By the way, Barry, YOU OWN THIS!

Funny, our Commander in Chief has had two years to empty that place.

Wingers: It's always the other guy's fault.
Obama never accepted the blame for anything when he was POTUS, yet he's currently taking credit for Trump's economy.......

.....Syria isn't Trump's deal. Let the blame fall whenever it's deserved.
Sure, the Left behaves the same way. Opposite sides of the same coin.

But as we all know, if it happens on President's "watch", it's their responsibility. Silly, but that's partisanship.

Trump has been in office for two years.
Excuse me, we were told that ISIS had been defeated by Trump.
You were also told Obamacare would not cost a dime, that it would pay for itself, that if you liked your plan and doctor that you could keep them, & that Barry's administration would be 'the most transparent evuh'....

You're an ignorant, gullible, easily emotionally-manipulated snowflake, the kind Gruber loves to brag about...

'Nuff said. :p
Funny, our Commander in Chief has had two years to empty that place.

Wingers: It's always the other guy's fault.
Obama never accepted the blame for anything when he was POTUS, yet he's currently taking credit for Trump's economy.......

.....Syria isn't Trump's deal. Let the blame fall whenever it's deserved.
Sure, the Left behaves the same way. Opposite sides of the same coin.

But as we all know, if it happens on President's "watch", it's their responsibility. Silly, but that's partisanship.

Trump has been in office for two years.


Shovel Ready Jobs? Remember them, and also remember Obama chuckling, and saying well maybe they weren't so shovel ready. He essentially told us he was LYING, then laughed about it. Maybe you got rich in office Obama, but many people were unemployed then and suffering. Yet you laughed about it.

You didn't build that? Then who did? Who paid the taxes that built that?
But as we all know, if it happens on President's "watch", it's their responsibility. Silly, but that's partisanship.

Ummmm....when BARRY is the President....when BARRY orders the invasion...when BARRY sends the troops into's BARRY'S WAR.

Obama took the reins over from Bush in Afghanistan and Iraq, but no matter what happened after it was always Bush's wars. Libya and Syria are ALL BARRY'S!
Obama had eight years to get us out of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria, yet he mostly escalated them, and kept GITMO opened after saying he'd close it. However, I am glad he kept it open, but they need to change it from a country club to a prisoner of war camp.
More dead Americans, killed needlessly.
..more American blood on Barry's hands...

"A suicide bomber struck a coalition patrol in Manbij, Syria this morning, killing multiple American troops."

After 'buying' permission from Putin, Barry, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, dragged the US into another Un-Constitutional Un-authorized war to help terrorists overthrow a sovereign government and take it over for themselves.

Obama's invasion of Syria, without request or permission from the existing government, constituted an International War Crime anf placed more American troops in harm's way...and just got More Americans killed.

This is on YOU, Barry!

ISIS: We conducted suicide attack on US troops in Manbij

Yet not one Dimtard stood up and asked for his impeachment for colluding with Iran, Russia, and Islamic Terrorists to engage in a COUP to remove Assad from Syria.

Who wants the US out of Syria, Russia and Iran. Should we ask whether Trump is colluding with Russia and Iran since they would be the big winners in a US pullout in Syria.
Funny, our Commander in Chief has had two years to empty that place.

Wingers: It's always the other guy's fault.
isn't he trying to do that now? and you all went fking batshit crazy? I believe even you MAC.
Maybe look at the OP.

It blames Obama for something Trump has had two years to address.
is the OP wring? didn't obammy lead them into Syria? your point is missing. Trump is pulling out and the left are going batshit crazy cause he is. Which is it, good to pull out or not? my mother always taught me it was always safer to pull out.
Hill and Obama are old business Why can't the republicans see what an ah they support and stop blaming every wrong on others?

Spin, spin, spin.... :p

'Every' wrong? Again, we aren't talking about 'every' wrong - we are talking about OBAMA'S WAR. We are talking about Hillary's and Obama's FOREIGN POLICY FAILURE!

Hill and Obama may be gone, but America is still suffering from the repercussions of their failures and crimes. The blood of these 4 soldiers is on THEIR hands.
Perhaps we should go back to the Republican invasion of Iraq to get some answers??
We are still looking for some answers from LBJ and Viet Nam...can you get them?
I remember ""I am not a crook"" Now we have I am not a spy" Both liars
Obama wasn't the Commander in Chief of those dead troops.
Just STOP - you're embarrassing yourself. Barry committed an International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without the request or permission from that nation's Leader and/or government.

A dictatorship that uses poison gas against his people and aligns with America's enemies. Who are you with? Russian Communist or Iranian terrorist.
More dead Americans, killed needlessly.
..more American blood on Barry's hands...

"A suicide bomber struck a coalition patrol in Manbij, Syria this morning, killing multiple American troops."

After 'buying' permission from Putin, Barry, the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, dragged the US into another Un-Constitutional Un-authorized war to help terrorists overthrow a sovereign government and take it over for themselves.

Obama's invasion of Syria, without request or permission from the existing government, constituted an International War Crime anf placed more American troops in harm's way...and just got More Americans killed.

This is on YOU, Barry!

ISIS: We conducted suicide attack on US troops in Manbij


Excuse me, we were told that ISIS had been defeated by Trump. Isn't it interesting that all of this happens after Trump's decision to cut and run JUST LIKE OBAMA DID.

The fact is that the government in Syria is a dictatorship who uses poison gas on their people. There is no international war crime. Syria has also allied himself with enemies of the US in Russia and Iran.

This one is on DONALD TRUMP!

What a minute, Obama never obligated the next administration by signing a SOFA agreement with a deadline to withdraw our troops from Syria?
Funny, our Commander in Chief has had two years to empty that place.

Wingers: It's always the other guy's fault.
Obama never accepted the blame for anything when he was POTUS, yet he's currently taking credit for Trump's economy.......

.....Syria isn't Trump's deal. Let the blame fall whenever it's deserved.
Sure, the Left behaves the same way. Opposite sides of the same coin.

But as we all know, if it happens on President's "watch", it's their responsibility. Silly, but that's partisanship.

Trump has been in office for two years.


Cool, tell the OP.
Funny, our Commander in Chief has had two years to empty that place.

Wingers: It's always the other guy's fault.
isn't he trying to do that now? and you all went fking batshit crazy? I believe even you MAC.
Maybe look at the OP.

It blames Obama for something Trump has had two years to address.
is the OP wring? didn't obammy lead them into Syria? your point is missing. Trump is pulling out and the left are going batshit crazy cause he is. Which is it, good to pull out or not? my mother always taught me it was always safer to pull out.
Trump has been CIC for two years. Since the OP is trying so hard to lay blame, that's where the buck stops.
Under the Bush Doctrine we reserve the right to attack and kill these Terrorist anywhere in the world.
See, you're too stupid to see the flaws in your own comment....

Bush went to war AGAINST terrorists, and he went before Congress asking them for the authority to do so.

Barry never went to Congress to ask for its authority to drag the US into 2 wars - he just claimed someone else's authority to do so. Barry did so because he KNEW if he went before Congress and asked them for their permission / the authority to take the country to war to use our military to help AL QAEDA - the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 - kill the sovereign leader of a country, who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa, and then take over the entire country for themselves, that he would have faced a massive backlash, possible Impeachment, and even possibly would have risked being sent to GITMO himself. (An obvious exaggeration).

Over 8 years as President, Obama:

Financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, aided, and abetted terrorists world-wide.
- He helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over the govt of our ally Egypt
- He dragged the US to war to help Al Qaeda take over Libya
- He ran weapons out of Benghazi to terrorists in Syria
- He protected Hezbollah Drug Operations
- He protected ISIS' Black Market Oil ops that funded 50% of their terrorist attacks, like on Paris
-- After THAT attack, instead of joining Russia/France in attacking ISIS Barry warned them about the attack
- He committed an International War Crime by dragging the US into his 2nd War by invading Syria
- He called the Ft Hood terrorist attack a case of 'Workplace Violence'
- He called the Benghazi attack (1 of 22 ME-wide attacks that day) a 'protest over a video'
- He mocked Americans for fearing 'widows * orphans' then let a terrorist into the US who killed 7 Americans
- He knew who the Boston Marathon Bombers were before the attack but acted as if he didn't after
- He and Hillary KNEW the 9/11/12 attack was coming - when everyone else pulled out they did not orders ours to
- He used US tax dollars to try to overthrow the leader of our ally Israel
- He helped the Palestinians rebuild after they attacked Israel and were heavily damaged
....and on and on and on.......


I'll bet he even kicked dogs. You are so silly.
But as we all know, if it happens on President's "watch", it's their responsibility. Silly, but that's partisanship.

Ummmm....when BARRY is the President....when BARRY orders the invasion...when BARRY sends the troops into's BARRY'S WAR.

Obama took the reins over from Bush in Afghanistan and Iraq, but no matter what happened after it was always Bush's wars. Libya and Syria are ALL BARRY'S!
So Barry forced Trumpy to leave the status quo for two whole years.


So Trump is helpless. Okay.
Funny, our Commander in Chief has had two years to empty that place.

Wingers: It's always the other guy's fault.
isn't he trying to do that now? and you all went fking batshit crazy? I believe even you MAC.
Maybe look at the OP.

It blames Obama for something Trump has had two years to address.
is the OP wring? didn't obammy lead them into Syria? your point is missing. Trump is pulling out and the left are going batshit crazy cause he is. Which is it, good to pull out or not? my mother always taught me it was always safer to pull out.
Trump has been CIC for two years. Since the OP is trying so hard to lay blame, that's where the buck stops.
and he is pulling out. And? he's having to do so cause of what the OP states. just saying. obammy still owns it. bush owned everything for eight years under obammy, fair play is all I can say.
Where would Isis be today without our militaries efforts in Syria? How many more people would be dead?
So you are making the argument that it was OK for Barry to invade Syria to help save oppressed and endangered people but not okay for Bush to do the same?! BTW, as pointed out, at one point Barry was running weapons and helping ISIS...... :p
I’m asking a simple question asking if you think our military efforts in Syria has had an effect on ISIS terrorism attacks... whether invading Syria was the right call is a different question. I never said a word about Bush or Obama so please don’t conflate my questions or statements. Direct answers are appreciated
Funny, our Commander in Chief has had two years to empty that place.

Wingers: It's always the other guy's fault.
isn't he trying to do that now? and you all went fking batshit crazy? I believe even you MAC.
Maybe look at the OP.

It blames Obama for something Trump has had two years to address.
is the OP wring? didn't obammy lead them into Syria? your point is missing. Trump is pulling out and the left are going batshit crazy cause he is. Which is it, good to pull out or not? my mother always taught me it was always safer to pull out.
Trump has been CIC for two years. Since the OP is trying so hard to lay blame, that's where the buck stops.
and he is pulling out. And? he's having to do so cause of what the OP states. just saying. obammy still owns it. bush owned everything for eight years under obammy, fair play is all I can say.
Obama is not in office any more.

You folks will do anything to avoid taking responsibility.

Just like the left wingers.

Do you guys all train at the same place?
But as we all know, if it happens on President's "watch", it's their responsibility. Silly, but that's partisanship.

Ummmm....when BARRY is the President....when BARRY orders the invasion...when BARRY sends the troops into's BARRY'S WAR.

Obama took the reins over from Bush in Afghanistan and Iraq, but no matter what happened after it was always Bush's wars. Libya and Syria are ALL BARRY'S!
So Barry forced Trumpy to leave the status quo for two whole years.


So Trump is helpless. Okay.
it took him two years to clean up obammy's mess and now can leave.
Everything happening in Syria today is a direct result of GW Bush committing an International War Crime by invading a sovereign nation without request or permission from the existing government.

George W. committed no international war crime. We have every right to defend our country.
isn't he trying to do that now? and you all went fking batshit crazy? I believe even you MAC.
Maybe look at the OP.

It blames Obama for something Trump has had two years to address.
is the OP wring? didn't obammy lead them into Syria? your point is missing. Trump is pulling out and the left are going batshit crazy cause he is. Which is it, good to pull out or not? my mother always taught me it was always safer to pull out.
Trump has been CIC for two years. Since the OP is trying so hard to lay blame, that's where the buck stops.
and he is pulling out. And? he's having to do so cause of what the OP states. just saying. obammy still owns it. bush owned everything for eight years under obammy, fair play is all I can say.
Obama is not in office any more.

You folks will do anything to avoid taking responsibility.

Just like the left wingers.

Do you guys all train at the same place?
responsibility for what? I listened for fking eight years Bush, Bush, Bush. they can at least except that they created the syria mess. Trump cleaned it up and is now leaving. still don't know what you're barking about. as fking usual.

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