CDC: Only 50,000 Died from Covid Only, Not 836,000

By the way. Obamacare architect, and one of Brandon's appointments to the so-called COVID Advisory Board, Ezekiel Emanual, Rahm's brother (aka Mr. Never Let a Perfectly Good Crisis Go to Waste,) is now wanting to aggregate all respiratory diseases into a single statistic so that government can declare perpetual health emergencies.

So pay attention to that, because this is where the pricks are gonna try to continue use healthcare as the means to assault your civil liberties. They want to rig the statistics in order to keep society perpetually terrified.

From the horses own mouth....

The “new normal” requires recognizing that SARS-CoV-2 is but one of several circulating respiratory viruses that include influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and more. COVID-19 must now be considered among the risks posed by all respiratory viral illnesses combined. Many of the measures to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (eg, ventilation) will also reduce transmission of other respiratory viruses. Thus, policy makers should retire previous public health categorizations, including deaths from pneumonia and influenza or pneumonia, influenza, and COVID-19, and focus on a new category: the aggregate risk of all respiratory virus infections.

Here, they admit the purpose...

Even though seasonal influenza, RSV, and other respiratory viruses circulating before SARS-CoV-2 were harmful, the US has not considered them a sufficient threat to impose emergency measures in over a century. People have lived normally with the threats of these viruses, even though more could have been done to reduce their risks.

Well they certainly can't have that, now, can they? Heh heh.

Furthermore, they want a peak threshold established, based on statistics prior to COVID.

Reason for that is that they'd obviously be lower than what they are now. And, of course, that would set the table for the weasels to encourage healtcare oficials to do their dirty work.

Again, from their own mouths....

This peak week risk threshold serves at least 2 fundamental functions. This risk threshold triggers policy recommendations for emergency implementation of mitigation and other measures. In addition, health systems could rely on this threshold for planning on the bed and workforce capacity they need normally, and when to institute surge measures.

Andm then, after they generate enough fear porn and the malfesant media chimes in and runs interference for them, they'll, by their own model, maintain perpetual health emergencies and subsequently endless decrees by health officials.

Now. Let's further illustrate Emanuel's model.

Like influenza, SARS-CoV-2 is spread by aerosols. Well-established public health mitigation strategies can reduce risks and complications from viral respiratory infections including SARS-CoV-2. Mitigation strategies should be implemented, including new enforceable Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards, especially requiring workplace masking, distancing, and ventilation.

Lastly, the authors attempt to support their draconian vaccine decrees....

The government should accelerate efforts to develop a universal coronavirus vaccine to protect against known coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2. A more broadly protective vaccine would allow the world to limit the effects of emerging variants and nimbly react to novel coronaviruses that are likely to emerge in the future. There may be tradeoffs between increased breadth of protection against severe disease and reduced effectiveness against infection

To facilitate verification of vaccination status and to better track postvaccination infections, there needs to be an electronic vaccine certificate platform. Relying on forgeable paper cards is unacceptable in the 21st century. Current state immunization information systems are incomplete, fragmented, and not interoperable, hindering national efforts to control the virus. A national electronic vaccine certificate platform is needed, such as the SMART Health Card, that ensures interoperability across states and countries, safeguards individual privacy, and is based on open-source technology publicly available for vetting to help satisfy any concerns over government surveillance.

While controversial, this is not unprecedented. State and national databases are in use for other information, including for driver’s licenses, Social Security, voter registration, and specific health purposes, such as organ donation.

There has been tremendous progress in rapidly creating novel COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics. Nevertheless, these efforts have been insufficient to achieve a “new normal,” in which the combined risk of all viral respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19, does not exceed the risk during pre–COVID-19 years. The US needs investment in variant-specific vaccines, alternative vaccine administration mechanisms, and research into the optimal vaccination strategies. Having effective vaccines are of real value in reducing the spread of COVID-19 and serious illness, but their benefits will be limited without near universal coverage.

Anyway. All of that is to say, again, right from the horses mouths, that their agenda is to pave the path for imposing a health technocracy on the electorate, which would rely on endless and arbitrary emergency declarations, again based on aggregate peak week respiratory illness statistics, to inhibit and usurp the electorate's freedom from government-over-man, all from behind the cloak of preventing illness. Which they canlt do anyway. Hell, they can't even balance a budget.

In other words, they aren't done yet.


Btw, good old Zeke Emanual contends that he plans on dying at age 75 and implies that the rest of us should work toward achieving this too! Heck of a guy for Brandon to put on his COVID Advisory board, huh. But a logical view, none the less, given he's the architect of Obamacare as well.


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It's a cautionary tale. I'd like to think we're learning something, but....
I don't think I have. If I had, I wouldn't be on this forum. That's on me, unfortunately.

I just can't seem to rap my head around this level of dishonesty, ignorance, hate, and stupidity from human beings, and the lengths they will go to maintain those traits.

I try and imagine myself investing my life each and every day, pursuing those negatives, and it's just not there.

I suppose in some respects, these folks are a reminder of the fragility of our situation in this country, and across the world.

We are almost forced to swim in this cesspool with them as way of achieving self-preservation. I guess that's why I continue making a fool of myself, arguing with a bunch of idiots. Lol!
I don't think I have. If I had, I wouldn't be on this forum. That's on me, unfortunately.

I just can't seem to rap my head around this level of dishonesty, ignorance, hate, and stupidity from human beings, and the lengths they will go to maintain those traits.

I try and imagine myself investing my life each and every day, pursuing those negatives, and it's just not there.

I suppose in some respects, these folks are a reminder of the fragility of our situation in this country, and across the world.

We are almost forced to swim in this cesspool with them as way of achieving self-preservation. I guess that's why I continue making a fool of myself, arguing with a bunch of idiots. Lol!
Psychologists and sociologists will be studying this period for a long time.

I never thought I would see this in America. Never. And I'm the same, I'm still trying to get my head around it.
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Yes, and they would have called it a flu death had the normal flu lead to their death. This is the way it has always been done and none of you blathering morons whined about it.
Bull Fucking Shit. My dad passed after the Flu back in the day. He had pre-existing conditions and the Flu was NOT thr cause if death. They changed the definitiin for the death certificate. Presume its covid is all they needed. And if in with covid.....its $77000 a head at each case under the Cares Act.

I know of 3 cases that the death certificate said Covid and the families said that was a Lie.
Yea, you mean like dying of suffocation from Covid right?
No, I mean like Epstein BArr being undiagnosed for years, or any of several heart conditions that often go undiagnosed for years, or any number of other diseases that people don't know that they have.
The real cause in the majority of those cases is Covid. They are still alive if not getting it.
Here is the thing.

You don't know that to be true at all.

If Fauci had not mishandled this pandemic back in 2020, and the government had not made it so profitable to list every cause of death as covid, there would not be the massive distrust of the government's information. At this point, the misinformation on covid is coming directly from the CDC, Fauci, and the media.
Yes, and they would have called it a flu death had the normal flu lead to their death. This is the way it has always been done and none of you blathering morons whined about it.
Bull Fucking Shit. My dad passed after the Flu back in the day. He had pre-existing conditions and the Flu was NOT thr cause if death. They changed the definitiin for the death certificate. Presume its covid is all they needed. And if in with covid.....its $77000 a head at each case under the Cares Act.

I know of 3 cases that the death certificate said Covid and the families said that was a Lie
Psychologists and sociologists will be studying this period for a long time.

I never thought I would see this in America. Never. And I'm the same, I'm still trying to get my head around it.
History will show cheap drugs used all over the world early stopped a ton of deaths. It will show our govt not allowing their use killing Americans. It will show how the Lued to sell a product not caring who died from it.

Ive read more in 2 years than I ever wanted to know about this issue. The countless studies ive read show overwelmingly our govt has Failed us. The Truth always comes out in the end. And nothing is gonna happen to the govt assholes that did this.

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