Churches and Denominations

Which Have you Attended or Were a Member of

  • Baptist

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Catholic

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Presbyterian

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Methodist

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • Lutheran

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Non Denominational

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Mormon

    Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Episcopalian

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Assemblies of God

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Other (Specify)

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters
Have you ever attended or were a member of a Church?
Are you presently?
Bible thumping, pew jumping, tongue speaking CoG Pentecostal

I have know women to show up to church in tight capri pants - short skirts and wide "V" neck dresses.

Shadow 355

If the members of the church do this, it's not a reason to dismiss a church out of hand, but, when they have a woman in the praise band dressing inappropriately, I think it could be. Leadership should not allow women that are in front of the congregation to dress enticingly.
Have you ever attended or were a member of a Church?
Are you presently?


Saved at about age 14.

I still have the bible presented to me for High School graduation in 1986, and still carry it to church.

For quite a few years I had differences with people I went to church with, so I went to about 4 churches in a 6 year period. At one time I quit going for simply having problems with people in the community period - such as grocery stores, shops, convenience stores, gas stations, along with problems with people at work = me being yelled and screamed at - being told to do others work and mine - being called a "faggot" - being excluded from shift meals / dinners at work....and over all being treated like a leper - and for what reason I do not know.

But when I do not work, I attend regularly.

Shadow 355

If you don't hide your faith (speaking of your beliefs, pray in public etc.) this could be why. The name of Jesus incites hostility in a lot of people, and, of course, there is Satan and his demons.....
I dated a guy from the UPC when I was in high school. His parents kept pushing for us to get married have a passel of kids. Like 10 or so. Not with MY uterus. Geez.

Sounds like his parents were relatively liberal, allowing him to date an outsider and all. :shock: :laugh:
Have you ever attended or were a member of a Church?
Are you presently?
Bible thumping, pew jumping, tongue speaking CoG Pentecostal

I have know women to show up to church in tight capri pants - short skirts and wide "V" neck dresses.

Shadow 355

If the members of the church do this, it's not a reason to dismiss a church out of hand, but, when they have a woman in the praise band dressing inappropriately, I think it could be. Leadership should not allow women that are in front of the congregation to dress enticingly.

Church is for sinners, not for perfect people. Rejecting people for appearing "sinful" would probably defeat the whole purpose of the exercise.
I dated a guy from the UPC when I was in high school. His parents kept pushing for us to get married have a passel of kids. Like 10 or so. Not with MY uterus. Geez.

Sounds like his parents were relatively liberal, allowing him to date an outsider and all. :shock: :laugh:

Well, doctrine-wise, the UPC and the AG aren't all that different. I suppose they expected that I would join their denomination. Aside from the horde of children, though, I can't get behind never wearing makeup or cutting my hair or, in extreme cases, not shaving my legs. You're into the "natural" look, hey, go for it. The older I get, the less appealing that gets.
Well, doctrine-wise, the UPC and the AG aren't all that different. ...

Though seemingly few, the differences in doctrine between some AoG churches and the UPC are pretty monumental in scope. For instance, the UPC adheres strictly to a 'oneness' interpretation of the 'Godhead', which essentially amounts to a denial of the doctrine of the 'Holy Trinity'. Consequently, Catholics and many Protestant denominations (including trinitarian AoG churches) don't acknowledge the UPCI as a Christian organization; while many 'oneness Pentecostals' hold reciprocative feelings about the Trinitarians!

Cecilie1200 said:
...I suppose they expected that I would join their denomination. ...

Almost certainly.

You dodged a bullet there.

Cecilie1200 said:
...Aside from the horde of children, though, I can't get behind never wearing makeup or cutting my hair or, in extreme cases, not shaving my legs. You're into the "natural" look, hey, go for it. The older I get, the less appealing that gets.

You know the funniest about all of that sexually repressive nonsense? I know of several cases in which it served as the impetus for periods of sexual promiscuity later on in life.

Let's just say, that as a very young man, I came to view the twice-weekly church services, in which all of the women wore dresses or skirts (never pants), as a target rich voyeuristic enviroment. I'm still a 'leg man' to this very day. Thank you, Jesus! :laugh:

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