Casey Anthony Supporters Send Her Cash, Gift Cards


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May 1, 2012
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Casey Anthony Supporters Send Her Cash, Gift Cards

March 5, 2013

In her first public appearance since her murder acquittal in 2011, the unemployed Casey Anthony said that she lives "free off of the kindness of others," along with donations of cash and gift cards from strangers.

Even though she's been called the most hated woman in America, Anthony has a fervent group of supporters who use assumed names and brush off death threats in order to stand by her side.

"I think Casey made some mistakes and I think the picture that we see is a caricature of who she really is," a supporter who goes by Melissa told "I don't think we see the whole Casey in what has been presented. There's a hard road ahead of her, but she has a lot of support."

Casey Anthony Supporters Send Her Cash, Gift Cards - ABC News
If she had a website set up to make donations, I would be happy to help her out. I don't believe she killed her daughter.
Dang, these fools who send her money have ruined my "she'll be in porn within a year" prediction again and again.
If she had a website set up to make donations, I would be happy to help her out. I don't believe she killed her daughter.

Then who did? She did bury her go out dancing and lied about everything to the police but I guess that's just a very late term abortion?
If she had a website set up to make donations, I would be happy to help her out. I don't believe she killed her daughter.

Then who did? She did bury her go out dancing and lied about everything to the police but I guess that's just a very late term abortion?

We might never know. Personally, the mother, who was a nurse, had the medical knowledge to kill the girl, and the father, who was a former police officer, I believe, had the knowledge of how to dispose of the body.

How would a 22 year old woman, who supposedly spent all her time partying, get her hands on a drug to sedate her daughter, then kill her, and hide her body, and not manage to get caught?
There are some smart people out there who could pull that off - Casey wasn't one of them.
Pop culture is strange. Serial killer Ted Bundy was deluged with fan mail. It's alleged that he abused his last victim in prison when he married some bimbo and impregnated her during a visit in front of guards. What a legacy.
If she had a website set up to make donations, I would be happy to help her out. I don't believe she killed her daughter.

Will this reduce how much you send to Bradley Manning, or OJ, or Charlie Manson, or BO?

Bradley Manning broke the law, but I believe he had good intentions when he did so.

You should have stopped at "he broke the law".

IMO he may have just been an angry gay dude lashing out because of something someone said, or did to him.

Motive means everything.

You assume it was noble.

I don't.
If she had a website set up to make donations, I would be happy to help her out. I don't believe she killed her daughter.

Will this reduce how much you send to Bradley Manning, or OJ, or Charlie Manson, or BO?

Bradley Manning broke the law, but I believe he had good intentions when he did so.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. You need help.
Pop culture is strange. Serial killer Ted Bundy was deluged with fan mail. It's alleged that he abused his last victim in prison when he married some bimbo and impregnated her during a visit in front of guards. What a legacy.

Strangely, a lot of serial killers get fan mail, even marriage proposals from women while in prison.
Pop culture is strange. Serial killer Ted Bundy was deluged with fan mail. It's alleged that he abused his last victim in prison when he married some bimbo and impregnated her during a visit in front of guards. What a legacy.

Strangely, a lot of serial killers get fan mail, even marriage proposals from women while in prison.

So when are you getting hitched...:eek:
I know it sounds bad, but..I wish she had no supporters and was living under a bridge. I think she killed her kid and if she didn't, she knows who did. Her actions after the child became missing was enough for me to realize what a loser she is.
Then again, I think Robert Wagner killed Natalie Wood, too. So..what do I know?
Sad thing is that these mentally defective people are so desperate for attention they'd probably kill their own kids just to get media attention.
Pop culture is strange. Serial killer Ted Bundy was deluged with fan mail. It's alleged that he abused his last victim in prison when he married some bimbo and impregnated her during a visit in front of guards. What a legacy.

Its like conspiracy theories, it makes irrelevant people feel important.
Well she should be fine She will get...

Free Internet
Free Obama Cell phone.
Obama food stamps.
Free College
Welfare for life.

Not too shabby.
A Future dancing in titty bars.
Maybe a few porn movies.
She was found not guilty and yet she's stuck with a million dollars in legal bills!!

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