Can Atheists be Moral?

There must be a cum shot on some guy’s shorts.

Yes, of course. Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?

With all of that stuff dribbling around everywhere just like you said, and you would know, there must be. Maybe some blood or even a shit stain!

Dexter will arrive shortly at your back door to collect your tighty whities for testing.
Yes, a shit stain from the cross would do it. Jesus would have likely have had at least one wet fart up there.

Do you think he was a vegetarian?
He probably ate some cock, so no.

Yeah but if it was black bean imitation cock it doesn't count.
Ya, he probably ate some black cock too.
Ah, how cute. People with the mentality of a pimply-faced 14 year old troll thinks he's being edgy and cool.
Atheists can be ethical, but not "moral." Moral implies accession to a higher authority, and moral imperatives often involve behavior that is not overtly harmful (e.g., lust, greed, hatred), and their ethics only kick in when actual, demonstrable harm is imminent or visible.

A Moral person abhors abortion even while acknowledging that the beginning of "personhood" is in question. It is the mere possibility that abortion kills a person that makes it morally unacceptable.

The Ethical person sanctions abortion, as long as the personhood of the fetus cannot be demonstrated.

Huge difference.
I have a brother and his wife are church going Christians and like half the congregation, they are pro choice. How do you explain that?

There is NO MORAL ARGUMENT for abortion, under any but the most extreme cases (e.g., the mother will die if she has to go through with childbirth). Your relatives are hypocrites.

Like most of us.
Well sure getting an abortion could never be put on the list of things that are moral.

Neither is cheating on your wife. It's not illegal though.
There may be hope for you yet.
That’s a score for my side. I love it when you realize there’s no difference between us.
Atheists can be ethical, but not "moral." Moral implies accession to a higher authority, and moral imperatives often involve behavior that is not overtly harmful (e.g., lust, greed, hatred), and their ethics only kick in when actual, demonstrable harm is imminent or visible.

A Moral person abhors abortion even while acknowledging that the beginning of "personhood" is in question. It is the mere possibility that abortion kills a person that makes it morally unacceptable.

The Ethical person sanctions abortion, as long as the personhood of the fetus cannot be demonstrated.

Huge difference.
I have a brother and his wife are church going Christians and like half the congregation, they are pro choice. How do you explain that?

There is NO MORAL ARGUMENT for abortion, under any but the most extreme cases (e.g., the mother will die if she has to go through with childbirth). Your relatives are hypocrites.

Like most of us.
There is NO MORAL ARGUMENT for abortion, under any but the most extreme cases (e.g., the mother will die if she has to go through with childbirth). Your relatives are hypocrites.

you made an exception to your own baiting ... are you a raping - misogynist.

abortion is not a moral issue, it is a biological circumstance giving woman a choice for them to make whether or not it was their desire to start a process they did not intend.

no different than having a (medical) vasectomy for the same reason to restrain an undesired result.

it is also immoral to capitalize "NO MORAL ARGUMENT" when it was that poster that broached the subject. the same as the race baiter swinging a noose.
Let’s not deny the obvious. The spirm penetrated the egg. It’s now a life. A seed but still a life if you let it be born.

At what point is it moral to abort it? The answer is never. I’ll give anti abortion people that
Ah, how cute. People with the mentality of a pimply-faced 14 year old troll thinks he's being edgy and cool.
Who are you talking to?

You know what I want? I want conservatives to make abortion illegal. This would be horrible for society so I want to see what this world would have been like if from 1969-now all those unwanted babies were born to mothers who didn’t want them and couldn’t afford them

Republicans would never admit it was these babaies that caused the spike in poverty welfare or global warming.
Anti abortionist say 100000 babies minimum a month for 50 years have been aborted. We are already overpopulated. Necessary evil.

The women who abort would be the worst moms
Ah, how cute. People with the mentality of a pimply-faced 14 year old troll thinks he's being edgy and cool.
Who are you talking to?

You know what I want? I want conservatives to make abortion illegal. This would be horrible for society so I want to see what this world would have been like if from 1969-now all those unwanted babies were born to mothers who didn’t want them and couldn’t afford them

Republicans would never admit it was these babaies that caused the spike in poverty welfare or global warming.

It wasn't to you, in case you thought that. Look at the post above mine, and that pathetic string of conversation.
Ah, how cute. People with the mentality of a pimply-faced 14 year old troll thinks he's being edgy and cool.
Who are you talking to?

You know what I want? I want conservatives to make abortion illegal. This would be horrible for society so I want to see what this world would have been like if from 1969-now all those unwanted babies were born to mothers who didn’t want them and couldn’t afford them

Republicans would never admit it was these babaies that caused the spike in poverty welfare or global warming.

It wasn't to you, in case you thought that. Look at the post above mine, and that pathetic string of conversation.
They just need to know if young poor American women abort100,000 babies a month that’s a good thing.

In a perfect world every baby should be born and have the best life. And every baby should be born.

If every mother knew her baby would have free healthcare and foodstamps if needed, yes I would argue no reason to abort

But republicans want to cut social services that would encourage the mother to keep the baby.

Seems to me republicans would be pro foodstamps.

And they would be if blacks weren’t on them
Atheists can be ethical, but not "moral." Moral implies accession to a higher authority, and moral imperatives often involve behavior that is not overtly harmful (e.g., lust, greed, hatred), and their ethics only kick in when actual, demonstrable harm is imminent or visible.

A Moral person abhors abortion even while acknowledging that the beginning of "personhood" is in question. It is the mere possibility that abortion kills a person that makes it morally unacceptable.

The Ethical person sanctions abortion, as long as the personhood of the fetus cannot be demonstrated.

Huge difference.
I have a brother and his wife are church going Christians and like half the congregation, they are pro choice. How do you explain that?

There is NO MORAL ARGUMENT for abortion, under any but the most extreme cases (e.g., the mother will die if she has to go through with childbirth). Your relatives are hypocrites.

Like most of us.
Well sure getting an abortion could never be put on the list of things that are moral.

Neither is cheating on your wife. It's not illegal though.
There may be hope for you yet.
That’s a score for my side. I love it when you realize there’s no difference between us.
The fact that you believe there are sides proves that YOU inherently believe there are differences.
Ah, how cute. People with the mentality of a pimply-faced 14 year old troll thinks he's being edgy and cool.
Who are you talking to?

You know what I want? I want conservatives to make abortion illegal. This would be horrible for society so I want to see what this world would have been like if from 1969-now all those unwanted babies were born to mothers who didn’t want them and couldn’t afford them

Republicans would never admit it was these babaies that caused the spike in poverty welfare or global warming.

It wasn't to you, in case you thought that. Look at the post above mine, and that pathetic string of conversation.
They just need to know if young poor American women abort100,000 babies a month that’s a good thing.

In a perfect world every baby should be born and have the best life. And every baby should be born.

If every mother knew her baby would have free healthcare and foodstamps if needed, yes I would argue no reason to abort

But republicans want to cut social services that would encourage the mother to keep the baby.

Seems to me republicans would be pro foodstamps.

And they would be if blacks weren’t on them

I haven't read the whole thread, so maybe that's where the discussion was going, but that's not the topic. But just to quickly reply, I don't see how the possibility of a less than perfect life justifies killing an innocent human being. That is a very dangerous position, which opens the door to all sorts of other attacks on human rights, especially the right to not be killed or aggressed against.

ETA: People (and all living beings) want to live. I know tons of people who started off in poverty and later moved up the economic ladder and had an all-around successful life. Your position is kind of saying "If one is poor, life is not worth living." I hope that's not what you really believe. First of all, money isn't everything, and second of all, there is ALWAYS hope. While people are alive, that is.
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the question for bing is whether humanity evolved from the same initial life template as all other physiological beings on earth or as being distinct from the metaphysical Garden which itself evolved on Earth's surface.
There’s only about 1% that separates us from the monkeys.

1% or 2% difference represents at least 15 million changes in our genome since the time of our common ancestor about six million years ago..
Light being spoken into existence into a world that was without shape or form and void is about the law coming into the world ...

The creation of heaven and earth and the beginning of the universe are two entirely different subjects.

1% or 2% difference represents at least 15 million changes in our genome since the time of our common ancestor about six million years ago..

the question ... is whether humanity evolved from the same initial life template as all other physiological beings on earth or as being distinct from the metaphysical Garden which itself evolved on Earth's surface.

- is about the law coming into the world ...

is that morality

I did not read where you cleared up your understanding of when the light came into the world, hob - was it special for humanity as a distinctly made being or for all physiological beings, Flora and Fauna the evolution of life, Garden Earth on this planet. -

in your religion opinion, was it when the initial life template first became alive.

You must be transformed from what you isn't into what you is.

That is the initial life template to become a living being. Everything else is just dust and ashes, ashes and dust.
That makes absolutely no sense at all.


The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe'
There’s only about 1% that separates us from the monkeys.

1% or 2% difference represents at least 15 million changes in our genome since the time of our common ancestor about six million years ago..
Light being spoken into existence into a world that was without shape or form and void is about the law coming into the world ...

The creation of heaven and earth and the beginning of the universe are two entirely different subjects.

1% or 2% difference represents at least 15 million changes in our genome since the time of our common ancestor about six million years ago..

the question ... is whether humanity evolved from the same initial life template as all other physiological beings on earth or as being distinct from the metaphysical Garden which itself evolved on Earth's surface.

- is about the law coming into the world ...

is that morality

I did not read where you cleared up your understanding of when the light came into the world, hob - was it special for humanity as a distinctly made being or for all physiological beings, Flora and Fauna the evolution of life, Garden Earth on this planet. -

in your religion opinion, was it when the initial life template first became alive.

You must be transformed from what you isn't into what you is.

That is the initial life template to become a living being. Everything else is just dust and ashes, ashes and dust.
That makes absolutely no sense at all.


The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe'
At least your incongruity is consistent.
Anti abortionist say 100000 babies minimum a month for 50 years have been aborted. We are already overpopulated. Necessary evil.

The women who abort would be the worst moms

We are most certainly NOT ‘overpopulated.’ Brainless is also without morals.
Anti abortionist say 100000 babies minimum a month for 50 years have been aborted. We are already overpopulated. Necessary evil.

The women who abort would be the worst moms

We are most certainly NOT ‘overpopulated.’ Brainless is also without morals.
You always chime in with that Montra. You are wrong. I’m glad you weren’t my teacher.
Anti abortionist say 100000 babies minimum a month for 50 years have been aborted. We are already overpopulated. Necessary evil.

The women who abort would be the worst moms

We are most certainly NOT ‘overpopulated.’ Brainless is also without morals.
You always chime in with that Montra. ...

What the hell is a “montra,” dumbass?

Its what dedicated believers, faithful spellers, ordinary morons and holy men chant right before they eat God.

owa tana siam

owa tana siam

owa tana siam
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Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective source of morality must stand apart from, and above, humans. That source, they say, is God. Since atheists, reject God, atheists can have no basis for morality.

This is really two separate arguments: (1) that God is the source of objective morality and humans can learn morality from God and (2) that humans on their own have no way to know what is moral and what is not.

Can atheists be moral? - Atheist Alliance International
How can this God be moral when the past history of this God has God performing immoral acts and breaking his/her own rules, it's bullshit.
God never committed such acts.
You just blame everything on God.
Many theists believe it is clear-cut. Humans can only have opinions about morality, and no one’s opinion is any more valid than anyone else’s. This leads them to the conclusion that an objective source of morality must stand apart from, and above, humans. That source, they say, is God. Since atheists, reject God, atheists can have no basis for morality.

This is really two separate arguments: (1) that God is the source of objective morality and humans can learn morality from God and (2) that humans on their own have no way to know what is moral and what is not.

Can atheists be moral? - Atheist Alliance International
How can this God be moral when the past history of this God has God performing immoral acts and breaking his/her own rules, it's bullshit.
God never committed such acts.
You just blame everything on God.
I don't blame god for anything. He doesn't exist.

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