BREAKING: Trump Shared Highly Classified Info With Russians!

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Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
Washington Post - ‎2 hours ago‎
President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said Trump's disclosures jeopardized a critical source of ...
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Trump sharing highly classified information with Russia shows his extreme hubris
Washington Post - ‎2 hours ago‎
Hubris and rank amateurism are killing President Trump when it comes to his Russia problem. And that's the most charitable explanation. First, Trump made the very questionable decision to meet with top Russian officials a day after making the very ...

Washington Post: Trump shared classified info to Russians
CNN - ‎1 hour ago‎
H.R. McMaster, Trump's national security adviser who participated in the meeting, told the Post that Trump and the Russian officials discussed "common threats." "The President and the foreign minister reviewed common threats from terrorist ...

White House pushes back on reports that Trump revealed highly classified info
CNBC - ‎4 minutes ago‎
The Washington Post reported that President Donald Trump divulged highly classified information during his meeting with Russian officials last week. Officials told the Post that the information was incredibly sensitive and that its exposure endangers ...

Report: Trump revealed highly classified info to Russians
The Hill - ‎2 hours ago‎
President Trump revealed highly classified intelligence information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador while meeting with them last week at the White House, The Washington Post reported Monday. Current and former U.S. officials told the ...

Trump 'shared classified information with Russia'
BBC News - ‎25 minutes ago‎
President Donald Trump revealed highly classified information about so-called Islamic State to the Russian foreign minister, officials have told US media. The information came from a partner of the US which had not given the US permission to share it ...
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Trump Revealed Highly Classified Intelligence to Russia, in Break With Ally, Officials Say
New York Times - ‎28 minutes ago‎
WASHINGTON — President Trump boasted about highly classified intelligence in a meeting with the Russian foreign minister and ambassador last week, providing details that could expose the source of the information and the manner in which it was ...

Report: Trump revealed classified info to Russians at White House
CBS News - ‎1 hour ago‎
President Donald Trump revealed "highly classified" intelligence to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Ambassador Segey Kislyak during a meeting at the White House last week, according to The Washington Post. The disclosures may have ...

Look at the date of this report:

US bans laptops, iPads in carry-on bags from airports in 8 Islamic countries due to bomb fears

This shit has been in the news for a couple of months.


Is that the info Trump gave to the Russians Texas?

According to your links that's what everyone is bitching about. They discussed common terrorist threats including threats to civil aviations. According to McMasters and Tillerson who were in the room, no sources or methods were discussed. What exactly is bad about talking about something that has been in the news since at least March 21st?

Trump discussed a specific threat that could have only come from one source. He did this in spite of an agreement to not share the information. While he didn't divulge the source, it wouldn't be hard for the Russians to figure it out. Trump just burned a source and screwed an important ally in the war on ISIS.

Let me ask you something. How do you know it wasn't the leaker who actually exposed the information to WAPO and not Trump to the Russians? This is akin to the old question, when did you stop beating your wife? You can't disprove a negative. According to McMaster this morning Trump wasn't even briefed on the sources and methods, so how could he compromise them? There appears to be a considerable number of seditious people in government, that are trying to bring Trump down, it's time to start cleaning house. These people are accomplishing things Putin could only dream of.

Interesting idea. I had a similar one:
What if, and I by no means am advocating so much as the plausibility of this, but what if all this "bumbling Trump", and "colluding with the Russians", and "White House leaks", are no more than a ruse? I mean, what if, all of this is intended to facilitate a narrative that is fake. What if the "intel" supposedly given to the Russians was fake, and part of a disinformation campaign? What if all of this is intended to be a smoke screen? Sure it likely isn't all, but what if at least part of it were a smoke screen? Seriously.
Are we to believe that someone with first had knowledge of this meeting (aka was in the room) leaked this information to the WaPo without the blessing of people VERY close to the President (if not Trump himself)? Really? Are we to believe that someone with (likely) the highest levels of clearance just decided, all on their own, to leak this information (including classified intel) to the WaPo, and the WaPo (because of their love of country) decided to not include the intel? Has ANYONE really thought about it like that? Are we really THAT gullible as a nation?
Maybe it's all true. Maybe I'm way out in left (or right) field here. Maybe I'm not. I certainly hope that I am onto something here, because if this really is what is going on, we have far bigger problems than an incompetent President. Our entire country is at stake if the WaPo story is completely accurate. Think about it. If we, as a nation, rely on the media to keep national secrets, we are in serious trouble.

What are his big wins? So far I see mostly chaos. A country divided. Heck even republicans are divided.

Well, we have been to busy desiminating a scandle an hour to see things like American beef ranchers being able to sell to China. Was the other way around with Bush the elder and younger. Got a non Black Jesus apostle on the SC. There is stuff I jet no one who wants to talk about it. No where near as cool as getting a Nobel Peace prize for being borne though.

Let's hear all the ways he has made my life better.


Now you don't have to worry about your son's being forced to wear a dress to school.

Is that it?
When a, so called, president allows Russian government supported media into the White House, while shutting out US media, we have a problem. We are in danger of losing our Democratic legitimacy and the lives of many in the intelligence community when the, so called, president shares classified information with our greatest world adversary.

Putin must be smiling a big smile as he plan to destroy our country is going great. He has elected someone he has been grooming for years. Sadly, because the republican congress is complicit in the Russian take over, we only have the Judicial branch standing between us and destruction.


Trump is obviously a Russian foreign agent. Putin owns him.

What is Putin getting out of it? The sanctions are still

When a, so called, president allows Russian government supported media into the White House, while shutting out US media, we have a problem. We are in danger of losing our Democratic legitimacy and the lives of many in the intelligence community when the, so called, president shares classified information with our greatest world adversary.

Putin must be smiling a big smile as he plan to destroy our country is going great. He has elected someone he has been grooming for years. Sadly, because the republican congress is complicit in the Russian take over, we only have the Judicial branch standing between us and destruction.

What if Trump is the "puppet master" of Putin? What if Trump only wants us, and Russia to think it's the other way around? What if Trump fed the Russians disinformation? Have you thought about that possibility? Or are to too clouded by partisanship? I am by no means a Trump supporter, but I can see clearly enough to see that this is all very coincidental. My Mom always said, if you smell a rat, then there probably is a rat. I smell a rat in all of this "Trump is incompetent" stuff. If he is incompetent, what does that say about the rest of us who couldn't stop him from getting elected?
He's not incompetent, he is, potentially, being quite masterful in his playing of the MSM, U.S. public, Russia, and a host of others. He is a very smart man, and he is far from incompetent.
Again, I am no Trump supporter, but I am no Trump hater either. I refuse to let my political disagreements with the man cloud my ability to see his actions clearly. You, and everyone else, would be wise to do the same.
When a, so called, president allows Russian government supported media into the White House, while shutting out US media, we have a problem. We are in danger of losing our Democratic legitimacy and the lives of many in the intelligence community when the, so called, president shares classified information with our greatest world adversary.

Putin must be smiling a big smile as he plan to destroy our country is going great. He has elected someone he has been grooming for years. Sadly, because the republican congress is complicit in the Russian take over, we only have the Judicial branch standing between us and destruction.

What if Trump is the "puppet master" of Putin? What if Trump only wants us, and Russia to think it's the other way around? What if Trump fed the Russians disinformation? Have you thought about that possibility? Or are to too clouded by partisanship? I am by no means a Trump supporter, but I can see clearly enough to see that this is all very coincidental. My Mom always said, if you smell a rat, then there probably is a rat. I smell a rat in all of this "Trump is incompetent" stuff. If he is incompetent, what does that say about the rest of us who couldn't stop him from getting elected?
He's not incompetent, he is, potentially, being quite masterful in his playing of the MSM, U.S. public, Russia, and a host of others. He is a very smart man, and he is far from incompetent.
Again, I am no Trump supporter, but I am no Trump hater either. I refuse to let my political disagreements with the man cloud my ability to see his actions clearly. You, and everyone else, would be wise to do the same.

Exactly, this is part of Trump's plan to get the Russian military to fight terrorist so we don't have too or spend the money on

Like I said before Brilliant !!!

pretty sure they're next to all the links proving russia helped trump win.

i do have to wonder why people can call bullshit and/or for proof of claims other make about their side, yet it's ok to not have valid proof for the things you choose to attack.

not *you* specific junky. just met ya and have no idea what your claims are - but overall this is more common than people seem to realize. demand proof, give none.
The Washington Post is "the left wing media"?


You don't read papers much do you? We don't call it the Washington compost for nothing.

Yeah ok pal. I'm sure anything other than infowars and brietbart is the left wing media to you loons

Stick to the comics and rap music for you I guess because news and politics you know nothing about.

Keep shoveling down TV dinners in your trailer and getting your "news" from Limbaugh, because the real world is not where your head is, partisan hack bitch

God damn you are really Tha stupid? Scarry.....

Says the guy who dismisses anything that doesn't come from right wing news
You don't read papers much do you? We don't call it the Washington compost for nothing.

Yeah ok pal. I'm sure anything other than infowars and brietbart is the left wing media to you loons

Stick to the comics and rap music for you I guess because news and politics you know nothing about.

Keep shoveling down TV dinners in your trailer and getting your "news" from Limbaugh, because the real world is not where your head is, partisan hack bitch

God damn you are really Tha stupid? Scarry.....

Says the guy who dismisses anything that doesn't come from right wing news

You still babbling you didn't have a clue about the Washington compost?

BREAKING NEWS on MSNBC: Government officials say Israel was the source of the highly classified info that Trump shared with Russians. I can't imagine that Nutanyahoo is happy about that.
It is amazing that none of these Useful Idiot Moon Bats were concerned about classified material when it was Crooked Hillary being in violation of the security laws of this country? Now all of a sudden they are getting on their high horse about it.

What classified intel did Hillary leak?

I guess you were the only person on the planet not with their TV on last July 5 or in about a hundred re-airings since when Comey went right down the line listing them all, by classification and number, saying that all of them, key sensitive info directly tied to the USA and its allies, stored on an insecure server in her home outside the government was most likely hacked by Russia and China, not to mention reasons to think being sold for profit, doing irreparable harm to our country. Talk about being a friend to Russia! Then some of this stuff showed up with Huma Abedin and even on Anthony Weiner's computers! Then Hillary destroyed 30,000 government messages so no one could see just what she all had.

She almost became your president! After all of that, Comey usurped his authority and amazingly concluded that no reasonable prosecutor (ie, the Attorney General) would bother to act on this basis even though every prosecutor on the planet disagreed! That kept Hillary out of jail, kept her in the race, and is why Comey ultimately was fired.

Gee, you really ought to get off the Thorazine, Mellaril and Etrafon Forte once in a while to keep up with breaking world events!

And isn't that really the humor here? That all of this is being swept under the rug/ignored while they flip out because Trump let go of some minor detail about a Russian plane that was blown up. But I think in due time, Trump will come back around to Hillary to have her crimes reexamined. Sucks to be Clinton.
What classified intel did Hillary leak?

I guess you were the only person on the planet not with their TV on last July 5 or in about a hundred re-airings since when Comey went right down the line listing them all, by classification and number, saying that all of them, key sensitive info directly tied to the USA and its allies, stored on an insecure server in her home outside the government was most likely hacked by Russia and China, not to mention reasons to think being sold for profit, doing irreparable harm to our country. Talk about being a friend to Russia! Then some of this stuff showed up with Huma Abedin and even on Anthony Weiner's computers! Then Hillary destroyed 30,000 government messages so no one could see just what she all had.

She almost became your president! After all of that, Comey usurped his authority and amazingly concluded that no reasonable prosecutor (ie, the Attorney General) would bother to act on this basis even though every prosecutor on the planet disagreed! That kept Hillary out of jail, kept her in the race, and is why Comey ultimately was fired.

Gee, you really ought to get off the Thorazine, Mellaril and Etrafon Forte once in a while to keep up with breaking world events!

And isn't that really the humor here? That all of this is being swept under the rug/ignored while they flip out because Trump let go of some minor detail about a Russian plane that was blown up. But I think in due time, Trump will come back around to Hillary to have her crimes reexamined. Sucks to be Clinton.

I guess you were the only person on the planet not with their TV on last July 5 or in about a hundred re-airings since when Comey went right down the line listing them all, by classification and number, saying that all of them, key sensitive info directly tied to the USA and its allies, stored on an insecure server in her home outside the government was most likely hacked by Russia and China, not to mention reasons to think being sold for profit, doing irreparable harm to our country.

That's a hell of a sentence.

I wonder why none of those likely hacked emails never surfaced.
Unfortunately for snowflakes the Natl Security Advisor stated all information shared by Trump can be / is found in OPEN SOURCE reporting (unclass), and the source cited in the false accusation said he never saw or said what the report / article is saying, that it's bogus. (Surprise, surprise)

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