
CNN, (not a right wing propaganda outlet) repeatedly announced an arrest had been made as did the AP. It turns out that it was not true, just a cop hoping to make a name for himself reporting an unconfirmed rumor, then a bunch of major news outlets going with it only to have to back off when it proved to be false. Fox News was about the only one that was very leery of the story.

Disgusting display of America's new2s machine at work!!

And a perfect example of what sheeple everyone is.
It sounds like the Feds don't want anyone to know they have someone in custody...even thought they may.
I saw that film last night of the guy running away. It happened after the bomb, he looks like part of his pants leg was blown, and ladies, if that had been me, I would have been running, too, away from any possible follow ups.
NYPD Ret. Bomb Squad Det. Kevin Barry says bomb did not fully ignite.

[ame=]Boston Marathon 2013: Explaining the Explosions - YouTube[/ame]
The operative word is "suspect". I'd hate to see this person lynched in the press the way other "suspects" have been.

Well, let's hope its not another injured Saudi who.happened there watching the race. Damn I hate premature idiot judgements.
i can't find anything that states someone has been arrested

i've read suspect(s), but no arrest

there will be an FBI briefing in about an hour i think
Can you link to that? I'd like to see it frame by frame.

I posted a link earlier in this thread ( where I ask Jon if he had seen these pictures yet) which has a frame by frame and I think it is here too.

4chan ThinkTank - Imgur

Either way I can't figure why this guy looks suspicious to be honest. He seems to be running after being blurned pretty badly. Maybe I am missing something?
No one is booked at the courthouse. What silliness. They would never take someone arrested to the courthouse. He goes to the police station where he is processed. Mug shots, fingerprints, searched. Then they got 3 days to take him to the courthouse to be arraigned. No one is arraigned before they're booked.

NYPD Ret. Bomb Squad Det. Kevin Barry says bomb did not fully ignite.

Boston Marathon 2013: Explaining the Explosions - YouTube

That expert is an idiot. :cuckoo: That is the fragmented inner pane of glass on the ground in front of the window. It is not explosive material.
Yeah. Experienced Forensics police who specialized in bomb explosions are such know-nothings, n'est ce pas, mon amie. :rolleyes:

The glass fragments were tinted a little green. I don't think that was the white stuff of which he was speaking. ;)
And in OTHER news related to the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon, according tothe DRUDGE headline,

Senate Torpedoes Background Check Deal

By Meredith Shiner
Roll Call Staff
April 17, 2013, 4:28 p.m.

Chris Maddaloni/CQ Roll Call
Manchin, who was a key supporter of the background check legislation, delivered a floor speech earlier Wednesday in which he begged his colleagues to read the bill, emphasizing that it specifically prohibited a federal gun registry.

The Senate on Wednesday failed to advance a bipartisan background check proposal that Democrats had hoped would be the core of any bill.

The background check legislation, championed by Democrat Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Republican Patrick J. Toomey of Pennsylvania, received only 54 votes, six short of the 60 needed to clear a threatened filibuster. In the 24 hours leading up to the vote, President Barack Obama and former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., along with her husband, Mark Kelly, had personally lobbied on-the-fence senators or those who had declared themselves as “no” votes. But those efforts failed.

* * * *
-- Senate Torpedoes Background Check Deal : Roll Call Policy

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