Check out Joe Biden's wide open border!

^^^This is what the left actually thinks about immigrants, everyone. Remember it when you vote.
It's not what I think. It's what Democrats and Republicans think.

I would also argue that most of the rich farmers in Washington are Republican.

That's the beauty of blind propaganda. Rich Republican farmers with vote Trump signs on the interstate side of the crop circle and housing for illegal workers on the back side.

Of course you wouldn't! ;)

I wouldnt. Heck, I typically don't talk bad about actual posters here, I would never talk bad about someone's family when I didn't even know them.

You would have to have an unhealthy level of hatred in your heart to do that.
It's not what I think. It's what Democrats and Republicans think.

I would also argue that most of the rich farmers in Washington are Republican.

That's the beauty of blind propaganda. Rich Republican farmers with vote Trump signs on the interstate side of the crop circle and housing for illegal workers on the back side.

No, it's what you think, because you're a racist piece of shit.
I wouldnt. Heck, I typically don't talk bad about actual posters here, I would never talk bad about someone's family when I didn't even know them.

You would have to have an unhealthy level of hatred in your heart to do that.

Your opinion is noted.

You're so clueless to your bigotry, you don't even realize how racist it is to assume immigrants are only good for picking crops. You sound like another piece of racist shit, Jill Biden.

They leave that up to the women and children. The more common border jumpers are young men, whose main skills are killing, abducting children and smuggling drugs.

Washington deserves them.

(My apologies to the few good Washingtonians here.)

Can you imagine the response if those thousand illegals came ashore at Barry's beach on Martha's Vineyard? Liberal heads would explode!
Heck, we saw the outrage when a piddly busload of FIFTY illegals showed up in Obama's Vineyard. Where was that Liberal compassion we always hear about? They shipped them out of town faster than FedEx.
Joe Biden should be impeached for many different things that he has done to fuck this country.

However, tops on the list is abdicating the sovereignty of the United States by opening up the border to millions of filthy welfare queens.
You're so clueless to your bigotry, you don't even realize how racist it is to assume immigrants are only good for picking crops. You sound like another piece of racist shit, Jill Biden.
I didn't say they were only good for picking crops. I said they will be used for that.

If you want to talk about your perceived racism, create a thread.
Stop bombing my thread with your racist hate. Comment on the topic or go back to the KKK site you spend your time on.
Using the race card is part of the reason Repubs lost the white and Congress in 2020. Keep it up.

It is pretty apparent that you actually don't care about illegal immigration and are using racism to avoid discussing Republican culpability with our problems at the border.

You are a good soldier but that won't help our immigration problem.

Have a good day.
More than 5 million illegals crossing to date and being on pace for a total of 13 million over xidens 1st term says otherwise.


In 2022, the focus has been on the long federal court battle surrounding the "Remain in Mexico" policy, instituted by former President Donald Trump, which forced thousands of asylum seekers to wait for court hearings in Mexico, instead of the U.S.

Some argue that has exacerbated the illegal crossings, as there is little drawback to trying again while waiting for a court hearing.


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