Child suspended for imaginary bow and arrow in school

I hate stories like this. The reporters always leave out something that paints their side in a bad light. Leftists do it. Republicans do it. Every side does it.

What did the kid do wrong? I was in grade school not too long ago and my classmates and I pretended to wage mock wars every day at recess! Shame how much the world has changed in so few years...

Ever wondered technology's role in all of this? As tech grows more advanced, policies grow more babyish. What seemed barbaric to the youth today (the sixties, for example) was the norm for back then. And what seemed barbaric to the people of the sixties (the twenties, for another example) was the norm back then as well. And the cycle continues!
Now, however, instead of taking decades for something to become outdated, a practice is barbaric and changed within a year! All following the increased progression in technology...
In the past Little Johnny would get his ass beat and then he'd stop behaving that way.

Or he'd grow up to be a sociopath because he saw all problems could be solved with violence.

Is that what happened to you? Lucky for society that you're too much of a pussy to act on all the violent notions you have posted about here, huh?

But you're still wetting yourself that I expressed hostility towards your whacky cult, Mormon-boy.
why is it when kids could play cowboys and indians on the school yard there was less aggression later in life, obviously due to the numbers of school killings today versus back then.
You mean privileged whites and native Americans being played?

wow, steve, bitter much? I'm glad I'm not a bitter person like you or life would be miserable.
I actually would play an Indian since I have Indian blood. I always won. :smiliehug:
why is it when kids could play cowboys and indians on the school yard there was less aggression later in life, obviously due to the numbers of school killings today versus back then.

Back then most of them had a father around to keep their ass in line.
Pa. Boy Suspended for Mimicking Imaginary Weapon - ABC News

I think it's tone to consider removing liberals from school systems and keeping them as far away from children as possible
Why do you feel the left is responsible. I'm as leftist as you can get and I wouldn't suspend a student for this. When I was in Colarado a few years back a female student was suspended for 2 weeks for dying her hair blue. Would that also be the blame of the left or is just every school in America part of an over zealous reactionary pendulum.
why is it when kids could play cowboys and indians on the school yard there was less aggression later in life, obviously due to the numbers of school killings today versus back then.

Back then most of them had a father around to keep their ass in line.

Actually mom's also kept our butts in line as many dad's were working long hours. And the neighbor's parents as well. And the schools. We knew we'd get a licking or pulled up by our bootstraps if we fell too far out of line.

But we were allowed to actually run off steam, without being stymied by pc'ness.
If the kid was not pointing at another person when doing what was done, I don't see a reason for making this the big deal that it has become.

God bless you and the child always!!!


P.S. If they were pointing at someone, suspension is over the line if a punishment had to be issued at all.

The kid could have had his imaginary arrow right up against someone's eyeball and he still wouldn't have done anything wrong.
^^^ True, but if such a thing was done in a threatening way to your child, how would you feel about it? Wouldn't you worry that something worse could happen to them later on?

God bless you always!!!

next thing, they will suspend boys who "Sign" one another, as an option to using their hands and pop tarts in the shape of 44 Mags.
^^^ True, but if such a thing was done in a threatening way to your child, how would you feel about it? Wouldn't you worry that something worse could happen to them later on?

God bless you always!!!

I would tell my child to lob an imaginary grenade.

You cannot threaten anyone with an imaginary weapon.
what next? what if a bunch of boys wanted to recreate the classic scene/or actual event that took place at the OK Corral? that would make for a great news story! they would get away with it in the west, but can u imagine a group of 13/14 year olds recreating the scene in a middle school playground in a deep blue state?
^^^ True, but if such a thing was done in a threatening way to your child, how would you feel about it? Wouldn't you worry that something worse could happen to them later on?

God bless you always!!!

I would tell my child to lob an imaginary grenade.

You cannot threaten anyone with an imaginary weapon.
No, but it can be a sign for what could happen later.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Such a thing was addressed during a season 3 7th Heaven episode when Simon was threatened by another boy in his junior high school back in late 1998.

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