Citizen's home is raided because of a Facebook posting

What does this have to do with liberals? Who is the governor of New Jersey?
For those that won't click the link because it says Blog:

New Jersey police and Dept. of Children and Families officials raided the home of a firearms instructor and demanded to see his guns after he posted a Facebook photo of his 11-year-old son holding a rifle."Someone called family services about the photo," said*Evan Nappen,*an attorney representing Shawn Moore. "It led to an incredible, heavy-handed raid on his house. They wanted to see his gun safe, his guns and search his house. They even threatened to take his kids."Moore was not arrested or charged.A Dept. of Children and Familiesspokesperson told Fox News they could not confirm or deny an investigation or raid had taken place due to government regulations."The department has a child abuse hotline for the state of New Jersey and anybody can make a call to that hotline," spokesperson Kristen Brown said. "We are required to follow up on every single allegation that comes into the central registry."Moore, of Carneys Point, is a certified firearms instructor for the National Rifle Association, an NRA range safety officer and a New Jersey hunter education instructor.He recently posted a photograph of his son wearing camouflage and holding his new .22 rifle. The child has a New Jersey hunting license and recently passed the state's hunter safety course."If you look at the picture, his finger isn't even on the trigger - which is proper," Nappen told Fox News.

Considering that the only people who should have been able to see his facebook page are people he knows, someone he knows dimed him out.

So they must know things we don't.
I'm a little confused about this. Isn't this pretty much how the system is supposed to work?

Someone called in an anonymous compliant. They checked it out, found that nothing was wrong, and continued on their way. What's the big deal?
I'm a little confused about this. Isn't this pretty much how the system is supposed to work?

Someone called in an anonymous compliant. They checked it out, found that nothing was wrong, and continued on their way. What's the big deal?

Your kidding right??

If you don't get whats wrong about everything you just posted ,you really are living within the coral.
I'm a little confused about this. Isn't this pretty much how the system is supposed to work?

Someone called in an anonymous compliant. They checked it out, found that nothing was wrong, and continued on their way. What's the big deal?

Your kidding right??

If you don't get whats wrong about everything you just posted ,you really are living within the coral.

Tell me what's wrong.

Do you think that anonymous tips should be universally ignored, or investigated?
I wonder how many second amendment liberty lovers would call the police if some dad in their neighborhood posted this picture of his son?


Or this

I'm a little confused about this. Isn't this pretty much how the system is supposed to work?

Someone called in an anonymous compliant. They checked it out, found that nothing was wrong, and continued on their way. What's the big deal?

Your kidding right??

If you don't get whats wrong about everything you just posted ,you really are living within the coral.

Let me put an alternative situation. DCFS gets tipped off about that picture, and they ignore it, realizing this is just a youngin' excercising his second Amendment rights.

Then little Billy takes that gun to school and shoots up a couple of his little classmates.

The same people who are whining about overzealous bureaucrats would be the ones asking "Why didn't you follow up on that when you got a warning!"
I wonder what you Obamabots think would constitute an illegal entry, or illegal search. After reading the majority of this thread, I get the feeling that many of you feel that any family with minors has no rights, once a complaint has been filed against them.

This reminds me a lot of NAZI Germany...

I suppose that none of you, who supports this President's agenda, has any concerns over this whatsoever. You would really be willing to turn a blind eye to this in support of a political agenda?

That is more than just a little scary...

Hey moron...READ what happened. The guy was not home, his wife called him after she WELCOMED the police and family services into the house.

This whole story sounds like a setup by the father...WHY did he post that picture on Facebook which is public domain and NOT expect that someone would report it???

Because he was proud of his son and was doing nothing wrong?

But you seem to think that any child within 100 yards of a scary looking gun is in danger.

Tell me. Does that photo represent a kid in more danger than this one?

I'm a little confused about this. Isn't this pretty much how the system is supposed to work?

Someone called in an anonymous compliant. They checked it out, found that nothing was wrong, and continued on their way. What's the big deal?

Your kidding right??

If you don't get whats wrong about everything you just posted ,you really are living within the coral.

Tell me what's wrong.

Do you think that anonymous tips should be universally ignored, or investigated?

What was wrong were the tactics and aggression used. For example DFS threatening to take his child if he doesn't open his safe.
Hey moron...READ what happened. The guy was not home, his wife called him after she WELCOMED the police and family services into the house.

This whole story sounds like a setup by the father...WHY did he post that picture on Facebook which is public domain and NOT expect that someone would report it???

Why would ANYONE expect that that picture would result in a report to Child Services? No one was being abused!
Your kidding right??

If you don't get whats wrong about everything you just posted ,you really are living within the coral.

Tell me what's wrong.

Do you think that anonymous tips should be universally ignored, or investigated?

What was wrong were the tactics and aggression used. For example DFS threatening to take his child if he doesn't open his safe.

the only one reporting that is the drunk father.
the only one reporting that is the drunk father.

And you know that he's a drunk, how?


the police said he appeared to be intoxicated.

gonna take the drunk guy's word on events or the sober police?

I don't automatically believe everything police say. And in this situation why wasn't he taken in for a dwi if he wss drunk? He clearly drove up while they were there no?
And you know that he's a drunk, how?


the police said he appeared to be intoxicated.

gonna take the drunk guy's word on events or the sober police?

I don't automatically believe everything police say. And in this situation why wasn't he taken in for a dwi if he wss drunk? He clearly drove up while they were there no?

they may not have realized his state until later and thought better of it. And while I'd agree that it would be wise not to always believe everything the police say I have no reason to disbelieve them.

the father on the other hand seems to be an attention whore. i don't trust attention whores.
Disagree. I think bringing this to light is the right thing to do. He had his lawyer on the phone to back him up when this was going down. Most of us don't have a lawyer on retainer we can just call in an instance and many people, even if they are semi-familiar with their rights involving the police, are afraid to stand up to them and exercise them. A lot of people would have let them enter.

This is a stark reminder of how the police state in this country is slowly getting out of control and we have a duty to keep it in check.

If the report merely stated the facts instead of calling it a raid then I would not view this situation as a sensationalized piece of nonsense. The cops showed up did not have a warrant and left never to return.

Feel free to outline, in detail, what is necessary for something to be a raid by your definition. My guess is the problem here is not that this was not a raid, but that you haven't actually thought about the issue.


I already posted Merriam Webster's definition of a raid but that either wasn't good enough for you or it went right over your head.
the police said he appeared to be intoxicated.

gonna take the drunk guy's word on events or the sober police?

I don't automatically believe everything police say. And in this situation why wasn't he taken in for a dwi if he wss drunk? He clearly drove up while they were there no?

they may not have realized his state until later and thought better of it. And while I'd agree that it would be wise not to always believe everything the police say I have no reason to disbelieve them.

the father on the other hand seems to be an attention whore. i don't trust attention whores.

Everything he has said thus far has been corroborated. And I wouldn't label someone exposing rash tactics by gov't officials as an attention whore but rather a concerned citizen who is not partial to someone attempting to abuse his rights as a free American citizen.

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