By way of Trump's fantasy logic, a foreign power still helped him get elected

We'll, at least we know one who is willing to admit to treason. Thanks!

It ain't treason when you stop a traitor like Hillary or any of those current Dems from winning.

It's just amazing that after a two-year Mueller investigation and everything else that's been shown, you people are still convinced that Russia had everything to do with Trump winning. As long as you keep believing that, I will keep feeding your paranoia and trolling you crayola-eating zipperheads.

We'll, Russia didn't have everything to do with Trump cheating in the election; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election

Whether it was "stolen" or not, tough shit, hillbilly.

We be President now, so suck it.

No, it's not tough shit. Just because you got to cheat illegally, doesn't mean I don't have the right to a free and fair election. It's why Trump was impeached. I pay taxes like everyone else, so I'm going to fight or die if necessary to ensure we keep our country out of the hands of Trump voting criminals. And right now, you are going to have to suck on that. 70% of the country felt like Trump should have been investigated for the purpose of impeachment. That's 70% who do not trust this criminal. Trump's criminal organization days are going to be over and he doesn't give two shits in a bucket about you and the rest of his retarded sheep herd.
didn't win it fairly---hahhahahahahhaha
keep the laughs coming, please

He won the popular vote in 31 States.
Hillary got only 19 States.
That is not cheating.
It is cheating when the Russians hacked 21 state voter rolls. people are STILL crying about the election?? AND claiming all kinds of crap lies???!! was a fair and square election---stop the bullshit
We're complaining about Trumps cheating in this election too with his Quid Pro Quo.

Ahhh...I see. So "quid pro quo" was in the articles of Nancy's fake impeachment?

Thank you, I wasn't aware of that.
It was. It's called "an abuse of power." And thanks for your question.
It ain't treason when you stop a traitor like Hillary or any of those current Dems from winning.

It's just amazing that after a two-year Mueller investigation and everything else that's been shown, you people are still convinced that Russia had everything to do with Trump winning. As long as you keep believing that, I will keep feeding your paranoia and trolling you crayola-eating zipperheads.

We'll, Russia didn't have everything to do with Trump cheating in the election; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election

Whether it was "stolen" or not, tough shit, hillbilly.

We be President now, so suck it.

No, it's not tough shit. Just because you got to cheat illegally, doesn't mean I don't have the right to a free and fair election. It's why Trump was impeached. I pay taxes like everyone else, so I'm going to fight or die if necessary to ensure we keep our country out of the hands of Trump voting criminals. And right now, you are going to have to suck on that. 70% of the country felt like Trump should have been investigated for the purpose of impeachment. That's 70% who do not trust this criminal. Trump's criminal organization days are going to be over and he doesn't give two shits in a bucket about you and the rest of his retarded sheep herd.

Go ahead and exercise your right to "fight and die" all you you want to. That would make for good entertainment on the nightly news. Be sure to prime your antiquated Revolutionary War era musket, and don't forget your three-cornered hat. You wouldn't want to go to the afterlife without a spiffy hat now, would you?

But you libtwats say she actually won because she won the popular vote.

So if they were helping Trump they didn't do a very good job, he got 3 million less votes than Hillary!
It ain't treason when you stop a traitor like Hillary or any of those current Dems from winning.

It's just amazing that after a two-year Mueller investigation and everything else that's been shown, you people are still convinced that Russia had everything to do with Trump winning. As long as you keep believing that, I will keep feeding your paranoia and trolling you crayola-eating zipperheads.

We'll, Russia didn't have everything to do with Trump cheating in the election; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election

Whether it was "stolen" or not, tough shit, hillbilly.

We be President now, so suck it.

No, it's not tough shit. Just because you got to cheat illegally, doesn't mean I don't have the right to a free and fair election. It's why Trump was impeached. I pay taxes like everyone else, so I'm going to fight or die if necessary to ensure we keep our country out of the hands of Trump voting criminals. And right now, you are going to have to suck on that. 70% of the country felt like Trump should have been investigated for the purpose of impeachment. That's 70% who do not trust this criminal. Trump's criminal organization days are going to be over and he doesn't give two shits in a bucket about you and the rest of his retarded sheep herd.

Hopefully for all the resistors like you its fight and die
Not or die.
The FBI is as crooked as a dog's hind leg. Their only loyalty is to those that hate Americans.
Like impeached Tramp!
President Trump is looking at a landslide reelection.
There is no president Trump. There never was. He will be gone one day, and he will be going to jail for running an illegal campaign. He will never be viewed in the history books as a legitimate commander in chief, because of how he cheated the country out of a free and fair election. The same way he was doing when he held up tax payer money to help his campaign. And he still hasn't paid all that money yet. As we speak, he is still cheating the American public out of a free and fair election because of a bribe to a foreign power to get dirt on his political opponent. And he is using my money to do it. Do you have any idea how bad the American public feel, by being cheated and ripped off from this thug?

The history books will look at Trump as a disgraced illegal citizen who got caught twice hijacking our election system.
Man, that is a lot of cocaine spouting out of this post.

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