Buddhists burn down Mosque and hand out death sentences

Yep, let's ignore say...Japan's violent past, or China for that matter.

Carry on..

No let's not carry on and instead address your idiotic claim. There is NOTHING in Buddhist scripture that encourages, sanctions or approves of offensive violence against others. IF there were any Buddhists engaged in the attack on Pearl Harbour they did so without the approval of the teachings of the Buddha.
Are you people aware this conflict is about racism and not religion? ...... :cool:

They aren't capable of seeing past "Mooooooooooooooooooooosssssssssssssssssssssslllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssss"

What race is Islam?

Racism no longer means just "race".

Myanmar is as much an ethnic conflict as a religious one. Look it up.
quoted so that you can't edit out the dumbest thing ever said
Where are the resident hacks to lecture us on how bigoted these Buddhists are?
Coyote will be along - she has defended the Muslims and condemned the Buddhists in this particular ongoing conflict before - not exactly surprising, eh? :wink_2:

That, from a woman who agrees with a post calling for nuking Muslim children because they might already be indoctrinated as young as 5 and is now getting her jollies off Rohinga being killed. After all, they're just Muslims right Tilly?
Lol. And here you are, lying again, right on cue. I did not agree with Lucy calling for the nuking of anybody, let alone children, as you well know.
So again, for the record, I don't want any Muslims anywhere to be nuked, and I don't want Muslim children to be nuked. In fact, I don't want anyone, anywhere, period, to be nuked. I hope this clears up your confusion, Coyote.
Now, instead of repeatedly lying about me agreeing or thanking a post, why don't you take to task the person who actually wrote the post advocating nuking children?
Here's why, because not only are you an incessant liar and a rabid supporter of Islamic extremists, you are also a coward and a huge hypocrite too, who gives a pass to someone who advocates nuking children whilst lying about someone who clearly doesn't. Lol.
Yep, supremely hypocritical and cowardly :) Now let's see you take to task the person who actually called for nuking Muslim children :popcorn:
Where are the resident hacks to lecture us on how bigoted these Buddhists are?

They have a problem attacking the Buddhists for some reason.

Actually, the problem with Muslims in Myanmar is far more complicated then this. There is little to no evidence they are raping Buddhist women but the then, a kangaroo court makes sure of convictions (you realize Myanmar does not have a good human rights reputation?) - accusations of rape inflame the public and provide an excuse to attack the Rohinga minority who have been subject to brutal treatment, restricted to concentration camps.

Buddhists are just as prone to violence as any other religion.

And I'm sorry, but I have to say this - it's utterly disgusting when people are dancing around celebrating the killing of innocent people.
It was really quite disgusting when you made jokes about chocolate in the thread about Isis dissolving people in vats of acid. Hypocrite much? Lol.
wow, Tilly called.

buddist fight back but it's their fault.

everywhere muslims go, people eventually get tired of their shit and fight back, and it's always not the muslims fault.

muslims are so full of hate and are so violence prone, they won't let them into their own counties
UN: Myanmar Buddhists kill more than 40 Muslims

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) — The United Nations says more than 40 Muslims were killed when a Buddhist mob stormed a village in an isolated corner of western Myanmar last week, hunting down residents with knives and machetes, officials said Thursday. They said others are missing and feared dead.

The world has grown accustomed to a gentle image of Buddhism defined by the self-effacing words of the Dalai Lama, the global popularity of Buddhist-inspired meditation and postcard-perfect scenes from Southeast Asia and beyond of crimson-robed, barefoot monks receiving alms from villagers at dawn.

But over the past year, images of rampaging Burmese Buddhists carrying swords and the vituperative sermons of monks like Ashin Wirathu have underlined the rise of extreme Buddhism in Myanmar — and revealed a darker side of the country’s greater freedoms after decades of military rule. Buddhist lynch mobs have killed more than 200 Muslims and forced more than 150,000 people, mostly Muslims, from their homes.

Buddhist monks in Myanmar celebrate repressive laws

Muslim minority denounces new laws on population control, extra-marital relations, and mixed-religion marriages.

Burma’s Million-Strong Rohingya Population Faces ‘Final Stages of Genocide,’ Says Report:

Ya, peaceful Buddhists. The people Tilly admires.:rolleyes-41:
Where did I say I admire Buddhists?
You guys don't follow world current events very often, do you?

The Muslim minority in Burma are among the most viciously persecuted minorities in the world (#1 according to Amnesty International), and it's been going on for nearly a thousand years.

I know you guys have a psychological issue with feeling empathy for those evil Muslims, but there's no doubt they're the victims here.
wow, Tilly called.

buddist fight back but it's their fault.

everywhere muslims go, people eventually get tired of their shit and fight back, and it's always not the muslims fault.

muslims are so full of hate and are so violence prone, they won't let them into their own counties
you called coy coming in and defending muslims.

then I just added in the all it's never the muslims fault
Are you people aware this conflict is about racism and not religion? ...... :cool:

They aren't capable of seeing past "Mooooooooooooooooooooosssssssssssssssssssssslllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmssssssssssss"

What race is Islam?

Racism no longer means just "race".

Myanmar is as much an ethnic conflict as a religious one. Look it up.
quoted so that you can't edit out the dumbest thing ever said

Look it up for yourself: Racism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Racism is a product of the complex interaction in a given society of a race-based worldview with prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination. Racism can be present in social actions, practices, or political systems (e.g., apartheid) that support the expression of prejudice or aversion in discriminatory practices. The ideology underlying racist practices often includes the idea that humans can be subdivided into distinct groups that are different in their social behavior and innate capacities and that can be ranked as inferior or superior.[1] Racist ideology can become manifest in many aspects of social life. Associated social actions may include xenophobia, otherness, segregation, hierarchical ranking, supremacism, and related social phenomena.

While race and ethnicity are considered to be separate in contemporary social science, the two terms have a long history of equivalence in popular usage and older social science literature. "Ethnicity" is often used in a sense close to one traditionally attributed to "race": the division of human groups based on qualities assumed to be essential or innate to the group (e.g. shared ancestry or shared behavior).

Racism and racial discrimination are often used to describe discrimination on an ethnic or cultural basis, independent of whether these differences are described as racial. According to a United Nations convention, there is no distinction between the terms "racial" and "ethnic" discrimination. The UN convention further concludes that superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and there is no justification for racial discrimination, anywhere, in theory or in practice.[2]

Today, the use of the term "racism" does not easily fall under a single definition.[3] It is usually found in, but usage is not limited to, law, the social and behavioral sciences, humanities, and popular culture.
Who are the Rohinga?
The Rohingya are a Muslim ethnic minority population of roughly 1 million people in Myanmar who speak Rohingya, an Indo-European language related to Bengali. Rohingya origin is disputed; some say they migrated from Bengal, while others say they are from the Rakhine State in Myanmar.

Why is there conflict between the Rohingya and the Buddhist majority?
There are deep religious and racial tensions between the two ethnic groups, according to Lex Rieffel, a senior fellow at Brookings Institute and an expert on Southeast Asia. The Buddhist majority says the Rohingya are not indigenous to Rakhine State and thus should be denied citizenship. This tension has escalated into widespread violence in recent years, killing and displacing thousands. The United Nations has reported routine and deliberate human-rights violations in the country. An estimated 810,000 people in northern Rakhine State are currently without citizenship and nearly 100,000 persecuted Rohingya have fled the country all together, according to recent data. As of 2013, Myanmar -- a country formerly known as Burma -- had a low level of human development, ranking 150 out of 187 countries total, according to the Human Development Index.
It's as much, if not more an ethnic conflict than a religious one, but people can't see beyond "muslim".
Where are the resident hacks to lecture us on how bigoted these Buddhists are?

They have a problem attacking the Buddhists for some reason.

Actually, the problem with Muslims in Myanmar is far more complicated then this. There is little to no evidence they are raping Buddhist women but the then, a kangaroo court makes sure of convictions (you realize Myanmar does not have a good human rights reputation?) - accusations of rape inflame the public and provide an excuse to attack the Rohinga minority who have been subject to brutal treatment, restricted to concentration camps.

Buddhists are just as prone to violence as any other religion.

And I'm sorry, but I have to say this - it's utterly disgusting when people are dancing around celebrating the killing of innocent people.
It was really quite disgusting when you made jokes about chocolate in the thread about Isis dissolving people in vats of acid. Hypocrite much? Lol.

It's really quite disgusting when you agree with posts calling for the murder of kids just because they happen to be Muslim. Naziesque much?
Yes. This has been happening more and more over the last decade. They know exactly what happens when Muslims get close to a majority in a country; they take it over and butcher everybody that resists and rob those left alive. 'Moderate' Muslims of course are happy to enable this process, as usual.

The UN is a cesspool of demented psychotics, organized crime syndicates, mass murderers, and thieves. The U.S. needs to stop funding the scum.

As for Bangledesh, they are a Muslim country, yet they won't take in Muslim refugees. Muslim countries won't take Muslim refugees, so why should anybody else? They aren't 'refugees' from anything but themselves.

Bangledesh is pretty damn crowded and pretty damn poor. In fact, aren't they one of the poorest countries?
yea, once yo have pissed off buddist to the point of riots, you need to take a long hard look at yourself.

the sentencing was done by the state though, not some buddist mock trial.

and really, if islam was the religion of peace, the ME would be the most peaceful place on earth and a region that would be copied throughout the world

You realize that Myanmar is one of the biggest violators human rights in the world, and has one of the most corrupt judicial systems? Pretty much makes any trial a mock trial. In fact, despite the hype and hysteria - the biggest groups of refugees we've taken in over the past few years has been from Burma.

So, because they are Muslims, you can't be bothered to research a bit further into Myanmar and because they are Buddhists, they can't possibly be intolerant or violent or, as some are doing in this thread - they are justified in attacking Muslims.

There is no religion of peace and that includes Buddhism. Add a sprinkling of nationalism, and political power and they are just as intolerant as the rest. Did you bother to look at some of the laws they are trying to inact regarding interreligious marriage and limiting (non-buddhist) families to 2 children? These laws also affect the tiny Christian minorities who are also persecuted by your beloved Buddhists.
Are you people aware this conflict is about racism and not religion? ...... :cool:

The whole situation seems to have been caused by the rape and murder of the woman, as I'm 100% pro-Death Penalty, I think rape and murder deserve the ultimate sentence.

Do you trust the Myanmar courts to be fair in this?

If you rape and murder, then you deserve to be executed. We can't excuse rape and murder, or can we, if it's Muslims who are doing it?
yea, once yo have pissed off buddist to the point of riots, you need to take a long hard look at yourself.

the sentencing was done by the state though, not some buddist mock trial.

and really, if islam was the religion of peace, the ME would be the most peaceful place on earth and a region that would be copied throughout the world

Yes. This has been happening more and more over the last decade. They know exactly what happens when Muslims get close to a majority in a country; they take it over and butcher everybody that resists and rob those left alive. 'Moderate' Muslims of course are happy to enable this process, as usual.

The UN is a cesspool of demented psychotics, organized crime syndicates, mass murderers, and thieves. The U.S. needs to stop funding the scum.

As for Bangledesh, they are a Muslim country, yet they won't take in Muslim refugees. Muslim countries won't take Muslim refugees, so why should anybody else? They aren't 'refugees' from anything but themselves.
Where are the resident hacks to lecture us on how bigoted these Buddhists are?
Coyote will be along - she has defended the Muslims and condemned the Buddhists in this particular ongoing conflict before - not exactly surprising, eh? :wink_2:

That, from a woman who agrees with a post calling for nuking Muslim children because they might already be indoctrinated as young as 5 and is now getting her jollies off Rohinga being killed. After all, they're just Muslims right Tilly?
Lol. And here you are, lying again, right on cue. I did not agree with Lucy calling for the nuking of anybody, let alone children, as you well know.
So again, for the record, I don't want any Muslims anywhere to be nuked, and I don't want Muslim children to be nuked. In fact, I don't want anyone, anywhere, period, to be nuked. I hope this clears up your confusion, Coyote.
Now, instead of repeatedly lying about me agreeing or thanking a post, why don't you take to task the person who actually wrote the post advocating nuking children?
Here's why, because not only are you an incessant liar and a rabid supporter of Islamic extremists, you are also a coward and a huge hypocrite too, who gives a pass to someone who advocates nuking children whilst lying about someone who clearly doesn't. Lol.
Yep, supremely hypocritical and cowardly :) Now let's see you take to task the person who actually called for nuking Muslim children :popcorn:

Cowardly....from a person who spends an inordinate amount of time stalking other members just so she can post a smiie on their posts rather than engage in discussion? It's hilarious, because most folks stick to a few here and there (it makes a better point that way, otherwise you come off as a passive aggressive twat). :)

Maybe, instead of running around agreeing with idiotic posts that one can only assume reflect your own inner attitudes - how about doing a bit of research on the topic, like what is going on in Myanmar instead of automatically supporting atrocities because the victims are Muslims? If it were Christians, what would your attitude be? Well, there are Christians being persecuted by your beloved Buddhists - it's not quite as bad as the Rohinga (at least they haven't YET been stripped of citizenship, forced into concentration camps, dependent entirely on what little foriegn aid the government allows them).

But, the Buddhists are so very tolerant aren't they?

When attitudes like yours (variations on "the victims deserve everything they get" because you don't like their faith) prevail, it's only short step from supporting genocidal rhetoric or actual genocide. With people like you applauding the massacres of innocent people from one side or the other it's no wonder these conflicts never end.

Innocent people are innocent people - whether it's a 13 yr old Jewish girl knifed to death while she slept in the West Bank or a Muslim child burned alive by a Buddhist mob - they don't deserve it. They didn't do anything to deserve except belong to the wrong ethnicity or religion. That's what you are supporting when you agree with Myanmar "justice" and their attitudes towards Muslims - it's no different then those agreeing with Palestinian murderers - and I'm sure they use the same rationale that you do...the victims, by virtue of their religion alone deserved it. That is what this thread is really about you vapid cow.
Are you people aware this conflict is about racism and not religion? ...... :cool:

The whole situation seems to have been caused by the rape and murder of the woman, as I'm 100% pro-Death Penalty, I think rape and murder deserve the ultimate sentence.

Do you trust the Myanmar courts to be fair in this?

If you rape and murder, then you deserve to be executed. We can't excuse rape and murder, or can we, if it's Muslims who are doing it?

If this crime occured in your country or mine, I'd agree. Mostly, we have decent and impartial justice systems. Crimes are investigated. People get a fair trial. We have mechanisms to fight corruption and to appeal. We don't just pick people up off the streets and charge them because we don't like them (or, at least not often). Do you think that happens in Myanmar? Do you think it happens in North Korea? How about Iran?

Lucy, have you read what Myanmar does to it's people?
Put a religious adjective in front of a crime and you people go absolutely crazy.. BONKERS!!!

1 in 6 women in the U S will endure a rape or attempted rape in her lifetime. That's not the ONE rape and a murder you are all so mind fucked about in this thread... It is 25 MILLION American women...here at home. We endure around 15,000 homicides a year.

Who the fuck gives a shit if on woman in Bumfuck Myanameer gets raped and murdered? AND by MUSLIMS!!! OOOHHHHH NNNOOOO!!!!!

Then the whole incident is mis-reported because the Mosque was destroyed to make way for a bridge. NOOOO!!!!! NOT A BRIDGE!!! Was it a Buddhist bridge???? Was it a Muslim bridge? Who cares??? It was in Bumfuck Myanameer !!!!!

Ya...Myanmar, a country with a stellar human rights record.

It's true that place is hell. You think Muslims will make it more peaceful?

Muslims in massive numbers have never made any nation more peaceful, once they get a foothold, they begin to demand to control the nation, example Lebanon, pre-1975 Lebanon was a pretty sophisticated and educated nation and then because of the Civil War launched by a combination of Islamic groups, including the PLO types, they systematically turned Lebanon into the mess it's still in.

Beirut was once called The Paris of The Middle East, and I know how wonderful it was, some members of my family had to live in Beirut for several years in the mid-1950s and they shot films around the place, all in beautiful colour and I've watched those films, amazing stuff, a combination of Paris and the Côte d'Azur.

The scene of carnage and rubble on the left post-Civil War, the same street on the right pre-Civil War.


More pictures of pre-Civil War Lebanon.





Are you people aware this conflict is about racism and not religion? ...... :cool:

The whole situation seems to have been caused by the rape and murder of the woman, as I'm 100% pro-Death Penalty, I think rape and murder deserve the ultimate sentence.

Do you trust the Myanmar courts to be fair in this?

If you rape and murder, then you deserve to be executed. We can't excuse rape and murder, or can we, if it's Muslims who are doing it?

If this crime occured in your country or mine, I'd agree. Mostly, we have decent and impartial justice systems. Crimes are investigated. People get a fair trial. We have mechanisms to fight corruption and to appeal. We don't just pick people up off the streets and charge them because we don't like them (or, at least not often). Do you think that happens in Myanmar? Do you think it happens in North Korea? How about Iran?

Lucy, have you read what Myanmar does to it's people?

We could mention Thailand hanging drug dealers, I don't think that the Thai human rights situation is so great, so what am I supposed to say that because of that, the Thai authorities should just treat drug dealers with kid gloves?
I think it depends where they are Lucy...Muslims represent many cultures - just like Christians do, and they differ from culture to culture.

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