Citizen's home is raided because of a Facebook posting

Did they come back with one?

You aren't getting the point, are you? They showed up in force, made threats, and had to be told by a lawyer that they had no right to be there. They should have known that before they showed up, and actually done something useful.

And the ONLY one who says that is the home owner. Pardon me if I was just a smidgen of confirmation. TIA

When Rodney King got his ass beat and the police denied excessive force did you wait for an admission that they were wrong?

Cause if you did you must still be waiting.
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You aren't getting the point, are you? They showed up in force, made threats, and had to be told by a lawyer that they had no right to be there. They should have known that before they showed up, and actually done something useful.

And the ONLY one who says that is the home owner. Pardon me if I was just a smidgen of confirmation. TIA

When Rodney King got his ass beat and the police denied excessive force did you wait for and admission that they were wrong?

Cause if you did you must still be waiting.

The police (5 of them) surrounded King while he was lying on the ground, and several of the cops took turns beating him while he was on the ground.

You're comparing these two events to one another as somehow being equivalent?
And the ONLY one who says that is the home owner. Pardon me if I was just a smidgen of confirmation. TIA

When Rodney King got his ass beat and the police denied excessive force did you wait for and admission that they were wrong?

Cause if you did you must still be waiting.

The police (5 of them) surrounded King while he was lying on the ground, and several of the cops took turns beating him while he was on the ground.

You're comparing these two events to one another as somehow being equivalent?

Of course they're not equivalent. But her judgment of police abuse is.

I just read the story. The home was NOT raided.

I should have figured that was the case, considering who started the thread.

Sean Moore Says NJ Child Welfare Agency Overreacted To Facebook Photo Of Son Josh Holding Rifle

They showed up in force, it was a raid.

A raid is when the police force their way in without even asking for your consent. Knocking down the door (without knocking, for course) and/or breaking the lock while forcing the door in the middle of the night is the usual method.

Did any of that happen? ANY of it?

Someone already supplied a definition of raid in order to prove I didn't know what the fuck I was talking about, I used it to prove him wrong. A raid is when someone shows up with hostile intent. The clearest proof of this is that, under international law, it is perfectly legal for one country to take out an enemy force even if it has not invaded their country.

Another example is when the ATF raided the Branch Davidian compound in Waco. They did not get inside, but no one, including the government, has ever tried to argue that it was not a raid.

In other words, a raid does not actually have to accomplish anything, including getting into your house, to be a raid.
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Did they come back with one?

You aren't getting the point, are you? They showed up in force, made threats, and had to be told by a lawyer that they had no right to be there. They should have known that before they showed up, and actually done something useful.

And the ONLY one who says that is the home owner. Pardon me if I was just a smidgen of confirmation. TIA

Have you found a link to the police denying his version of events? One would think that, after a whole day, someone would have managed to post something to prove this isn't true if he made it up.
The police "over reached" perhaps, but that is not tantamount to a raid. The police asked for access when they did not have the right to, the man refused and the police left. The man is an attention whore and a cry baby.

They threatened to come back with a warrant, that is hardly what I would call leaving when they were refused permission to enter.

Did they come back with one?

Not according to the reports that I have read.
The police "over reached" perhaps, but that is not tantamount to a raid. The police asked for access when they did not have the right to, the man refused and the police left. The man is an attention whore and a cry baby.

Disagree. I think bringing this to light is the right thing to do. He had his lawyer on the phone to back him up when this was going down. Most of us don't have a lawyer on retainer we can just call in an instance and many people, even if they are semi-familiar with their rights involving the police, are afraid to stand up to them and exercise them. A lot of people would have let them enter.

This is a stark reminder of how the police state in this country is slowly getting out of control and we have a duty to keep it in check.

If the report merely stated the facts instead of calling it a raid then I would not view this situation as a sensationalized piece of nonsense. The cops showed up did not have a warrant and left never to return.
2nd thread on this...with no documentation to prove it happened at names of police or social worker....

Still waiting for some kind of evidence besides this guy's say so.

It was reported this morning. The father and the son were there 'live' to tell their story.

It happened.

Next dumb comment.
2nd thread on this...with no documentation to prove it happened at names of police or social worker....

Still waiting for some kind of evidence besides this guy's say so.

The father and his son were both on Fox News. I didn't see the interview but I saw a few clips of it during lunch today.

I saw it live this morning.

It happened.

Two months ago, btw,........It was reported by a former ATF agent that liberals had the people trained and ready and were preparing to come for people's guns with or without a gun ban.
2nd thread on this...with no documentation to prove it happened at names of police or social worker....

Still waiting for some kind of evidence besides this guy's say so.

It was reported this morning. The father and the son were there 'live' to tell their story.

It happened.

Next dumb comment.

at best you can say something probably happened.

with only their side being told i doubt we're getting an accurate depiction of what happened.
It doesn't really matter at this point if the evidence is undeniable......the libs here will support it.

Good thing none of them live around me.

I'd be busting some teeth.
It doesn't really matter at this point if the evidence is undeniable......the libs here will support it.

Good thing none of them live around me.

I'd be busting some teeth.

you have teeth?

seriously, what's the fun in being an internet tough guy? nobody believes you could follow through and it just makes you look weak.
WATCH: Boy Suspended From School For Making ?Gun? Out Of A Pop-Tart |

Kindergartner Suspended Over Bubble Gun Threat | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo!

Ariz. high school student suspended over gun picture

These types of incidents explain why I believe this man. Anti gun FREAKS will hurt anyone, including school children, to further their agenda. This family is just the next victim in your disgusting war on Americans rights and privacy

It's a conspiracy! OMIGOD!
The police "over reached" perhaps, but that is not tantamount to a raid. The police asked for access when they did not have the right to, the man refused and the police left. The man is an attention whore and a cry baby.

Disagree. I think bringing this to light is the right thing to do. He had his lawyer on the phone to back him up when this was going down. Most of us don't have a lawyer on retainer we can just call in an instance and many people, even if they are semi-familiar with their rights involving the police, are afraid to stand up to them and exercise them. A lot of people would have let them enter.

This is a stark reminder of how the police state in this country is slowly getting out of control and we have a duty to keep it in check.

If the report merely stated the facts instead of calling it a raid then I would not view this situation as a sensationalized piece of nonsense. The cops showed up did not have a warrant and left never to return.

Feel free to outline, in detail, what is necessary for something to be a raid by your definition. My guess is the problem here is not that this was not a raid, but that you haven't actually thought about the issue.
2nd thread on this...with no documentation to prove it happened at names of police or social worker....

Still waiting for some kind of evidence besides this guy's say so.

It was reported this morning. The father and the son were there 'live' to tell their story.

It happened.

Next dumb comment.

at best you can say something probably happened.

with only their side being told i doubt we're getting an accurate depiction of what happened.

Feel free to provide any evidence you have that the story is, in any way, an exaggeration. Until you do, I see no reason not to believe it. As I have said, more than once, the mere fact that no official has yet come out and said that this has not happened is evidence in and of itself.

By the way, before you start trying to sound all high minded about the presumption of innocence, that only applies to people accused by the government, it does not apply to the government.

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