeks and then be deported.
There are hundreds of immigration judges right now being sent to the border towns. Each one of them will process a few hundred illegals a day. Within a few months the detention facilities will be ghost camps.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
Watch and learn. These judges aren't LIB assholes trying to drag out every case for political reasons.
Nobody is trying to drag out any case. It's a simple matter of numbers.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
Why, you don’t want concentration camps so send them home. What are they gonna argue in court?
Lol, what do you think they are gonna argue in court? They are gonna try to convince the judge they should be allowed to stay. Many are you know.

You wanna skip due process? I know conservatives hate most of the Constitution but that's going kinda far.
Due process is Citizens rights. We have borders and you don’t want them. Don’t preach to me about constitution. You also want to take away amendments, more hate of my constitution

You should go find a country that matches your wants
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
Don’t worry folks like you are here. I’m good and totally in favor of catch and release
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You LIB dummy!
The detained illegals will stay in detention facilities for a couple of weeks and then be deported.
There are hundreds of immigration judges right now being sent to the border towns. Each one of them will process a few hundred illegals a day. Within a few months the detention facilities will be ghost camps.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
So send them home
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
Why, you don’t want concentration camps so send them home. What are they gonna argue in court?
Lol, what do you think they are gonna argue in court? They are gonna try to convince the judge they should be allowed to stay. Many are you know.

You wanna skip due process? I know conservatives hate most of the Constitution but that's going kinda far.
The USA is NOT the world's orphanage!
Ask your mommy if she will let a family of illegals move in beside you in her basement.
Can't do that kid, everybody gets their day in court. This is the US, not some third world dictatorship, no matter what tRump thinks.
Why, you don’t want concentration camps so send them home. What are they gonna argue in court?
Lol, what do you think they are gonna argue in court? They are gonna try to convince the judge they should be allowed to stay. Many are you know.

You wanna skip due process? I know conservatives hate most of the Constitution but that's going kinda far.
due process is not required for non-citizens as they have no constitutional protections even though we give most of them those protections.
Again, for the slow of thinking, the 14th amendment:

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
I don’t see illegals in there!
"Any person". As much as you people try to dehumanize them they are people.
Yep and 4,000 Guardsmen on the way to the border to man those tent cities.

That caravan and the media were discussing our laws highlighting catch
and release. Maybe now we know what The Donald was planning all along.

We get ya stay until your hearing and then you're outta here.

Two days ago the Regular Army (Pentagon) announced its plans to support
spying technology along the border to assist the Border Patrol.

The Dems should have funded the wall and removed it as a campaign issue.
(Yes, their base would have been unhappy, but they would have still voted
for them, if they didn't stay home) NOW, Everybody is going to be talking about immigration laws all the way thru the election and Trump is on the side
of the American people on that one.

For a guy that took up politics as a hobby he's become quite the politician.
And don't forget the new funding bill is due on Sept 30th. 6 weeks before the
He's a dumbass. This will be a disaster. The catch and release program was started because we had no place to put these people.
You LIB dummy!
The detained illegals will stay in detention facilities for a couple of weeks and then be deported.
There are hundreds of immigration judges right now being sent to the border towns. Each one of them will process a few hundred illegals a day. Within a few months the detention facilities will be ghost camps.
Lol, immigration courts are backed up for years. Ain't nothin gettin done in a couple of weeks.
Watch and learn. These judges aren't LIB assholes trying to drag out every case for political reasons.
Nobody is trying to drag out any case. It's a simple matter of numbers.
Good, then send them home where they came from

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