ChristianMingle and other religious dating websites now must include gay singles

Following a California court ruling, Christian dating site, Mormon dating site, and Jewish dating – all owned by Spark Networks — must now include equal browsing rights for gay folks who for some bizarre reason want to hold on to their religious faith.​

Okay...I'm gonna lose some of my "street cred" with the progressive crowd on this one, but, I'm sorry. This is stupid. I was 100% in favour of same-sex marriage. I fully supported the rights for transgender to use whatever bathroom they wish. I'm even okay with telling a baker that a wedding cake is a wedding cake is a wedding cake. Bake the damn cake!

But this? Okay. A Christian has no right to demand that I live in accordance with their morality. The caveat of that is that it demands that the opposite also be true.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well. Now, I know we're gonna get a hundred moralists in here spouting "Hate the sin, not the sinner," I'll refer them to my opinion of that bit of drivel that I expound upon in my other thread on this particular forum. So, that being said, why would you want to force Christians to "let you come play"?

Isn't that rather like a black guy trying to force White Supremacists to let him join their organizations? Or a Jew trying to force neo-NAZIs to include him? I mean, you probably could force the issue if you really, really wanted to. But why would you want to be part of an organization that hates you, would would be perfectly happy seeing you cease to exist? The same holds true of gays trying to force churches to let them be members, or let them make use of their social media. Can you? Sure. But why do you want to?

Aren't there a plethora of social media, and dating services out there that don't give so much as a single fuck if you are gay, or not? Why invade the Christian services, and force them to include people they would prefer not even exist?!?

I'm just sayin...

I fully expect the thrashing from my progressive friends, any minute now...
Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible ... God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well ...

if that's the premise for your disapproval of the ruling, hand in cheek there is something wrong with both you and the christians.

Maybe I can force a black or muslim site to have me. Makes sense, right?
Good, they deserve it. Maybe if they weren't so nasty to gays everywhere in real life, then gays wouldn't be invading EVERY SINGLE CORNER of their space. :D
Yes, fight intolerance with intolerance and statism. GREAT idea :thup:
Following a California court ruling, Christian dating site, Mormon dating site, and Jewish dating – all owned by Spark Networks — must now include equal browsing rights for gay folks who for some bizarre reason want to hold on to their religious faith.​

Okay...I'm gonna lose some of my "street cred" with the progressive crowd on this one, but, I'm sorry. This is stupid. I was 100% in favour of same-sex marriage. I fully supported the rights for transgender to use whatever bathroom they wish. I'm even okay with telling a baker that a wedding cake is a wedding cake is a wedding cake. Bake the damn cake!

But this? Okay. A Christian has no right to demand that I live in accordance with their morality. The caveat of that is that it demands that the opposite also be true.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well. Now, I know we're gonna get a hundred moralists in here spouting "Hate the sin, not the sinner," I'll refer them to my opinion of that bit of drivel that I expound upon in my other thread on this particular forum. So, that being said, why would you want to force Christians to "let you come play"?

Isn't that rather like a black guy trying to force White Supremacists to let him join their organizations? Or a Jew trying to force neo-NAZIs to include him? I mean, you probably could force the issue if you really, really wanted to. But why would you want to be part of an organization that hates you, would would be perfectly happy seeing you cease to exist? The same holds true of gays trying to force churches to let them be members, or let them make use of their social media. Can you? Sure. But why do you want to?

Aren't there a plethora of social media, and dating services out there that don't give so much as a single fuck if you are gay, or not? Why invade the Christian services, and force them to include people they would prefer not even exist?!?

I'm just sayin...

I fully expect the thrashing from my progressive friends, any minute now...
Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible ... God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well ...

if that's the premise for your disapproval of the ruling, hand in cheek there is something wrong with both you and the christians.

My disapproval is with the gay community trying to force people who hate them, and would be perfectly happy if they simply refused to exist, to let them play in their proverbial sandbox. You'll forgive me if I just don't see the advantage to the gay community here.
The gay folks who join Christian Mingle will experience more Christian proselytization than they ever in their wildest dreams thought possible. :laugh:
That's true. Do I really need to give the next step?

The next step will be to demand that "Christian" be removed from the site.
, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well..

I missed the part where Jesus said that.

Apparently this quote was mis-translated

Mark 12:31 The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
I think there is some confusion as well as to how Christians are supposed to treat fellow believers and sinners. Fellow believers are supposed to know what sin is and avoid it. Thus, a Christian who openly lives a homosexual lifestyle is in sin, as much as a pastor who is having an affair with his secretary. Both need to be called on the carpet by their fellow believers. Sinners, OTOH, are IN SIN, and it frankly doesn't matter WHAT the sin is. They need to see the love of Christ and be drawn to it. Jesus met sinners where they were, but did not leave them there. For example, to the woman caught in adultery He said "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more".
Following a California court ruling, Christian dating site, Mormon dating site, and Jewish dating – all owned by Spark Networks — must now include equal browsing rights for gay folks who for some bizarre reason want to hold on to their religious faith.​

Okay...I'm gonna lose some of my "street cred" with the progressive crowd on this one, but, I'm sorry. This is stupid. I was 100% in favour of same-sex marriage. I fully supported the rights for transgender to use whatever bathroom they wish. I'm even okay with telling a baker that a wedding cake is a wedding cake is a wedding cake. Bake the damn cake!

But this? Okay. A Christian has no right to demand that I live in accordance with their morality. The caveat of that is that it demands that the opposite also be true.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well. Now, I know we're gonna get a hundred moralists in here spouting "Hate the sin, not the sinner," I'll refer them to my opinion of that bit of drivel that I expound upon in my other thread on this particular forum. So, that being said, why would you want to force Christians to "let you come play"?

Isn't that rather like a black guy trying to force White Supremacists to let him join their organizations? Or a Jew trying to force neo-NAZIs to include him? I mean, you probably could force the issue if you really, really wanted to. But why would you want to be part of an organization that hates you, would would be perfectly happy seeing you cease to exist? The same holds true of gays trying to force churches to let them be members, or let them make use of their social media. Can you? Sure. But why do you want to?

Aren't there a plethora of social media, and dating services out there that don't give so much as a single fuck if you are gay, or not? Why invade the Christian services, and force them to include people they would prefer not even exist?!?

I'm just sayin...

I fully expect the thrashing from my progressive friends, any minute now...
Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible ... God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well ...

if that's the premise for your disapproval of the ruling, hand in cheek there is something wrong with both you and the christians.

My disapproval is with the gay community trying to force people who hate them, and would be perfectly happy if they simply refused to exist, to let them play in their proverbial sandbox. You'll forgive me if I just don't see the advantage to the gay community here.
My question is why would they want to.

My disapproval is with the gay community trying to force people who hate them, and would be perfectly happy if they simply refused to exist, to let them play in their proverbial sandbox. You'll forgive me if I just don't see the advantage to the gay community here.

your blindness is a poor excuse ...

as you stated in the OP the christians are guided in hatred by an unverified book and passing the hatred to unsuspecting followers ad infinitum ...

one hasn't the right to scream fire in a crowded auditorium either.

I know the Christian sites will be hostile and will appeal the ruling. ..

There wasn't a ruling.

This was a negotiated settlement- the for profit company that runs the site agreed on the settlement- there will be no appeal.

So the plaintiffs are wankers, and the defendants are cowards.

Lets see what happens when one of the Muslim sites gets sued, if the progs have the balls to do it.

LOL are there any Muslim sites? The company being sued runs Christian, Jewish, LDS, AFrican American and Senior dating sites- but no Muslims sites.
Following a California court ruling, Christian dating site, Mormon dating site, and Jewish dating – all owned by Spark Networks — must now include equal browsing rights for gay folks who for some bizarre reason want to hold on to their religious faith.​

Okay...I'm gonna lose some of my "street cred" with the progressive crowd on this one, but, I'm sorry. This is stupid. I was 100% in favour of same-sex marriage. I fully supported the rights for transgender to use whatever bathroom they wish. I'm even okay with telling a baker that a wedding cake is a wedding cake is a wedding cake. Bake the damn cake!

But this? Okay. A Christian has no right to demand that I live in accordance with their morality. The caveat of that is that it demands that the opposite also be true.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well. Now, I know we're gonna get a hundred moralists in here spouting "Hate the sin, not the sinner," I'll refer them to my opinion of that bit of drivel that I expound upon in my other thread on this particular forum. So, that being said, why would you want to force Christians to "let you come play"?

Isn't that rather like a black guy trying to force White Supremacists to let him join their organizations? Or a Jew trying to force neo-NAZIs to include him? I mean, you probably could force the issue if you really, really wanted to. But why would you want to be part of an organization that hates you, would would be perfectly happy seeing you cease to exist? The same holds true of gays trying to force churches to let them be members, or let them make use of their social media. Can you? Sure. But why do you want to?

Aren't there a plethora of social media, and dating services out there that don't give so much as a single fuck if you are gay, or not? Why invade the Christian services, and force them to include people they would prefer not even exist?!?

I'm just sayin...

I fully expect the thrashing from my progressive friends, any minute now...

Why do you think that these business's are exempt from laws that require business's to not discriminate?

Spark Networks is not a religious organization- it is a for profit company that runs a variety of niche for profit dating services- for Christians, LDS, Jews, and also dating websites for African Americans and Seniors.
Once again, you seem to have missed the point. I fully conceded the legal point that gays can force this issue, and win. My question is why would they want to. Why force a group of people who clearly hate you, a

There is no indication that the owners of the website hate anyone.

Why force a business to comply with the law?

Why not?
Following a California court ruling, Christian dating site, Mormon dating site, and Jewish dating – all owned by Spark Networks — must now include equal browsing rights for gay folks who for some bizarre reason want to hold on to their religious faith.​

Okay...I'm gonna lose some of my "street cred" with the progressive crowd on this one, but, I'm sorry. This is stupid. I was 100% in favour of same-sex marriage. I fully supported the rights for transgender to use whatever bathroom they wish. I'm even okay with telling a baker that a wedding cake is a wedding cake is a wedding cake. Bake the damn cake!

But this? Okay. A Christian has no right to demand that I live in accordance with their morality. The caveat of that is that it demands that the opposite also be true.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well. Now, I know we're gonna get a hundred moralists in here spouting "Hate the sin, not the sinner," I'll refer them to my opinion of that bit of drivel that I expound upon in my other thread on this particular forum. So, that being said, why would you want to force Christians to "let you come play"?

Isn't that rather like a black guy trying to force White Supremacists to let him join their organizations? Or a Jew trying to force neo-NAZIs to include him? I mean, you probably could force the issue if you really, really wanted to. But why would you want to be part of an organization that hates you, would would be perfectly happy seeing you cease to exist? The same holds true of gays trying to force churches to let them be members, or let them make use of their social media. Can you? Sure. But why do you want to?

Aren't there a plethora of social media, and dating services out there that don't give so much as a single fuck if you are gay, or not? Why invade the Christian services, and force them to include people they would prefer not even exist?!?

I'm just sayin...

I fully expect the thrashing from my progressive friends, any minute now...
Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible ... God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well ...

if that's the premise for your disapproval of the ruling, hand in cheek there is something wrong with both you and the christians.

My disapproval is with the gay community trying to force people who hate them, and would be perfectly happy if they simply refused to exist, to let them play in their proverbial sandbox. You'll forgive me if I just don't see the advantage to the gay community here.
My question is why would they want to.

My disapproval is with the gay community trying to force people who hate them, and would be perfectly happy if they simply refused to exist, to let them play in their proverbial sandbox. You'll forgive me if I just don't see the advantage to the gay community here.

your blindness is a poor excuse ...

as you stated in the OP the christians are guided in hatred by an unverified book and passing the hatred to unsuspecting followers ad infinitum ...

one hasn't the right to scream fire in a crowded auditorium either.

Again, we seem to be talking past each other. You are insisting on the legal propriety of forcing Christian dating services to allow anyone who wants to to use them. I am not suggesting you are wrong.

However, the same could be said for, say, The White Aryan Resistance. Legally, if a black man wanted to join their organization, and attend their meetings, they would have a legal obligation to allow him to do so. However, that legal responsibility in no way answers the question why on Earth would a black man want to force a group that so clearly hates him to allow him to attend? Do you believe that by forcing his inclusion, the white supremacists would magically stop hating minorities?

It's the same thing here. You are absolutely correct. legally, these Christian dating sites are required to allow gays to use them. That still doesn't explain why gays would want to force themselves on a group that so clearly hates them. Do you think that by forcing their inclusion, Christians are going to magically stop hating them?
Following a California court ruling, Christian dating site, Mormon dating site, and Jewish dating – all owned by Spark Networks — must now include equal browsing rights for gay folks who for some bizarre reason want to hold on to their religious faith.​

Okay...I'm gonna lose some of my "street cred" with the progressive crowd on this one, but, I'm sorry. This is stupid. I was 100% in favour of same-sex marriage. I fully supported the rights for transgender to use whatever bathroom they wish. I'm even okay with telling a baker that a wedding cake is a wedding cake is a wedding cake. Bake the damn cake!

But this? Okay. A Christian has no right to demand that I live in accordance with their morality. The caveat of that is that it demands that the opposite also be true.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well. Now, I know we're gonna get a hundred moralists in here spouting "Hate the sin, not the sinner," I'll refer them to my opinion of that bit of drivel that I expound upon in my other thread on this particular forum. So, that being said, why would you want to force Christians to "let you come play"?

Isn't that rather like a black guy trying to force White Supremacists to let him join their organizations? Or a Jew trying to force neo-NAZIs to include him? I mean, you probably could force the issue if you really, really wanted to. But why would you want to be part of an organization that hates you, would would be perfectly happy seeing you cease to exist? The same holds true of gays trying to force churches to let them be members, or let them make use of their social media. Can you? Sure. But why do you want to?

Aren't there a plethora of social media, and dating services out there that don't give so much as a single fuck if you are gay, or not? Why invade the Christian services, and force them to include people they would prefer not even exist?!?

I'm just sayin...

I fully expect the thrashing from my progressive friends, any minute now...

Why do you think that these business's are exempt from laws that require business's to not discriminate?

Spark Networks is not a religious organization- it is a for profit company that runs a variety of niche for profit dating services- for Christians, LDS, Jews, and also dating websites for African Americans and Seniors.
Once again, you seem to have missed the point. I fully conceded the legal point that gays can force this issue, and win. My question is why would they want to. Why force a group of people who clearly hate you, a

There is no indication that the owners of the website hate anyone.

Why force a business to comply with the law?

Why not?
Asked and answered. The hatred of homosexuality is inherent in the theology of Christianity. Deny that if you will, it still remains a demonstrable fact. The bible says to fucking stone them to death, for fuck's sake!
Following a California court ruling, Christian dating site, Mormon dating site, and Jewish dating – all owned by Spark Networks — must now include equal browsing rights for gay folks who for some bizarre reason want to hold on to their religious faith.​

Okay...I'm gonna lose some of my "street cred" with the progressive crowd on this one, but, I'm sorry. This is stupid. I was 100% in favour of same-sex marriage. I fully supported the rights for transgender to use whatever bathroom they wish. I'm even okay with telling a baker that a wedding cake is a wedding cake is a wedding cake. Bake the damn cake!

But this? Okay. A Christian has no right to demand that I live in accordance with their morality. The caveat of that is that it demands that the opposite also be true.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well. Now, I know we're gonna get a hundred moralists in here spouting "Hate the sin, not the sinner," I'll refer them to my opinion of that bit of drivel that I expound upon in my other thread on this particular forum. So, that being said, why would you want to force Christians to "let you come play"?

Isn't that rather like a black guy trying to force White Supremacists to let him join their organizations? Or a Jew trying to force neo-NAZIs to include him? I mean, you probably could force the issue if you really, really wanted to. But why would you want to be part of an organization that hates you, would would be perfectly happy seeing you cease to exist? The same holds true of gays trying to force churches to let them be members, or let them make use of their social media. Can you? Sure. But why do you want to?

Aren't there a plethora of social media, and dating services out there that don't give so much as a single fuck if you are gay, or not? Why invade the Christian services, and force them to include people they would prefer not even exist?!?

I'm just sayin...

I fully expect the thrashing from my progressive friends, any minute now...

Here we agree. I was going to post on this myself, but never got to it.

Really, I guess I can see some semblance of logic or law in the bake the cake or issue gay marriage license episodes, even though I disagree on the bake the cake.

But forcing Christian date networks to include gay dating.... wow. It sure makes the secular humanist authorities out there look like they are imposing an agenda more than interpretation of any law or civil right.

It also begs the question of how effective such services can be, like matchmaking. Do algorithms designed for heterosexual matching really translate over to same sex matching?

I think they would. Most single people I know, gay and straight, are looking for mostly the same when finding a spouse. Love, respect, security, kindness, honesty, etc...

This is all speculation concerning their algorithms b/c I've never seen them. Hell, even if I did I doubt I could decipher their meanings. I leave all that mathy math to my better half. lol
Following a California court ruling, Christian dating site, Mormon dating site, and Jewish dating – all owned by Spark Networks — must now include equal browsing rights for gay folks who for some bizarre reason want to hold on to their religious faith.​

Okay...I'm gonna lose some of my "street cred" with the progressive crowd on this one, but, I'm sorry. This is stupid. I was 100% in favour of same-sex marriage. I fully supported the rights for transgender to use whatever bathroom they wish. I'm even okay with telling a baker that a wedding cake is a wedding cake is a wedding cake. Bake the damn cake!

But this? Okay. A Christian has no right to demand that I live in accordance with their morality. The caveat of that is that it demands that the opposite also be true.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well. Now, I know we're gonna get a hundred moralists in here spouting "Hate the sin, not the sinner," I'll refer them to my opinion of that bit of drivel that I expound upon in my other thread on this particular forum. So, that being said, why would you want to force Christians to "let you come play"?

Isn't that rather like a black guy trying to force White Supremacists to let him join their organizations? Or a Jew trying to force neo-NAZIs to include him? I mean, you probably could force the issue if you really, really wanted to. But why would you want to be part of an organization that hates you, would would be perfectly happy seeing you cease to exist? The same holds true of gays trying to force churches to let them be members, or let them make use of their social media. Can you? Sure. But why do you want to?

Aren't there a plethora of social media, and dating services out there that don't give so much as a single fuck if you are gay, or not? Why invade the Christian services, and force them to include people they would prefer not even exist?!?

I'm just sayin...

I fully expect the thrashing from my progressive friends, any minute now...
Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible ... God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well ...

if that's the premise for your disapproval of the ruling, hand in cheek there is something wrong with both you and the christians.

My disapproval is with the gay community trying to force people who hate them, and would be perfectly happy if they simply refused to exist, to let them play in their proverbial sandbox. You'll forgive me if I just don't see the advantage to the gay community here.
My question is why would they want to.

My disapproval is with the gay community trying to force people who hate them, and would be perfectly happy if they simply refused to exist, to let them play in their proverbial sandbox. You'll forgive me if I just don't see the advantage to the gay community here.

your blindness is a poor excuse ...

as you stated in the OP the christians are guided in hatred by an unverified book and passing the hatred to unsuspecting followers ad infinitum ...

one hasn't the right to scream fire in a crowded auditorium either.

Again, we seem to be talking past each other. You are insisting on the legal propriety of forcing Christian dating services to allow anyone who wants to to use them. I am not suggesting you are wrong.

However, the same could be said for, say, The White Aryan Resistance. Legally, if a black man wanted to join their organization, and attend their meetings, they would have a legal obligation to allow him to do so. However, that legal responsibility in no way answers the question why on Earth would a black man want to force a group that so clearly hates him to allow him to attend? Do you believe that by forcing his inclusion, the white supremacists would magically stop hating minorities?

It's the same thing here. You are absolutely correct. legally, these Christian dating sites are required to allow gays to use them. That still doesn't explain why gays would want to force themselves on a group that so clearly hates them. Do you think that by forcing their inclusion, Christians are going to magically stop hating them?

You are clearly ignorant of the law.

The White Aryan Resistance can discriminate as they want as a private not for profit association- just as for example- churches can.

I personally don't know of a single Christian who hates anyone for being homosexual- even the Christians who believe that sex between people of the same gender is a sin. Why do you assume that Christians live their lives filled full of hate like you do?
Following a California court ruling, Christian dating site, Mormon dating site, and Jewish dating – all owned by Spark Networks — must now include equal browsing rights for gay folks who for some bizarre reason want to hold on to their religious faith.​

Okay...I'm gonna lose some of my "street cred" with the progressive crowd on this one, but, I'm sorry. This is stupid. I was 100% in favour of same-sex marriage. I fully supported the rights for transgender to use whatever bathroom they wish. I'm even okay with telling a baker that a wedding cake is a wedding cake is a wedding cake. Bake the damn cake!

But this? Okay. A Christian has no right to demand that I live in accordance with their morality. The caveat of that is that it demands that the opposite also be true.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well. Now, I know we're gonna get a hundred moralists in here spouting "Hate the sin, not the sinner," I'll refer them to my opinion of that bit of drivel that I expound upon in my other thread on this particular forum. So, that being said, why would you want to force Christians to "let you come play"?

Isn't that rather like a black guy trying to force White Supremacists to let him join their organizations? Or a Jew trying to force neo-NAZIs to include him? I mean, you probably could force the issue if you really, really wanted to. But why would you want to be part of an organization that hates you, would would be perfectly happy seeing you cease to exist? The same holds true of gays trying to force churches to let them be members, or let them make use of their social media. Can you? Sure. But why do you want to?

Aren't there a plethora of social media, and dating services out there that don't give so much as a single fuck if you are gay, or not? Why invade the Christian services, and force them to include people they would prefer not even exist?!?

I'm just sayin...

I fully expect the thrashing from my progressive friends, any minute now...

Why do you think that these business's are exempt from laws that require business's to not discriminate?

Spark Networks is not a religious organization- it is a for profit company that runs a variety of niche for profit dating services- for Christians, LDS, Jews, and also dating websites for African Americans and Seniors.
Once again, you seem to have missed the point. I fully conceded the legal point that gays can force this issue, and win. My question is why would they want to. Why force a group of people who clearly hate you, a

There is no indication that the owners of the website hate anyone.

Why force a business to comply with the law?

Why not?
Asked and answered. The hatred of homosexuality is inherent in the theology of Christianity. Deny that if you will, it still remains a demonstrable fact. The bible says to fucking stone them to death, for fuck's sake!

You are projecting your own hatred issues on Christians.

Jesus said:

The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
Following a California court ruling, Christian dating site, Mormon dating site, and Jewish dating – all owned by Spark Networks — must now include equal browsing rights for gay folks who for some bizarre reason want to hold on to their religious faith.​

Okay...I'm gonna lose some of my "street cred" with the progressive crowd on this one, but, I'm sorry. This is stupid. I was 100% in favour of same-sex marriage. I fully supported the rights for transgender to use whatever bathroom they wish. I'm even okay with telling a baker that a wedding cake is a wedding cake is a wedding cake. Bake the damn cake!

But this? Okay. A Christian has no right to demand that I live in accordance with their morality. The caveat of that is that it demands that the opposite also be true.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well. Now, I know we're gonna get a hundred moralists in here spouting "Hate the sin, not the sinner," I'll refer them to my opinion of that bit of drivel that I expound upon in my other thread on this particular forum. So, that being said, why would you want to force Christians to "let you come play"?

Isn't that rather like a black guy trying to force White Supremacists to let him join their organizations? Or a Jew trying to force neo-NAZIs to include him? I mean, you probably could force the issue if you really, really wanted to. But why would you want to be part of an organization that hates you, would would be perfectly happy seeing you cease to exist? The same holds true of gays trying to force churches to let them be members, or let them make use of their social media. Can you? Sure. But why do you want to?

Aren't there a plethora of social media, and dating services out there that don't give so much as a single fuck if you are gay, or not? Why invade the Christian services, and force them to include people they would prefer not even exist?!?

I'm just sayin...

I fully expect the thrashing from my progressive friends, any minute now...
Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible, interpreting it in a way that has never been accepted as standard in the history of linguistics, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well.

Without seriously rewriting, or reinterpreting the original language of the text of the Bible ... God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well ...

if that's the premise for your disapproval of the ruling, hand in cheek there is something wrong with both you and the christians.

My disapproval is with the gay community trying to force people who hate them, and would be perfectly happy if they simply refused to exist, to let them play in their proverbial sandbox. You'll forgive me if I just don't see the advantage to the gay community here.
My question is why would they want to.

My disapproval is with the gay community trying to force people who hate them, and would be perfectly happy if they simply refused to exist, to let them play in their proverbial sandbox. You'll forgive me if I just don't see the advantage to the gay community here.

your blindness is a poor excuse ...

as you stated in the OP the christians are guided in hatred by an unverified book and passing the hatred to unsuspecting followers ad infinitum ...

one hasn't the right to scream fire in a crowded auditorium either.

Again, we seem to be talking past each other. You are insisting on the legal propriety of forcing Christian dating services to allow anyone who wants to to use them. I am not suggesting you are wrong.

However, the same could be said for, say, The White Aryan Resistance. Legally, if a black man wanted to join their organization, and attend their meetings, they would have a legal obligation to allow him to do so. However, that legal responsibility in no way answers the question why on Earth would a black man want to force a group that so clearly hates him to allow him to attend? Do you believe that by forcing his inclusion, the white supremacists would magically stop hating minorities?

It's the same thing here. You are absolutely correct. legally, these Christian dating sites are required to allow gays to use them. That still doesn't explain why gays would want to force themselves on a group that so clearly hates them. Do you think that by forcing their inclusion, Christians are going to magically stop hating them?

You are clearly ignorant of the law.

The White Aryan Resistance can discriminate as they want as a private not for profit association- just as for example- churches can.

I personally don't know of a single Christian who hates anyone for being homosexual- even the Christians who believe that sex between people of the same gender is a sin. Why do you assume that Christians live their lives filled full of hate like you do?
You're right. The Bible says to stone homosexuals to death. But, I'm sure that it means to do it with love.
, the Bible is quite clear on one thing. God hates fags, and he wants his followers to, as well..

I missed the part where Jesus said that.

Apparently this quote was mis-translated

Mark 12:31 The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
I think there is some confusion as well as to how Christians are supposed to treat fellow believers and sinners. Fellow believers are supposed to know what sin is and avoid it. Thus, a Christian who openly lives a homosexual lifestyle is in sin, as much as a pastor who is having an affair with his secretary. Both need to be called on the carpet by their fellow believers. Sinners, OTOH, are IN SIN, and it frankly doesn't matter WHAT the sin is. They need to see the love of Christ and be drawn to it. Jesus met sinners where they were, but did not leave them there. For example, to the woman caught in adultery He said "Neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more".

I don't think that there is any confusion. Jesus was very clear to his believers on what were the greatest commandments.

Jesus never said to hate sinners.

He did say however, that a man who remarries after divorce is an adulterer (unless the wife(and only the wife) was unfaithful).

So Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich are as much sinners according to Jesus, as any gay man.

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