BREAKING: Voter Fraud In Michigan Favored Clinton – NOT Trump Clinton cheated

This recount has brought the most important thing to light, that Trump supporters who cried foul before the election REALLY don't care about the election process being honest and fair. They don't care if there is any problems with polling and voting. They only cared about that stuff if Trump would have lost. He won, so now all of a sudden all these problems are irrelevant.

oh please Louie .....give it up. :dunno:
whats with Jill Stien always claiming that all americans just want to make sure we had an honest/fair voter fraud/dead people,,,ect,,,well? then recount California !!!!

Or get rid of motor voter. That's the biggest invitation to cheat if there ever was one because they give illegals drivers licenses.
when Jill loses all three cracker white states, she will shoot for Guam and Canada next
This recount has brought the most important thing to light, that Trump supporters who cried foul before the election REALLY don't care about the election process being honest and fair. They don't care if there is any problems with polling and voting. They only cared about that stuff if Trump would have lost. He won, so now all of a sudden all these problems are irrelevant.

Another one with the blame shifting.

There are going to be problems with every election. You think this is something new? When you depend on machines, machines make mistakes. They made mistakes this election, the last election, the election before that, and the election before that.

The thing is we are all supposed to accept these mistakes as part of the process; at least we Republicans do. But when a Dem loses, now it's time to disrupt the entire system because liberals are crybabies. Oh, they will accept machine problems when they win, but when they lose????????

How do we know there is problems if nothing is ever double checked? You accept problems as Republicans? Is that some kind of fucking joke? You guys cried for months prior to the election that it was rigged! You've cried for years during Obama's reign that it is rigged and no one has checked for problems because Soros owns all the machines... now they do get checked and you cry about it. Get fucking real...

Being pissed off and taking action are two different things. Whoever loses will always be unhappy, but we never go through this idiotic process to try and make our loser into a winner. This is the third time in a row for your side. You people have collectively cost this country millions and millions of dollars because of your infantile reaction to losing.

Enough is enough already.
This recount has brought the most important thing to light, that Trump supporters who cried foul before the election REALLY don't care about the election process being honest and fair. They don't care if there is any problems with polling and voting. They only cared about that stuff if Trump would have lost. He won, so now all of a sudden all these problems are irrelevant.

Another one with the blame shifting.

There are going to be problems with every election. You think this is something new? When you depend on machines, machines make mistakes. They made mistakes this election, the last election, the election before that, and the election before that.

The thing is we are all supposed to accept these mistakes as part of the process; at least we Republicans do. But when a Dem loses, now it's time to disrupt the entire system because liberals are crybabies. Oh, they will accept machine problems when they win, but when they lose????????

How do we know there is problems if nothing is ever double checked? You accept problems as Republicans? Is that some kind of fucking joke? You guys cried for months prior to the election that it was rigged! You've cried for years during Obama's reign that it is rigged and no one has checked for problems because Soros owns all the machines... now they do get checked and you cry about it. Get fucking real...

Being pissed off and taking action are two different things. Whoever loses will always be unhappy, but we never go through this idiotic process to try and make our loser into a winner. This is the third time in a row for your side. You people have collectively cost this country millions and millions of dollars because of your infantile reaction to losing.

Enough is enough already.

My side? Me and you have gone over this a million times, and I've NEVER changed my position. I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I want the recount for the specific reason of finding flaws in the system. If all you can do is keep going back to the "sore loser" argument and saying I'm just trying to get Hillary elected, then there is no more reason to discuss anything with you.

You don't even have enough conviction in your position to take up my wager on the voting machines in Michigan.
This recount has brought the most important thing to light, that Trump supporters who cried foul before the election REALLY don't care about the election process being honest and fair. They don't care if there is any problems with polling and voting. They only cared about that stuff if Trump would have lost. He won, so now all of a sudden all these problems are irrelevant.

Another one with the blame shifting.

There are going to be problems with every election. You think this is something new? When you depend on machines, machines make mistakes. They made mistakes this election, the last election, the election before that, and the election before that.

The thing is we are all supposed to accept these mistakes as part of the process; at least we Republicans do. But when a Dem loses, now it's time to disrupt the entire system because liberals are crybabies. Oh, they will accept machine problems when they win, but when they lose????????

How do we know there is problems if nothing is ever double checked? You accept problems as Republicans? Is that some kind of fucking joke? You guys cried for months prior to the election that it was rigged! You've cried for years during Obama's reign that it is rigged and no one has checked for problems because Soros owns all the machines... now they do get checked and you cry about it. Get fucking real...

Being pissed off and taking action are two different things. Whoever loses will always be unhappy, but we never go through this idiotic process to try and make our loser into a winner. This is the third time in a row for your side. You people have collectively cost this country millions and millions of dollars because of your infantile reaction to losing.

Enough is enough already.

My side? Me and you have gone over this a million times, and I've NEVER changed my position. I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I want the recount for the specific reason of finding flaws in the system. If all you can do is keep going back to the "sore loser" argument and saying I'm just trying to get Hillary elected, then there is no more reason to discuss anything with you.

You don't even have enough conviction in your position to take up my wager on the voting machines in Michigan.

And we've gone over that before as well.

You want to find flaws in the system, then do this every election because every election has flaws in the system. It was flawed this time, it will be flawed next time, it will be flawed in 20 years from now. Machines will never be perfect and neither will people.

Since flaws will always be part of the system, it's only fair that both parties just accept that, not just one side.
This recount has brought the most important thing to light, that Trump supporters who cried foul before the election REALLY don't care about the election process being honest and fair. They don't care if there is any problems with polling and voting. They only cared about that stuff if Trump would have lost. He won, so now all of a sudden all these problems are irrelevant.

Another one with the blame shifting.

There are going to be problems with every election. You think this is something new? When you depend on machines, machines make mistakes. They made mistakes this election, the last election, the election before that, and the election before that.

The thing is we are all supposed to accept these mistakes as part of the process; at least we Republicans do. But when a Dem loses, now it's time to disrupt the entire system because liberals are crybabies. Oh, they will accept machine problems when they win, but when they lose????????

How do we know there is problems if nothing is ever double checked? You accept problems as Republicans? Is that some kind of fucking joke? You guys cried for months prior to the election that it was rigged! You've cried for years during Obama's reign that it is rigged and no one has checked for problems because Soros owns all the machines... now they do get checked and you cry about it. Get fucking real...

Being pissed off and taking action are two different things. Whoever loses will always be unhappy, but we never go through this idiotic process to try and make our loser into a winner. This is the third time in a row for your side. You people have collectively cost this country millions and millions of dollars because of your infantile reaction to losing.

Enough is enough already.

My side? Me and you have gone over this a million times, and I've NEVER changed my position. I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I want the recount for the specific reason of finding flaws in the system. If all you can do is keep going back to the "sore loser" argument and saying I'm just trying to get Hillary elected, then there is no more reason to discuss anything with you.

You don't even have enough conviction in your position to take up my wager on the voting machines in Michigan.

And we've gone over that before as well.

You want to find flaws in the system, then do this every election because every election has flaws in the system. It was flawed this time, it will be flawed next time, it will be flawed in 20 years from now. Machines will never be perfect and neither will people.

Since flaws will always be part of the system, it's only fair that both parties just accept that, not just one side.

Great way to look at life. Things are going to be fucked up, so let it be fucked up and move on. Don't worry about fixing things. If we are both members here in 4 years when Trump loses, I'll have to remember that when you complain about the results and there being some kind of voting problems.
Another one with the blame shifting.

There are going to be problems with every election. You think this is something new? When you depend on machines, machines make mistakes. They made mistakes this election, the last election, the election before that, and the election before that.

The thing is we are all supposed to accept these mistakes as part of the process; at least we Republicans do. But when a Dem loses, now it's time to disrupt the entire system because liberals are crybabies. Oh, they will accept machine problems when they win, but when they lose????????

How do we know there is problems if nothing is ever double checked? You accept problems as Republicans? Is that some kind of fucking joke? You guys cried for months prior to the election that it was rigged! You've cried for years during Obama's reign that it is rigged and no one has checked for problems because Soros owns all the machines... now they do get checked and you cry about it. Get fucking real...

Being pissed off and taking action are two different things. Whoever loses will always be unhappy, but we never go through this idiotic process to try and make our loser into a winner. This is the third time in a row for your side. You people have collectively cost this country millions and millions of dollars because of your infantile reaction to losing.

Enough is enough already.

My side? Me and you have gone over this a million times, and I've NEVER changed my position. I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I want the recount for the specific reason of finding flaws in the system. If all you can do is keep going back to the "sore loser" argument and saying I'm just trying to get Hillary elected, then there is no more reason to discuss anything with you.

You don't even have enough conviction in your position to take up my wager on the voting machines in Michigan.

And we've gone over that before as well.

You want to find flaws in the system, then do this every election because every election has flaws in the system. It was flawed this time, it will be flawed next time, it will be flawed in 20 years from now. Machines will never be perfect and neither will people.

Since flaws will always be part of the system, it's only fair that both parties just accept that, not just one side.

Great way to look at life. Things are going to be fucked up, so let it be fucked up and move on. Don't worry about fixing things. If we are both members here in 4 years when Trump loses, I'll have to remember that when you complain about the results and there being some kind of voting problems.

Good, you do that.

If you want to fix things, do it before the fact and not after. If you can come up with the year we will all see a flawless election, by all means, let us know what that year will be.

We Republicans do want to fix things before they happen. That's why we stand behind Voter-ID. It's the Democrats who are fighting hard and heavy against it bring up false claims of the poor, the minorities, and the elderly.

And if we are both here four years from now, and if Trump decides to run for a second term (which I doubt) I want to see your reaction if people on our side demand recounts in borderline states with no evidence of foul play whatsoever.
How do we know there is problems if nothing is ever double checked? You accept problems as Republicans? Is that some kind of fucking joke? You guys cried for months prior to the election that it was rigged! You've cried for years during Obama's reign that it is rigged and no one has checked for problems because Soros owns all the machines... now they do get checked and you cry about it. Get fucking real...

Being pissed off and taking action are two different things. Whoever loses will always be unhappy, but we never go through this idiotic process to try and make our loser into a winner. This is the third time in a row for your side. You people have collectively cost this country millions and millions of dollars because of your infantile reaction to losing.

Enough is enough already.

My side? Me and you have gone over this a million times, and I've NEVER changed my position. I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I want the recount for the specific reason of finding flaws in the system. If all you can do is keep going back to the "sore loser" argument and saying I'm just trying to get Hillary elected, then there is no more reason to discuss anything with you.

You don't even have enough conviction in your position to take up my wager on the voting machines in Michigan.

And we've gone over that before as well.

You want to find flaws in the system, then do this every election because every election has flaws in the system. It was flawed this time, it will be flawed next time, it will be flawed in 20 years from now. Machines will never be perfect and neither will people.

Since flaws will always be part of the system, it's only fair that both parties just accept that, not just one side.

Great way to look at life. Things are going to be fucked up, so let it be fucked up and move on. Don't worry about fixing things. If we are both members here in 4 years when Trump loses, I'll have to remember that when you complain about the results and there being some kind of voting problems.

Good, you do that.

If you want to fix things, do it before the fact and not after. If you can come up with the year we will all see a flawless election, by all means, let us know what that year will be.

We Republicans do want to fix things before they happen. That's why we stand behind Voter-ID. It's the Democrats who are fighting hard and heavy against it bring up false claims of the poor, the minorities, and the elderly.

And if we are both here four years from now, and if Trump decides to run for a second term (which I doubt) I want to see your reaction if people on our side demand recounts in borderline states with no evidence of foul play whatsoever.

Haha you realize there is an election every 4 years? So how do you fix it before the fact? Every year one party or the other isn't going to be happy. So why is NEXT time a better time than THIS time? Oh... because Trump won. Yeah that makes sense. :cuckoo:
Being pissed off and taking action are two different things. Whoever loses will always be unhappy, but we never go through this idiotic process to try and make our loser into a winner. This is the third time in a row for your side. You people have collectively cost this country millions and millions of dollars because of your infantile reaction to losing.

Enough is enough already.

My side? Me and you have gone over this a million times, and I've NEVER changed my position. I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I want the recount for the specific reason of finding flaws in the system. If all you can do is keep going back to the "sore loser" argument and saying I'm just trying to get Hillary elected, then there is no more reason to discuss anything with you.

You don't even have enough conviction in your position to take up my wager on the voting machines in Michigan.

And we've gone over that before as well.

You want to find flaws in the system, then do this every election because every election has flaws in the system. It was flawed this time, it will be flawed next time, it will be flawed in 20 years from now. Machines will never be perfect and neither will people.

Since flaws will always be part of the system, it's only fair that both parties just accept that, not just one side.

Great way to look at life. Things are going to be fucked up, so let it be fucked up and move on. Don't worry about fixing things. If we are both members here in 4 years when Trump loses, I'll have to remember that when you complain about the results and there being some kind of voting problems.

Good, you do that.

If you want to fix things, do it before the fact and not after. If you can come up with the year we will all see a flawless election, by all means, let us know what that year will be.

We Republicans do want to fix things before they happen. That's why we stand behind Voter-ID. It's the Democrats who are fighting hard and heavy against it bring up false claims of the poor, the minorities, and the elderly.

And if we are both here four years from now, and if Trump decides to run for a second term (which I doubt) I want to see your reaction if people on our side demand recounts in borderline states with no evidence of foul play whatsoever.

Haha you realize there is an election every 4 years? So how do you fix it before the fact? Every year one party or the other isn't going to be happy. So why is NEXT time a better time than THIS time? Oh... because Trump won. Yeah that makes sense. :cuckoo:

That's what I said earlier: one side is not going to be happy. That's the way it rolls. But again, it's one thing to not be happy, it's another to start riots, block traffic with protests, recount elections for no reason, have some worthless fat ass like Michael Moore arrange protests at the inauguration. We Republicans don't do that. We just accept the outcome (grudgingly) and MoveOn.Org.
It's amazing, despite the fact that the recount in Michigan has brought issues to light about problems with the voting system, which has been the basis for the recount all along, Trump supporters still revel in the ending of the recount before it is finished.

It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Looking for Russians hacking our machines and being against Voter-ID is cutting of your nose to spite your face.
Nobody ever has or ever will bother with single voter fraud....dupe. Hacking machines, yes. Stuffing boxes, yes.
My side? Me and you have gone over this a million times, and I've NEVER changed my position. I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I want the recount for the specific reason of finding flaws in the system. If all you can do is keep going back to the "sore loser" argument and saying I'm just trying to get Hillary elected, then there is no more reason to discuss anything with you.

You don't even have enough conviction in your position to take up my wager on the voting machines in Michigan.

And we've gone over that before as well.

You want to find flaws in the system, then do this every election because every election has flaws in the system. It was flawed this time, it will be flawed next time, it will be flawed in 20 years from now. Machines will never be perfect and neither will people.

Since flaws will always be part of the system, it's only fair that both parties just accept that, not just one side.

Great way to look at life. Things are going to be fucked up, so let it be fucked up and move on. Don't worry about fixing things. If we are both members here in 4 years when Trump loses, I'll have to remember that when you complain about the results and there being some kind of voting problems.

Good, you do that.

If you want to fix things, do it before the fact and not after. If you can come up with the year we will all see a flawless election, by all means, let us know what that year will be.

We Republicans do want to fix things before they happen. That's why we stand behind Voter-ID. It's the Democrats who are fighting hard and heavy against it bring up false claims of the poor, the minorities, and the elderly.

And if we are both here four years from now, and if Trump decides to run for a second term (which I doubt) I want to see your reaction if people on our side demand recounts in borderline states with no evidence of foul play whatsoever.

Haha you realize there is an election every 4 years? So how do you fix it before the fact? Every year one party or the other isn't going to be happy. So why is NEXT time a better time than THIS time? Oh... because Trump won. Yeah that makes sense. :cuckoo:

That's what I said earlier: one side is not going to be happy. That's the way it rolls. But again, it's one thing to not be happy, it's another to start riots, block traffic with protests, recount elections for no reason, have some worthless fat ass like Michael Moore arrange protests at the inauguration. We Republicans don't do that. We just accept the outcome (grudgingly) and MoveOn.Org.

So again you are deflecting. You're saying we shouldn't have recounts and find problems with voting in states because of protests?
My side? Me and you have gone over this a million times, and I've NEVER changed my position. I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I want the recount for the specific reason of finding flaws in the system. If all you can do is keep going back to the "sore loser" argument and saying I'm just trying to get Hillary elected, then there is no more reason to discuss anything with you.

You don't even have enough conviction in your position to take up my wager on the voting machines in Michigan.

And we've gone over that before as well.

You want to find flaws in the system, then do this every election because every election has flaws in the system. It was flawed this time, it will be flawed next time, it will be flawed in 20 years from now. Machines will never be perfect and neither will people.

Since flaws will always be part of the system, it's only fair that both parties just accept that, not just one side.

Great way to look at life. Things are going to be fucked up, so let it be fucked up and move on. Don't worry about fixing things. If we are both members here in 4 years when Trump loses, I'll have to remember that when you complain about the results and there being some kind of voting problems.

Good, you do that.

If you want to fix things, do it before the fact and not after. If you can come up with the year we will all see a flawless election, by all means, let us know what that year will be.

We Republicans do want to fix things before they happen. That's why we stand behind Voter-ID. It's the Democrats who are fighting hard and heavy against it bring up false claims of the poor, the minorities, and the elderly.

And if we are both here four years from now, and if Trump decides to run for a second term (which I doubt) I want to see your reaction if people on our side demand recounts in borderline states with no evidence of foul play whatsoever.

Haha you realize there is an election every 4 years? So how do you fix it before the fact? Every year one party or the other isn't going to be happy. So why is NEXT time a better time than THIS time? Oh... because Trump won. Yeah that makes sense. :cuckoo:

That's what I said earlier: one side is not going to be happy. That's the way it rolls. But again, it's one thing to not be happy, it's another to start riots, block traffic with protests, recount elections for no reason, have some worthless fat ass like Michael Moore arrange protests at the inauguration. We Republicans don't do that. We just accept the outcome (grudgingly) and MoveOn.Org.
And obstruct everything for 8 years in a secret meeting...AGAIN. "The no compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME

When one candidate says the election is rigged and 3 million illegals voted, what do you think he would have done? lol. DAMN good idea to try a recount just so the dupes don't believe that crap- plus of course Putin DID rig it- to what EXTENT?

. ONE riot, in Oakland. as always..Fear mongered all to hell by your bs RW media and fake news.
And we've gone over that before as well.

You want to find flaws in the system, then do this every election because every election has flaws in the system. It was flawed this time, it will be flawed next time, it will be flawed in 20 years from now. Machines will never be perfect and neither will people.

Since flaws will always be part of the system, it's only fair that both parties just accept that, not just one side.

Great way to look at life. Things are going to be fucked up, so let it be fucked up and move on. Don't worry about fixing things. If we are both members here in 4 years when Trump loses, I'll have to remember that when you complain about the results and there being some kind of voting problems.

Good, you do that.

If you want to fix things, do it before the fact and not after. If you can come up with the year we will all see a flawless election, by all means, let us know what that year will be.

We Republicans do want to fix things before they happen. That's why we stand behind Voter-ID. It's the Democrats who are fighting hard and heavy against it bring up false claims of the poor, the minorities, and the elderly.

And if we are both here four years from now, and if Trump decides to run for a second term (which I doubt) I want to see your reaction if people on our side demand recounts in borderline states with no evidence of foul play whatsoever.

Haha you realize there is an election every 4 years? So how do you fix it before the fact? Every year one party or the other isn't going to be happy. So why is NEXT time a better time than THIS time? Oh... because Trump won. Yeah that makes sense. :cuckoo:

That's what I said earlier: one side is not going to be happy. That's the way it rolls. But again, it's one thing to not be happy, it's another to start riots, block traffic with protests, recount elections for no reason, have some worthless fat ass like Michael Moore arrange protests at the inauguration. We Republicans don't do that. We just accept the outcome (grudgingly) and MoveOn.Org.

So again you are deflecting. You're saying we shouldn't have recounts and find problems with voting in states because of protests?

I'm saying we shouldn't have recounts with no evidence of wrongdoing just because your side lost. I'm saying that Democrats should behave like adults and just accept the results unless something obvious points to nefarious activities. Assuming (because you lost) is not evidence enough that something was amiss. You just lost. Get over it.

This is the way WE ALL decided to have elections. We use the Electoral College to represent their states. We do not use popular vote, and we will not convert to using popular vote just because you lost.
Great way to look at life. Things are going to be fucked up, so let it be fucked up and move on. Don't worry about fixing things. If we are both members here in 4 years when Trump loses, I'll have to remember that when you complain about the results and there being some kind of voting problems.

Good, you do that.

If you want to fix things, do it before the fact and not after. If you can come up with the year we will all see a flawless election, by all means, let us know what that year will be.

We Republicans do want to fix things before they happen. That's why we stand behind Voter-ID. It's the Democrats who are fighting hard and heavy against it bring up false claims of the poor, the minorities, and the elderly.

And if we are both here four years from now, and if Trump decides to run for a second term (which I doubt) I want to see your reaction if people on our side demand recounts in borderline states with no evidence of foul play whatsoever.

Haha you realize there is an election every 4 years? So how do you fix it before the fact? Every year one party or the other isn't going to be happy. So why is NEXT time a better time than THIS time? Oh... because Trump won. Yeah that makes sense. :cuckoo:

That's what I said earlier: one side is not going to be happy. That's the way it rolls. But again, it's one thing to not be happy, it's another to start riots, block traffic with protests, recount elections for no reason, have some worthless fat ass like Michael Moore arrange protests at the inauguration. We Republicans don't do that. We just accept the outcome (grudgingly) and MoveOn.Org.

So again you are deflecting. You're saying we shouldn't have recounts and find problems with voting in states because of protests?

I'm saying we shouldn't have recounts with no evidence of wrongdoing just because your side lost. I'm saying that Democrats should behave like adults and just accept the results unless something obvious points to nefarious activities. Assuming (because you lost) is not evidence enough that something was amiss. You just lost. Get over it.

This is the way WE ALL decided to have elections. We use the Electoral College to represent their states. We do not use popular vote, and we will not convert to using popular vote just because you lost.

But it would have been ok if Trump lost to do a recount because Trump said beforehand that the election is rigged? With no evidence.

In my opinion, every year a couple states should be recounted and their system audited to check for problems. Voting and electing our President is one of the most important things in our country. The fact that Republicans are fighting these recounts so hard THIS year compared to when they lost, reassures my feelings.
And we've gone over that before as well.

You want to find flaws in the system, then do this every election because every election has flaws in the system. It was flawed this time, it will be flawed next time, it will be flawed in 20 years from now. Machines will never be perfect and neither will people.

Since flaws will always be part of the system, it's only fair that both parties just accept that, not just one side.

Great way to look at life. Things are going to be fucked up, so let it be fucked up and move on. Don't worry about fixing things. If we are both members here in 4 years when Trump loses, I'll have to remember that when you complain about the results and there being some kind of voting problems.

Good, you do that.

If you want to fix things, do it before the fact and not after. If you can come up with the year we will all see a flawless election, by all means, let us know what that year will be.

We Republicans do want to fix things before they happen. That's why we stand behind Voter-ID. It's the Democrats who are fighting hard and heavy against it bring up false claims of the poor, the minorities, and the elderly.

And if we are both here four years from now, and if Trump decides to run for a second term (which I doubt) I want to see your reaction if people on our side demand recounts in borderline states with no evidence of foul play whatsoever.

Haha you realize there is an election every 4 years? So how do you fix it before the fact? Every year one party or the other isn't going to be happy. So why is NEXT time a better time than THIS time? Oh... because Trump won. Yeah that makes sense. :cuckoo:

That's what I said earlier: one side is not going to be happy. That's the way it rolls. But again, it's one thing to not be happy, it's another to start riots, block traffic with protests, recount elections for no reason, have some worthless fat ass like Michael Moore arrange protests at the inauguration. We Republicans don't do that. We just accept the outcome (grudgingly) and MoveOn.Org.
And obstruct everything for 8 years in a secret meeting...AGAIN. "The no compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME

When one candidate says the election is rigged and 3 million illegals voted, what do you think he would have done? lol. DAMN good idea to try a recount just so the dupes don't believe that crap- plus of course Putin DID rig it- to what EXTENT?

. ONE riot, in Oakland. as always..Fear mongered all to hell by your bs RW media and fake news.

He's your president...not she...suck on it.
Great way to look at life. Things are going to be fucked up, so let it be fucked up and move on. Don't worry about fixing things. If we are both members here in 4 years when Trump loses, I'll have to remember that when you complain about the results and there being some kind of voting problems.

Good, you do that.

If you want to fix things, do it before the fact and not after. If you can come up with the year we will all see a flawless election, by all means, let us know what that year will be.

We Republicans do want to fix things before they happen. That's why we stand behind Voter-ID. It's the Democrats who are fighting hard and heavy against it bring up false claims of the poor, the minorities, and the elderly.

And if we are both here four years from now, and if Trump decides to run for a second term (which I doubt) I want to see your reaction if people on our side demand recounts in borderline states with no evidence of foul play whatsoever.

Haha you realize there is an election every 4 years? So how do you fix it before the fact? Every year one party or the other isn't going to be happy. So why is NEXT time a better time than THIS time? Oh... because Trump won. Yeah that makes sense. :cuckoo:

That's what I said earlier: one side is not going to be happy. That's the way it rolls. But again, it's one thing to not be happy, it's another to start riots, block traffic with protests, recount elections for no reason, have some worthless fat ass like Michael Moore arrange protests at the inauguration. We Republicans don't do that. We just accept the outcome (grudgingly) and MoveOn.Org.
And obstruct everything for 8 years in a secret meeting...AGAIN. "The no compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME

When one candidate says the election is rigged and 3 million illegals voted, what do you think he would have done? lol. DAMN good idea to try a recount just so the dupes don't believe that crap- plus of course Putin DID rig it- to what EXTENT?

. ONE riot, in Oakland. as always..Fear mongered all to hell by your bs RW media and fake news.

He's your president...not she...suck on it.
That's right, shyttehead. I just like some truth, not your fake news. Luckily he's not as stupid as you. Duped AGAIN. D'OH!

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