Chew on This One; Trump Won 44% of the Hispanic Voters in Nevada

Yep, the guy that supposedly hates Hispanics and is wanting to deport all of them, he won 44% of Hispanics voters.

When have Trumps critics been right about this guy? I mean like EVER?

Nevada caucuses results: Donald Trump wins Latino vote - CNN Video

This isn't a phenomena when you understand successful hispanics aspire to fit in with anglos, not the livestock streaming across the border. Rubio needs to remember that and lay off the endless telling of his parents' story until the general election when he can lure crossovers with it.
Oh Damn!!!
So liberals,what percentage of the black vote will Trump get?
Bout the same as Hispanics, he'll get 100% of the 2% who vote for him.

I can guarantee you that Trump will get about 25% of the Hispanic vote, and probably closer to 35%, while he will get anywhere from 10% to 15% of the black vote.

These minorities have been supporting the Identity Politics Democrats and what has it gotten them but more unemployment, more hostility from the general public and more fucking lies?

NOTHING. Why not vote for Trump and try to get some kind of change?
"Chew on This One; Trump Won 44% of the Hispanic Voters in Nevada"

Most conservatives are incredibly stupid.
The numbers are in.

44% of Republican hispanic vote = a few hundred people.

What a fucking failure of a thread.
Nevada hand counted all the votes in the state in less than an hour, so 44% of what ?

44% of 8%


  • White85%
  • Trump47%
  • Rubio25%
  • Cruz21%
  • Carson4%
  • Kasich3%
  • Bush0%

  • Black1%
  • Bush0%
  • Carson0%
  • Cruz0%
  • Kasich0%
  • Rubio0%
  • Trump0%

  • Hispanic/Latino8%
  • Trump45%
  • Rubio28%
  • Cruz18%
  • Kasich4%
  • Carson3%
  • Bush1%

  • Asian2%
  • Bush0%
  • Carson0%
  • Cruz0%
  • Kasich0%
  • Rubio0%
  • Trump0%

  • Other3%
  • Bush0%
  • Carson0%
  • Cruz0%
  • Kasich0%
  • Rubio0%
  • Trump0%

chew it.
It is called a 'representative sample', dear.

Its funny how libtards suddenly can forget well known facts when it fits their talking points.

I'm not your "dear" gheyboi ...

'representative sample' eh ?

they all rode to the polls in a 64 Chebie..
Yep, the guy that supposedly hates Hispanics and is wanting to deport all of them, he won 44% of Hispanics voters.

When have Trumps critics been right about this guy? I mean like EVER?

Nevada caucuses results: Donald Trump wins Latino vote - CNN Video

Trump won 44% of the registered Republican Hispanic vote.

I wonder what percentage of Hispanics out of all registered voters in Nevada are Republican vs Democratic?

Just saw someone posted some numbers and percentages. let me look at them.

The point is that he took 44% of Republican Hispanics while the two Hispanic candidates got about half that, which demonstrates that you dont have to run a Hispanic to win Hispanic votes, they are not that stupid, and that Trump can be more competitive for those votes than a nearly dead white bull dyke..
A great orator. A successful businessman. Takes shit from no one. An undisputed AMERICAN. The military loves him.

Dear Lord - Obama just can't measure up. Hell, Obama can't measure up to a shit-collector.

A great orator?? Are you fucking stupid?

He talks like a 6th grader -- and appeals to people with the same mentality.

He is incapable of explaining one specific policy idea -- realistic policy idea.
So you voting for Pantsuit dumass?
Yes, he is a stupid ni#ger he will do as he is told.
Yep, the guy that supposedly hates Hispanics and is wanting to deport all of them, he won 44% of Hispanics voters.

When have Trumps critics been right about this guy? I mean like EVER?

Nevada caucuses results: Donald Trump wins Latino vote - CNN Video

Trump won 44% of the registered Republican Hispanic vote.

I wonder what percentage of Hispanics out of all registered voters in Nevada are Republican vs Democratic?

Just saw someone posted some numbers and percentages. let me look at them.

The point is that he took 44% of Republican Hispanics while the two Hispanic candidates got about half that, which demonstrates that you dont have to run a Hispanic to win Hispanic votes, they are not that stupid, and that Trump can be more competitive for those votes than a nearly dead white bull dyke..

Yep. Legal Hispanics and young black folks have lost MILLIONS of jobs to illegals. Trump wants to change that. They should vote accordingly. Hispanics know what is down there. They KNOW about the chaos and gangs and grotesque violence. They don't want that here!!! That's why they wanted to come here in the first place.

Trump wants to keep that shit down there. Dems and RINOs want it to come here.

Vote accordingly..hh
Trump will NOT be the careful about trashing the guy who will be...RUBIO. :shock:
The numbers are in.

44% of Republican hispanic vote = a few hundred people.

What a fucking failure of a thread.

Lol, you really are a stupid fuck.

About 75,000 people voted in the GOP primary there, as compared to the barely over 10,000 for the Democrats.

According to the exit polls, about 8% were Hispanic voters, so that makes about 6,000 voters, a very good sampling of voters, in fact.

Trump took about 2,700 of those votes, about what Hillary Clintons ENTIRE VOTE in Nevada, stupid jack ass.
I'm not your "dear" gheyboi ...

'representative sample' eh ?

they all rode to the polls in a 64 Chebie..

Lol, now you fall back on the libtard hatred for minorities that dont know their place on the Democrat Plantation system.

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