Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

The unvaxxed are the spreaders and they know it. These pigs will walk right up to you, no mask, no staying six feet away. They are the ones jamming up the hospitals, taking up space that should go to decent people in need of care for a variety of medical conditions, not just Covid.

The unvaxxed, except for those who can't get the vaccine for medical reasons or are too young, are people who don't give a damn for their own people and their own country.
I'm unvaxxed...I'm not spreading the disease around. I've had the disease----and now should be immune, a better immunity than what you vaxxers have especially when it comes to long term and the multi-variants here and the ones that are coming.

The young shouldn't be vaxxed as no one knows what the long term consequences are and if they were exposed to the original less lethal covid strain to them, they would now have immunity against the new strains which will progressively become more and more a threat to them.

The old selfish vaxxers who think that they don't spread the disease are stupid and selfish---their immunity wanes quickly--quicker than they will ever have any immunity more than a few months at a time...even when they are supposedly immuned they will spread the disease to others, as their weak immunity wanes they will pick up the virus from their fellow vaxxed. They screaming for kids to suffer the long term consequences of these untested faux vaccines will create a lot of hell for the kids.
Thoughts? It's coming.
The first thought, of course, is that conservatives are infamous for their hypocrisy.

Great ‘advocates’ of private property rights and the rights of private business owners, inconsistent conservatives change their tune when it comes to business owners’ right to safeguard the health of his patrons and employees.
The first thought, of course, is that conservatives are infamous for their hypocrisy.

Great ‘advocates’ of private property rights and the rights of private business owners, inconsistent conservatives change their tune when it comes to business owners’ right to safeguard the health of his patrons and employees.

Remind us again who fined a baker and put her out of business. Goddamn dumbass
Since bakers have to make gay cakes then how can a business discriminate against those not wearing clown suits?
Public accommodations laws with provisions for sexual orientation are regulatory measures which benefit local markets pursuant to Commerce Clause jurisprudence – because public accommodations laws are Constitutional, they don’t violate the property rights of business owners.

Business owners are otherwise at liberty to accommodate whom they wish consistent with public accommodations laws – including denying service to those not vaccinated.
Public accommodations laws with provisions for sexual orientation are regulatory measures which benefit local markets pursuant to Commerce Clause jurisprudence – because public accommodations laws are Constitutional, they don’t violate the property rights of business owners.

Business owners are otherwise at liberty to accommodate whom they wish consistent with public accommodations laws – including denying service to those not vaccinated.

You're all over the map, goof
No shirt, no shoes, no shot, no service. They cannot ask you for proof though, I dont believe unless you’re in leftist NYC.

Private businesses can set up any sort of policy they want. They ask for IDs when serving alcohol if the patron looks too young, then they can ask for vax proof, too, idiot.
What happens if you guys go full Mark of the Beast type of tyranny?
Then happy meals will be $50 and people will be marrying farm animals. Just like you guys said would happen, when we increased minimum wage and made gay marriage legal.
Which now has to take measures to save lives and the country from you vaxx deniers. As if there isn't a whole world of other things they should be worrying about...
most admins could walk and chew gum at the same time. I realize the current one is lucky to find their way to work every morning!!! and the unvaxxed can't hurt the vaxxed. I got the jab. And I don't give a shit if anyone else does. Freedom is awesome. I will say this. Now that I have BEEN COMMANDED to do so, I will be damned if I get a booster or anything else these criminals tell me to do. FUCK THEM.
Remind us again who fined a baker and put her out of business. Goddamn dumbass
The hateful, bigoted right hostile to gay Americans fully supports private business owners discriminating against homosexuals in public accommodations.

Because the willfully ignorant, wrongheaded right is opposed to vaccinations, they vilify business owners exercising their private property rights.

Conservatives are infamous for their hypocrisy.
No. See Public Accommodation Laws.

Public accommodations laws prohibit discrimination only for classes of persons provided for in the law; they are not ‘comprehensive.’

Because no public accommodations law has a provision for those not vaccinated, business owners may lawfully refuse service to those who are not vaccinated.

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