Citizen's home is raided because of a Facebook posting

Disagree. I think bringing this to light is the right thing to do. He had his lawyer on the phone to back him up when this was going down. Most of us don't have a lawyer on retainer we can just call in an instance and many people, even if they are semi-familiar with their rights involving the police, are afraid to stand up to them and exercise them. A lot of people would have let them enter.

This is a stark reminder of how the police state in this country is slowly getting out of control and we have a duty to keep it in check.

If the report merely stated the facts instead of calling it a raid then I would not view this situation as a sensationalized piece of nonsense. The cops showed up did not have a warrant and left never to return.

Feel free to outline, in detail, what is necessary for something to be a raid by your definition. My guess is the problem here is not that this was not a raid, but that you haven't actually thought about the issue.

I have thought about the issues. According to the protocols for the Department of Children and Families services a home visit was required to investigate a situation. They did. There were firearms involved, therefore the police also investigated to the degree necessary according determine no further action was necessary. End of story. What came after is outrage because the agency charged with maintaining public safety did their job and the agency charged with "ensuring the safety, well-being and success of children, youth, families and communities" did their job.
2nd thread on this...with no documentation to prove it happened at names of police or social worker....

Still waiting for some kind of evidence besides this guy's say so.

The father and his son were both on Fox News. I didn't see the interview but I saw a few clips of it during lunch today.

faux "news"? well that seals it !!:eek:

Another pointless contribution that has nothing to do with the story.

Did fox news invade this familys life for over an hour. Did fox news threatento remove the children? Did fox news demand access to a locked safe for which they had no warrant? Did fox news try to force registration oflegally owned weapons in a state that does not require registration?

Did you just post like an uninformed lib idiot?
Holy shit, a kid in winter camo with an assault rifle...


Shawn Moore, Father Of NJ Boy Pictured With Gun, Won't Face Charges
I wonder what you Obamabots think would constitute an illegal entry, or illegal search. After reading the majority of this thread, I get the feeling that many of you feel that any family with minors has no rights, once a complaint has been filed against them.

This reminds me a lot of NAZI Germany...

I suppose that none of you, who supports this President's agenda, has any concerns over this whatsoever. You would really be willing to turn a blind eye to this in support of a political agenda?

That is more than just a little scary...
I wonder what you Obamabots think would constitute an illegal entry, or illegal search. After reading the majority of this thread, I get the feeling that many of you feel that any family with minors has no rights, once a complaint has been filed against them.

This reminds me a lot of NAZI Germany...

I suppose that none of you, who supports this President's agenda, has any concerns over this whatsoever. You would really be willing to turn a blind eye to this in support of a political agenda?

That is more than just a little scary...

It does, huh?

Interesting last sentence of the article:

The department has been under years of court-monitoring and has been criticized in several cases where children who died or were in peril were not checked on.

And the PD seems to disagree with Mr. Moore about being in SWAT gear.....hmmmm.

Night gear vs swat gear. Im sure in the dark they all look the same.

But basically this proves pretty much everything that's been posted to this point.

You got your police response so you can safely remove your tinfoil hat now.
Holy shit, a kid in winter camo with an assault rifle...


Shawn Moore, Father Of NJ Boy Pictured With Gun, Won't Face Charges

Quick - Send him to a re-education camp!!!

Is that what you want to do? Because no one else but you seems to be suggesting that.

Funny but Lakota exclaimed concern about a kid in "winter camo" sporting an "assault" rifle...

...and you guys still support the notion that this justifies the involvement (at any level) of two gov't agencies...
I wonder what you Obamabots think would constitute an illegal entry, or illegal search. After reading the majority of this thread, I get the feeling that many of you feel that any family with minors has no rights, once a complaint has been filed against them.

This reminds me a lot of NAZI Germany...

I suppose that none of you, who supports this President's agenda, has any concerns over this whatsoever. You would really be willing to turn a blind eye to this in support of a political agenda?

That is more than just a little scary...

Hey moron...READ what happened. The guy was not home, his wife called him after she WELCOMED the police and family services into the house.

This whole story sounds like a setup by the father...WHY did he post that picture on Facebook which is public domain and NOT expect that someone would report it???
I wonder what you Obamabots think would constitute an illegal entry, or illegal search. After reading the majority of this thread, I get the feeling that many of you feel that any family with minors has no rights, once a complaint has been filed against them.

This reminds me a lot of NAZI Germany...

I suppose that none of you, who supports this President's agenda, has any concerns over this whatsoever. You would really be willing to turn a blind eye to this in support of a political agenda?

That is more than just a little scary...

Hey moron...READ what happened. The guy was not home, his wife called him after she WELCOMED the police and family services into the house.

This whole story sounds like a setup by the father...WHY did he post that picture on Facebook which is public domain and NOT expect that someone would report it???

Report it for what?!?!

Did you get neglected as a child? I have dozens of photos of me with guns, fishing gear and archery equipment as a child. Even a shotgun at his age which could be far more dangerous than a 22. Did you not bond with your father at all?

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