Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?

Unless you have evidence that Donald Trump or one of his surrogates conspired with Russian officials to hack into voting machines and change votes, you don't have a fucking crime. Period!
Agreed! But surely you don't mind my insistence that investigators look into the matter to find out if that evidence does exist. We don't know that it doesn't...agree?

Well... You can say ANYTHING is possible because we don't have evidence it's not. You could say Trump is a reptilian alien... there's no evidence he isn't!

According to every objective analysis, there was no hacking into voting machines and changing votes. Even Obama said this was impossible. You see, the voting machines aren't hooked up to anything online that is hackable. So unless someone sabotaged individual voting machines, this couldn't happen... and the voting machines are checked and certified before and after each election.

I WILL agree with this... Until the day we die, there are going to be people who believe Trump and the Russians stole the election from Hillary Clinton. We'll have to live with their conspiracy theories for years and years... like the grassy knoll... the fake moon landing... Elvis is still alive... etc.
Wrong. We also have the Russian lawyer's word as well as the word of Manafort and Kushner who were there as well. Everyone is consistent with their story of what was discussed.

And a veracity of all three of those participants in that meeting is questionable at best. I would not expect any one of them to admit to something that's going to lead to serious consequences. Why do you believe them after hearing all the lies coming out of the Trump camp for all kinds of stuff. Now you might be naive enough to believe that BS. But it certain looks damning for the Trump team since, after that meeting, the Russians suddenly leaked. Clinton's emails.
Add to that fact jr. has now publicly validated that he went there with the intent of getting information that was derogatory towards Hillary. I don't give a bam what he, Kushner and the Russian lawyer says. All we need to do is discover a link between the Russian lawyer and the release of Clinton's emails. If a record of that communication is out there somewhere, I believe Mueller will find it.
If not...I will accept Mueller's capitulation in that regard.

Now there WAS collusion between the Clintons and Russia.
I don't care...she wasn't running for president at that time. Another thing ! The very idea that your claim even happened is questionable. I just don't believe the Republicans would have lost an opportunity to jump on that and try to prosecute Clinton if true.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.

This is the most bizarre thing. All the Nazicrats do all day, every day, is fling shit at Trump and the Republicans. Now they are crying "NO FAIR, THEY WANTED DIRT ON HILLARY"

The fascist scum are completely insane. They have no grip on reality.
Well... You can say ANYTHING is possible because we don't have evidence it's not. You could say Trump is a reptilian alien... there's no evidence he isn't!
Dont even try it. Special investigators aren't selected by congress to investigate frivolous accusations.
Are you questioning that process?
I had nothing to do with it so don't blame me ...heh heh heh.

According to every objective analysis, there was no hacking into voting machines and changing votes.

The only one talking about hacking into voting machines are you right wing idiots. I said nothing about voting machines being hacked into. The only reference to the hacking I made was in reference to Clinton's emails being hacked and that was an attack on her personal server. Observing that, I'm beginning to see that you are suffering from cognitive dissonance when it comes to the truth.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.

The democrats have actually colluded with with foreign governments...Russia, Ted Kennedy, Hilary and Ukraine....and if she hadn't destroyed her emails you would see her collusion with Russia and every country with a few dollars to spend...and she and Ted Kennedy did it as members of our government....
Things of value means stuff like cars, jewelry, property. Again you idiots stretch a definition to get your desired poltiical goal.

Information is something of value, especially if it was being offered as a quid-pro-quo.
Wrong. We also have the Russian lawyer's word as well as the word of Manafort and Kushner who were there as well. Everyone is consistent with their story of what was discussed. You can't convict people with no evidence. Sorry... doesn't work like that in America. In third word shitholes run by tyrants, you can.... but not here.

Well, no, Junior Trump wasn't consistent.. He said initially that he was only there to discuss adoption policy with the Russian Babe. Then he changed his story to say she brought up dirt on Hillary. Then he changed his story again after emails came out saying htat's what the meeting was about.

Oh, we don't know what Manafort is saying. He's lawyered up and probably turned state's evidence.

Now there WAS collusion between the Clintons and Russia. Hillary signed off on the deal selling them uranium, her husband was paid 20x more than normal for a speaking engagement in Russia and their foundation got a nice $2.3 million contribution from the people who benefited from the uranium. Quid pro quo... pay for play. Hillary is corrupt as the day is long.

Seven Government Agencies had to sign off on that Uranium Deal.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

The Uranium One deal was not Clinton’s to veto or approve

Among the ways these accusations stray from the facts is in attributing a power of veto or approval to Secretary Clinton that she simply did not have. Clinton was one of nine cabinet members and department heads that sit on the CFIUS, and the secretary of the treasury is its chairperson. CFIUS members are collectively charged with evaluating the transaction for potential national security issues, then turning their findings over to the president. By law, the committee can’t veto a transaction; only the president can. According to The New York Times, Clinton may not have even directly participated in the Uranium One decision. Then-Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez, whose job it was to represent the State Dept. on CFIUS, said Clinton herself “never intervened” in committee matters.

Despite transfer of ownership, the uranium remained in the U.S.

A key fact ignored in criticisms of Clinton’s supposed involvement in the deal is that the uranium was not — nor could it be — exported, and remained under the control of U.S.-based subsidiaries of Uranium One, according to a statement by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission:
The democrats have actually colluded with with foreign governments...Russia, Ted Kennedy, Hilary and Ukraine....and if she hadn't destroyed her emails you would see her collusion with Russia and every country with a few dollars to spend...and she and Ted Kennedy did it as members of our government....

So you've moved on from "There was no Collusion" to "They did it, too!"


Baby Steps, Dick Tiny, Baby Steps.
And a veracity of all three of those participants in that meeting is questionable at best. I would not expect any one of them to admit to something that's going to lead to serious consequences. Why do you believe them after hearing all the lies coming out of the Trump camp for all kinds of stuff.

Look... I don't know what to tell you. When you have 4 people who were in a meeting and they all say the same thing about what was discussed, that's all you have to go by. There is no magical "fly on the wall" that is going to suddenly come forward and tell us something else. You can believe there was something else discussed, but you don't have proof and you're not going to ever get it.

I'm having a hard time understanding exactly what it was that you think they discussed or how Trump Jr. "colluded" or did anything unethical or illegal.... what the hell is he suppose to have done? Get dirt on Hillary? Well, what was the dirt and when did they drop it? Did he get a head's up on Wikileaks? Big deal.... how did that constitute collusion? I'm just not understanding what the "quid" is much less the "pro quo".

Now again... you can go through the rest of your pathetic little life thinking that Trump was guilty as hell of colludin' with the Ruskies and stole the election of 2016 from Hillary.... no one can do a damn thing about that if it's what you want to believe! But you HAVE TO HAVE evidence to convict people of actual CRIMES to convict people of actual crimes. It's no more complicated than that.
Dont even try it. Special investigators aren't selected by congress to investigate frivolous accusations.
Are you questioning that process?
I had nothing to do with it so don't blame me ...heh heh heh.

Well... point #1, the Special Counsel was appointed by the Deputy AG, not Congress. And yes, I do believe it's frivolous, there's no evidence to support the accusations. Trump didn't collude with anybody.

Point #2... what did you say all through the Benghazi investigation and the emails investigation of Hillary? You claiming none of you questioned that process?

Damn... you people don't even see your own hypocrisy, do you?

The only one talking about hacking into voting machines are you right wing idiots. I said nothing about voting machines being hacked into. The only reference to the hacking I made was in reference to Clinton's emails being hacked and that was an attack on her personal server.

Well unless you have proof that Donald Trump hacked into Hillary's email, or hacked into voting machines and changed votes, then you're not going to impeach the man. You have a Nothing Burger! You can't impeach Trump for crimes committed by foreign nationals elsewhere.

Personally, I think every one of you asswipes know perfectly well that you don't really have any evidence that Trump violated any laws or did anything impeachable here... This is ALL ABOUT draining his political capital and nothing more! You want to hobble him and hopefully derail his agenda.
Btw, was any of the dirt that was revealed about hillary through wikileaks a lie?

You know, like the golden dossier, or the numerous women that claimed they were sexually assaulted that the media claimed about Trump?

Exactly which dirt on that pants suit lying kuuunt was false? Go ahead list the false stories?

Was she shot at in Bosnia? She did not illegally delete 30k emails?

Exactly what was false? Do you think your parties attempt to shift our heads from the real issue and that is the truth revealed by wikileaks has worked on us? You think I am as stupid as every dumb gasbag lying double talking liberal?
It's only outrageous illegal and immoral
when it's done more effectively against them
Look... I don't know what to tell you. When you have 4 people who were in a meeting and they all say the same thing about what was discussed
Here is something you can tell me. When you've got three known Trump liars in a room with one Russian agent I'm wondering why a smart guy like you would believe anything they say. Obviously you do believe everything you hear Trump and his surrogates say. You zombies feed off their rotten lies like maggots feeding on a rotten corpse.
And you attack anyone daring to challenge their questionable veracity.

There is no magical "fly on the wall" that is going to suddenly come forward and tell us something else. You can believe there was something else discussed, but you don't have proof and you're not going to ever get it.
What I believe is unimportant. Your concerns should be directed at those Republicans and Democrats who are investigating this matter. BTW, you do know that the. Senate intelligence committee and House of Representatives intelligence committee
are conducting independent investigations into all this Russian thing . That's in addition to the investigation being conducted by the DOJ. If you want to complain...write your congressperson. I'm just an observer like you.

'm having a hard time understanding exactly what it was that you think they discussed or how Trump Jr. "colluded" or did anything unethical or illegal.... what the hell is he suppose to have done? Get dirt on Hillary?
Having to rely on the media for our news limits your assessments and mine to speculation. I am just please the investigations are going forward. If they hadn't, then I would express outrage. So, whatever the verdict is in any of the investigations , I will be satisfied that justice has been done one way or the other... guilty or innocent.

Did he get a head's up on Wikileaks? Big deal.... how did that constitute collusion?
You are asking me questions Congress and the special investigator of the Department of Justice will have to answer. At this point you nor I are qualified to make an official judgement from the data made public by the media. I will say this. Donald Trump jr. Says he went to the meeting seeking dirt on Hillary. However the story changed later when he said and the Russian lawyer said the meeting was only about adopting Russian children.
If true, where did the story about getting dirt on Hillary come from? Rob Goldstone, a publicist, arranged the meeting. So he will be an invaluable source for getting to the bottom of this entire affair. Don't you think it's strange that we haven't heard anything from him?

But you HAVE TO HAVE evidence to convict people of actual CRIMES to convict people of actual crimes.
And you have to have a thorough investigation to collect that evidence if it's there. You seem to be resistant to the bipartisan investigations and that of the DOJ.. Why?

Well... point #1, the Special Counsel was appointed by the Deputy AG, not Congress.
Yes, but I guess you didn't know that both the Senate and House are conducting their own special investigations into this hacking/collusion scenario.

And yes, I do believe it's frivolous, there's no evidence to support the accusations. Trump didn't collude with anybody.
Well , get in your Pontiac and drive down to Washington D.C. and tell those folks in Congress and the DOJ that.
I can't help you.

Point #2... what did you say all through the Benghazi investigation and the emails investigation of Hillary? You claiming none of you questioned that process?
I wasn't all that concerned after the matter was settled.

Well unless you have proof that Donald Trump hacked into Hillary's email, or hacked into voting machines and changed votes, then you're not going to impeach the man.

OK! Either way...I just want a thorough investigation.

You can't impeach Trump for crimes committed by foreign nationals
There are situations where a U.S. president could be impeached for crimes commited by foreign nationals.
Think about it.

This is ALL ABOUT draining his political capital and nothing more! You want to hobble him and hopefully derail his agenda.
Whoa..fella. you're going off the deep end again. The investigations are bipartisan affairs. You are railing against your own moral base. Its the Conservatives against you Trumpbot konservatives.
Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?
Doesn't matter.

The national conversation pertains to King Donald and his Court, lying about or omitting accounts of such activities, both under oath and otherwise.

The national conversation is about the lack of trust and credibility which The King has earned in the past six months.

Which, in turn, may lead to a serious national conversation about removing The King from office through legal means.

The outcomes and findings of the investigative work of Special Counsel Robert Mueller will probably drive any such future conversation.
Here is something you can tell me. When you've got three known Trump liars in a room with one Russian agent I'm wondering why a smart guy like you would believe anything they say. Obviously you do believe everything you hear Trump and his surrogates say. You zombies feed off their rotten lies like maggots feeding on a rotten corpse.
And you attack anyone daring to challenge their questionable veracity.

Well the fucking Russian ain't no Trump fan! She says the same thing they say!

Again... if everyone is telling the same story, you don't have any evidence! It doesn't matter what you THINK... you have to come up with EVIDENCE! Your suspicion isn't enough to convict someone... Sorry!

You can question veracity, come up with colorful analogies, lie and distort the facts.... but unless you come up with EVIDENCE... you've got a Nothing Burger!
This Donald Trump Jr. story is exactly why I voted for President Trump. The Trumps know how Democrats play the game and they don't take any $hit.

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