Carson becoming HUD secretary makes ZERO sense

He is a brain surgeon not a real estate professional. He was certainly qualified to work at some capacity in the medical arena but Housing?


neuro surgeon doing work in a medical thing?------that's an oxymoron------real estate is a good idea---when in doubt, cut it out
Carson has ZERO experience with the subject Trump wants to task him with.
I worked for HUD & the ACOE for a decade. Traveled the country working on various projects from urban housing to military base reconstruction. The job is far more complex than "real Estate" or "cutting it"

ZERO experience?
Who better than Ben who grew up with hud housing in the inner city.
He experienced what was not helping low income families.
Who would the left prefer? Some nitwit college professor that once wrote a paper about something? God, I'm so sick of those types.. that's what we got with Obama and look how that turned out.
He is a brain surgeon not a real estate professional. He was certainly qualified to work at some capacity in the medical arena but Housing?

The current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was a mayor and his education is in political science and law. What made him qualified?
Hell if I know. What does that have to do with this topic? Monkey see monkey do?
Nobody makes a stink until a Republican is President.
Like the news that life expectancy is down, it will stay page 7 until the end of January, and front page for the next 4 years.
He is a brain surgeon not a real estate professional. He was certainly qualified to work at some capacity in the medical arena but Housing?

Maybe he since has experience in getting OUT of the ghetto he can show these young folks how to stop using it as an excuse but a chance to make something for themselves.

Why Ben Carson’s medical experience matters at HUD

LMAO this is funny

Ben Carson Warns That Bible Makes No Mention of Housing or Urban Development
He is a brain surgeon not a real estate professional. He was certainly qualified to work at some capacity in the medical arena but Housing?

The current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was a mayor and his education is in political science and law. What made him qualified?
Hell if I know. What does that have to do with this topic? Monkey see monkey do?
Nobody makes a stink until a Republican is President.
Like the news that life expectancy is down, it will stay page 7 until the end of January, and front page for the next 4 years.
What the literal fuck are you talking about? We have been "stinking" up this board since I joined
He is a brain surgeon not a real estate professional. He was certainly qualified to work at some capacity in the medical arena but Housing?

The current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was a mayor and his education is in political science and law. What made him qualified?
Hell if I know. What does that have to do with this topic? Monkey see monkey do?
Nobody makes a stink until a Republican is President.
Like the news that life expectancy is down, it will stay page 7 until the end of January, and front page for the next 4 years.
What the literal fuck are you talking about? We have been "stinking" up this board since I joined
Please link to one MSM story about the lack of qualifications of the current HUD secretary. At least Carson grew up in the ghetto and figured out how to get out and make something of himself. The current HUD secretary's only job was a mayor, and his education is in political science.
As someone who grew up sheer poverty, I respectfully disagree. I worked hard to try and achieve and contribute in a positive manner, I saw many people who didn't. Out of all of the candidates, Carson understood by far the traps of socialism. The issues run so deep that like most challenges, one really needs to have experienced first hand to appreciate the breath of it.

Carson isn't just going there to help with development of buildings, he will be going there to espouse how to get OUT of dependency and to encourage a different way of thinking. Where I grew up, I was sort of the Alex P Keaton. Not fully understanding of politics, but aware that certain policies would never lead to successes of people.

He has lived through tough times, watched his mother work three part time jobs while he put his head down to become a brain surgeon. A bloody brain surgeon for God sakes! Someone who will go down in history for his accomplishment in dividing siamese twins.

Obviously, noone I grew up with in government housing achieved that sort of success, and he dwarfs my efforts and ambitions. Needless to say, there are a few I know who "got out" and became relatively successful and independent. Most of them left the area early and were able to experience the other side of the tracks.

God speed to Mr. Carson. If he can get through to 25% of the people in these areas and drive home basic conservative economic principles, a la Adam Smith. Lead as a role model about how anyone in America with the effort and talent can reach their dreams, he will have already have done the nation a great service.
Well Carson grew up poor in the hood so maybe he will have some insights into what works and what doesn't.
Dr. Carson is a brilliant man. If he was able to understand the brain and how it works, surely he can understand the housing laws, and in particular how discriminatory actions affect low-income workers.
He is a brain surgeon not a real estate professional. He was certainly qualified to work at some capacity in the medical arena but Housing?

The current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was a mayor and his education is in political science and law. What made him qualified?
Hell if I know. What does that have to do with this topic? Monkey see monkey do?
Nobody makes a stink until a Republican is President.
Like the news that life expectancy is down, it will stay page 7 until the end of January, and front page for the next 4 years.
What the literal fuck are you talking about? We have been "stinking" up this board since I joined
Please link to one MSM story about the lack of qualifications of the current HUD secretary. At least Carson grew up in the ghetto and figured out how to get out and make something of himself. The current HUD secretary's only job was a mayor, and his education is in political science.
This thread is not a MSM story lol. It is my opinion. There is this thing called thinking for yourself......try it, you might like it.
The current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was a mayor and his education is in political science and law. What made him qualified?
Hell if I know. What does that have to do with this topic? Monkey see monkey do?
Nobody makes a stink until a Republican is President.
Like the news that life expectancy is down, it will stay page 7 until the end of January, and front page for the next 4 years.
What the literal fuck are you talking about? We have been "stinking" up this board since I joined
Please link to one MSM story about the lack of qualifications of the current HUD secretary. At least Carson grew up in the ghetto and figured out how to get out and make something of himself. The current HUD secretary's only job was a mayor, and his education is in political science.
This thread is not a MSM story lol. It is my opinion. There is this thing called thinking for yourself......try it, you might like it.
MSM is filled with Dr Carson not being qualified for the job.
About time a compassionate Christian gets that job instead of the power hunger Beltway elite.
He is a brain surgeon not a real estate professional. He was certainly qualified to work at some capacity in the medical arena but Housing?


neuro surgeon doing work in a medical thing?------that's an oxymoron------real estate is a good idea---when in doubt, cut it out
Carson has ZERO experience with the subject Trump wants to task him with.
I worked for HUD & the ACOE for a decade. Traveled the country working on various projects from urban housing to military base reconstruction. The job is far more complex than "real Estate" or "cutting it"

ZERO experience?
Who better than Ben who grew up with hud housing in the inner city.
He experienced what was not helping low income families.

So if you drive a car you should be able to work at Ford designing new ones?
He is a brain surgeon not a real estate professional. He was certainly qualified to work at some capacity in the medical arena but Housing?

The current Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was a mayor and his education is in political science and law. What made him qualified?
Hell if I know. What does that have to do with this topic? Monkey see monkey do?

It's the worst run department in the entire government and it is INFESTED WITH DEMOCRAT COCKROACHES.
It makes a lot of sense because Carson has some very solid theories and personal experiences on how to help neighborhoods in minority communities.

There is no way to make the worst run agency in the government worse than it already is, more wasteful than it already is, and more corrupt than it already is. Carson instantly becomes the most credible and honest person to head the department in decades.

He is there to clean house and re-populate that agency with people who are capable and actually care about making a difference. Great appointment. America should be happy. Well everyone but Dimscum who hate America. They are pissed!

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