BREAKING: Voter Fraud In Michigan Favored Clinton – NOT Trump Clinton cheated

Why tamper with Detroit though, isn't it a slam dunk to vote Democrat? Would seem to me if you wanted to rig an election it wouldn't be in a precinct you are going to win in a landslide anyways.

It's probably a lot easier though for the voting "officials" in those such districts to let the dems "tech guy" go in there and tweak away.

I still want to know in the previous presidential election how about 15 neighboring precincts in Philadelphia somehow managed to come up with 19,202 votes for Obama and 0 votes for Romney? Of course the MSM saw no problem with that.

The same exact thing happened here in Cleveland as well.
In all black precincts. I'll bet the 19k is fake news...

I don't want your money. ( is a democrat news reporting site, almost assuredly)

In 59 Philadelphia voting divisions, Mitt Romney got zero votes
There are bs GOP sites, and then there are journalists (not as good as they used to be- cowardly, ratings mad punks lol. Almost all fake news is GOP, dupe. They have a whole other planet.
It's amazing, despite the fact that the recount in Michigan has brought issues to light about problems with the voting system, which has been the basis for the recount all along, Trump supporters still revel in the ending of the recount before it is finished.

It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Why, you hoping some undercover scheme (putin-like as you dems think exists) can secretly turn the voting tables in your favor? I think they already tried everything.

Or are you actually thinking an honest vote count could defy the most impossible odds calculable?
Talk about a waste of time and money.

I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I think the recount is important to check the system for problems, not for changing the election. How in the fuck is it a waste of money to check the voting system??? Is it a waste of money just because your candidate won?

They already found out that some of the old voting machines in Michigan are fucked up and they need replaced. Who knows what other problems they might have found that need to be fixed? Now they won't.

That was not their claim for the recount. Their claim was that Russia might have hacked the machines which is nearly impossible. You don't need a state recount to find defective machines, and Stein wouldn't be collecting millions of dollars to find them.
What we're going to find is that Trump's "rigging" is bs, as are your dupe conspiracee!!! theories about dead people and illegals voting. You're welcome, dupes. Someday you might get it....
It's amazing, despite the fact that the recount in Michigan has brought issues to light about problems with the voting system, which has been the basis for the recount all along, Trump supporters still revel in the ending of the recount before it is finished.

It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Looking for Russians hacking our machines and being against Voter-ID is cutting of your nose to spite your face.
It's amazing, despite the fact that the recount in Michigan has brought issues to light about problems with the voting system, which has been the basis for the recount all along, Trump supporters still revel in the ending of the recount before it is finished.

It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Why, you hoping some undercover scheme (putin-like as you dems think exists) can secretly turn the voting tables in your favor? I think they already tried everything.

Or are you actually thinking an honest vote count could defy the most impossible odds calculable?
Talk about a waste of time and money.

I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I think the recount is important to check the system for problems, not for changing the election. How in the fuck is it a waste of money to check the voting system??? Is it a waste of money just because your candidate won?

They already found out that some of the old voting machines in Michigan are fucked up and they need replaced. Who knows what other problems they might have found that need to be fixed? Now they won't.

That was not their claim for the recount. Their claim was that Russia might have hacked the machines which is nearly impossible. You don't need a state recount to find defective machines, and Stein wouldn't be collecting millions of dollars to find them.

That wasn't the ONLY issue. That's the issue you are stuck on. They have already found problems with machines. If the recount didn't happen, this would have never been brought to people's attention. WHY are you guys fighting this so much? Seriously? This is not something that benefits any particular political party. It is something that helps the entire integrity of the election process.
Can you say sore losers? I sent HRC a trophy of a horse's ass for second place.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It's amazing, despite the fact that the recount in Michigan has brought issues to light about problems with the voting system, which has been the basis for the recount all along, Trump supporters still revel in the ending of the recount before it is finished.

It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Why, you hoping some undercover scheme (putin-like as you dems think exists) can secretly turn the voting tables in your favor? I think they already tried everything.

Or are you actually thinking an honest vote count could defy the most impossible odds calculable?
Talk about a waste of time and money.

I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I think the recount is important to check the system for problems, not for changing the election. How in the fuck is it a waste of money to check the voting system??? Is it a waste of money just because your candidate won?

They already found out that some of the old voting machines in Michigan are fucked up and they need replaced. Who knows what other problems they might have found that need to be fixed? Now they won't.

That was not their claim for the recount. Their claim was that Russia might have hacked the machines which is nearly impossible. You don't need a state recount to find defective machines, and Stein wouldn't be collecting millions of dollars to find them.
They hacked everything else to get Trump elected. To the point where TRUMP's bs about rigging was getting traction. We'll see.
It's amazing, despite the fact that the recount in Michigan has brought issues to light about problems with the voting system, which has been the basis for the recount all along, Trump supporters still revel in the ending of the recount before it is finished.

It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Why, you hoping some undercover scheme (putin-like as you dems think exists) can secretly turn the voting tables in your favor? I think they already tried everything.

Or are you actually thinking an honest vote count could defy the most impossible odds calculable?
Talk about a waste of time and money.

I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I think the recount is important to check the system for problems, not for changing the election. How in the fuck is it a waste of money to check the voting system??? Is it a waste of money just because your candidate won?

They already found out that some of the old voting machines in Michigan are fucked up and they need replaced. Who knows what other problems they might have found that need to be fixed? Now they won't.

That was not their claim for the recount. Their claim was that Russia might have hacked the machines which is nearly impossible. You don't need a state recount to find defective machines, and Stein wouldn't be collecting millions of dollars to find them.

That wasn't the ONLY issue. That's the issue you are stuck on. They have already found problems with machines. If the recount didn't happen, this would have never been brought to people's attention. WHY are you guys fighting this so much? Seriously? This is not something that benefits any particular political party. It is something that helps the entire integrity of the election process.

Why is it we only have to go through his nonsense when a Democrats loses? Can you imagine the cluster F if we did this each and every presidential election?
This recount has brought the most important thing to light, that Trump supporters who cried foul before the election REALLY don't care about the election process being honest and fair. They don't care if there is any problems with polling and voting. They only cared about that stuff if Trump would have lost. He won, so now all of a sudden all these problems are irrelevant.
It's amazing, despite the fact that the recount in Michigan has brought issues to light about problems with the voting system, which has been the basis for the recount all along, Trump supporters still revel in the ending of the recount before it is finished.

It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Why, you hoping some undercover scheme (putin-like as you dems think exists) can secretly turn the voting tables in your favor? I think they already tried everything.

Or are you actually thinking an honest vote count could defy the most impossible odds calculable?
Talk about a waste of time and money.

I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I think the recount is important to check the system for problems, not for changing the election. How in the fuck is it a waste of money to check the voting system??? Is it a waste of money just because your candidate won?

They already found out that some of the old voting machines in Michigan are fucked up and they need replaced. Who knows what other problems they might have found that need to be fixed? Now they won't.

That was not their claim for the recount. Their claim was that Russia might have hacked the machines which is nearly impossible. You don't need a state recount to find defective machines, and Stein wouldn't be collecting millions of dollars to find them.
They hacked everything else to get Trump elected. To the point where TRUMP's bs about rigging was getting traction. We'll see.

Oh quit blaming Trump. Why is it every single time you leftists fail at something, you try to blame Republicans for your snafu? When are you Commies going to start taking responsibility for yourselves for a change?
This recount has brought the most important thing to light, that Trump supporters who cried foul before the election REALLY don't care about the election process being honest and fair. They don't care if there is any problems with polling and voting. They only cared about that stuff if Trump would have lost. He won, so now all of a sudden all these problems are irrelevant.

oh please Louie .....give it up. :dunno:
It's amazing, despite the fact that the recount in Michigan has brought issues to light about problems with the voting system, which has been the basis for the recount all along, Trump supporters still revel in the ending of the recount before it is finished.

It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Why, you hoping some undercover scheme (putin-like as you dems think exists) can secretly turn the voting tables in your favor? I think they already tried everything.

Or are you actually thinking an honest vote count could defy the most impossible odds calculable?
Talk about a waste of time and money.

I'm not a "lib" and I've said all along that I think the recount is important to check the system for problems, not for changing the election. How in the fuck is it a waste of money to check the voting system??? Is it a waste of money just because your candidate won?

They already found out that some of the old voting machines in Michigan are fucked up and they need replaced. Who knows what other problems they might have found that need to be fixed? Now they won't.

That was not their claim for the recount. Their claim was that Russia might have hacked the machines which is nearly impossible. You don't need a state recount to find defective machines, and Stein wouldn't be collecting millions of dollars to find them.

That wasn't the ONLY issue. That's the issue you are stuck on. They have already found problems with machines. If the recount didn't happen, this would have never been brought to people's attention. WHY are you guys fighting this so much? Seriously? This is not something that benefits any particular political party. It is something that helps the entire integrity of the election process.

Why is it we only have to go through his nonsense when a Democrats loses? Can you imagine the cluster F if we did this each and every presidential election?

Again... this isn't about a Democrat losing. It's only about that because you support Trump and he won. You cared about the integrity of the election before the results, now your candidate won and you don't care. That shows just how much integrity you have personally.
There are bs GOP sites, and then there are journalists (not as good as they used to be- cowardly, ratings mad punks lol. Almost all fake news is GOP, dupe. They have a whole other planet.

What are you doing, looking at yourself in the mirror and giving yourself pep talks? To me you sound silly.
BREAKING: Voter Fraud In Michigan Favored Clinton – NOT Trump

LOL so do we get to arrest the people who helped Hillary lose by breaking election laws

Optical ballot scanners in Michigan that malfunctioned on election night and may have counted votes twice were situated in heavily Democratic areas, meaning that any vote fraud in the state actually favored Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump.

It just keeps getting better and better. They cheat and still lose then they demand a recounts and get caught cheating....fucking awesome!
This recount has brought the most important thing to light, that Trump supporters who cried foul before the election REALLY don't care about the election process being honest and fair. They don't care if there is any problems with polling and voting. They only cared about that stuff if Trump would have lost. He won, so now all of a sudden all these problems are irrelevant.

Another one with the blame shifting.

There are going to be problems with every election. You think this is something new? When you depend on machines, machines make mistakes. They made mistakes this election, the last election, the election before that, and the election before that.

The thing is we are all supposed to accept these mistakes as part of the process; at least we Republicans do. But when a Dem loses, now it's time to disrupt the entire system because liberals are crybabies. Oh, they will accept machine problems when they win, but when they lose????????
This recount has brought the most important thing to light, that Trump supporters who cried foul before the election REALLY don't care about the election process being honest and fair. They don't care if there is any problems with polling and voting. They only cared about that stuff if Trump would have lost. He won, so now all of a sudden all these problems are irrelevant.

oh please Louie .....give it up. :dunno:
whats with Jill Stien always claiming that all americans just want to make sure we had an honest/fair voter fraud/dead people,,,ect,,,well? then recount California !!!!
This recount has brought the most important thing to light, that Trump supporters who cried foul before the election REALLY don't care about the election process being honest and fair. They don't care if there is any problems with polling and voting. They only cared about that stuff if Trump would have lost. He won, so now all of a sudden all these problems are irrelevant.

Another one with the blame shifting.

There are going to be problems with every election. You think this is something new? When you depend on machines, machines make mistakes. They made mistakes this election, the last election, the election before that, and the election before that.

The thing is we are all supposed to accept these mistakes as part of the process; at least we Republicans do. But when a Dem loses, now it's time to disrupt the entire system because liberals are crybabies. Oh, they will accept machine problems when they win, but when they lose????????

How do we know there is problems if nothing is ever double checked? You accept problems as Republicans? Is that some kind of fucking joke? You guys cried for months prior to the election that it was rigged! You've cried for years during Obama's reign that it is rigged and no one has checked for problems because Soros owns all the machines... now they do get checked and you cry about it. Get fucking real...

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