Chelsea Bomber Found Because They Knew His History And Didn't Act Because Of Political-Correctness


The FBI already knew the bomber before he attacked. He had been questioned and they had a file on him. His prints on one of the bombs led to the announcement that led to a call from a civilian who said he was asleep in front of his place of business. This led to a shootout with the police which led to his capture. Because he is a naturalized immigrant from Afghanistan, he will lawyer-up, and string this out for years. No intelligence will be gathered, thanks to the Obama Administration because he has rights.

Hillary claims that Trump is the reason these guys are attacking us, and Obama says this is a war of words. Nonsense. I was told 23 years ago by a Kuwaiti Intelligence officer that our freedoms will defeat us. It's not that we are evil or we talk bad about Muslims, because this was years before 911. Muslims feel that because we are friends with Israel, we are a target. Democrats are greasing the skids for further attacks with their politically-correct policies. This guy never would have been able to carry out this attack. He never would have been allowed to reenter the US after spending time in terrorist hotspots in the Middle East. This is terrorism 101. Only a fool wants be nice to these people and basically lay out the Red Carpet to attack us.


Hillary is trying to blame Trump for these attacks. She says she's the one with the experience needed to fight domestic terrorism, but for some reason she wants to bring hundreds of thousands of these guys here.
Donald Trump Jr said it's like someone who wants to give you a bowl of Skittles, knowing that in that bowl of Skittles, 3 of them will kill you. Would you want to take them? Of course the CEO of Skittles immediately released a statement objecting to the rationale. How dare a nasty Trump kid insult Skittles.

Okay, lets say somebody gives you a six-pack of beer. One of those beers will kill you. Would you take that six-pack?

You would take them because if you don't, you're a bigot.
This is the problem we're dealing with. Not only are we fighting the enemy, but the Democrats and their Bull Shit Political-Correctness as well.


Hillary being helped with steps after speech

New York bombing: Suspect Ahmad Rahami 'may have been radicalised after visiting Afghanistan', as video emerges of him dragging bag in Chelsea

Donald Trump Jr. compares Syrian refugees to killer Skittles

More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

If it was good beer, I would take the chance. Even maybe with a hand full of skittles. Meh, I could be wrong, but there is a pattern here as I see it. I agree with your post, correct me if I'm wrong, but all the high profile people had at some point had contact with or had been looked into by a state or federal agency as folks who are up to no good. If I'm correct in my assumption that the ball is being dropped in almost the exact same way by the exact same people in government every time this happens, why have those people not had their names and positions on the staff not been made public and those people held accountable? I mean people are getting killed and wounded here. Weird shit man.

You need to read more and post less aka your babble is so incoherent as to be totallly may have a point but very difficult to ascertain with your mumbo jumbo. Read your crap over and try to come to some coherent version.

The FBI already knew the bomber before he attacked. He had been questioned and they had a file on him. His prints on one of the bombs led to the announcement that led to a call from a civilian who said he was asleep in front of his place of business. This led to a shootout with the police which led to his capture. Because he is a naturalized immigrant from Afghanistan, he will lawyer-up, and string this out for years. No intelligence will be gathered, thanks to the Obama Administration because he has rights.

Hillary claims that Trump is the reason these guys are attacking us, and Obama says this is a war of words. Nonsense. I was told 23 years ago by a Kuwaiti Intelligence officer that our freedoms will defeat us. It's not that we are evil or we talk bad about Muslims, because this was years before 911. Muslims feel that because we are friends with Israel, we are a target. Democrats are greasing the skids for further attacks with their politically-correct policies. This guy never would have been able to carry out this attack. He never would have been allowed to reenter the US after spending time in terrorist hotspots in the Middle East. This is terrorism 101. Only a fool wants be nice to these people and basically lay out the Red Carpet to attack us.


Hillary is trying to blame Trump for these attacks. She says she's the one with the experience needed to fight domestic terrorism, but for some reason she wants to bring hundreds of thousands of these guys here.
Donald Trump Jr said it's like someone who wants to give you a bowl of Skittles, knowing that in that bowl of Skittles, 3 of them will kill you. Would you want to take them? Of course the CEO of Skittles immediately released a statement objecting to the rationale. How dare a nasty Trump kid insult Skittles.

Okay, lets say somebody gives you a six-pack of beer. One of those beers will kill you. Would you take that six-pack?

You would take them because if you don't, you're a bigot.
This is the problem we're dealing with. Not only are we fighting the enemy, but the Democrats and their Bull Shit Political-Correctness as well.


Hillary being helped with steps after speech

New York bombing: Suspect Ahmad Rahami 'may have been radicalised after visiting Afghanistan', as video emerges of him dragging bag in Chelsea

Donald Trump Jr. compares Syrian refugees to killer Skittles

More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

Chelsea Bomber Found Because They Knew His History And Didn't Act Because Of Political-Correctness

Nothing you posted supports the narrative of your title.
Thread fail.
And you are lying.
Hey, Muddy, why do the Muslims need to destroy us when we are doing a bangup jobs ourselves?

You guys are crapping yourselves over a Dumpster fire set by a Muslim and ignoring the fact that 70 Americans were killed by gun violence.

I heard a Muslim neglected to return a library book. It's chaos, I tell you, chaos!!!

Yep. No doubt the most inept terror attacks ever.
Tell that to the folks pulling shrapnel out of their faces.

"Oh least you're not dead!"
Mud comes in again using the talking points Trump gave him and he vomits it up verbatim.

Tell me more about how you blame the cops.

I'm just using common-sense. Something you have very little of.

Its just a coincidence you are repeating the bs that cops were scared right after Trump did? And you want us to believe that?
I don't give a shit what Trump said. I've been to anti-terrorism school. I've trained on this shit. What Obama and Hillary are saying is pure unadulterated Bovine Excrement.

The best way to make sure a terrorist is no longer a threat is double-tap em in the chest and eye thump em to make sure they're dead.

The FBI already knew the bomber before he attacked. He had been questioned and they had a file on him. His prints on one of the bombs led to the announcement that led to a call from a civilian who said he was asleep in front of his place of business. This led to a shootout with the police which led to his capture. Because he is a naturalized immigrant from Afghanistan, he will lawyer-up, and string this out for years. No intelligence will be gathered, thanks to the Obama Administration because he has rights.

Hillary claims that Trump is the reason these guys are attacking us, and Obama says this is a war of words. Nonsense. I was told 23 years ago by a Kuwaiti Intelligence officer that our freedoms will defeat us. It's not that we are evil or we talk bad about Muslims, because this was years before 911. Muslims feel that because we are friends with Israel, we are a target. Democrats are greasing the skids for further attacks with their politically-correct policies. This guy never would have been able to carry out this attack. He never would have been allowed to reenter the US after spending time in terrorist hotspots in the Middle East. This is terrorism 101. Only a fool wants be nice to these people and basically lay out the Red Carpet to attack us.


Hillary is trying to blame Trump for these attacks. She says she's the one with the experience needed to fight domestic terrorism, but for some reason she wants to bring hundreds of thousands of these guys here.
Donald Trump Jr said it's like someone who wants to give you a bowl of Skittles, knowing that in that bowl of Skittles, 3 of them will kill you. Would you want to take them? Of course the CEO of Skittles immediately released a statement objecting to the rationale. How dare a nasty Trump kid insult Skittles.

Okay, lets say somebody gives you a six-pack of beer. One of those beers will kill you. Would you take that six-pack?

You would take them because if you don't, you're a bigot.
This is the problem we're dealing with. Not only are we fighting the enemy, but the Democrats and their Bull Shit Political-Correctness as well.


Hillary being helped with steps after speech

New York bombing: Suspect Ahmad Rahami 'may have been radicalised after visiting Afghanistan', as video emerges of him dragging bag in Chelsea

Donald Trump Jr. compares Syrian refugees to killer Skittles

More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

If it was good beer, I would take the chance. Even maybe with a hand full of skittles. Meh, I could be wrong, but there is a pattern here as I see it. I agree with your post, correct me if I'm wrong, but all the high profile people had at some point had contact with or had been looked into by a state or federal agency as folks who are up to no good. If I'm correct in my assumption that the ball is being dropped in almost the exact same way by the exact same people in government every time this happens, why have those people not had their names and positions on the staff not been made public and those people held accountable? I mean people are getting killed and wounded here. Weird shit man.

You need to read more and post less aka your babble is so incoherent as to be totallly may have a point but very difficult to ascertain with your mumbo jumbo. Read your crap over and try to come to some coherent version.

Sorry to make your vagina itch. Anyways, what I meant was, all the people who have done the bombings and mass shootings had at some point been on the list of some state or federal agency under suspicion of terrorism, yet they were all able to remain free to kill. There is almost a pattern there. The get checked out, let go, and then kill a bunch of people. So I'm wondering who is in charge if that stuff and why have they not been compelled to explain these failures to the public.
Mud comes in again using the talking points Trump gave him and he vomits it up verbatim.

Tell me more about how you blame the cops.

I'm just using common-sense. Something you have very little of.

Its just a coincidence you are repeating the bs that cops were scared right after Trump did? And you want us to believe that?
I don't give a shit what Trump said. I've been to anti-terrorism school. I've trained on this shit. What Obama and Hillary are saying is pure unadulterated Bovine Excrement.

The best way to make sure a terrorist is no longer a threat is double-tap em in the chest and eye thump em to make sure they're dead.

Did they teach you to read the minds of all police at terrorism school too? Detect fears and motivations?

I dont think that was a anti terrorism school you went to bro
What some in this thread fail to recognize is how many people have been arrested in recent years before they were able to pull off an attack. Many more than have gotten away with it. The difference in those cases is that they crossed the line between suspicion and illegal activity. Suspicion of a crime isn't grounds to be arrested. The FBI isn't omnipotent. Unfortunately people will still succeed in carrying out attacks whether they are under investigation or not.

The FBI already knew the bomber before he attacked. He had been questioned and they had a file on him. His prints on one of the bombs led to the announcement that led to a call from a civilian who said he was asleep in front of his place of business. This led to a shootout with the police which led to his capture. Because he is a naturalized immigrant from Afghanistan, he will lawyer-up, and string this out for years. No intelligence will be gathered, thanks to the Obama Administration because he has rights.

Hillary claims that Trump is the reason these guys are attacking us, and Obama says this is a war of words. Nonsense. I was told 23 years ago by a Kuwaiti Intelligence officer that our freedoms will defeat us. It's not that we are evil or we talk bad about Muslims, because this was years before 911. Muslims feel that because we are friends with Israel, we are a target. Democrats are greasing the skids for further attacks with their politically-correct policies. This guy never would have been able to carry out this attack. He never would have been allowed to reenter the US after spending time in terrorist hotspots in the Middle East. This is terrorism 101. Only a fool wants be nice to these people and basically lay out the Red Carpet to attack us.


Hillary is trying to blame Trump for these attacks. She says she's the one with the experience needed to fight domestic terrorism, but for some reason she wants to bring hundreds of thousands of these guys here.
Donald Trump Jr said it's like someone who wants to give you a bowl of Skittles, knowing that in that bowl of Skittles, 3 of them will kill you. Would you want to take them? Of course the CEO of Skittles immediately released a statement objecting to the rationale. How dare a nasty Trump kid insult Skittles.

Okay, lets say somebody gives you a six-pack of beer. One of those beers will kill you. Would you take that six-pack?

You would take them because if you don't, you're a bigot.
This is the problem we're dealing with. Not only are we fighting the enemy, but the Democrats and their Bull Shit Political-Correctness as well.


Hillary being helped with steps after speech

New York bombing: Suspect Ahmad Rahami 'may have been radicalised after visiting Afghanistan', as video emerges of him dragging bag in Chelsea

Donald Trump Jr. compares Syrian refugees to killer Skittles

More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

If it was good beer, I would take the chance. Even maybe with a hand full of skittles. Meh, I could be wrong, but there is a pattern here as I see it. I agree with your post, correct me if I'm wrong, but all the high profile people had at some point had contact with or had been looked into by a state or federal agency as folks who are up to no good. If I'm correct in my assumption that the ball is being dropped in almost the exact same way by the exact same people in government every time this happens, why have those people not had their names and positions on the staff not been made public and those people held accountable? I mean people are getting killed and wounded here. Weird shit man.

You need to read more and post less aka your babble is so incoherent as to be totallly may have a point but very difficult to ascertain with your mumbo jumbo. Read your crap over and try to come to some coherent version.

Sorry to make your vagina itch. Anyways, what I meant was, all the people who have done the bombings and mass shootings had at some point been on the list of some state or federal agency under suspicion of terrorism, yet they were all able to remain free to kill. There is almost a pattern there. The get checked out, let go, and then kill a bunch of people. So I'm wondering who is in charge if that stuff and why have they not been compelled to explain these failures to the public.
Who is in charge?

Homeland Security Director Jeh Johnson

His boss....
Mud comes in again using the talking points Trump gave him and he vomits it up verbatim.

Tell me more about how you blame the cops.

I'm just using common-sense. Something you have very little of.

Its just a coincidence you are repeating the bs that cops were scared right after Trump did? And you want us to believe that?
I don't give a shit what Trump said. I've been to anti-terrorism school. I've trained on this shit. What Obama and Hillary are saying is pure unadulterated Bovine Excrement.

The best way to make sure a terrorist is no longer a threat is double-tap em in the chest and eye thump em to make sure they're dead.

Did they teach you to read the minds of all police at terrorism school too? Detect fears and motivations?

I dont think that was a anti terrorism school you went to bro
All of the warning signs on this guy and the guy in Orlando were intentionally ignored. Because of Political-Correctness all references to Islamic Terror have been taken out of the FBI anti-terrorism training manuals. This started as soon as Obama took office. All of the databases on suspected terrorists have been scrubbed.

But we went over all of this after Orlando. It is out there all over the place, which explains why Obama wants to turn over control of the Internet to the UN at the end of the month. They will scrub all of this from the net and make sure anyone spreading these "rumors" can't do it so easily.
Hey, Muddy, why do the Muslims need to destroy us when we are doing a bangup jobs ourselves?

You guys are crapping yourselves over a Dumpster fire set by a Muslim and ignoring the fact that 70 Americans were killed by gun violence.

I heard a Muslim neglected to return a library book. It's chaos, I tell you, chaos!!!
Yeah, dipshit, I always start my fireplace with a bomb instead of kindling.

Go listen to Rush's ads today until you come to your senses, assuming you have any.
Mud comes in again using the talking points Trump gave him and he vomits it up verbatim.

Tell me more about how you blame the cops.

I'm just using common-sense. Something you have very little of.

Its just a coincidence you are repeating the bs that cops were scared right after Trump did? And you want us to believe that?
I don't give a shit what Trump said. I've been to anti-terrorism school. I've trained on this shit. What Obama and Hillary are saying is pure unadulterated Bovine Excrement.

The best way to make sure a terrorist is no longer a threat is double-tap em in the chest and eye thump em to make sure they're dead.

Did they teach you to read the minds of all police at terrorism school too? Detect fears and motivations?

I dont think that was a anti terrorism school you went to bro
All of the warning signs on this guy and the guy in Orlando were intentionally ignored.

Lie and accusation #1. Proof provided: Zip

Because of Political-Correctness all references to Islamic Terror have been taken out of the FBI anti-terrorism training manuals.

Lie and accusation #2. Proof provided: Nothing

This started as soon as Obama took office. All of the databases on suspected terrorists have been scrubbed.


Lie and accusation #3. Proof provided: Zilch

But we went over all of this after Orlando. It is out there all over the place, which explains why Obama wants to turn over control of the Internet to the UN at the end of the month. They will scrub all of this from the net and make sure anyone spreading these "rumors" can't do it so easily.

They find and catch the guy in 24 hours and you claim they're scared to get him after getting him and they're databases are scrubbed but they got him in a day. Ok bucko

I'm just using common-sense. Something you have very little of.

Its just a coincidence you are repeating the bs that cops were scared right after Trump did? And you want us to believe that?
I don't give a shit what Trump said. I've been to anti-terrorism school. I've trained on this shit. What Obama and Hillary are saying is pure unadulterated Bovine Excrement.

The best way to make sure a terrorist is no longer a threat is double-tap em in the chest and eye thump em to make sure they're dead.

Did they teach you to read the minds of all police at terrorism school too? Detect fears and motivations?

I dont think that was a anti terrorism school you went to bro
All of the warning signs on this guy and the guy in Orlando were intentionally ignored.

Lie and accusation #1. Proof provided: Zip

Because of Political-Correctness all references to Islamic Terror have been taken out of the FBI anti-terrorism training manuals.

Lie and accusation #2. Proof provided: Nothing

This started as soon as Obama took office. All of the databases on suspected terrorists have been scrubbed.


Lie and accusation #3. Proof provided: Zilch

But we went over all of this after Orlando. It is out there all over the place, which explains why Obama wants to turn over control of the Internet to the UN at the end of the month. They will scrub all of this from the net and make sure anyone spreading these "rumors" can't do it so easily.

They find and catch the guy in 24 hours and you claim they're scared to get him after getting him and they're databases are scrubbed but they got him in a day. Ok bucko
Dumbass. They've even had cops reprimanded for yelling allu Akbar while playing the terrorist during training excersises.

Obama administration pulls references to Islam from terror training materials, official says
There are 3 million Muslims living in America. What percentage of them are committing crimes of violence? Your 'fear' is hysteria.
Its just a coincidence you are repeating the bs that cops were scared right after Trump did? And you want us to believe that?
I don't give a shit what Trump said. I've been to anti-terrorism school. I've trained on this shit. What Obama and Hillary are saying is pure unadulterated Bovine Excrement.

The best way to make sure a terrorist is no longer a threat is double-tap em in the chest and eye thump em to make sure they're dead.

Did they teach you to read the minds of all police at terrorism school too? Detect fears and motivations?

I dont think that was a anti terrorism school you went to bro
All of the warning signs on this guy and the guy in Orlando were intentionally ignored.

Lie and accusation #1. Proof provided: Zip

Because of Political-Correctness all references to Islamic Terror have been taken out of the FBI anti-terrorism training manuals.

Lie and accusation #2. Proof provided: Nothing

This started as soon as Obama took office. All of the databases on suspected terrorists have been scrubbed.


Lie and accusation #3. Proof provided: Zilch

But we went over all of this after Orlando. It is out there all over the place, which explains why Obama wants to turn over control of the Internet to the UN at the end of the month. They will scrub all of this from the net and make sure anyone spreading these "rumors" can't do it so easily.

They find and catch the guy in 24 hours and you claim they're scared to get him after getting him and they're databases are scrubbed but they got him in a day. Ok bucko
Dumbass. They've even had cops reprimanded for yelling allu Akbar while playing the terrorist during training excersises.

Obama administration pulls references to Islam from terror training materials, official says

And that has dick to do with what anything I said

I'm just using common-sense. Something you have very little of.

Its just a coincidence you are repeating the bs that cops were scared right after Trump did? And you want us to believe that?
I don't give a shit what Trump said. I've been to anti-terrorism school. I've trained on this shit. What Obama and Hillary are saying is pure unadulterated Bovine Excrement.

The best way to make sure a terrorist is no longer a threat is double-tap em in the chest and eye thump em to make sure they're dead.

Did they teach you to read the minds of all police at terrorism school too? Detect fears and motivations?

I dont think that was a anti terrorism school you went to bro
All of the warning signs on this guy and the guy in Orlando were intentionally ignored.

Lie and accusation #1. Proof provided: Zip

Because of Political-Correctness all references to Islamic Terror have been taken out of the FBI anti-terrorism training manuals.

Lie and accusation #2. Proof provided: Nothing

This started as soon as Obama took office. All of the databases on suspected terrorists have been scrubbed.


Lie and accusation #3. Proof provided: Zilch

But we went over all of this after Orlando. It is out there all over the place, which explains why Obama wants to turn over control of the Internet to the UN at the end of the month. They will scrub all of this from the net and make sure anyone spreading these "rumors" can't do it so easily.

They find and catch the guy in 24 hours and you claim they're scared to get him after getting him and they're databases are scrubbed but they got him in a day. Ok bucko
  1. Links to the proof provided in the OP
  2. Flashback: FBI Training Manual Purged References to Islamic Terror - Breitbart
  3. Same. "The FBI insists to CBS that they took all the required steps that were permissable under the law. However, around the same time the bureau interviewed Tsarnaev, changes in the FBI training manual took place as well. The FBI’s own departmental counter-terrorism analytic lexicon was purged of key words that could reference Islamic terrorism. Words like Muslim, Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and sharia were not mentioned once in the FBI’s counter-terrorism lexicon afterwards.
The FBI initially denied the existence of the document in 2012 until PJ Media’s Patrick Poole posted the unclassified doc in May of that year. Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-TX) took the issue to the House floor and excoriated the administration for allowing the changing of the training manual to happen."

In summation, Obama has been purging our government of any reference of Islamic Terror, and has intentionally rendered us unable to prevent attacks from Muslim immigrants. Instead they focus on rightwingers and consider average Americans a greater threat.
I don't give a shit what Trump said. I've been to anti-terrorism school. I've trained on this shit. What Obama and Hillary are saying is pure unadulterated Bovine Excrement.

The best way to make sure a terrorist is no longer a threat is double-tap em in the chest and eye thump em to make sure they're dead.

Did they teach you to read the minds of all police at terrorism school too? Detect fears and motivations?

I dont think that was a anti terrorism school you went to bro
All of the warning signs on this guy and the guy in Orlando were intentionally ignored.

Lie and accusation #1. Proof provided: Zip

Because of Political-Correctness all references to Islamic Terror have been taken out of the FBI anti-terrorism training manuals.

Lie and accusation #2. Proof provided: Nothing

This started as soon as Obama took office. All of the databases on suspected terrorists have been scrubbed.


Lie and accusation #3. Proof provided: Zilch

But we went over all of this after Orlando. It is out there all over the place, which explains why Obama wants to turn over control of the Internet to the UN at the end of the month. They will scrub all of this from the net and make sure anyone spreading these "rumors" can't do it so easily.

They find and catch the guy in 24 hours and you claim they're scared to get him after getting him and they're databases are scrubbed but they got him in a day. Ok bucko
Dumbass. They've even had cops reprimanded for yelling allu Akbar while playing the terrorist during training excersises.

Obama administration pulls references to Islam from terror training materials, official says

And that has dick to do with what anything I said
Dumbass, you can't even remember your own lies from 5 minutes ago.

Because of Political-Correctness all references to Islamic Terror have been taken out of the FBI anti-terrorism training manuals.

"Lie and accusation #2. Proof provided: Nothing"

The FBI already knew the bomber before he attacked. He had been questioned and they had a file on him. His prints on one of the bombs led to the announcement that led to a call from a civilian who said he was asleep in front of his place of business. This led to a shootout with the police which led to his capture. Because he is a naturalized immigrant from Afghanistan, he will lawyer-up, and string this out for years. No intelligence will be gathered, thanks to the Obama Administration because he has rights.

Hillary claims that Trump is the reason these guys are attacking us, and Obama says this is a war of words. Nonsense. I was told 23 years ago by a Kuwaiti Intelligence officer that our freedoms will defeat us. It's not that we are evil or we talk bad about Muslims, because this was years before 911. Muslims feel that because we are friends with Israel, we are a target. Democrats are greasing the skids for further attacks with their politically-correct policies. This guy never would have been able to carry out this attack. He never would have been allowed to reenter the US after spending time in terrorist hotspots in the Middle East. This is terrorism 101. Only a fool wants be nice to these people and basically lay out the Red Carpet to attack us.


Hillary is trying to blame Trump for these attacks. She says she's the one with the experience needed to fight domestic terrorism, but for some reason she wants to bring hundreds of thousands of these guys here.
Donald Trump Jr said it's like someone who wants to give you a bowl of Skittles, knowing that in that bowl of Skittles, 3 of them will kill you. Would you want to take them? Of course the CEO of Skittles immediately released a statement objecting to the rationale. How dare a nasty Trump kid insult Skittles.

Okay, lets say somebody gives you a six-pack of beer. One of those beers will kill you. Would you take that six-pack?

You would take them because if you don't, you're a bigot.
This is the problem we're dealing with. Not only are we fighting the enemy, but the Democrats and their Bull Shit Political-Correctness as well.


Hillary being helped with steps after speech

New York bombing: Suspect Ahmad Rahami 'may have been radicalised after visiting Afghanistan', as video emerges of him dragging bag in Chelsea

Donald Trump Jr. compares Syrian refugees to killer Skittles

More than 800 immigrants mistakenly granted citizenship

If it was good beer, I would take the chance. Even maybe with a hand full of skittles. Meh, I could be wrong, but there is a pattern here as I see it. I agree with your post, correct me if I'm wrong, but all the high profile people had at some point had contact with or had been looked into by a state or federal agency as folks who are up to no good. If I'm correct in my assumption that the ball is being dropped in almost the exact same way by the exact same people in government every time this happens, why have those people not had their names and positions on the staff not been made public and those people held accountable? I mean people are getting killed and wounded here. Weird shit man.

You need to read more and post less aka your babble is so incoherent as to be totallly may have a point but very difficult to ascertain with your mumbo jumbo. Read your crap over and try to come to some coherent version.

Sorry to make your vagina itch. Anyways, what I meant was, all the people who have done the bombings and mass shootings had at some point been on the list of some state or federal agency under suspicion of terrorism, yet they were all able to remain free to kill. There is almost a pattern there. The get checked out, let go, and then kill a bunch of people. So I'm wondering who is in charge if that stuff and why have they not been compelled to explain these failures to the public.

We have a rogue potus....aka a muslim sympatherizer...and his views and beliefs have filtered down...especially to our resident liberal and pc morons...thus we are situated in a pool of denial and misinformation all resulting in things that are inherently dangerous to our National Security aka....our secretary of state in a nutshell created ISIS.

So much coinfusion has been created that the net result is a population that is pretty much in denial...though some are finally waking up. It will take time and much effort to undo the damage done by obama and his cronies.
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