Brittany Maynard ended her own life before her tumor could rob her of it

I'd rather have seen her become a morphine addict than throw away her soul like that. God has no pity for a suicide.

Doesn't it get to a point the longer you are on morphine the less of an effect it has?

Yep, all depends on how well her kidneys and liver were functioning and how much pain she was trying to control. I see pain as weakness trying to escape can deal with an amazing amount of physical damage if taught how and what culture you're raised in. Vietnamese women give birth out in the paddies and are back at it the next morning. Imagine trying to pass a bowling ball out your ass and think about childbirth. All a matter of focus and determination. I reckon the woman in question here was at the end of her rope and I hope I'm wrong about her soul.....maybe nobody told her suicide pisses God off.
I'd rather have seen her become a morphine addict than throw away her soul like that. God has no pity for a suicide.

Doesn't it get to a point the longer you are on morphine the less of an effect it has?

Yep, all depends on how well her kidneys and liver were functioning and how much pain she was trying to control. I see pain as weakness trying to escape can deal with an amazing amount of physical damage if taught how and what culture you're raised in. Vietnamese women give birth out in the paddies and are back at it the next morning. Imagine trying to pass a bowling ball out your ass and think about childbirth. All a matter of focus and determination. I reckon the woman in question here was at the end of her rope and I hope I'm wrong about her soul.....maybe nobody told her suicide pisses God off.

It's the height of arrogance to presume to speak for "God".

Oh wait -- forgot who I was talking to.
Untill one finds themselves in a position like that,ya just can't say what you would do.We can guess all we want,until you hear words,like stage four and terminal directed at you its pure speculation.Cancer is a horrible thing,I hope she and her family have found comfort.
We've had the Death With Dignity Act here in Oregon since '97. I believe the number of patients utilizing the law, are still under 100.
I remember back when we first voted this in, critics claimed that there would be thousands of people moving to Oregon to commit suicide and Oregon would be known as the suicide mecca of America.
It's never happened.

More objectively, if we're going to be a nation that's ok with abortion, assisted suicide is the logical extension.
Actually not.
The two are completely unrelated.

And the sky is green. But don't ask me to prove it or anything. ;)
Untill one finds themselves in a position like that,ya just can't say what you would do.We can guess all we want,until you hear words,like stage four and terminal directed at you its pure speculation.Cancer is a horrible thing,I hope she and her family have found comfort.

I'm a combat Vet.....I don't speculate....I know.
Are we Americans living in a secular society, or are you espousing Christian Sharia?

There's nothing "sharia" about Christian law, Christian wants to behead you for drinking a beer or laughing at God. Take a look where our "secular society" has gotten us. You can scream at me but I didn't make the rules or always follow them until I got the Word. If you knew anything about my life you'd know only God could have saved me from death so many times. Comes a point in every person's life they take stock of their close calls....some call it luck but I know better.

And if you want to follow your faith, that is all well and good.

But you do not have the right to make laws governing others based solely on your religious beliefs.

Really? Maybe you should check out who the Founders were and what they said about law and justice. I'm not suggesting that suicidal people should be fined or jailed. All I'm saying is that your kind is willing to accept their horrible decision as somehow okay....okay for who? you? You ain't a Christian so shut the fuck up about our rules.
But you ARE Christian, right?

I highly doubt it. He's too judgemental and arrogant.
Untill one finds themselves in a position like that,ya just can't say what you would do.We can guess all we want,until you hear words,like stage four and terminal directed at you its pure speculation.Cancer is a horrible thing,I hope she and her family have found comfort.

I'm a combat Vet.....I don't speculate....I know.

Yeah, we know, you're a combat vet. You're a combat vet, you're a combat vet.... get over it and get a life.
Untill one finds themselves in a position like that,ya just can't say what you would do.We can guess all we want,until you hear words,like stage four and terminal directed at you its pure speculation.Cancer is a horrible thing,I hope she and her family have found comfort.

I'm a combat Vet.....I don't speculate....I know.
So? do you have a terminal or life threatening condition?
I will repeat,and I know this to be true from personal experience,until you hear the Doc say those words ,you can only think you know what you would or wouldn't do.its that simple.
Terminally Ill Woman Brittany Maynard Has Ended Her Own Life - Cancer Health Medicine Real People Stories

This young woman is the new face of physician assisted suicide. Those wishing to avoid the worst, last stages of cancer can move to Oregon and decide their own fate.

I hope she has found peace.
Some have the courage to live, and others have a courage to die...

Its that way sometimes! I can respect her for her choice.
Untill one finds themselves in a position like that,ya just can't say what you would do.We can guess all we want,until you hear words,like stage four and terminal directed at you its pure speculation.Cancer is a horrible thing,I hope she and her family have found comfort.

I'm a combat Vet.....I don't speculate....I know.

Yeah, we know, you're a combat vet. You're a combat vet, you're a combat vet.... get over it and get a life.

Been "over it" for 46 years, a great life....guess that makes you full of cat shit and feathers. :laugh:
Untill one finds themselves in a position like that,ya just can't say what you would do.We can guess all we want,until you hear words,like stage four and terminal directed at you its pure speculation.Cancer is a horrible thing,I hope she and her family have found comfort.

I'm a combat Vet.....I don't speculate....I know.

Yeah, we know, you're a combat vet. You're a combat vet, you're a combat vet.... get over it and get a life.

Been "over it" for 46 years, a great life....guess that makes you full of cat shit and feathers. :laugh:
LOL over what yourself? or have you beat a deadly affliction?? what is it sparky? bull shit or are you for real?
She had second thoughts and expressed a change of heart. It's my opinion she was pressured into this. It's a shame, nothing noble


The woman who couldn't have been more public about her decision, and who had the support of her family and her husband.

Who do you imagine was pressuring her into moving to Oregon in order to chose to end her life?
Untill one finds themselves in a position like that,ya just can't say what you would do.We can guess all we want,until you hear words,like stage four and terminal directed at you its pure speculation.Cancer is a horrible thing,I hope she and her family have found comfort.

I'm a combat Vet.....I don't speculate....I know.

Yeah, we know, you're a combat vet. You're a combat vet, you're a combat vet.... get over it and get a life.

Been "over it" for 46 years, a great life....guess that makes you full of cat shit and feathers. :laugh:
No bones about it, eh?

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