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So you say the protest march was NOT about the removal of the Robert E Lee statue from that park ? You wanna go on record here saying that ? :biggrin:
It was about spreading Right-wing HATE under any excuse, even YOU know that but are too dishonest to admit it.
No, that is the phony line the fake news media has tried to spread. What it was really about was the HATE against symbols of the soldiers (in this case, Robert E Lee) who fought to defend the South from invasion by northern state troops.

Nobody should ever remove a statue of a soldier. They don't make policy. They merely follow orders from politicians, and bravely fight wars.

If somebody doesn't like a policy, let them remove a statue of a politician, not a soldier. :salute: :salute:. :salute:
Typical revisionist history from you Nazi loving America hating scum!
The domestic terrorist South drew first American blood at Fort Sumpter.
First doesn't mean squat. The whole war was fought with Northern troops going south and attacking there. Those are the facts. Nothing revised.
AMERICAN troops from all over AMERICA were stationed at Fort Sumpter when your anti-American domestic terrorists that you still worship spilled AMERICAN blood. Real AMERICANS from all over AMERICA then fought back against the domestic terrorists who drew first blood and real AMERICANS kicked your America-hating asses to the curb.
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So, you hear only the BULLSHIT that you want to hear!
Goodwin, who is from Arkansas, Ramos, who is from Georgia, Davis, who is from Florida and Borden who is from Ohio were all found guilty of beating DeAndre Harris at the Nazi “Unite the Right” HATE rally.
You are hearing the bullshit from the media. The park statue was the theme of the protest march. You're just another dupe.
Fields who is from Ohio murdered Heather Heyer, so far everyone who was convicted of violence was an out of state Nazi. So much for your "local people" park statue BULLSHIT!

That the local dems let antifa attack the white supremacists and did not arrest them, is not something you should be proud of.

YOu know, if the cops had done their job, that woman would probably still be alive.
The White Nazis attacked the unarmed America lovers and the Right-wing police let them. They watched while their fellow Nazis beat DeAndre Harris with 2 by 4s and metal poles in a parking garage as he was leaving.
That's the bullshit version the media spread around like wildfire. By now, in 2020, that fire has long been extinguished. You look ridiculous.
Sure so far in 2020 4 of the 6 CON$ervoFascist Nazis that were video taped beating DeAndre Harris with 2 by 4s and metal poles in a parking garage as he was leaving have been CONVICTED and are rotting in jail right now.
You ARE ridiculous!
from a guy who drove into town to create chaos. his name was on no side.
The girl who died was hit in the street, while unlawfully blocking traffic. She wasn't on a sidewalk.
Nor did she need to be there accept to stop someone else
You sit in front of cars, you just might get hit by one. :confused:
Dumbfuck, Heather Heyer wasn't sitting in front of any cars. None of the people Fields hit were. :eusa_doh:
Oh so you're the big expert now. Maybe you wanna tell us that the counter protestors had a permit allowing them to block traffic and attack marchers ?
You flaming rightard -- there's video of Fields plowing over pedestrians. None were sitting in the street. Do they breed conservatives to be this stupid?
PROGS are just a mess in the head is all. Really too many humans are in general, but PROGS are real bad.

PROG-news misquoted Trump to incite racism throughout America and the office. They sold their souls so foolish PROGS would believe Trump is on the level KKK, fascist, blah blah blah. It worked like a charm. Ask a PROG if Trump's racist they'll swear it's true. Meanwhile they can't articulate why. It mostly stems from Charlottesville.

I don't know what the OP means by Whoopi's disparaging remark. But I can say Whoopi is rock dumb and a fraud, a legend in her own mind.
Impeached Trump was not misquoted. He said there was "egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides," equating the hatred and bigotry of the racist right with the folks there to protest the hatred and bigotry. hat was idiotic for him to say and he was rightfully called out for saying it.
There was a lot of hatred coming from the leftist counter protestors. Typically, these demented loons see themselves as all good, and are highly critical of anyone not among them

In the meantime, these hypocrites, supported the removal of a soldier statue, thereby hating/disrespecting every person in the world, who has ever served in the military. They also routinely insult 100 million US Southerners, whether they live here in the south or not, often mimicking a southern accent with exaggeration, and then go into diatribes about bigotry.

They also often express bigotry against whites, Christians, and especially older white men. These gets harmfully enacted in racist Affirmative Action discrimination, which they hypocritically support.
There was a great thread about this when it happened. In that thread and over the course of time the media finally addressed the fact that the white supremacists had coordinated with the local authorities and gotten a legal permit that allowed them to exercise their Constitutional Right to peacefully freely assemble and to march. People may hate what they stand for / believe, but the Constitution affords thee rights to every American citizen and does not require 'your' approval of their beliefs.

An interview with the leader of Antifa who showed up that day, wearing protective gear and carrying weapons. The Antifa leader admitted they showed up n Charlottesville with the full intent to INSTIGATE VIOLENCE by attacking the white Supremacists.

At the time the President simply stated the violence engaged in was not only the fault of the white supremacists but of 'others' as well.

The Antifa leader's admission that they showed up there - without having coordinated with local officials, without having gotten a permit to demonstrate, wearing protective gear, and brandishing weapons -with the full intent of INSTIGATING violence proves the President was indeed right.
Would you be ok with ISIS members marching and expressing their views in one of America's towns ?
Of course not. And if folks showed up to protest ISIS's hatred and bigotry, these rightards would be just peachy if a Democrat said there was hatred and bigotry on many sides.
I remember quite a few Democrats expressing support for ISIS, most notably Barrack Obama, to the point of his own wife asking "Whose side are you on ?"


Tell the forum how Heather Heyer wasn't really a victim....

Faun explains how a lone driver represents all conservatives at Charlottesville, while Heather Heyer represents all PROGS. But you know, PROGS are deep thinkers and educated too.
Fields was just one of hundreds of rightwing racists there that day. Heather Heyer was just one of hundreds there to protest them.

To the loony right, they're the same.

Faun doesn't feel anyone on the left is accountable. You know, because they adore the victim role and have a responsibility free-card.. According to Faun the left are angels, despite documented evidence otherwise. I'm reminded of Lemon-fuck, who said "ANTIFA can't be fascist. They fight fascism, cuz it's in their name".

A racist rally intended to unite the neonazis, KKK and other assorted rightwing white supremacists -- and the brain-dead right thinks that the same as the left who showed up to protest them. :eusa_doh:
What the left showed up for was worse. They called the removal of a soldier statue.

As for Kessler and his group (whatever their ideologies may be), their goal was a good and correct one. To keep the statue in place. And there were hundreds of other pro-statue protestors, who have no affiliation with any political group.
But you knew Tramp was lying when you mindlessly parroted his lie!
The Washington Post Fact Checker published a document in an earlier fact-check showing that counter-protesters had indeed acquired an official permit for Saturday, when the Unite the Right march was scheduled.

The permit was issued to Walt Heinecke, an associate professor of educational research, statistics and evaluation at the University of Virginia’s Curry School of Education.

Donald Trump
stated on August 15, 2017 in a question-and-answer session with reporters:
White nationalist protesters in Charlottesville "had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit."
Did this so-called "permit" authorize them to lie down in the street blocking cars, and a legally permitted march ?

I'll answer. No it didn't. No permit does that, so it wouldn't matter if they had a permit or not. They were criminal lawbreakers, who intentionally and illegally blocked the march, and started all the trouble.
Did the Nazi permit authorize them to beat people with 2 by 4s that they brought for that purpose?

I'll answer. No it didn't. No permit does that, so it wouldn't matter if they had a permit or not. They were criminal lawbreakers, who intentionally and illegally bludgeoned people and started all the trouble.
No, the anti-statue people were the ones who started the trouble. And that is more than just the criminals who lied down on the street to block traffic and a legal march. It also includes the troublemakers wearing suits, in city offices who voted to remove the statue.
You worship a general who tried to destroy the USA and now you worship a president out to do the same.
You Nazi scum will ALWAYS hate the USA USA USA USA!
FALSE! Robert E Lee had nothing to do with the USA. He was a soldier who commanded troops who fought to defend their land from invasion. If you have a gripe, it might be with Jefferson Davis, or some politicians.

Soldier's merely follow orders.

As for Nazis, they are most closely correlated to big government gun grabbers. aka Democrats.
Lee was a traitorous turncoat who sold out his country and the AMERICAN military he was part of and voluntarily CHOSE to fight for the anti-American domestic terrorists you and your Right-wing scum still worship.
So you say the protest march was NOT about the removal of the Robert E Lee statue from that park ? You wanna go on record here saying that ? :biggrin:
It was about spreading Right-wing HATE under any excuse, even YOU know that but are too dishonest to admit it.
No, that is the phony line the fake news media has tried to spread. What it was really about was the HATE against symbols of the soldiers (in this case, Robert E Lee) who fought to defend the South from invasion by northern state troops.

Nobody should ever remove a statue of a soldier. They don't make policy. They merely follow orders from politicians, and bravely fight wars.

If somebody doesn't like a policy, let them remove a statue of a politician, not a soldier. :salute: :salute:. :salute:
Typical revisionist history from you Nazi loving America hating scum!
The domestic terrorist South drew first American blood at Fort Sumpter.
First doesn't mean squat. The whole war was fought with Northern troops going south and attacking there. Those are the facts. Nothing revised.
Umm, that's what war is.
All the neo nazis are anti trump
There is no group more pro Tramp than the neo Nazis like YOU!
Just facts.. look at your hate .. you are the Nazi
Spoken like a true Nazi.
Thank you.
We don’t hate you we want you to get help .. you hate us
We don't hate you, we PITY you!
That’s an emotional issue.. why get emotional?? We are all Americans can’t you love us?
Take it down, right PROGS? After all you guys are the rational thinkers. Guys likes this owned slaves. Surely that's consistent with removing Lee's statue over PROG-think
Guilty of a tiny mushroom little boy's penis that he used on Epstein's sex trafficked kids.

Leave Barack Obama out of this! I heard Barack only did that, to thrill his new lover at the time/the man who Barack secretly dated, while being prepped for his US Senate run after the turn of the century.
For 38 pages now, here are President Trump's words which every deceitful Dem member here, keeps ignoring:

Today, on the TV show The View, Whoopi Goldberg, made what appeared to be a disparaging remark about the post Charlottesville riot remark of President Trump that "you also had people that were very fine people on both sides."

After the Charlottesville riot, April 12, 2017, President Trump made a comment.
from Real Clear Politics >>
Here are the unambiguous actual words of President Trump:

“Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had some very bad people in that group. But you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. You had people in that group – excuse me, excuse me, I saw the same pictures you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

After another question at that press conference, Trump became even more explicit:

“I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and white nationalists because they should be condemned totally.”

My own take on this whole thing was that the protestors, protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee (Confederate General), were conducting a legal protest march, with a permit. Along the way, they encountered a large group of counterprotestors, who were illegally sitting in the street, blocking traffic and the march too.

So now we look at the identities of both groups. Whether some or all of the protestors were actually neo-Nazis, or just agent provocateurs, it is known that some, if not most, of the protestors were not radicals of any sort, and were simply exercising their constitutional rights to protest the removal of the statue.

On the counterprotestor side, I would like to think that there may have been some good people too, who were not breaking any laws, or creating trouble, but I honestly don't know that.

So in retrospect, I would say I believe Trump may or my not have been right. To clearly establish his comment as correct, we would have to be able to confirm if any of the leftist counterprotestors were not blocking traffic, starting fights, or engaging in wrongdoing. At this time, I am unable to do that, so I would say that the accuracy of his comment I undeterminable.

See the facts about the Charlottesville riot. You decide what they mean. - Fabius Maximus website
Take it down, right PROGS? After all you guys are the rational thinkers. Guys likes this owned slaves. Surely that's consistent with removing Lee's statue over PROG-think

VA has Negro residents who pay the same state taxes as White people do. Yes therefore it is not based in, logic, that negros should have to pay taxes to any institution which honors a famous White racist who hated Black people ---and he hoped they'd never be free citizens who pay taxes to their state.

A person has to be a real lunatic to think VA's negro residents should be okay with that statue.

PROG-think is not fair think, because if it was then it would focus on convincing White people that if we are going to leave that statue up there then it is only fair/only right to erect another statue beside it. And that statue should be, of some darkskinned negro, who was famous for hating us White people or famous for killing us White people. Yes. That is totally fair, PROG-think.
ANTIFA was the instigator of the violence at Charlottesville and their activities were illegal.
Your fellow NAZIS came dressed for battle including their weapons and went after Blacks to brutalize!
But you knew that already!

DeAndre Harris, brutally beaten in Charlottesville, is still getting threats from white supremacists

ANTIFA is a terrorist organization seeking to disrupt and infringe upon rights and personal spaces of innocents. They too come armed and ready to beat people that don’t share the same views..... just like white supremacists.
CON$ervatism is a domestic terrorist organization seeking to disrupt and infringe upon rights and personal spaces of innocents. They come armed and ready to beat people that don’t share the same views.

The difference is ANTIFA actually carries out disruption and infringement of personal spaces of innocents as has Black Lives Matter. You can only point to Charlottesville for one day in 2019 to support your broad brush stroke. One need not loon further than Portland, Oregon on a daily basis for video to full to put on this board to see ANTIFA in action. Go see BLM in people’s faces terrorizing them to say “Black Lives Matter” or threatening them if they say “All Lives Matter”.

Keep up with your denial that intolerance and violence exists on the Left or that it Conservatives are more violent with any intolerance they have in 2019.
The REAL difference is you Nazi Fascist scum lie about AntiFa.

Where are the lies? How many videos from Portland do you need about ANTIFA or is their beating of a journalist or physically preventing the elderly from crossing the street simply “free speech against fascism” in your book? If so, that is just sick and demented.

Btw, I am far from Nazi. I am Mediterranean with Jewish relatives and I am married to a Mexican. Just because I call bullshit on your notion that intolerance and violence is exclusive to Conservatives and not Liberals does not make me a Nazi.

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