Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?

Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

No, no one is claiming that.

The problem is that when you go digging for dirt with a foreign government, that is against the law. Also, really unseemly.

if no money changed hands how is it against the law?
Intent is 90% of the crime. The end result is Russia's hacking and subsequent release of Hillary's emails helped Trump by influencing public opinion. For some reason, Russia wanted that and was rewarded with a Trump victory. Why Russia needed to share that clandestine strategy
with DT jr. can only be explained by
"deal making." Now, the key issue is that Junior Trump has publicly confessed to having been baited into participating in a meeting with Russian operatives with the intent to learn of damaging information on Hillary. The damn fool, enticed by a pretty face, took the bait and is now in deep doo doo. Yep...the Trumps are really schmart folks...brilliant...

Bullshit. Feel free to document your assertions.
Hillary was busted with 700 FBI files on her "enemies" list. You Dems need to grow up.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

No, no one is claiming that.

The problem is that when you go digging for dirt with a foreign government, that is against the law. Also, really unseemly.

if no money changed hands how is it against the law?
Intent is 90% of the crime. The end result is Russia's hacking and subsequent release of Hillary's emails helped Trump by influencing public opinion. For some reason, Russia wanted that and was rewarded with a Trump victory. Why Russia needed to share that clandestine strategy
with DT jr. can only be explained by
"deal making." Now, the key issue is that Junior Trump has publicly confessed to having been baited into participating in a meeting with Russian operatives with the intent to learn of damaging information on Hillary. The damn fool, enticed by a pretty face, took the bait and is now in deep doo doo. Yep...the Trumps are really schmart folks...brilliant...

Bullshit. Feel free to document your assertions.
Mueller is on top of it.
We should distinguish the difference between digging dirt and being offered dirt. Not that the liberals have valid complaint anyhow, but it's reduced by what appears to have actually occurred.

Why are we five pages into this anyhow? It's not as if the left can dream-up a collusion. Oh wait.
Republicans don't see a difference between looking up Bush's drunk driving record and getting help from Russia in an attempt to destroy the foundation of our country. They are exactly the same.

Why do you think the GOP is trying desperately to shield Trump? It's not Democrats colluding with Russia.

Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?

So you have proof of the Republicans colluding with Russia? Let's see it and I'm not talking about opinion articles, I want your actual proof.
There's lots of proof. Course the left doesn't seem to know what proof is, and can't articulate what proves Trump is who they hope. They don't even have any evidence. All they know is Trump is guilty and needs to be impeached. Here's Yahoo page, right now. Every subject they have concerning Trump.

Lawmakers intend to question Trump campaign chairman

Even some in White House are frustrated by the stonewalling on Donald Jr.’s meeting

Where Is Donald Trump? President Hasn't Been Seen in Public Since Returning From Europe

Trump and TV: President Tweets He Has 'Very Little' Time for Television. Really

Rep. Gowdy troubled by Trump team’s ‘amnesia’ over Russia meetings The kicker is the thread title is a lie. It's only Gowdy's opinion and who knows if he's being genuine. Additionally, the subject is one meeting. Lib news does this all the time.

Judge not inclined to reinstate Trump sanctuary cities order

The State Department spent $15,000 on rooms at a Trump hotel

Unlikely middlemen: Trump Jr. emails point to father-son duo

Russian lawyer says she was summoned to Trump Tower

Trump Didn't Even Decide Who Got Fired On 'The Apprentice,' Clay Aiken Says

Paul Ryan Holds Back Criticism Of Donald Trump Jr.'s Russian Lawyer Meeting

Trump's Credibility Dealt Blow by His Son's Emails on Russia

Trump Defends Son on Twitter
if no money changed hands how is it against the law?

The law isn't limited to money. It's "anything of value". Potentially scandalous information on Hillary provided by a foreign government had value... therefore a violation of the law.

Junior is arguing he bought a bag of Oregano when he thought he was going to get pot.

The Logan Act has never been enforced, never been tested in the courts, and if it ever were, there's a very good chance that it would be struck down as unconstitutional, being found to violate the First Amendment's protection of freedoms of speech and assembly.

Again, I'd love to see Team Trump argue that their treason with Russia was constitutionally protected.

So we've moved on from "There was no Collusion" to "Well, even if there was collusion, it's okay because that's not a crime, really."

We are making progress.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

No, no one is claiming that.

The problem is that when you go digging for dirt with a foreign government, that is against the law. Also, really unseemly.

if no money changed hands how is it against the law?
Intent is 90% of the crime. The end result is Russia's hacking and subsequent release of Hillary's emails helped Trump by influencing public opinion. For some reason, Russia wanted that and was rewarded with a Trump victory. Why Russia needed to share that clandestine strategy
with DT jr. can only be explained by
"deal making." Now, the key issue is that Junior Trump has publicly confessed to having been baited into participating in a meeting with Russian operatives with the intent to learn of damaging information on Hillary. The damn fool, enticed by a pretty face, took the bait and is now in deep doo doo. Yep...the Trumps are really schmart folks...brilliant...

Bullshit. Feel free to document your assertions.
Mueller is on top of it.

Sure he is.
if no money changed hands how is it against the law?

The law isn't limited to money. It's "anything of value". Potentially scandalous information on Hillary provided by a foreign government had value... therefore a violation of the law.

Junior is arguing he bought a bag of Oregano when he thought he was going to get pot.

The Logan Act has never been enforced, never been tested in the courts, and if it ever were, there's a very good chance that it would be struck down as unconstitutional, being found to violate the First Amendment's protection of freedoms of speech and assembly.

Again, I'd love to see Team Trump argue that their treason with Russia was constitutionally protected.

So we've moved on from "There was no Collusion" to "Well, even if there was collusion, it's okay because that's not a crime, really."

We are making progress.

Things of value means stuff like cars, jewelry, property. Again you idiots stretch a definition to get your desired poltiical goal.
Hillary was busted with 700 FBI files on her "enemies" list. You Dems need to grow up.
No she wasn't
LOL, sure she was, she had one her patsies take the fall for it.
Feel free to document your assertions.

Just because you weren't alive yet doesn't mean it didn't happen ;) Like always someone else took the fall, it's the way she works.
Just as I thought. are just spouting your inner feelings. You must
Be a JEDI with that kind of clairvoyance.
We should distinguish the difference between digging dirt and being offered dirt. Not that the liberals have valid complaint anyhow, but it's reduced by what appears to have actually occurred.

Why are we five pages into this anyhow? It's not as if the left can dream-up a collusion. Oh wait.
since I'm not a member of the left or the right, I feel that I can introduce some objectivity here.from my perspective the so-called left is simply waiting for the investigation to prove or disprove official allegations one way or the other. The right insists that there is some ambiguous leftist
conspiracy to second guess the investigators and somehow railroad
TRUMP towards impeachment or towards resigning. The left is making more sense on this issue. lndeed, some speculation is occurring on the left, but the overall consensus , ostensibly, is to take a wait-and-see approach.
Well, an actual crime was commited.
As an example...consider the docu-drama "How to Catch a Predator"..starring Chris Hanson. Time after time we've seen pedophiles walk into homes on live tv with the intent to have sex with children. Each time they were confronted by Hanson and subsequently charged and arrested based on INTENT. Do you

In that example, there was an actual crime intended to be committed. There is no crime here. It's not illegal to try to influence an election, that's precisely what a "campaign" is. It's not illegal (or unethical) to obtain information on your opponent, even from a foreign national.
well, actually a crime was committed. unless you don't consider computer hacking a crime. but the greater crime is the fact that the hacking was done by Russian operatives set on influencing our electoral, at this point what we know about the suspected collusion between junior and a Russian agent has been the prime impetus for the ongoing investigation. but Mueller has access to much more information than we have seen coming from public information sources. There is no disclosure as to what he might have found by now regardless of what Trump jr. or Trump surrogates have said on national TV.
Why do you think the GOP is trying desperately to shield Trump? It's not Democrats colluding with Russia.

You've not proven any collusion. In fact, everything you've presented so far is a contradiction of collusion. It proves there never was any collusion.
All you have as proof that there was no collusion is Trump Juniors word. you and I have no idea what was said in that meeting with the Russian lawyer. we do know, subsequent to that meeting, Hillary's emails were released by the Russians just in time.
Unless you have evidence that Donald Trump or one of his surrogates conspired with Russian officials to hack into voting machines and change votes, you don't have a fucking crime. Period!
Agreed! But surely you don't mind my insistence that investigators look into the matter to find out if that evidence does exist. We don't know that it doesn't...agree?
Why do you think the GOP is trying desperately to shield Trump? It's not Democrats colluding with Russia.

You've not proven any collusion. In fact, everything you've presented so far is a contradiction of collusion. It proves there never was any collusion.
All you have as proof that there was no collusion is Trump Juniors word. you and I have no idea what was said in that meeting with the Russian lawyer. we do know, subsequent to that meeting, Hillary's emails were released by the Russians just in time.

Wrong. We also have the Russian lawyer's word as well as the word of Manafort and Kushner who were there as well. Everyone is consistent with their story of what was discussed. You can't convict people with no evidence. Sorry... doesn't work like that in America. In third word shitholes run by tyrants, you can.... but not here.

Now there WAS collusion between the Clintons and Russia. Hillary signed off on the deal selling them uranium, her husband was paid 20x more than normal for a speaking engagement in Russia and their foundation got a nice $2.3 million contribution from the people who benefited from the uranium. Quid pro quo... pay for play. Hillary is corrupt as the day is long.

These are the facts we CAN prove with evidence.

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