Buddhists burn down Mosque and hand out death sentences

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
When even the Buddhists have a problem with you and your Religion of Peace, then you know you're fucked-up in the membrane.

So the Buddhists, who in general are non-violent, when their women get raped by savage Muslims, they burn down a Mosque and now three savages Muslims who raped and killed a woman have been sentenced to death.

HELLO Sweden? Anyone home?

Oh but but but, the UN is outraged, no outrage about the rape and murder though, oh but but but, Human Rights Watch is outraged, no outrage about the rape and murder though.

They also both spent years championing Aung San Suu Ky, oh but they don't seem to like her now, because of, well, allowing savage raping and murdering Muslims to be sentenced to death.

Why would the UN give a crap about savage Muslims on the rampage, they have as the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights this man, a Muslim.

Prince Zeid bin Ra'ad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The UN have appointed Saudi Arabia to chair the UN Human Rights Council, showing how sick and perverted the UN is, Saudi Arabia and Human Rights do NOT belong in the SAME sentence.


Anyhow, sorry for the ramble, but I felt I needed to elaborate on the hypocrisy of the UN. So good on the Buddhists of Myanmar.

Mob Burns Down Mosque in Myanmar; U.N Urges Action on Attacks

"YANGON, Myanmar — A mob burned down a mosque in northern Myanmar in the second such attack in just over a week, a newspaper reported Saturday.

The state-owned Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper said security forces in Hpakant in Kachin State had been unable to control the attackers as they set fire to the mosque on Friday. The attackers were armed with sticks, knives and other weapons, the newspaper said.

It said the mosque’s leaders had failed to meet a June 30 deadline set by the local authorities to tear down the structure to make way for construction of a bridge.

On June 23, a mob demolished a mosque and a Muslim cemetery in a village in Bago Region, about 36 miles northeast of Yangon, reportedly as a consequence of a personal dispute.

Sporadic but fierce violence against Muslims in Myanmar, which is predominantly Buddhist, has been reported since rioting in 2012 forced more than 100,000 members of the Muslim Rohingya minority to flee their homes in western Rakhine State.

- Snip - I LOVE the below, it's how ALL non-Muslim nations needs to treat them.

Discrimination against the Rohingya is widespread, and the government refuses to recognize most of them as citizens, treating even long-term residents as illegal immigrants."

Here's the rest of the article.


Myanmar: Three Muslims Sentenced to Death for Rape and Murder of Buddhist Woman

Three Muslim men who were accused of raping and killing a woman have been sentenced to death by a district court in Kyaukphyu, western Myanmar.

Htet Htet, Mahmud Rawphi, and Khochi also known as Myint Swe, raped and killed Thida Htwe, 27 on 28 May in Rakhine state, a court heard.

Htet Htet, who was accused of masterminding the murder, committed suicide in jail last week but was sentenced posthumously.

The death of the woman, who was a Buddhist, heightened existing religious and ethnic tensions and led to a series of violent sectarian attacks in the region. The accused belonged to the Rohingya tribe and were Muslim.

A mob of about 300 people attacked a bus on 3 June and killed 10 Muslim Rohingya pilgrims.

More ethnic clashes erupted, leading to the deaths of up to 50 people. More than 1,662 homes were destroyed and over 30,000 people displaced.

Human Rights Watch and other groups have sounded warnings about long-standing divisions and sectarian tensions between the Rohingya people and the Burmese authorities.

- Snip -

"Lew told DVB that hundreds of young men trying to flee across the border to Bangladesh had been blocked from entering the country by Bangladeshi authorities."

Here's the rest of the article.

Myanmar: Three Muslims Sentenced to Death for Rape and Murder of Buddhist Woman

"Lew told DVB that hundreds of young men trying to flee across the border to Bangladesh had been blocked from entering the country by Bangladeshi authorities."

Well why on earth would Bangladesh NOT want them? Oh, let's think shall we....oh yes, this is why Bangladesh wouldn't want them, they have enough trouble from the home-grown one's, one of the suicide attackers was the son of a well-known Bandladeshi politician.

Dhaka attacker's father: 'That is not my son' - CNN.com

Edited to add another link.

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yea, once yo have pissed off buddist to the point of riots, you need to take a long hard look at yourself.

the sentencing was done by the state though, not some buddist mock trial.

and really, if islam was the religion of peace, the ME would be the most peaceful place on earth and a region that would be copied throughout the world
Yes. This has been happening more and more over the last decade. They know exactly what happens when Muslims get close to a majority in a country; they take it over and butcher everybody that resists and rob those left alive. 'Moderate' Muslims of course are happy to enable this process, as usual.

The UN is a cesspool of demented psychotics, organized crime syndicates, mass murderers, and thieves. The U.S. needs to stop funding the scum.

As for Bangledesh, they are a Muslim country, yet they won't take in Muslim refugees. Muslim countries won't take Muslim refugees, so why should anybody else? They aren't 'refugees' from anything but themselves.
When even the Buddhists have a problem with you and your Religion of Peace, then you know you're fucked-up in the membrane.

So the Buddhists, who in general are non-violent, when their women get raped by savage Muslims, they burn down a Mosque and now three savages Muslims who raped and killed a woman have been sentenced to death.

HELLO Sweden? Anyone home?

Oh but but but, the UN is outraged, no outrage about the rape and murder though, oh but but but, Human Rights Watch is outraged, no outrage about the rape and murder though.

They also both spent years championing Aung San Suu Ky, oh but they don't seem to like her now, because of, well, allowing savage raping and murdering Muslims to be sentenced to death.

Why would the UN give a crap about savage Muslims on the rampage, they have as the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights this man, a Muslim.

Prince Zeid bin Ra'ad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The UN have appointed Saudi Arabia to chair the UN Human Rights Council, showing how sick and perverted the UN is, Saudi Arabia and Human Rights do NOT belong in the SAME sentence.


Anyhow, sorry for the ramble, but I felt I needed to elaborate on the hypocrisy of the UN. So good on the Buddhists of Myanmar.

Mob Burns Down Mosque in Myanmar; U.N Urges Action on Attacks

"YANGON, Myanmar — A mob burned down a mosque in northern Myanmar in the second such attack in just over a week, a newspaper reported Saturday.

The state-owned Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper said security forces in Hpakant in Kachin State had been unable to control the attackers as they set fire to the mosque on Friday. The attackers were armed with sticks, knives and other weapons, the newspaper said.

It said the mosque’s leaders had failed to meet a June 30 deadline set by the local authorities to tear down the structure to make way for construction of a bridge.

On June 23, a mob demolished a mosque and a Muslim cemetery in a village in Bago Region, about 36 miles northeast of Yangon, reportedly as a consequence of a personal dispute.

Sporadic but fierce violence against Muslims in Myanmar, which is predominantly Buddhist, has been reported since rioting in 2012 forced more than 100,000 members of the Muslim Rohingya minority to flee their homes in western Rakhine State.

- Snip - I LOVE the below, it's how ALL non-Muslim nations needs to treat them.

Discrimination against the Rohingya is widespread, and the government refuses to recognize most of them as citizens, treating even long-term residents as illegal immigrants."

Here's the rest of the article.


Myanmar: Three Muslims Sentenced to Death for Rape and Murder of Buddhist Woman

Three Muslim men who were accused of raping and killing a woman have been sentenced to death by a district court in Kyaukphyu, western Myanmar.

Htet Htet, Mahmud Rawphi, and Khochi also known as Myint Swe, raped and killed Thida Htwe, 27 on 28 May in Rakhine state, a court heard.

Htet Htet, who was accused of masterminding the murder, committed suicide in jail last week but was sentenced posthumously.

The death of the woman, who was a Buddhist, heightened existing religious and ethnic tensions and led to a series of violent sectarian attacks in the region. The accused belonged to the Rohingya tribe and were Muslim.

A mob of about 300 people attacked a bus on 3 June and killed 10 Muslim Rohingya pilgrims.

More ethnic clashes erupted, leading to the deaths of up to 50 people. More than 1,662 homes were destroyed and over 30,000 people displaced.

Human Rights Watch and other groups have sounded warnings about long-standing divisions and sectarian tensions between the Rohingya people and the Burmese authorities.

- Snip -

"Lew told DVB that hundreds of young men trying to flee across the border to Bangladesh had been blocked from entering the country by Bangladeshi authorities."

Here's the rest of the article.

Myanmar: Three Muslims Sentenced to Death for Rape and Murder of Buddhist Woman

"Lew told DVB that hundreds of young men trying to flee across the border to Bangladesh had been blocked from entering the country by Bangladeshi authorities."

Well why on earth would Bangladesh NOT want them? Oh, let's think shall we....oh yes, this is why Bangladesh wouldn't want them, they have enough trouble from the home-grown one's, one of the suicide attackers was the son of a well-known Bandladeshi politician.

Dhaka attacker's father: 'That is not my son' - CNN.com

Edited to add another link.

Good to know some know what to do with Muslim rapers and murderers.

Europe should catch a clue.
We Buddhists are not pacifists, contrary to popular belief. We are encouraged to defend ourselves when attacked. These Buddhists did what was necessary. Good!
It's nice to hear some good news about muslims once in awhile. We need a lot more stories like this.
Are you people aware this conflict is about racism and not religion? ...... :cool:

The whole situation seems to have been caused by the rape and murder of the woman, as I'm 100% pro-Death Penalty, I think rape and murder deserve the ultimate sentence.
Persecution of Muslims in Myanmar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Rohingya Muslim are amongst the most persecuted minority group in the world. According to Amnesty International, the Rohingya Muslim people have continued to suffer from human rights violations under the Burmese junta since 1978, and many have fled to neighbouring Bangladesh as a result. However, the reality is that the Rohingya people have been oppressed for many years prior to 1978, though arguably not as significant. They have lived in Myanmar for centuries but tensions with Myanmar's Buddhist majority have caused discrimination and harassment. Cases of rape, torture, arbitrary detention, and violence against Rohingya are commonplace, with many incidents going unreported as enforcement officers turn a blind eye."
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Persecution of Muslims in Myanmar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Rohingya Muslim are amongst the most persecuted minority group in the world. According to Amnesty International, the Rohingya Muslim people have continued to suffer from human rights violations under the Burmese junta since 1978, and many have fled to neighbouring Bangladesh as a result. However, the reality is that the Rohingya people have been oppressed for many years prior to 1978, though arguably not as significant. They have lived in Myanmar for centuries but tensions with Myanmar's Buddhist majority have caused discrimination and harassment. Cases of rape, torture, arbitrary detention, and violence against Rohingya are commonplace, with many incidents going unreported as enforcement officers turn a blind eye."

Poor Muslims, when they are unable to rape and murder their enemies at will, they're just hapless victims of discrimination.
Put a religious adjective in front of a crime and you people go absolutely crazy.. BONKERS!!!

1 in 6 women in the U S will endure a rape or attempted rape in her lifetime. That's not the ONE rape and a murder you are all so mind fucked about in this thread... It is 25 MILLION American women...here at home. We endure around 15,000 homicides a year.

Who the fuck gives a shit if on woman in Bumfuck Myanameer gets raped and murdered? AND by MUSLIMS!!! OOOHHHHH NNNOOOO!!!!!

Then the whole incident is mis-reported because the Mosque was destroyed to make way for a bridge. NOOOO!!!!! NOT A BRIDGE!!! Was it a Buddhist bridge???? Was it a Muslim bridge? Who cares??? It was in Bumfuck Myanameer !!!!!

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