BREAKING: Voter Fraud In Michigan Favored Clinton – NOT Trump Clinton cheated

The Detroit Free Press, Motown's beacon for truth and justice
has several stories concerning Wayne County dealing with corrupted ballot-storage, ballots not matching voting totals, and ballots that made no choice for president being changed to Clinton votes. The judge who bought Stein's malarkey is also the judge who ruled against his earlier ruling when the Appeals Court found no legal argument for a recount. This ends it despite Stein's plans to take it to the Michigan Supreme Court...they won't put it on their docket at this point.
It's amazing, despite the fact that the recount in Michigan has brought issues to light about problems with the voting system, which has been the basis for the recount all along, Trump supporters still revel in the ending of the recount before it is finished.

It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Issues Lewd?


It shows MASSIVE election fraud in Detroit, perpetrated by the democrats. This confirms what EVERYONE already knew, democrats cheat in every election

How's it massive voter fraud by Democrats that old machines don't work properly? It's called ... old machines that don't work properly. They need replaced. This wouldn't have been brought to people's attention to get fixed without the recounts. Republicans like you should be happy about it. Instead you are happy the recounts stopped. I'm not sure if it's the fact you are blind or dumb.

It isn't "fraud" at all, we established that as soon as this thread started but Pothead is not exactly the brightest bulb in the light tower.

Actual fraud of course would involve controlling an outcome. And it wouldn't depend on random paper jams when the vote was not even known anyway. You have as much of a chance of losing a vote that way as gaining one.

Some morons just can't help themselves, they're so eager to get their name on the internets that the forget to think about their point first.

Lie some more huffer, your party will love you, always.

MICHIGAN – One-third of precincts in Wayne County could be disqualified from an unprecedented statewide recount of presidential election results because of problems with ballots.

Michigan’s largest county voted overwhelmingly for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, but officials couldn’t reconcile vote totals for 610 of 1,680 precincts during a countywide canvass of vote results late last month.

Most of those are in heavily Democratic Detroit, where the number of ballots in precinct poll books did not match those of voting machine printout reports in 59 percent of precincts, 392 of 662.

According to state law, precincts whose poll books don’t match with ballots can’t be recounted. If that happens, original election results stand}

Detroit Voter Fraud so Extensive Half of Initial Votes Ineligible for Recount…

Will you go to prison for failing to figure out what "fraud" means? :lol:

Say you fucking retard, did you REALLY claim that "it's only fraud if it changes the outcome?"

Yeah, try that in a federal court, shit fer brains. :lmao:

As you become more shrill, you become far more funny, but vastly more stupid...

Will you go to prison for failing to figure out what "fraud" means? :lol:

Say you fucking retard, did you REALLY claim that "it's only fraud if it changes the outcome?"

Yeah, try that in a federal court, shit fer brains. :lmao:

As you become more shrill, you become far more funny, but vastly more stupid...

No dipshit, fraud has to be intentional. The voting station workers had no clue if the votes were being counted twice because they were getting jammed in the machines.
No dipshit, fraud has to be intentional.


The voting station workers had no clue if the votes were being counted twice because they were getting jammed in the machines.


They knew exactly what was going on.

Oh, and about the claim Hillary won the popular vote? Well, maybe not so much......
No dipshit, fraud has to be intentional.


The voting station workers had no clue if the votes were being counted twice because they were getting jammed in the machines.


They knew exactly what was going on.

Oh, and about the claim Hillary won the popular vote? Well, maybe not so much......

Wait, you KNOW what they were thinking? You KNOW what happened? Were you there?

Will you go to prison for failing to figure out what "fraud" means? :lol:

Say you fucking retard, did you REALLY claim that "it's only fraud if it changes the outcome?"

Yeah, try that in a federal court, shit fer brains. :lmao:

As you become more shrill, you become far more funny, but vastly more stupid...

No dipshit, fraud has to be intentional. The voting station workers had no clue if the votes were being counted twice because they were getting jammed in the machines.
. How convenient..
Do they own voting machines in 16 states like Soros does?

It's not who votes for who, it's who counts the votes.

Look, let me give you an example of how powerful the Rothschilds are. They could pay off the entire U.S. national debt, and it would only be 4% of their wealth. Now you compare that power to some voting machines.
I know this... but now we're getting into ILLUMINATI territory.

How is it Illuminati territory? To point out that Soros is this great dark being because of his wealth and power... yet then Trump has his Sec. of Treasury a guy that worked for the biggest establishment group in the WORLD, that dwarfs Soros and ignore it is silly. They could PAY OFF the entire U.S. national debt 125 times.
Um, no. The total assets in Goldman Sachs - the value of everything they have - does not even scratch the 5% mark of the US national debt.

Do you have any idea how large the national debt is?

Hey numbnuts, I'm talking about the Rothschilds family not Goldman Sachs.
Before hurling pointless insults you might want to take a look at what you even bothered to state:
"yet then Trump has his Sec. of Treasury a guy that worked for the biggest establishment group in the WORLD, that dwarfs Soros and ignore it is silly. They could PAY OFF the entire U.S. national debt 125 times."

Trumps pick for that position:
Trump to pick Mnuchin for Treasury secretary

Who is part of Goldman Sachs. You want to talk about the Rothschilds then you are even further off base. I was giving you the absolute benefit of the doubt when referring to Trumps selection by using the entire worth of Goldman Sachs. The Rothschilds are nowhere near what Goldman Sachs is worth.

I assume that you are simply parroting the utterly asinine assertion that the Rothschilds are worth 500 trillion - by the way that is only 25 times the national debt so your 125 figure would still be astoundingly incorrect - but that is utter hogwash and obviously so.
Rothschild Family Wealth

IOW, numb nuts, you are even further off in your silly claim. You really should fact check some things before launching into insults. :/

BTW, 125*the national debt is approximately 2.5 quadrillion. Good luck finding any group (including the entire planet) that has that kind of wealth.
Good, you do that.

If you want to fix things, do it before the fact and not after. If you can come up with the year we will all see a flawless election, by all means, let us know what that year will be.

We Republicans do want to fix things before they happen. That's why we stand behind Voter-ID. It's the Democrats who are fighting hard and heavy against it bring up false claims of the poor, the minorities, and the elderly.

And if we are both here four years from now, and if Trump decides to run for a second term (which I doubt) I want to see your reaction if people on our side demand recounts in borderline states with no evidence of foul play whatsoever.

Haha you realize there is an election every 4 years? So how do you fix it before the fact? Every year one party or the other isn't going to be happy. So why is NEXT time a better time than THIS time? Oh... because Trump won. Yeah that makes sense. :cuckoo:

That's what I said earlier: one side is not going to be happy. That's the way it rolls. But again, it's one thing to not be happy, it's another to start riots, block traffic with protests, recount elections for no reason, have some worthless fat ass like Michael Moore arrange protests at the inauguration. We Republicans don't do that. We just accept the outcome (grudgingly) and MoveOn.Org.

So again you are deflecting. You're saying we shouldn't have recounts and find problems with voting in states because of protests?

I'm saying we shouldn't have recounts with no evidence of wrongdoing just because your side lost. I'm saying that Democrats should behave like adults and just accept the results unless something obvious points to nefarious activities. Assuming (because you lost) is not evidence enough that something was amiss. You just lost. Get over it.

This is the way WE ALL decided to have elections. We use the Electoral College to represent their states. We do not use popular vote, and we will not convert to using popular vote just because you lost.

But it would have been ok if Trump lost to do a recount because Trump said beforehand that the election is rigged? With no evidence.

In my opinion, every year a couple states should be recounted and their system audited to check for problems. Voting and electing our President is one of the most important things in our country. The fact that Republicans are fighting these recounts so hard THIS year compared to when they lost, reassures my feelings.

If a city or state wants to have recounts just to check for accuracy, then let them go ahead and do it. They should pay for it if they're so interested in the results. And no, it wouldn't have been right for Trump to demand recounts in swing states unless there was something that was transcending about the results. If there was no evidence of any wrongdoing, then there shouldn't be a recount just because.......

And what do you mean Republicans are fighting so hard this year compared to when they lost? When did Republicans ever demand a recount because they lost? We lost the last two elections with DumBama and no recounts. We lost two to Bill Clinton, and no recounts. There may have been pissed off people which is normal no matter who loses. There may have been wild accusations flying around. But no action. We just licked our wounds and lived to fight another day.
BREAKING: Voter Fraud In Michigan Favored Clinton – NOT Trump

LOL so do we get to arrest the people who helped Hillary lose by breaking election laws

Optical ballot scanners in Michigan that malfunctioned on election night and may have counted votes twice were situated in heavily Democratic areas, meaning that any vote fraud in the state actually favored Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump.


Hey FAWN, this is on EVERY news outlet.

WHO is the FOOL?

Will you apologize to Bassman for being such a petty fucktard? Of course not...
Why on Earth would I apologize because you rightards are fucking insane? :dunno:

Which "news" outlet covered this story without sourcing rightwingnut conspiracy site, infowars?
Seems odd

Hillary out performed Obamas total vote count in California, 08 and 12 and nobody wants a recount there?
Seems odd

Hillary out performed Obamas total vote count in California, 08 and 12 and nobody wants a recount there?
No one with a functioning brain wants any recount.

Do you have a brain
well at least some good has come out of this Michigan recount fraud by stein

she has gotten the state legislation to pass tough voter id laws


Jill Stein didn't get the recount she wanted in Michigan, but she did get the state to take vote-integrity issues seriously. Meeting in its lame-duck session, the state House of Representatives passed a tough voter-ID bill that includes $3 million for funding of free state identification and birth certificates after over 18,000 voters cast ballots without identification in the presidential election...

Strict voter ID law approved in Michigan House
BREAKING: Voter Fraud In Michigan Favored Clinton – NOT Trump

LOL so do we get to arrest the people who helped Hillary lose by breaking election laws

Optical ballot scanners in Michigan that malfunctioned on election night and may have counted votes twice were situated in heavily Democratic areas, meaning that any vote fraud in the state actually favored Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump.
Are you people so stupid that you would actually cite infowars?
BREAKING: Voter Fraud In Michigan Favored Clinton – NOT Trump

LOL so do we get to arrest the people who helped Hillary lose by breaking election laws

Optical ballot scanners in Michigan that malfunctioned on election night and may have counted votes twice were situated in heavily Democratic areas, meaning that any vote fraud in the state actually favored Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump.

This isn't fraud, it's machines malfunctioning.

And what happened to Trump's "millions"?
The point is this recount nonsense was due to speculation and no evidence whatsoever. The speculation was weak to be most generous.

Hey, Donald Rump has been saying for months that the election was "rigged". Then after the fact he said that millions of "illegals" voted.

Are you daring to call the Orange Twitter Machine a liar?? :eek:
There are consequences for that you know. You'll see what I mean about 3:20 in the morning.
Hillary said that by challenging the election our country is being attacked, was she lying? Or is she attacking the country?
BREAKING: Voter Fraud In Michigan Favored Clinton – NOT Trump

LOL so do we get to arrest the people who helped Hillary lose by breaking election laws

Optical ballot scanners in Michigan that malfunctioned on election night and may have counted votes twice were situated in heavily Democratic areas, meaning that any vote fraud in the state actually favored Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump.

This isn't fraud, it's machines malfunctioning.

And what happened to Trump's "millions"?

Yeppers, in PA the machine "calibration" was off so it switched votes to Hillary. Funny how it is always a malfunction when the democrats get caught.

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