Bring back the rep system.

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Sure, mani.

Who's Mani?? Is it just me , or is getting a little nipply in here?
Yeah, isn't that why you "left"?

Left where? I've never posted here before, as vetted by the administration of this fine board.

LOL it's hilarious that you are still pushing your meme that I'm either Mal or Mani.
The admin of this board has my full name and former rank in the Army as well as my IP address. I'm quite sure he's capable of deciding whether I am your bogeyman or not without your input.

I'm sorry, Bear. I kinda like you too, but nobody believes you are new here. You gave that away when you baited bode and knew more than a new would.

I AM new here, that's been confirmed dear.

I know so much because I read, there are hundreds and hundreds of posts about Bode's lies, I doubt I've read them all, but I've read a bunch of them.
And I'm Snow White. Seen my dwarves around? I think they went to a pub.
I was new here at one time too. I didn't focus on ONE poster and go hunt info on them. Do you make a habit of doing that? If so, thats creepy.
You're full of shit, as usual. I negged stupid shit. There were several people who's stupid shit I could only neg once every 48 hours. If the time limit had been 15 minutes, there would have been no shortage of neg worthy posts.

Don't lie Ernie. I have your very words saying just that. I could quote it back to you verbatim if it wasn't against site rules, but you and I both know it exists. Man up already.
Do you now?.... Most likely, I negged a particularly stupid post and you decided to return the neg with some equally stupid comment. I may very well have told you that I would continue the game as long as you wanted.

THAT was pretty much my pattern. I negged someone, for what I considered a valid reason. If they accepted my assessment of their post, they were OK in my book. IF they decided to return the neg on a post that didn't deserve such, I would hit back. The game would continue until the person got the hint.

I made both friends and enemies with rep comments. I really thought you and I were past that, but I really don't take kindly to being called a liar by a self absorbed ass.

The bold is classic abuse of the rep system and you'd brag about this in the neg rep thread until your victims got more rep than you and then you stopped. You talk about what you consider valid reasons. Trolls are fine to neg, but your valid reasons are probably not valid to others who are trying to express their opinions. And then of course you say if they hit you back it was on bad posts because they could never find a stupid post of yours right? So you'd hit them back and threatened them that it would go every 48 until they stopped. You were a neg rep bully. Period.

Given the evidence, I'd have to concur.

Anyone who would "neg back" is misusing the system.

What is the matter Ernie? Not mature enough to accept the criticism that you are willing to dish out?
I don't think it is that at all. I think it was a weapon too handy for many to abuse. And I turned mine off after I realized I was falling into that same mindset. I even started threatening folks I would neg them even though mine was much bigger than theirs. It was a real eye opener and one I didn't like at all. Too easy to use it if its there, ya know?

Oh, as I said, it is absolutely used that way on my sports board. You go over there and some poster will write a well written post that disagrees with the majority opinion about our team or whatever and boom like a hundred posters give him negative karma, and then some idiot will write something that is barely legible but agrees with the average idiotic poster and boom a hundred positive karma.

People are naturally stupid.
Who's Mani?? Is it just me , or is getting a little nipply in here?
Yeah, isn't that why you "left"?

Left where? I've never posted here before, as vetted by the administration of this fine board.

LOL it's hilarious that you are still pushing your meme that I'm either Mal or Mani.
The admin of this board has my full name and former rank in the Army as well as my IP address. I'm quite sure he's capable of deciding whether I am your bogeyman or not without your input.

I'm sorry, Bear. I kinda like you too, but nobody believes you are new here. You gave that away when you baited bode and knew more than a new would.

I AM new here, that's been confirmed dear.

I know so much because I read, there are hundreds and hundreds of posts about Bode's lies, I doubt I've read them all, but I've read a bunch of them.
And I'm Snow White. Seen my dwarves around? I think they went to a pub.
I was new here at one time too. I didn't focus on ONE poster and go hunt info on them. Do you make a habit of doing that? If so, thats creepy.

No, I don't make a habit of it dear, Actually at first I attempted to get to know Bode when she claimed she was a former vet and then she made some statements that led me to believe she was lying. I served 26 years ma'am , I've had friends killed in duty. I don't like people who lie about their service. I asked her some questions. She gave answers that didn't make sense. Then someone pointed me to this thread.

and after reading it I had even more questions, so links to other threads were provided , which I also read. And after reading it is QUITE clear that she is a liar, about MANY things.

However, as a simple check of my posts would reveal I've pretty much accepted that most people around here are fine with a valor stealing piece of shit, so I've let it go, Pretty much.
Exactly! I did use neg rep frequently as a type of behavior modification or as a tool to let others know that the idiot with the string of red splats should be avoided.

Yes I got into rep wars with a few people. We traded negs back and forth til one of us got bored. BUT when I negged, there was a valid reason. I didn't neg simply because of a difference in opinion. I negged vulgar, hypocritical, hateful or terminally stupid people.

Oh horseshit Ernie. You negged me on the 48s in my early days here and even told me in advance you were going to do it. Now how do you neg "vulgar, hypocritical, hateful terminally stupid" posts that don't even exist yet?
You're full of shit, as usual. I negged stupid shit. There were several people who's stupid shit I could only neg once every 48 hours. If the time limit had been 15 minutes, there would have been no shortage of neg worthy posts.

Don't lie Ernie. I have your very words saying just that. I could quote it back to you verbatim if it wasn't against site rules, but you and I both know it exists. Man up already.
Do you now?.... Most likely, I negged a particularly stupid post and you decided to return the neg with some equally stupid comment. I may very well have told you that I would continue the game as long as you wanted.

THAT was pretty much my pattern. I negged someone, for what I considered a valid reason. If they accepted my assessment of their post, they were OK in my book. IF they decided to return the neg on a post that didn't deserve such, I would hit back. The game would continue until the person got the hint.

I made both friends and enemies with rep comments. I really thought you and I were past that, but I really don't take kindly to being called a liar by a self absorbed ass.

The bold is classic abuse of the rep system and you'd brag about this in the neg rep thread until your victims got more rep than you and then you stopped. You talk about what you consider valid reasons. Trolls are fine to neg, but your valid reasons are probably not valid to others who are trying to express their opinions. And then of course you say if they hit you back it was on bad posts because they could never find a stupid post of yours right? So you'd hit them back and threatened them that it would go every 48 until they stopped. You were a neg rep bully. Period.
How is my abuse any worse than the person who returned a neg for no reason other than butt hurt?

If someone negged me for a snide remark, fine. I probably deserved that, but if I got negged for no other reason than the person was sad that I slapped them for using the "C" word, Screw it. They either grow up and let it go, or they don't.

Want to know the kind of people I negged repeatedly? Look up Black_Label.
Ernie did use his rep as a weapon. That I must acknowledge. He did it to me and even though I tried talking to him in was to no avail. He got pissed at me and was gonna neg me til doomsday. Until I got a smidge higher than him in the rep department. Pissed me off at the time, and hurt my feelings to boot cuz I like Ernie. Still do. Fuck the rep bullshit. It just ain't worth bickering about with folks one likes regardless of temporary head smacks they give each other.
You were being an ass at the time, Gracie. Usually, you're not.
Ahhh, the cold irony of all of this.

I accrued rep, I believe, faster than anyone in USMB, at least from November 21, 2013 until the middle of August, 2014, I but personally could care less whether we have rep or not. It's meaningless to me.

I did it to prove that with concentration, consistency and stick-it-iveness, a person could advance very quickly in rep. It was totally fun to watch some individuals bellyache all the way as I slid past them, but all that did little to foster good debate.

Perhaps the one thing that the rep system did was to get people to communicate more per PM, but whether that is always good or not, I am not entirely sure....

But as I wrote, the irony of all of this is pretty delightful.
Mods didn't take away the ability to rep from the abusers and leave it alone for the rest of us, they took it away from everyone. That's the problem, that's what people are complaining about.
Exactly! I did use neg rep frequently as a type of behavior modification or as a tool to let others know that the idiot with the string of red splats should be avoided.

Yes I got into rep wars with a few people. We traded negs back and forth til one of us got bored. BUT when I negged, there was a valid reason. I didn't neg simply because of a difference in opinion. I negged vulgar, hypocritical, hateful or terminally stupid people.

Oh horseshit Ernie. You negged me on the 48s in my early days here and even told me in advance you were going to do it. Now how do you neg "vulgar, hypocritical, hateful terminally stupid" posts that don't even exist yet?

You're full of shit, as usual. I negged stupid shit. There were several people who's stupid shit I could only neg once every 48 hours. If the time limit had been 15 minutes, there would have been no shortage of neg worthy posts.

Don't lie Ernie. I have your very words saying just that. I could quote it back to you verbatim if it wasn't against site rules, but you and I both know it exists. Man up already.
Do you now?.... Most likely, I negged a particularly stupid post and you decided to return the neg with some equally stupid comment. I may very well have told you that I would continue the game as long as you wanted.

THAT was pretty much my pattern. I negged someone, for what I considered a valid reason. If they accepted my assessment of their post, they were OK in my book. IF they decided to return the neg on a post that didn't deserve such, I would hit back. The game would continue until the person got the hint.

I made both friends and enemies with rep comments. I really thought you and I were past that, but I really don't take kindly to being called a liar by a self absorbed ass.

Then don't tell lies in the first place, because I won't tolerate it. The fact is you spelled out specifically in a PM that this site gives you the ability to neg every 48 hours and you were going to avail yourself of that whenever the clock allowed. I'm paraphrasing your exact words to skirt the rules but that's the fact -- you had it preplanned, and when the clock was up, sure enough you made good on your word. So don't come in here trying to play all innocent, because you and I both know better.
Exactly! I did use neg rep frequently as a type of behavior modification or as a tool to let others know that the idiot with the string of red splats should be avoided.

Yes I got into rep wars with a few people. We traded negs back and forth til one of us got bored. BUT when I negged, there was a valid reason. I didn't neg simply because of a difference in opinion. I negged vulgar, hypocritical, hateful or terminally stupid people.

Oh horseshit Ernie. You negged me on the 48s in my early days here and even told me in advance you were going to do it. Now how do you neg "vulgar, hypocritical, hateful terminally stupid" posts that don't even exist yet?

You're full of shit, as usual. I negged stupid shit. There were several people who's stupid shit I could only neg once every 48 hours. If the time limit had been 15 minutes, there would have been no shortage of neg worthy posts.

Don't lie Ernie. I have your very words saying just that. I could quote it back to you verbatim if it wasn't against site rules, but you and I both know it exists. Man up already.
Do you now?.... Most likely, I negged a particularly stupid post and you decided to return the neg with some equally stupid comment. I may very well have told you that I would continue the game as long as you wanted.

THAT was pretty much my pattern. I negged someone, for what I considered a valid reason. If they accepted my assessment of their post, they were OK in my book. IF they decided to return the neg on a post that didn't deserve such, I would hit back. The game would continue until the person got the hint.

I made both friends and enemies with rep comments. I really thought you and I were past that, but I really don't take kindly to being called a liar by a self absorbed ass.

Then don't tell lies in the first place, because I won't tolerate it. The fact is you spelled out specifically in a PM that this site gives you the ability to neg every 48 hours and you were going to avail yourself of that whenever the clock allowed. I'm paraphrasing your exact words to skirt the rules but that's the fact -- you had it preplanned, and when the clock was up, sure enough you made good on your word. So don't come in here trying to play all innocent, because you and I both know better.
If this whole story of yours is true, then, when the clock was up, I found another stupid assed post of yours. That continued until you learned that you were fighting a losing battle.

Frankly, Possum, I don't remember negging you at all. Frankly, if you were to stop posting here tonight, I wouldn't remember you at all by noon tomorrow.
Oh horseshit Ernie. You negged me on the 48s in my early days here and even told me in advance you were going to do it. Now how do you neg "vulgar, hypocritical, hateful terminally stupid" posts that don't even exist yet?

You're full of shit, as usual. I negged stupid shit. There were several people who's stupid shit I could only neg once every 48 hours. If the time limit had been 15 minutes, there would have been no shortage of neg worthy posts.

Don't lie Ernie. I have your very words saying just that. I could quote it back to you verbatim if it wasn't against site rules, but you and I both know it exists. Man up already.
Do you now?.... Most likely, I negged a particularly stupid post and you decided to return the neg with some equally stupid comment. I may very well have told you that I would continue the game as long as you wanted.

THAT was pretty much my pattern. I negged someone, for what I considered a valid reason. If they accepted my assessment of their post, they were OK in my book. IF they decided to return the neg on a post that didn't deserve such, I would hit back. The game would continue until the person got the hint.

I made both friends and enemies with rep comments. I really thought you and I were past that, but I really don't take kindly to being called a liar by a self absorbed ass.

Then don't tell lies in the first place, because I won't tolerate it. The fact is you spelled out specifically in a PM that this site gives you the ability to neg every 48 hours and you were going to avail yourself of that whenever the clock allowed. I'm paraphrasing your exact words to skirt the rules but that's the fact -- you had it preplanned, and when the clock was up, sure enough you made good on your word. So don't come in here trying to play all innocent, because you and I both know better.
If this whole story of yours is true, then, when the clock was up, I found another stupid assed post of yours. That continued until you learned that you were fighting a losing battle.

Frankly, Possum, I don't remember negging you at all. Frankly, if you were to stop posting here tonight, I wouldn't remember you at all by noon tomorrow.

I had to scroll back to the top just to make sure we weren't in the FZ with this thread....
Ironic rw'ers claim to be for small gov't then come on here demanding we have a system that requires constant monitoring by overseers. You can't make this stuff up.



Not government


I hope that helps.
It was a metaphor but I digress.

its a metaphor you dumb cu..... errr.....Zoom-boing you dope. Went right over your head.

Here is the reason i quoted your post:

Announcements from USMB staff, also post your feedback and questions here. FLAMING PROHIBITED. USMB Lounge rules apply.

glad to help canuck boi :thup: Toro
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I AM new here, that's been confirmed dear.

I know so much because I read, there are hundreds and hundreds of posts about Bode's lies, I doubt I've read them all, but I've read a bunch of them.

Yoar not fooling anybody, mal.

I don't have to , yall are making fools of yourself thinking I'm this Mal character

Or maybe I'm Mani

Or Maybe I'm NLT

Or maybe I'm ..................
Stat had no reason to ask Admin for rep to be removed as we bestowed quite a large neg rep hammer if I remember correctly. I know he had more rep than big Urn for example.
Stat had no reason to ask Admin for rep to be removed as we bestowed quite a large neg rep hammer if I remember correctly. I know he had more rep than big Urn for example.

I sure didn't ask for rep to be removed nor am I the reason why it was removed, but now, 4 months later, I don't care whether we have rep or not. It's just not that important. Never was. But the experiment was fun!
Stat had no reason to ask Admin for rep to be removed as we bestowed quite a large neg rep hammer if I remember correctly. I know he had more rep than big Urn for example.

I sure didn't ask for rep to be removed nor am I the reason why it was removed, but now, 4 months later, I don't care whether we have rep or not. It's just not that important. Never was. But the experiment was fun!

Of course it was important to you, Else you wouldn't have ran an "experiment"
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