Can a store owner ask me if I am vaxxed?

Public accommodations laws with provisions for sexual orientation are regulatory measures which benefit local markets pursuant to Commerce Clause jurisprudence – because public accommodations laws are Constitutional, they don’t violate the property rights of business owners.

Business owners are otherwise at liberty to accommodate whom they wish consistent with public accommodations laws – including denying service to those not vaccinated.

That is just a lie
Pubic accommodations laws are ancient and prevent any arbitrary discrimination at all.
For example, there are lots of good reason why people can not get vaccinated, such as already being immune, being at risk medically, against their religion or political beliefs, etc.

This is a sophistic argument that ignores centuries of Anglo-American law, which has long limited the ability of certain businesses open to the public to decline service to willing customers.[2] Under the old English and early American common law, “common carriers” — that is, businesses that provided services deemed essential by the courts, like transportation and lodging — were required to take all customers unless they had a good reason not to, like the customer could not pay or presented a threat to other customers. In some states, this “duty to serve” extended to all businesses open to the public, such as restaurants, casinos, racetracks, malls, and stadiums.


Public accommodations laws prohibit discrimination only for classes of persons provided for in the law; they are not ‘comprehensive.’

Because no public accommodations law has a provision for those not vaccinated, business owners may lawfully refuse service to those who are not vaccinated.

Totally untrue.
Rights are infinite and so are possible groups that need protection, so you never could possibly ever list them all and you are never supposed to.
The principle of arbitrary discrimination is by itself totally illegal, and no particular groupings are ever required by legislation.
Historically discriminated against groups are specifically listed, but in no way does that ever remotely imply other discrimination would then be legal in any way.
Dude you're an idiot and I think you're a fcking conical clown

How's that?
We’ve seen the same hypocrisy from conservatives with regard to the right’s desire to use government to punish social media because social media are ‘mean’ to conservatives.

Just as social media can refuse to accommodate conservatives who spread misinformation and lies about the pandemic and vaccines, so too can private business owners refuse to accommodate those who are not vaccinated.

If the hypocritical right were consistent with its advocacy of private property rights, they’d support the right of private social media to edit their content as they see fit and the right of private business owners to not accommodate the unvaccinated.
We’ve seen the same hypocrisy from conservatives with regard to the right’s desire to use government to punish social media because social media are ‘mean’ to conservatives.

Just as social media can refuse to accommodate conservatives who spread misinformation and lies about the pandemic and vaccines, so too can private business owners refuse to accommodate those who are not vaccinated.

If the hypocritical right were consistent with its advocacy of private property rights, they’d support the right of private social media to edit their content as they see fit and the right of private business owners to not accommodate the unvaccinated.

Yawn, mommy probably has cookies. Go get one
Private businesses can set up any sort of policy they want. They ask for IDs when serving alcohol if the patron looks too young, then they can ask for vax proof, too, idiot.

Anyone open to the public most certainly can NOT set up any policy they want.
Arbitrary discrimination, for any reason, is totally illegal and always has been, for thousands of years.
Asking for ID before serving alcohol is NOT up to the business owner, but is required by the local laws.
You can ASK for vax proof if you want, but there is nothing stopping anyone from just producing a fake.
That is only illegal if you are violating state law, like trying to visit Hawaii without a quarantine period.
I wouldn't have a problem with a store owner asking me if I was vaccinated, but I'm not looking for trouble. Are you?

I'd laugh and tell the owner I'll take my business elsewhere.

You're the one thinking someone else's private health history is somehow a prelude to shopping

You're kinda sad
Public accommodations laws with provisions for sexual orientation are regulatory measures which benefit local markets pursuant to Commerce Clause jurisprudence – because public accommodations laws are Constitutional, they don’t violate the property rights of business owners.

Business owners are otherwise at liberty to accommodate whom they wish consistent with public accommodations laws – including denying service to those not vaccinated.

There is no allowance in any public accommodations law that allowed for discrimination based on vaccinations, except by public schools.

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