But hey! A lot of people are tired of Political Correctness!

agree , look at all the muslims running for office in the USA .
Because it's the same thing, right?

Might as well be crying about the number of women running for office. I'm sure INCEL is crying about it.

This is how flat out stupid you are. You think having a meltdown because your cafeteria has burrito Friday is the same as pedophilia. You're hyperbole to hyperbole
My goodness....another Kaz meltdown? Upset because I am clearly against INCEL?

OK, calm down. This is just an internet discussion, there's no reason to start screaming and throwing chairs. Try breathing into a bag if you have to. Use a paper ... er ... use a plastic one ...
This creature in no way represents any mainstream views and has as much chance of getting elected as Sno-Cones being served in Hell.

This is true, but there is a soft, silent push to normalize this. There is even an organization who pushes it hard, normalizing pedophilia that is. I want publicly post it, but they aren’t hard to find. Many people spam the site, but the owners and Dr’s who run it have had great success suing anyone who seriously takes them on and try’s to shut them down.
yuk! :eek:

this Non-Politically correct stuff has lead to this slippery slope....!

So you're melting down over white women wearing Chinese dresses and using Spanish expressions to save us from pedophiles!

Did you seriously just say that?
You mean like Dennis Hastert...the pedophile that the GOP picked to be the Speaker of the House?
"Tolerant of" has nothing to do with "being." The worst pedophiles often lurk among the sides that's least accepting of them, like the Catholic church for example. Not saying the left is tolerant of pedophiles, but they are certainly more tolerant of pedophilia and pedophelic thoughts based on some stuff you see in their media outlets.
Really? How do you figure? Especially when it's in Leftist states and it's Leftist policies trying to raise the age of consent in states to protect against things like forced child marriage.....
Child marriage isn't really mainstream right though, it's fringe.
And we are looking to make it extinct. Can you say the same for the Right?

So your repeatedly voting for sexual predators is your plan to make them extinct? Explain how that works.

I mean you, not your imaginary friends
Ah...there you go....Kindly show where I have ever voted for a sexual predator....even once. I can wait.
agree , look at all the muslims running for office in the USA .
Because it's the same thing, right?

Might as well be crying about the number of women running for office. I'm sure INCEL is crying about it.

This is how flat out stupid you are. You think having a meltdown because your cafeteria has burrito Friday is the same as pedophilia. You're hyperbole to hyperbole
My goodness....another Kaz meltdown? Upset because I am clearly against INCEL?

OK, calm down. This is just an internet discussion, there's no reason to start screaming and throwing chairs. Try breathing into a bag if you have to. Use a paper ... er ... use a plastic one ...
I love the Irony you have there. :clap:

I also love how Kaz has to, whatever it takes, try do deflect from the OP. You'd think I'd hit some kind of nerve there.
Last edited:

What does that have to do with political correctness? You seriously don't know what political correctness means? I mean you'd have to be a complete and utter idiot to live in this country and not know that
Did you read the article? It was the candidate himself who made that statement. Take it up with him, then.

Yes, I did read it. And your OP doesn't say that. Let's look at the scorecard though.

Number of times voting for an abuser of women

Bodecea: 3
kaz: 0

Wow, you're ahead
Fascinating...what "abuser of women" did I vote for? I never voted for Hastert. Did you vote for any Republican House member who voted for him for Speaker? Then YOU did. (tho technically, he's a pedophile. Not an abuser of women) Did you vote for trump? I didn't.

What does that have to do with political correctness? You seriously don't know what political correctness means? I mean you'd have to be a complete and utter idiot to live in this country and not know that
Did you read the article? It was the candidate himself who made that statement. Take it up with him, then.

Yes, I did read it. And your OP doesn't say that. Let's look at the scorecard though.

Number of times voting for an abuser of women

Bodecea: 3
kaz: 0

Wow, you're ahead
Fascinating...what "abuser of women" did I vote for? I never voted for Hastert. Did you vote for any Republican House member who voted for him for Speaker? Then YOU did. (tho technically, he's a pedophile. Not an abuser of women) Did you vote for trump? I didn't.
When you look in the dictionary for a rapist/child molester - it shows a picture of a Clinton
like i advertise all the time , i am 68 , only a few elections left for me . I expect to be one of the last REAL Americans in the USA when i bite the dust Bode .
What in your mind constitutes a real American?

It’s a behavioral thing you probably wouldn’t understand Slade.
Think Christianity and God
Think American pride and patriotism
Think English language
Think ambition and desire to be better
Think American traditions
Think respect for law and order
Think husband and wife
Think gender and biology
Let me know if you need me to keep going.
Got it. And where does a kosher eating Jewish scientist belong? Or the vegitarian buhdist women who teaches yoga at the local gym? Or the South American Refugee who fled persecution and is now here trying to make a better life for his family like many of our ancenstors did? Where should all those people go?
Your bleeding heart makes you look like a pussy

What does that have to do with political correctness? You seriously don't know what political correctness means? I mean you'd have to be a complete and utter idiot to live in this country and not know that
Did you read the article? It was the candidate himself who made that statement. Take it up with him, then.

Yes, I did read it. And your OP doesn't say that. Let's look at the scorecard though.

Number of times voting for an abuser of women

Bodecea: 3
kaz: 0

Wow, you're ahead
Fascinating...what "abuser of women" did I vote for? I never voted for Hastert. Did you vote for any Republican House member who voted for him for Speaker? Then YOU did. (tho technically, he's a pedophile. Not an abuser of women) Did you vote for trump? I didn't.
When you look in the dictionary for a rapist/child molester - it shows a picture of a Clinton
Odd....where are the indictments...the convictions....like with Hastert?
Holy shit. That's hilarious.

Who does he piss off more? The right with his open pedophelia or the left with his open white supremacy?

Actually the left like everyone else (hopefully) is against both.
Yes, but let's be honest: the left is more tolerant of pedophiles (or those with pedophilia-like thoughts) and the right is more tolerant of white supremacists.
You mean like Dennis Hastert...the pedophile that the GOP picked to be the Speaker of the House?
"Tolerant of" has nothing to do with "being." The worst pedophiles often lurk among the sides that's least accepting of them, like the Catholic church for example. Not saying the left is tolerant of pedophiles, but they are certainly more tolerant of pedophilia and pedophelic thoughts based on some stuff you see in their media outlets.

It is totally misleading to talk about pedophilia without mentioning the ages of the youngsters involved, which is defined as involving a prepubescent child, so any references to the Catholic Church or portrayals in media outlets, or even to roy moore mean nothing without an age assessment.

Definition of PEDOPHILIA

So this guy apparently meant that he found nothing wrong with having sex with a child of that age. He also is a violent misogynist, who bragged about raping his late ex-wife and advocated that women be treated as disposable property, all of which are totally disgusting.

The real underlying question is at what age should a teenager be for it to be appropriate for an adult to sexually pursue him or her, or for such a person to be portrayed in the media. Look at the legal age of consent in our different states. I wonder who screams the loudest against efforts to raise these ages. I wonder who ducks the issues of child marriage and forced marriage the most.

It seems that the right-wingers use complaints about "pedophilia" as an only-slightly veiled attempt to illicit mistreatment of LGBTs, when they are no more likely to pursue prepubescent children than heterosexuals are. Sexual preferences for teenagers of adults and the grooming of teenagers for sex occur in all groups in the population.

If [Michael] Jackson did fall outside the norm in his “erotic age orientation”—and we may never know if he did—he was almost certainly what’s called a hebephile, a newly proposed diagnostic classification in which people display a sexual preference for children at the cusp of puberty, between the ages of, roughly, 11 to 14 years of age. Pedophiles, in contrast, show a sexual preference for clearly prepubescent children.There are also ephebophiles (from ephebos, meaning “one arrived at puberty” in Greek), who are mostly attracted to 15- to 16-year-olds; teleiophiles(from teleios, meaning, “full grown” in Greek), who prefer those 17 years of age or older); and even the very rare gerontophile (from gerontos, meaning “old man” in Greek),​

Pedophiles, Hebephiles and Ephebophiles, Oh My: Erotic Age Orientation

It is all vile.
like i advertise all the time , i am 68 , only a few elections left for me . I expect to be one of the last REAL Americans in the USA when i bite the dust Bode .
What in your mind constitutes a real American?

It’s a behavioral thing you probably wouldn’t understand Slade.
Think Christianity and God
Think American pride and patriotism
Think English language
Think ambition and desire to be better
Think American traditions
Think respect for law and order
Think husband and wife
Think gender and biology
Let me know if you need me to keep going.
Got it. And where does a kosher eating Jewish scientist belong? Or the vegitarian buhdist women who teaches yoga at the local gym? Or the South American Refugee who fled persecution and is now here trying to make a better life for his family like many of our ancenstors did? Where should all those people go?
Your bleeding heart makes you look like a pussy
So....what's your take on the guy in the OP, the one running for office in Virginia?
What does that have to do with political correctness? You seriously don't know what political correctness means? I mean you'd have to be a complete and utter idiot to live in this country and not know that
Did you read the article? It was the candidate himself who made that statement. Take it up with him, then.

Yes, I did read it. And your OP doesn't say that. Let's look at the scorecard though.

Number of times voting for an abuser of women

Bodecea: 3
kaz: 0

Wow, you're ahead
Fascinating...what "abuser of women" did I vote for? I never voted for Hastert. Did you vote for any Republican House member who voted for him for Speaker? Then YOU did. (tho technically, he's a pedophile. Not an abuser of women) Did you vote for trump? I didn't.
When you look in the dictionary for a rapist/child molester - it shows a picture of a Clinton
Odd....where are the indictments...the convictions....like with Hastert?
The Clinton’s have always been above the law... thanks to the deep state
Holy shit. That's hilarious.

Who does he piss off more? The right with his open pedophelia or the left with his open white supremacy?

Actually the left like everyone else (hopefully) is against both.
Yes, but let's be honest: the left is more tolerant of pedophiles (or those with pedophilia-like thoughts) and the right is more tolerant of white supremacists.
You mean like Dennis Hastert...the pedophile that the GOP picked to be the Speaker of the House?
"Tolerant of" has nothing to do with "being." The worst pedophiles often lurk among the sides that's least accepting of them, like the Catholic church for example. Not saying the left is tolerant of pedophiles, but they are certainly more tolerant of pedophilia and pedophelic thoughts based on some stuff you see in their media outlets.

It is totally misleading to talk about pedophilia without mentioning the ages of the youngsters involved, which is defined as involving a prepubescent child, so any references to the Catholic Church or portrayals in media outlets, or even to roy moore mean nothing without an age assessment.

Definition of PEDOPHILIA

So this guy apparently meant that he found nothing wrong with having sex with a child of that age. He also is a violent misogynist, who bragged about raping his late ex-wife and advocated that women be treated as disposable property, all of which are totally disgusting.

The real underlying question is at what age should a teenager be for it to be appropriate for an adult to sexually pursue him or her, or for such a person to be portrayed in the media. Look at the legal age of consent in our different states. I wonder who screams the loudest against efforts to raise these ages. I wonder who ducks the issues of child marriage and forced marriage the most.

It seems that the right-wingers use complaints about "pedophilia" as an only-slightly veiled attempt to illicit mistreatment of LGBTs, when they are no more likely to pursue prepubescent children than heterosexuals are. Sexual preferences for teenagers of adults and the grooming of teenagers for sex occur in all groups in the population.

If [Michael] Jackson did fall outside the norm in his “erotic age orientation”—and we may never know if he did—he was almost certainly what’s called a hebephile, a newly proposed diagnostic classification in which people display a sexual preference for children at the cusp of puberty, between the ages of, roughly, 11 to 14 years of age. Pedophiles, in contrast, show a sexual preference for clearly prepubescent children.There are also ephebophiles (from ephebos, meaning “one arrived at puberty” in Greek), who are mostly attracted to 15- to 16-year-olds; teleiophiles(from teleios, meaning, “full grown” in Greek), who prefer those 17 years of age or older); and even the very rare gerontophile (from gerontos, meaning “old man” in Greek),​

Pedophiles, Hebephiles and Ephebophiles, Oh My: Erotic Age Orientation

It is all vile.
...and Politically correct

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