Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.

lol, keep inventing strawmen. You're good at it.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.
I don't listen to anything you say either, shall I detail your sordid characters flaws?
Like claiming that certain people do something with no evidence to prove your allegations...
Dearest hypocrites- WHERE is your OUTRAGE over Hillary's collusion with Ukraine that went on for MONTHS and involved payments?
Actually, Obama tried all he could. Remember his butt hurt over Americans for Prosperity? He wanted to know the names of its members. But hey, he had the IRS do his bidding

If "digging for dirt" were the only thing going on here, it would be quite normal.

As we all know, however, there is much more to the story.

And it is happening in the context of a much larger story. And it includes verifiable lies.

As we all know.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

No, no one is claiming that.

The problem is that when you go digging for dirt with a foreign government, that is against the law. Also, really unseemly.
If "digging for dirt" were the only thing going on here, it would be quite normal.

As we all know, however, there is much more to the story.

And it is happening in the context of a much larger story. And it includes verifiable lies.

As we all know.
do we really?

so far every allegation has fallen flat on its face. period. *this* is why i simply can't entertain another WE GOT YOU NOW YOU SUMBITCH! thread and hope from the left.

it's desperation to find ANYTHING
it's a witch hunt to be sure because as soon as one accusation falls, another takes its place. you don't even care WHAT you get him for, just that you do.

it also makes it very difficult when something like this comes up that could in fact be *real* to take the left seriously. they've already used up all credibility in the last 10 attempts to go HERE IS OUR PROOF!!!!

so while oldlady says i come across as defending trump - i'm honestly not. man does enough to warrant the criticism he gets to be sure. but when people make it so much more out of their own hate? i can never take that seriously. not anymore. crying WOLF eventually just leads to apathy.

having a news media outlet like CNN that is constant in their making shit up that i find it utterly hard to believe people still defend CNN. but then maybe like me they're defending a process or idea, not a person/entity. hard to say sometimes but CNN has abused their "power" far too much. i don't care trump is an ass - you don't make shit up about people.

we have verifiable lies all around. and much like WMD in iraq are they lies or are people making it that way cause they're not getting the end results THEY WANT? ie - trump is a liar so all he says is a lie. "well this wasn't a lie" SHUT UP TRUMP SUCKS YOU TRUMPER!!!

what the HELL is up with shit like that? but that's 80%+ of the convo in here and how people tend to act.

there are some things i'm glad trump is doing and there are some things i wish he'd stop doing. i can say this about any president whether i liked them or not. people now are just so hysterical in their fanaticism about him that everything they do is ok cause - TRUMP. his being trump excuses their behavior.

i don't play that game. at all.

so maybe more will come out of this. maybe not. to say this is their mindset all along cause someone mails jr and says "want some dirt" and he says "sure!" is also bullshit and to an agenda. did they go looking for it or was it brought to them? if brought to them HOW could this be their mindset?

now - is digging for dirt on your opponent the bad thing here? someone tell me what is the crime. digging is fine until it comes from a different gov? then great we should be mad at the brits for some of the shit they pulled against trump but as long as it's against trump, the rules don't apply.

as long as that is the case, you'll find me on the other side saying FUCK YOU YES THEY DO and if people take that as a trump defense, fine. but all sides need to play by the same rules with the same penalties for breaking them.

end of story.

so again - what is the crime here? not what did jr and the russian lawyer do - but the act itself - take out names, what is the crime? and you god damn better well believe i'm going to take that standard and use it against other instances where the rage doesn't exist and ask why.

and the answer better not be - TRUMP! or you just proved my point.
so again - what is the crime here? not what did jr and the russian lawyer do - but the act itself - take out names, what is the crime? and you god damn better well believe i'm going to take that standard and use it against other instances where the rage doesn't exist and ask why.

We've already established what the crime is.

It is illegal to deal with foreign government under the Logan Act as a private citizen.

It is illegal to accept something of value from a foreign government under the Campaign Finance Act.

Jr.'s argument is that he bought a bag of cocaine, but it turned out to be a bag of powdered sugar.
If "digging for dirt" were the only thing going on here, it would be quite normal.

As we all know, however, there is much more to the story.

And it is happening in the context of a much larger story. And it includes verifiable lies.

As we all know.
do we really?

so far every allegation has fallen flat on its face. period. *this* is why i simply can't entertain another WE GOT YOU NOW YOU SUMBITCH! thread and hope from the left.

it's desperation to find ANYTHING
it's a witch hunt to be sure because as soon as one accusation falls, another takes its place. you don't even care WHAT you get him for, just that you do.

it also makes it very difficult when something like this comes up that could in fact be *real* to take the left seriously. they've already used up all credibility in the last 10 attempts to go HERE IS OUR PROOF!!!!

so while oldlady says i come across as defending trump - i'm honestly not. man does enough to warrant the criticism he gets to be sure. but when people make it so much more out of their own hate? i can never take that seriously. not anymore. crying WOLF eventually just leads to apathy.

having a news media outlet like CNN that is constant in their making shit up that i find it utterly hard to believe people still defend CNN. but then maybe like me they're defending a process or idea, not a person/entity. hard to say sometimes but CNN has abused their "power" far too much. i don't care trump is an ass - you don't make shit up about people.

we have verifiable lies all around. and much like WMD in iraq are they lies or are people making it that way cause they're not getting the end results THEY WANT? ie - trump is a liar so all he says is a lie. "well this wasn't a lie" SHUT UP TRUMP SUCKS YOU TRUMPER!!!

what the HELL is up with shit like that? but that's 80%+ of the convo in here and how people tend to act.

there are some things i'm glad trump is doing and there are some things i wish he'd stop doing. i can say this about any president whether i liked them or not. people now are just so hysterical in their fanaticism about him that everything they do is ok cause - TRUMP. his being trump excuses their behavior.

i don't play that game. at all.

so maybe more will come out of this. maybe not. to say this is their mindset all along cause someone mails jr and says "want some dirt" and he says "sure!" is also bullshit and to an agenda. did they go looking for it or was it brought to them? if brought to them HOW could this be their mindset?

now - is digging for dirt on your opponent the bad thing here? someone tell me what is the crime. digging is fine until it comes from a different gov? then great we should be mad at the brits for some of the shit they pulled against trump but as long as it's against trump, the rules don't apply.

as long as that is the case, you'll find me on the other side saying FUCK YOU YES THEY DO and if people take that as a trump defense, fine. but all sides need to play by the same rules with the same penalties for breaking them.

end of story.

so again - what is the crime here? not what did jr and the russian lawyer do - but the act itself - take out names, what is the crime? and you god damn better well believe i'm going to take that standard and use it against other instances where the rage doesn't exist and ask why.

and the answer better not be - TRUMP! or you just proved my point.
I don't know what the "crime" is, nor have I ever used the word, nor have I made that accusation. So let's remove that straw man.

We do know that Trump Jr met with a Russian after being told that Russia was trying to help his father. We do know that he chose not to report the contact. We do know that Manafort & Kushner were at the meeting, they were copied on emails, and they didn't report it. We do know that all this and more are a part of a larger context with other questionable activities.

I don't know if this stuff qualifies as "fake news" with you, or if you're just ignoring it, or whatever. It's clear that you're either okay with all this or you just want to spin for Trump. Doesn't matter to me.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.

Worse than that man.... they're trying to claim it's tantamount to TREASON!
I honestly havent seen anyone claim that owl. However, they just ignore it. To some, letters by a name matter more than the substance.
so again - what is the crime here? not what did jr and the russian lawyer do - but the act itself - take out names, what is the crime? and you god damn better well believe i'm going to take that standard and use it against other instances where the rage doesn't exist and ask why.

We've already established what the crime is.

It is illegal to deal with foreign government under the Logan Act as a private citizen.

It is illegal to accept something of value from a foreign government under the Campaign Finance Act.

Jr.'s argument is that he bought a bag of cocaine, but it turned out to be a bag of powdered sugar.
There was no crime, there is no crime, there won't be any crime.

You leftists have all absolutely gone off the deep end.

To the vast majority of Americans, we know exactly what this is all about, and some inane meeting over a year ago with some Russian lawyer about adoption, and who had zero to do with the Russian government isn't it. This is ALL about DERAILING president Trump's agenda... RESIST! Frankly, I think the whole thing was a SET UP, and there's emerging PROOF that could be the case, and if it is, democrats need to be very afraid.

Well, people are watching, and if you don't think they've all had a belly full of this RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA already, and the WILD talk from MORONS like Waters and Kaine about IMPEACHMENT and TREASON, and democraps trying to pass some idiotic thing through congress to have president Trump declared INSANE, just wait until the next election. The democrat party and it's COLLUDING PROPAGANDA TRASH MACHINE are frothing at the mouth themselves right into the toilet with the American people.

Now go find me a Washpo or NYT POLL that shows president Trump doesn't have any support so I can LAUGH.
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We've already established what the crime is.

It is illegal to deal with foreign government under the Logan Act as a private citizen.

The Logan Act has never been enforced, never been tested in the courts, and if it ever were, there's a very good chance that it would be struck down as unconstitutional, being found to violate the First Amendment's protection of freedoms of speech and assembly.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.


are they willing to send obama and clinton to jail as well

for doing the same thing they are trying to blame on trump

If "digging for dirt" were the only thing going on here, it would be quite normal.

As we all know, however, there is much more to the story.

And it is happening in the context of a much larger story. And it includes verifiable lies.

As we all know.
do we really?

so far every allegation has fallen flat on its face. period. *this* is why i simply can't entertain another WE GOT YOU NOW YOU SUMBITCH! thread and hope from the left.

it's desperation to find ANYTHING
it's a witch hunt to be sure because as soon as one accusation falls, another takes its place. you don't even care WHAT you get him for, just that you do.

it also makes it very difficult when something like this comes up that could in fact be *real* to take the left seriously. they've already used up all credibility in the last 10 attempts to go HERE IS OUR PROOF!!!!

so while oldlady says i come across as defending trump - i'm honestly not. man does enough to warrant the criticism he gets to be sure. but when people make it so much more out of their own hate? i can never take that seriously. not anymore. crying WOLF eventually just leads to apathy.

having a news media outlet like CNN that is constant in their making shit up that i find it utterly hard to believe people still defend CNN. but then maybe like me they're defending a process or idea, not a person/entity. hard to say sometimes but CNN has abused their "power" far too much. i don't care trump is an ass - you don't make shit up about people.

we have verifiable lies all around. and much like WMD in iraq are they lies or are people making it that way cause they're not getting the end results THEY WANT? ie - trump is a liar so all he says is a lie. "well this wasn't a lie" SHUT UP TRUMP SUCKS YOU TRUMPER!!!

what the HELL is up with shit like that? but that's 80%+ of the convo in here and how people tend to act.

there are some things i'm glad trump is doing and there are some things i wish he'd stop doing. i can say this about any president whether i liked them or not. people now are just so hysterical in their fanaticism about him that everything they do is ok cause - TRUMP. his being trump excuses their behavior.

i don't play that game. at all.

so maybe more will come out of this. maybe not. to say this is their mindset all along cause someone mails jr and says "want some dirt" and he says "sure!" is also bullshit and to an agenda. did they go looking for it or was it brought to them? if brought to them HOW could this be their mindset?

now - is digging for dirt on your opponent the bad thing here? someone tell me what is the crime. digging is fine until it comes from a different gov? then great we should be mad at the brits for some of the shit they pulled against trump but as long as it's against trump, the rules don't apply.

as long as that is the case, you'll find me on the other side saying FUCK YOU YES THEY DO and if people take that as a trump defense, fine. but all sides need to play by the same rules with the same penalties for breaking them.

end of story.

so again - what is the crime here? not what did jr and the russian lawyer do - but the act itself - take out names, what is the crime? and you god damn better well believe i'm going to take that standard and use it against other instances where the rage doesn't exist and ask why.

and the answer better not be - TRUMP! or you just proved my point.
I don't know what the "crime" is, nor have I ever used the word, nor have I made that accusation. So let's remove that straw man.

We do know that Trump Jr met with a Russian after being told that Russia was trying to help his father. We do know that he chose not to report the contact. We do know that Manafort & Kushner were at the meeting, they were copied on emails, and they didn't report it. We do know that all this and more are a part of a larger context with other questionable activities.

I don't know if this stuff qualifies as "fake news" with you, or if you're just ignoring it, or whatever. It's clear that you're either okay with all this or you just want to spin for Trump. Doesn't matter to me.
to you maybe it is - but can you look around you and see how many ARE saying CRIME DAMNIT! IMPEACH!!! that is my reference. my "unload" was not just on you. :) sorry about that.

for the contact - from what i understand nothing came out of it. she also said it was for adoptions. in this day of fake news, you'll forgive me if i doubt *all facts* til the emo's shut up and let the real story come out.

now if you're upset at the lack of reporting - like i said, i can put that on many people you'd turn around and defend as being the same thing in my eyes. but people are looking for any nugget on trump so THIS is now a crime when before it was ok because of xyz reason. attacking trump is ok cause - TRUMP and all bets are off.

no, i don't play that game. not for trump. not for obama. not for hillary. not for anyone. if i think something is wrong then it's wrong for all, not people i don't like.

to me - this is a HUGE difference in me and many others on either side.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.


are they willing to send obama and clinton to jail as well

for doing the same thing they are trying to blame on trump

THIS all day long.

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