Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?

Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

No, no one is claiming that.

The problem is that when you go digging for dirt with a foreign government, that is against the law. Also, really unseemly.

if no money changed hands how is it against the law?
Intent is 90% of the crime. The end result is Russia's hacking and subsequent release of Hillary's emails helped Trump by influencing public opinion. For some reason, Russia wanted that and was rewarded with a Trump victory. Why Russia needed to share that clandestine strategy
with DT jr. can only be explained by
"deal making." Now, the key issue is that Junior Trump has publicly confessed to having been baited into participating in a meeting with Russian operatives with the intent to learn of damaging information on Hillary. The damn fool, enticed by a pretty face, took the bait and is now in deep doo doo. Yep...the Trumps are really schmart folks...brilliant...
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

No, no one is claiming that.

The problem is that when you go digging for dirt with a foreign government, that is against the law. Also, really unseemly.

if no money changed hands how is it against the law?
Intent is 90% of the crime. The end result is Russia's hacking and subsequent release of Hillary's emails helped Trump by influencing public opinion. For some reason, Russia wanted that and was rewarded with a Trump victory. Why Russia needed to share that clandestine strategy
with DT jr. can only be explained by
"deal making." Now, the key issue is that Junior Trump has publicly confessed to having been baited into participating in a meeting with Russian operatives with the intent to learn of damaging information on Hillary. The damn fool, enticed by a pretty face, took the bait and is now in deep doo doo. Yep...the Trumps are really schmart folks...brilliant...

There has to be an actual crime for your point to count, and so far no one has shown an actual crime being committed.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.
The problem for you kind is you don't really understand "national security". I'm guessing it's because so many Republicans admire certain foreign aspects. Like Nazism and Mother Russia. If you could take away healthcare for millions of Americans, even putting children in danger, and laugh at their suffering and predicament, then what else are you capable of?
Your kind wants America to be like Russia so of course you don't see helping them as an issue. Putin has murdered over 60 journalists since 1990. You want to do that here so of course, you don't see that as a threat to the American political system. It's all perfectly clear.

More partisan BS that is all made up crap. The lies the left loves to spew.
The democrat party and it's COLLUDING PROPAGANDA TRASH MACHINE are frothing at the mouth themselves right into the toilet with the American people
Democrats ARE the true American people. You Ruskie loving konservatives have lost your patriot card.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.
The problem for you kind is you don't really understand "national security". I'm guessing it's because so many Republicans admire certain foreign aspects. Like Nazism and Mother Russia. If you could take away healthcare for millions of Americans, even putting children in danger, and laugh at their suffering and predicament, then what else are you capable of?
Your kind wants America to be like Russia so of course you don't see helping them as an issue. Putin has murdered over 60 journalists since 1990. You want to do that here so of course, you don't see that as a threat to the American political system. It's all perfectly clear.

More partisan BS that is all made up crap. The lies the left loves to spew.
Explain that to the millions whose healthcare Republicans want to abandon.
If "digging for dirt" were the only thing going on here, it would be quite normal.

As we all know, however, there is much more to the story.

And it is happening in the context of a much larger story. And it includes verifiable lies.

As we all know.
You are against verifiable lies? You proudly voted for the kuunt witch in a pants suit? That is funny as fuck. You, are dumber than all fuck. Not to mention a pathetic double talking hypocrite.

Give us your best analysis of the golden showers dossier.

I will be expecting for an asshole like you to tell me that it is not the same. Of course not.
The "golden showers dossier"? I don't know much about it - although I have heard Rush talking about, so I'm sure you're well-versed. Some story about Trump asking a hooker to pee on a bed the Obamas slept in or something. Don't know, no proof, don't care.

What does hookers peeing in a bed have to do with Junior meeting with a Russian after learning the Russians were trying to help his Dad? Were the hookers at the meeting? Was the Russian lady a hooker? Is Junior a hooker?

And why are you trying to deflect from your own thread?

Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

No, no one is claiming that.

The problem is that when you go digging for dirt with a foreign government, that is against the law. Also, really unseemly.

if no money changed hands how is it against the law?
Intent is 90% of the crime. The end result is Russia's hacking and subsequent release of Hillary's emails helped Trump by influencing public opinion. For some reason, Russia wanted that and was rewarded with a Trump victory. Why Russia needed to share that clandestine strategy
with DT jr. can only be explained by
"deal making." Now, the key issue is that Junior Trump has publicly confessed to having been baited into participating in a meeting with Russian operatives with the intent to learn of damaging information on Hillary. The damn fool, enticed by a pretty face, took the bait and is now in deep doo doo. Yep...the Trumps are really schmart folks...brilliant...

There has to be an actual crime for your point to count, and so far no one has shown an actual crime being committed.
Well, an actual crime was commited.
As an example...consider the docu-drama "How to Catch a Predator"..starring Chris Hanson. Time after time we've seen pedophiles walk into homes on live tv with the intent to have sex with children. Each time they were confronted by Hanson and subsequently charged and arrested based on INTENT. Do you
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.
This isn't a one off meeting that happened without a wider context.
You've left out the very important context of the Russians working to influence our election. All of these undisclosed meetings must be viewed within that context.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.
This isn't a one off meeting that happened without a wider context.
You've left out the very important context of the Russians working to influence our election. All of these undisclosed meetings must be viewed within that context.

What about the Ukraine?

Why didn't the Democrats go after Ted Kennedy back when he actually did what Democrats are accusing Trump of doing during the Cold War?
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.
This isn't a one off meeting that happened without a wider context.
You've left out the very important context of the Russians working to influence our election. All of these undisclosed meetings must be viewed within that context.

What about the Ukraine?

Why didn't the Democrats go after Ted Kennedy back when he actually did what Democrats are accusing Trump of doing during the Cold War?
They are worthless fucking losers. Plus, they are wrong about everything.
If "digging for dirt" were the only thing going on here, it would be quite normal.

As we all know, however, there is much more to the story.

And it is happening in the context of a much larger story. And it includes verifiable lies.

As we all know.
You are against verifiable lies? You proudly voted for the kuunt witch in a pants suit? That is funny as fuck. You, are dumber than all fuck. Not to mention a pathetic double talking hypocrite.

Give us your best analysis of the golden showers dossier.

I will be expecting for an asshole like you to tell me that it is not the same. Of course not.
The "golden showers dossier"? I don't know much about it - although I have heard Rush talking about, so I'm sure you're well-versed. Some story about Trump asking a hooker to pee on a bed the Obamas slept in or something. Don't know, no proof, don't care.

What does hookers peeing in a bed have to do with Junior meeting with a Russian after learning the Russians were trying to help his Dad? Were the hookers at the meeting? Was the Russian lady a hooker? Is Junior a hooker?

And why are you trying to deflect from your own thread?

Of course you know little about it. Fucking loser.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.
This isn't a one off meeting that happened without a wider context.
You've left out the very important context of the Russians working to influence our election. All of these undisclosed meetings must be viewed within that context.

What about the Ukraine?

Why didn't the Democrats go after Ted Kennedy back when he actually did what Democrats are accusing Trump of doing during the Cold War?

What does any of that have to do with Russian meddling and the Trump campaign's willingness to participate?
If "digging for dirt" were the only thing going on here, it would be quite normal.

As we all know, however, there is much more to the story.

And it is happening in the context of a much larger story. And it includes verifiable lies.

As we all know.
You are against verifiable lies? You proudly voted for the kuunt witch in a pants suit? That is funny as fuck. You, are dumber than all fuck. Not to mention a pathetic double talking hypocrite.

Give us your best analysis of the golden showers dossier.

I will be expecting for an asshole like you to tell me that it is not the same. Of course not.
The "golden showers dossier"? I don't know much about it - although I have heard Rush talking about, so I'm sure you're well-versed. Some story about Trump asking a hooker to pee on a bed the Obamas slept in or something. Don't know, no proof, don't care.

What does hookers peeing in a bed have to do with Junior meeting with a Russian after learning the Russians were trying to help his Dad? Were the hookers at the meeting? Was the Russian lady a hooker? Is Junior a hooker?

And why are you trying to deflect from your own thread?

Of course you know little about it. Fucking loser.
Did Junior pee on the bed?

Did he pee on the hooker?
'Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?'

That is what appears to be happening in this case, yes....which I assume is a hard sell to make considering they went out and paid foreigners for fake information on Trump, foreigners whose source of the fake News info came from a company being paid by the Russian Govt.

PHOTOS: Trump Dossier Source Met With Kremlin Crony At Russian Expo

"The alleged source of some of the most jarring allegations in the Trump dossier met in June with a Russian oligarch who is both a member of Vladimir Putin’s inner circle and a former business partner of Paul Manafort, President Trump’s one-time campaign chairman.

Sergei Millian, a Belarusian businessman identified as a dossier source, met the Putin insider, Oleg Deripaska, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, held in the northern Russian city between June 16 and 18.

Two days after the forum ended, Christopher Steele, a former MI6 agent conducting research on Trump, wrote a memo based on information from an intermediary who spoke to a source later identified as Millian."

The information the DNC / Hillary got - paid for - from foreign nationals came from a member of Putin's inner circle.

Do snowflakes REALLY want to make the claim that working with Russians, especially with Putin and the Russian govt, is 'treason' and ANYONE caught colluding with them in such a manner should be severely punished?

There is NO EVIDENCE of collusion between Trump and the Russian govt - there IS such evidence to prove collusion between the DNC / Hillary and Putin's inner circle.
'Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?'

That is what appears to be happening in this case, yes....which I assume is a hard sell to make considering they went out and paid foreigners for fake information on Trump, foreigners whose source of the fake News info came from a company being paid by the Russian Govt.

PHOTOS: Trump Dossier Source Met With Kremlin Crony At Russian Expo

"The alleged source of some of the most jarring allegations in the Trump dossier met in June with a Russian oligarch who is both a member of Vladimir Putin’s inner circle and a former business partner of Paul Manafort, President Trump’s one-time campaign chairman.

Sergei Millian, a Belarusian businessman identified as a dossier source, met the Putin insider, Oleg Deripaska, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, held in the northern Russian city between June 16 and 18.

Two days after the forum ended, Christopher Steele, a former MI6 agent conducting research on Trump, wrote a memo based on information from an intermediary who spoke to a source later identified as Millian."

The information the DNC / Hillary got - paid for - from foreign nationals came from a member of Putin's inner circle.

Do snowflakes REALLY want to make the claim that working with Russians, especially with Putin and the Russian govt, is 'treason' and ANYONE caught colluding with them in such a manner should be severely punished?

There is NO EVIDENCE of collusion between Trump and the Russian govt - there IS such evidence to prove collusion between the DNC / Hillary and Putin's inner circle.
You get upset so easily, Twinkle Toes. Go outside and get some fresh air.
What does any of that have to do with Russian meddling and the Trump campaign's willingness to participate?

Democrats are completely ok with another country interfering with our election as long as it helps them.

Hmm...I don't see anyone going out of their way to investigate your dubious claims. Our entire govt is however investigating Russian attempts to meddle in our election and now the willingness of the Trump campaign to participate.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.
This isn't a one off meeting that happened without a wider context.
You've left out the very important context of the Russians working to influence our election. All of these undisclosed meetings must be viewed within that context.

What about the Ukraine?

Why didn't the Democrats go after Ted Kennedy back when he actually did what Democrats are accusing Trump of doing during the Cold War?
Why didn't the Repub-lie-cons go after him?
What does any of that have to do with Russian meddling and the Trump campaign's willingness to participate?

Democrats are completely ok with another country interfering with our election as long as it helps them.

Hmm...I don't see anyone going out of their way to investigate your dubious claims. Our entire govt is however investigating Russian attempts to meddle in our election and now the willingness of the Trump campaign to participate.

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit
What does any of that have to do with Russian meddling and the Trump campaign's willingness to participate?

Democrats are completely ok with another country interfering with our election as long as it helps them.

Hmm...I don't see anyone going out of their way to investigate your dubious claims. Our entire govt is however investigating Russian attempts to meddle in our election and now the willingness of the Trump campaign to participate.

Good Lord I hate them.

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