But hey! A lot of people are tired of Political Correctness!

yuk! :eek:

this Non-Politically correct stuff has lead to this slippery slope....!
Trump has proven to the country you can get by with total bullshit, and the RW dregs want their turn. Its a rare opportunity for slimebags to be slimebags and get by with it.

Trump - slimebag uniter !

Another victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome. You see Trump everywhere. Look, he's peeking out at you from your closet right now ...

yuk! :eek:

this Non-Politically correct stuff has lead to this slippery slope....!

Indeed, now pedophiles are identifying well before making any "policy" for our children.

The horror!

Political correctness is bullshit designed to control free flow of information and especially the truth. Once again we are all smarter for truth being found out.
All i say is that the USA will change and if i have my math correct it will be millenials and their kids that see that change and that is my personal curse on millenials and their kids and i have been saying that for a long time . --- --- its only obvious .

I'm sure your grandparents made the same complaints about you and your generation. You know that society is NEVER static, right?

--------------------------------------- i think that your saying is a platitude [or simply something to say] and i just work in my small way to slow down that change at least for my Lifetime . I simply like predicting what i think i see happening , mostly for conversation . Maybe i will inform someone Bode . --- --- change is coming for the millenials and their kids as i repeat Bode .

And as I said.....I'm sure your grandparents were just as worried about the change happening for you. The world isn't static....it never has been.

--------------------- like i said , i do this for conversation and to see if my thinking happens and as a warning . I also say that millenials and their kids deserve what they get and deserve as their USA government gives DIVERSITY . I also assert that i don't mind being one of the last of the REAL Americans , I mean , heck , the millenial types that i curse like mrobama and hilary , diversity , immigration so their American status is long gone or never was Bode .
yuk! :eek:

this Non-Politically correct stuff has lead to this slippery slope....!

Indeed, now pedophiles are identifying well before making any "policy" for our children.

The horror!

Political correctness is bullshit designed to control free flow of information and especially the truth. Once again we are all smarter for truth being found out.

post deleted - lack of pc
Yes, but let's be honest: the left is more tolerant of pedophiles (or those with pedophilia-like thoughts) and the right is more tolerant of white supremacists.
You mean like Dennis Hastert...the pedophile that the GOP picked to be the Speaker of the House?
"Tolerant of" has nothing to do with "being." The worst pedophiles often lurk among the sides that's least accepting of them, like the Catholic church for example. Not saying the left is tolerant of pedophiles, but they are certainly more tolerant of pedophilia and pedophelic thoughts based on some stuff you see in their media outlets.
Really? How do you figure? Especially when it's in Leftist states and it's Leftist policies trying to raise the age of consent in states to protect against things like forced child marriage.....
Child marriage isn't really mainstream right though, it's fringe.
And we are looking to make it extinct. Can you say the same for the Right?

So your repeatedly voting for sexual predators is your plan to make them extinct? Explain how that works.

I mean you, not your imaginary friends

What does that have to do with political correctness? You seriously don't know what political correctness means? I mean you'd have to be a complete and utter idiot to live in this country and not know that
Did you read the article? It was the candidate himself who made that statement. Take it up with him, then.
I’m going to make a bet now that he doesn’t get many votes. Thankfully we aren’t there yet.
This creature in no way represents any mainstream views and has as much chance of getting elected as Sno-Cones being served in Hell.
agree , look at all the muslims running for office in the USA .
Because it's the same thing, right?

Might as well be crying about the number of women running for office. I'm sure INCEL is crying about it.

This is how flat out stupid you are. You think having a meltdown because your cafeteria has burrito Friday is the same as pedophilia. You're hyperbole to hyperbole
My goodness....another Kaz meltdown? Upset because I am clearly against INCEL?

What does that have to do with political correctness? You seriously don't know what political correctness means? I mean you'd have to be a complete and utter idiot to live in this country and not know that
Did you read the article? It was the candidate himself who made that statement. Take it up with him, then.

Yes, I did read it. And your OP doesn't say that. Let's look at the scorecard though.

Number of times voting for an abuser of women

Bodecea: 3
kaz: 0

Wow, you're ahead

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