Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

For the last time...LISTEN UP--the virus is hammering the fuck out of miniorities taking out sections of different families. They are unvaxxed and you blame white people? What is wrong with you.

No its not.
The virus has still killed fewer than 0.02% of the population.
Any discrimination is illegal if open to the public, unless there is a legitimate reason, like "No shoes, No service".
Dummy, did you just seriously say that specific attire is more legitimate of a reason to be denied entry into a bussiness than vaccination in the middle of a pandemic? Seriously?

You are wrong.

The Civil Rights Act applies to all entities and prohibits discimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. However, it does not address issues of discrimination based on disability or a medical condition. Besides these restrictions, a business is generally able to choose with whom it conducts transactions and make its own rules on private property.

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Yes. A store owner has the duty to protect their employees and customers and an unvaxxed person should be asked to leave without being served. A person who is not vaccinated most likely is a disease carrier and no one knows who they are except by asking. Unvaxxed people want to force themselves on others for some reason, when they should stay away.

The Civil Rights Act applies to all entities and prohibits discimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin. However, it does not address issues of discrimination based on disability or a medical condition. Besides these restrictions, a business is generally able to choose with whom it conducts transactions and make its own rules on private property. For example, some businesses hang signs that say, “No shirt, no shoes, no service.”

You obviously have never applied for a license to open a business.
It has nothing to do with the 1964 Civil Rights Bill.
A business license is covered by municipal and state laws, and discrimination is not allowed.

The signs that say, “No shirt, no shoes, no service” is not at all based on subjective choice.
Those rules are based on safety, his insurance, and concerns of offending other customers.

Arbitrary discrimination is illegal based on Common Law and precedes the Bill of Rights.
Mind your own business and make sure you get your white people vaxxed since they are the largest group of unvaxxed.
I'm mixed and UNVAXXED...........think natural immunity from getting covid 19 the original kung flu in lower viral loads for the younger and healthier is the best way to nullify the virus as much as possible.

HAND WASH PEOPLE HAND WASH....and take steps to avoid higher viral loads.
Yes. A store owner has the duty to protect their employees and customers and an unvaxxed person should be asked to leave without being served. A person who is not vaccinated most likely is a disease carrier and no one knows who they are except by asking. Unvaxxed people want to force themselves on others for some reason, when they should stay away.
For the last time airhead, the vaxxed are the ones carrying the disease around and spreading it.
You obviously have never applied for a license to open a business.
It has nothing to do with the 1964 Civil Rights Bill.
A business license is covered by municipal and state laws, and discrimination is not allowed.

The signs that say, “No shirt, no shoes, no service” is not at all based on subjective choice.
Those rules are based on safety, his insurance, and concerns of offending other customers.

Arbitrary discrimination is illegal based on Common Law and precedes the Bill of Rights.

Dummy, what the hell makes you think these criterias do not apply to vaccinations?

Vacciantion is about safety for you and others - duh.
For the last time airhead, the vaxxed are the ones carrying the disease around and spreading it.

The unvaxxed are the spreaders and they know it. These pigs will walk right up to you, no mask, no staying six feet away. They are the ones jamming up the hospitals, taking up space that should go to decent people in need of care for a variety of medical conditions, not just Covid.

The unvaxxed, except for those who can't get the vaccine for medical reasons or are too young, are people who don't give a damn for their own people and their own country.
Tell them to step the fuck back away from you and get out of your personal space. I had to do this in a store the other day.
We live in a weird world. You and I have had encounters like this. At the same time there are people who claim that we should all be walking around with loaded guns to protect ourselves. So it's okay to run around with a loaded gun and blow anyone away who gets near you or touches you. I wish women had known this sooner. donald trump would have been a corpse.
You continually avoid the question of how the people can protect themselves from the disease spreaders. Do people have to carry some pepper or bear spray?
And you can go somewhere else or get tossed out on your ass, maybe.
What happens if you guys go full Mark of the Beast type of tyranny? If someone brings a gun to a store to get food because he is hungry or worse are you going to have a problem with that? You certainly have no issues depending on who is doing it now.
I know it's illegal to ask WHY you need a support dog or emotional support dog. But to ask if you have been vaxxed and want proof? Slippery slope. cake for a gay couple. Some rules apply, some don't.

If I am asked, I would tell them it's none of their business. If they tell me to prove it one way or another, I would just walk out. This is retail, though. Drs office? Dunno.
The unvaxxed are the spreaders and they know it. These pigs will walk right up to you, no mask, no staying six feet away. They are the ones jamming up the hospitals, taking up space that should go to decent people in need of care for a variety of medical conditions, not just Covid.

The unvaxxed, except for those who can't get the vaccine for medical reasons or are too young, are people who don't give a damn for their own people and their own country.
Why don't you go stand guard at the border with your vaxxed self? And whatever you do, do NOT talk to any postal person. Or go to DC to visit the capitol.

There is something seriously wrong with you. Which is why I don't give one big shit about you or anyone else wanting me to poison myself just for you.

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