Can a person sincerely be a conservative American and also participate in the attacks on Trump?

I'm not a true conservative. I'm a libertarian who believes in a democratic republican form of government for the U.S.

Anyone else who does should be appalled by the Security State going after an elected official, who is contemplating running again, because he is a perceived enemy of themselves.

Not saying you have to vote for Trump. But if you join in on attacking Trump based on the lies and falsification of the FBI/DOJ, you are siding with an anti-democratic insurgency by our own government agencies.
Your logic would lead any criminal to run for office so any criminal investigations would be called off.
The potential crimes against Trump involve national security. Of course there will be visibility within the administration.
Most say the best thing that could happen to the Democrats is for Trump be the Republican nominee. The week that Mar-a-Lago was raided was the best week of Biden's presidency because of bills passed. That was lost in the news cycle because of the Mar-a-Lag raid. If Biden had anything to do with it, it would not have happened that week.
Trump has been too protected, in my opinion.
I have to say no. Not anymore.

On August 7, 2022, I would have said yes. It was possible that a person with conservative views, who only followed the mainstream media would think that the endless investigations of Trump were legitimate, and that Congress only failed to convict Trump at his two impeachment trials due to partisanship. If you only read headlines, and watch the very short television news (compared to newpapers and text media), it was possible to think, 'that Trump is a jerk who makes the GOP look bad. I'll be glad when he's gone so we can have real conservatives in charge again.'

On August 8th, the anti-Trumpers revealed themselves as the fascists they are in a way that no one can claim to still be ignorant of. If you are still joining in with the Trump bashing, you are throwing your lot in with the worst anti-Americans to ever come into power in the United States so far. They hate Trump more than they love America, at least as a democratic republic. No matter your view on this or that con vs. prog issue, the first step is to restore that democratic republic by bringing the entrenched security state under control, and make votes count fairly again.

If you think Liz Cheney is the kind of Republican you can get behind, then you are equally behind Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin. You have been for a while, but now you cannot claim not to know it.
Trump is not a conservative.
You're using the term "conservative" rather loosely. Let me define it for you:

Support for Natural Law, unalienable rights, republicanism, and Americanism
Limited government and balanced budgets
Capitalism and free markets
Classroom prayer
Respect for human life and prohibition of abortion
Abstinence education
Traditional marriage, not same-sex "marriage"
The concept of retribution for crimes, including the death penalty for heinous murders proven beyond reasonable doubt
Family values, including traditional relationships and division of labor within the household
Respect for differences between men and women, boys and girls
Laws against pornography
First Amendment rights to free speech and religious freedom
The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms
Economic allocative efficiency (as opposed to popular equity)
Parental control of education (parental rights)
Private medical care and retirement plans
Canceling failed social support programs
Opposition to globalism, one-world government, and the War on Sovereignty
Economic nationalism over globalist "free" trade
Valuing patriotism, self-governance, and sovereignty
Border security and enforcement of strong immigration laws, opposition to mass migration and open borders
Respect for our military, both past and present
Rejection of fake science such as evolution and global warming
Minimal taxation
Federalism (Separation of powers among the National, State and Local governments)
Favoring states' rights over federal power, while accepting the Constitutional role of the federal government, and favoring subsidiarity
Opposition to big government and the Nanny State
A strong national defense
An Originalist and Textualist interpretation of the Constitution, and strongly oppose judicial activism
A dedication to the truth, and an ability to seek it
Ending entitlement programs
Voluntary charity to those in genuine need

Modern-day conservatism also generally believes in these: Pro-sovereignty, pro-parental rights, pro-homeschooling, pro-Christianity in the public square, pro-traditional marriage (opposition to "same-sex" "marriage"), pro-working class, pro-patents, anti-Communist, anti-feminist, anti-judicial supremacy, and anti-illegal immigration

Your definition of conservatism is enforcing the biases you have. Small government means allowing people to do things even if you are not necessarily for it. Traditional marriage is as good example. The equal protection clause of the Constitution allows non-traditional marriage. People have the freedom to read what they want as long as it is consenting adults. Who determines what fake science is? You?

Modern day conservatism is not conservatism at all. It is about big government enforcing right wing fascist biases.
Government serving its purpose of protecting its citizens, is not the same as a "nanny state." Pornography is detrimental to society, as are prostitution and drugs.

So you say. That is your opinion. You are a big government right wing fascist.
I disagree with the language. You mean I have to agree with tramp, I'll never agree with tramp as you said,
No, you cannot attack Trump and call yourself a conservative.

I'm conservative but I vote for democrats.
Then you side with the enemy. Democrats need to be destroyed.
You're using the term "conservative" rather loosely. Let me define it for you:

Support for Natural Law, unalienable rights, republicanism, and Americanism
Limited government and balanced budgets
Capitalism and free markets
Classroom prayer
Respect for human life and prohibition of abortion
Abstinence education
Traditional marriage, not same-sex "marriage"
The concept of retribution for crimes, including the death penalty for heinous murders proven beyond reasonable doubt
Family values, including traditional relationships and division of labor within the household
Respect for differences between men and women, boys and girls
Laws against pornography
First Amendment rights to free speech and religious freedom
The Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms
Economic allocative efficiency (as opposed to popular equity)
Parental control of education (parental rights)
Private medical care and retirement plans
Canceling failed social support programs
Opposition to globalism, one-world government, and the War on Sovereignty
Economic nationalism over globalist "free" trade
Valuing patriotism, self-governance, and sovereignty
Border security and enforcement of strong immigration laws, opposition to mass migration and open borders
Respect for our military, both past and present
Rejection of fake science such as evolution and global warming
Minimal taxation
Federalism (Separation of powers among the National, State and Local governments)
Favoring states' rights over federal power, while accepting the Constitutional role of the federal government, and favoring subsidiarity
Opposition to big government and the Nanny State
A strong national defense
An Originalist and Textualist interpretation of the Constitution, and strongly oppose judicial activism
A dedication to the truth, and an ability to seek it
Ending entitlement programs
Voluntary charity to those in genuine need

Modern-day conservatism also generally believes in these: Pro-sovereignty, pro-parental rights, pro-homeschooling, pro-Christianity in the public square, pro-traditional marriage (opposition to "same-sex" "marriage"), pro-working class, pro-patents, anti-Communist, anti-feminist, anti-judicial supremacy, and anti-illegal immigration
Ummmmmmm, it is democrats who have turned themselves into the Nazi Gestapo, rounding up those on the other side, finding them guilty in kangaroo courts, and jailing them. They have also tried eliminating the filibuster in order to attain complete power by using that to add blue states to the Union and seats to the Supreme Court. Only Manchin and Sinema stood in their way of accomplishing that.

The filibuster is not in the Constitution. Nor was it ever meant to create a 60 vote majority on every bill. Republicans have ignored the Constitution when it serves their purposes.
[ From a Republican Strategist ]

In a scenario where Republicans control the House, it will be these Trump-backed candidates who will cause the most agita in the party. While political fortunes can be won and lost over 32 times in the next 80 or so days, it looks like there will not be a big red wave here, but rather a red ripple, which will leave Rep. McCarthy with a much slimmer majority – one where every vote matters.

All of this may be enough for Rep. McCarthy to long for the days when he worked with principled conservatives like outgoing Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo.

There is a very real possibility that radical right wing Republicans will attempt to blackmail Biden by putting radical right wing legislation in must pass bills such as bills that fund government operations and raising the debt limit. Biden should rightly refuse to sign them. This would have a hugely negative impact on our economy.
I've seen no evidence of any refusal to return anything. The family passports aren't classified. Any documents Trump declassified as president aren't classified.

Melania's underwear has no state secrets.

Hillary kept thousands of classified docs on devices she and her staff later destroyed with hammers. No FBI raid, just the FBI conspiring to turn the investigation into Operation Protect Hillary.

Biden campaign sent operatives to the University of Delaware to look for documents pertaining to an alleged rape by Biden. Documents he took out of the Senate and gave to the University to be sealed.

What they found and What they took is unknown since Biden won't let U of D release the records. When will the FBI be raiding?

Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State so she had a right to possess the information.

Biden has not been accused of rape.
Your logic would lead any criminal to run for office so any criminal investigations would be called off.
The potential crimes against Trump involve national security. Of course there will be visibility within the administration.
That argument relies on the presumption of guilt, which is un-American anytime. It's especially bizarre now given the desperation with which the anti Trump activists and scammers in the GBI/DOJ have looked for any crime to nail him on. And failed utterly. For six years.

I'm sure they will continue six more at least even after Trump dies.. A pause to allow a free and fair election is not too much to ask.

Unless you don't want a free and fair election?
Most say the best thing that could happen to the Democrats is for Trump be the Republican nominee. The week that Mar-a-Lago was raided was the best week of Biden's presidency because of bills passed. That was lost in the news cycle because of the Mar-a-Lag raid. If Biden had anything to do with it, it would not have happened that week.
Trump has been too protected, in my opinion.
Biden benefited by limitting the time spent on air analyzing the "Inflation Reduction Act."
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That argumentvrelies on the presumption of guilt, which is un-American anytime. It's especially incorrect now given the desperation with which the anti Trump activists and scammers in the GBI/DOJ have looked for any crime to nail him on. And failed utterly.

Biden benefited by limitting the time spent on air analyzing the "Inflation Reduction Act."
You may think you are a libertarian but you are a Trump trained monkey. A member of the Trump cult. Adulation of your great leader Donald Trump is the most important thing in your world; conservative philosophy, liberal philosophy, libertarian philosophy be damned. You will do anything to help your messiah Trump. Everything you are parroting is right out of the Trump play book. Truth be damned
You may think you are a libertarian but you are a Trump trained monkey. A member of the Trump cult. Adulation of your great leader Donald Trump is the most important thing in your world; conservative philosophy, liberal philosophy, libertarian philosophy be damned. You will do anything to help your messiah Trump. Everything you are parroting is right out of the Trump play book. Truth be damned
Making it personal admits you lost.

The filibuster is not in the Constitution. Nor was it ever meant to create a 60 vote majority on every bill. Republicans have ignored the Constitution when it serves their purposes.
I'm for a supermajority vote in both the Senate and the House. That way we can't have one party in either place be able to abuse their power unlimitedly and be above the law like the democrats are doing now.

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