Civil War

Neo nazis have no intention of overthrowing the government, as far as I know, so I have no idea what that has to do with anything. At any rate, If you don't speak up and against neo-nazi scum, then you are just as bad as they are. I couldn't give a fuck if you view that as "giving them publicity."
This is why you're one of the dumbest fucks on this forum.

Let's begin with this. Until this shit went down, you didn't even know that these wanabe's were having this rally. You would never have known it went down if no one had done anything to bring the media into it. So that means they would have had to chew their fucking rage alone, with no one giving a fuck about them. Not now. Now you gave them a platform from which they can reach 100's if not 1,000's of weak-minded idiots willing to follow their hate. You want to stand up to them but you're just another enabler of hate.

I want them to fail and fade away into the past. That does not happen by giving them a national stage.

Second, you don't defeat hate by letting your own hate rule you. The Antifa fuckers are ever bit as pathetic and wrong as the wannabes. They are haters on par with the racists they were objecting to. They violated the rights of American citizens for no good cause than they don't like the message.

If you want to start silencing speech you don't like, then don't be a pussy and bitch and whine when those who disagree with you silence you. I guarantee you, in a war of force, you fucks will lose and lose big.

Start reigning in the bigots and haters of the left and leave the racists and haters in the white supremacist group die the slow death they deserve. Hell, make some popcorn and drink a beer and watch them gnaw on their bone of hatred and laugh at them.

Otherwise, just shut your stupid, retarded yap.

Triggered much, nutjob? I have nothing to do with "Antifa," ya crazed maniac. And I knew full well that this rally was going down before it happened as there was a thread posted on it on this very forum ahead of the date. But I'm flattered that you think little ol' me is "giving them a platform" by even discussing them, meanwhile major media outlets are covering the events 24/7. lol, I guess I'm really really important!
Wow, you really are retarded. I hope you have a study helmet. If you cannot follow a general converstaion on the merits, consequences, and wisdom of actions of groups in our country, then do yourself a favor and go masterbate in the corner and let the adults talk.

Yes, I get it. You think I'm "stupid." You think I'm "retarded." You think I'm the one who can't follow a topic while you yourself make baseless accusations about who I side with. Anything else?

I'm beginning to think you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. I haven't seen someone say so little with so many words as you do. Sort of a bizarre exchange here. Maybe you should spend a bit of time writing in your diary so you can become clear on where you stand?
But you are stupid. You need to accept it and relish it.

Ok, I'll bite. Why am I stupid?
This is why you're one of the dumbest fucks on this forum.

Let's begin with this. Until this shit went down, you didn't even know that these wanabe's were having this rally. You would never have known it went down if no one had done anything to bring the media into it. So that means they would have had to chew their fucking rage alone, with no one giving a fuck about them. Not now. Now you gave them a platform from which they can reach 100's if not 1,000's of weak-minded idiots willing to follow their hate. You want to stand up to them but you're just another enabler of hate.

I want them to fail and fade away into the past. That does not happen by giving them a national stage.

Second, you don't defeat hate by letting your own hate rule you. The Antifa fuckers are ever bit as pathetic and wrong as the wannabes. They are haters on par with the racists they were objecting to. They violated the rights of American citizens for no good cause than they don't like the message.

If you want to start silencing speech you don't like, then don't be a pussy and bitch and whine when those who disagree with you silence you. I guarantee you, in a war of force, you fucks will lose and lose big.

Start reigning in the bigots and haters of the left and leave the racists and haters in the white supremacist group die the slow death they deserve. Hell, make some popcorn and drink a beer and watch them gnaw on their bone of hatred and laugh at them.

Otherwise, just shut your stupid, retarded yap.

Triggered much, nutjob? I have nothing to do with "Antifa," ya crazed maniac. And I knew full well that this rally was going down before it happened as there was a thread posted on it on this very forum ahead of the date. But I'm flattered that you think little ol' me is "giving them a platform" by even discussing them, meanwhile major media outlets are covering the events 24/7. lol, I guess I'm really really important!
Wow, you really are retarded. I hope you have a study helmet. If you cannot follow a general converstaion on the merits, consequences, and wisdom of actions of groups in our country, then do yourself a favor and go masterbate in the corner and let the adults talk.

Yes, I get it. You think I'm "stupid." You think I'm "retarded." You think I'm the one who can't follow a topic while you yourself make baseless accusations about who I side with. Anything else?

I'm beginning to think you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. I haven't seen someone say so little with so many words as you do. Sort of a bizarre exchange here. Maybe you should spend a bit of time writing in your diary so you can become clear on where you stand?
But you are stupid. You need to accept it and relish it.

Ok, I'll bite. Why am I stupid?
Sorry...but if you don't know... you are too stupid to know.
Triggered much, nutjob? I have nothing to do with "Antifa," ya crazed maniac. And I knew full well that this rally was going down before it happened as there was a thread posted on it on this very forum ahead of the date. But I'm flattered that you think little ol' me is "giving them a platform" by even discussing them, meanwhile major media outlets are covering the events 24/7. lol, I guess I'm really really important!
Wow, you really are retarded. I hope you have a study helmet. If you cannot follow a general converstaion on the merits, consequences, and wisdom of actions of groups in our country, then do yourself a favor and go masterbate in the corner and let the adults talk.

Yes, I get it. You think I'm "stupid." You think I'm "retarded." You think I'm the one who can't follow a topic while you yourself make baseless accusations about who I side with. Anything else?

I'm beginning to think you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. I haven't seen someone say so little with so many words as you do. Sort of a bizarre exchange here. Maybe you should spend a bit of time writing in your diary so you can become clear on where you stand?
But you are stupid. You need to accept it and relish it.

Ok, I'll bite. Why am I stupid?
Sorry...but if you don't know... you are too stupid to know.

lol, that's a bit of a conundrum. Whatever shall I do? You call me stupid, yet I'm too stupid to realize why I'm stupid. Can't you tell me why? I thought you loved me!!!

It's not wrong. It is wrong to violate their civil rights to satiate your blood lust.

When these wannabes actually begin to overthrow the government through violent means, by all means, I'll be right along side the left putting them in the ground.

Until then, they are using speech and made popular by the likes of you.

At least have the fucking brains to diminish them by not giving them what they want; publicity.

Their message of hate dies if they are not permitted to get a national stage and have to remain in the shit filled darkness of their own filth.

There is a poetic justice to watching them die of their own impotence. You people keep fucking that up.

Neo nazis have no intention of overthrowing the government, as far as I know, so I have no idea what that has to do with anything. At any rate, If you don't speak up and against neo-nazi scum, then you are just as bad as they are. I couldn't give a fuck if you view that as "giving them publicity."
This is why you're one of the dumbest fucks on this forum.

Let's begin with this. Until this shit went down, you didn't even know that these wanabe's were having this rally. You would never have known it went down if no one had done anything to bring the media into it. So that means they would have had to chew their fucking rage alone, with no one giving a fuck about them. Not now. Now you gave them a platform from which they can reach 100's if not 1,000's of weak-minded idiots willing to follow their hate. You want to stand up to them but you're just another enabler of hate.

I want them to fail and fade away into the past. That does not happen by giving them a national stage.

Second, you don't defeat hate by letting your own hate rule you. The Antifa fuckers are ever bit as pathetic and wrong as the wannabes. They are haters on par with the racists they were objecting to. They violated the rights of American citizens for no good cause than they don't like the message.

If you want to start silencing speech you don't like, then don't be a pussy and bitch and whine when those who disagree with you silence you. I guarantee you, in a war of force, you fucks will lose and lose big.

Start reigning in the bigots and haters of the left and leave the racists and haters in the white supremacist group die the slow death they deserve. Hell, make some popcorn and drink a beer and watch them gnaw on their bone of hatred and laugh at them.

Otherwise, just shut your stupid, retarded yap.

Triggered much, nutjob? I have nothing to do with "Antifa," ya crazed maniac. And I knew full well that this rally was going down before it happened as there was a thread posted on it on this very forum ahead of the date. But I'm flattered that you think little ol' me is "giving them a platform" by even discussing them, meanwhile major media outlets are covering the events 24/7. lol, I guess I'm really really important!
Wow, you really are retarded. I hope you have a study helmet. If you cannot follow a general converstaion on the merits, consequences, and wisdom of actions of groups in our country, then do yourself a favor and go masterbate in the corner and let the adults talk.

Yes, I get it. You think I'm "stupid." You think I'm "retarded." You think I'm the one who can't follow a topic while you yourself make baseless accusations about who I side with. Anything else?

I'm beginning to think you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. I haven't seen someone say so little with so many words as you do. Sort of a bizarre exchange here. Maybe you should spend a bit of time writing in your diary so you can become clear on where you stand?
I think you're easily controlled. You cannot follow a line of reasoning unless it is given to you. You refuse to accept the notion that those you oppose may have the same motives you do, but are going about it in a more sensible manner. That applies to this cluster-fuck in Charlotte right up to any given issue we face today.

So, until you show Me a reasoning and thinking brain behind the forum name, yeah. I'll think you are stupid.
Wow, you really are retarded. I hope you have a study helmet. If you cannot follow a general converstaion on the merits, consequences, and wisdom of actions of groups in our country, then do yourself a favor and go masterbate in the corner and let the adults talk.

Yes, I get it. You think I'm "stupid." You think I'm "retarded." You think I'm the one who can't follow a topic while you yourself make baseless accusations about who I side with. Anything else?

I'm beginning to think you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. I haven't seen someone say so little with so many words as you do. Sort of a bizarre exchange here. Maybe you should spend a bit of time writing in your diary so you can become clear on where you stand?
But you are stupid. You need to accept it and relish it.

Ok, I'll bite. Why am I stupid?
Sorry...but if you don't know... you are too stupid to know.

lol, that's a bit of a conundrum. Whatever shall I do? You call me stupid, yet I'm too stupid to realize why I'm stupid. Can't you tell me why? I thought you loved me!!!

I do love all even the dumbest of dumb you for instance.
If history does not precisely repeat itself; it has been said that it, at least, rhymes.

So, there was a time when no one could envision that France, for example, would not be part of the Roman Empire.

But the citizens of the Roman Empire got fat and lazy and expected the State to provide all for its citizens {Free Stuff}, and then those from the outside, mostly barbarians, who wanted to share in its largess, started to invade, just as Mexico & Arabia are invading the U.S. today....and...well, maybe even those educated in the rotting cities of the North know today that France is no longer part of the Roman Empire....maybe they even know that the Roman Empire is no more.

California will likely be the first to go from the American Empire, and it could be considered a blessing, except that then the Wall would have to go all the Way up to Canada, for California would quickly become another it almost is today.

The cry today is that White Nationalists are an anathema....but George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison et al were the ultimate White Nationalists...and they and their progeny built the greatest society thus far known to mankind.

You Bolshevik Fools should be careful what you wish will miss the White Boys when they are gone. History repeats itself, or it at least rhymes. Haiti got its independence at about the same time as the United States...and it is the basket case of the Western Hemisphere...perhaps of the whole world. Lots of differences between the USA and Haiti....but the main was Haiti, the first thing they did was KILL all the White Boys.


The Founders weren't nazis
Neo nazis have no intention of overthrowing the government, as far as I know, so I have no idea what that has to do with anything. At any rate, If you don't speak up and against neo-nazi scum, then you are just as bad as they are. I couldn't give a fuck if you view that as "giving them publicity."
This is why you're one of the dumbest fucks on this forum.

Let's begin with this. Until this shit went down, you didn't even know that these wanabe's were having this rally. You would never have known it went down if no one had done anything to bring the media into it. So that means they would have had to chew their fucking rage alone, with no one giving a fuck about them. Not now. Now you gave them a platform from which they can reach 100's if not 1,000's of weak-minded idiots willing to follow their hate. You want to stand up to them but you're just another enabler of hate.

I want them to fail and fade away into the past. That does not happen by giving them a national stage.

Second, you don't defeat hate by letting your own hate rule you. The Antifa fuckers are ever bit as pathetic and wrong as the wannabes. They are haters on par with the racists they were objecting to. They violated the rights of American citizens for no good cause than they don't like the message.

If you want to start silencing speech you don't like, then don't be a pussy and bitch and whine when those who disagree with you silence you. I guarantee you, in a war of force, you fucks will lose and lose big.

Start reigning in the bigots and haters of the left and leave the racists and haters in the white supremacist group die the slow death they deserve. Hell, make some popcorn and drink a beer and watch them gnaw on their bone of hatred and laugh at them.

Otherwise, just shut your stupid, retarded yap.

Triggered much, nutjob? I have nothing to do with "Antifa," ya crazed maniac. And I knew full well that this rally was going down before it happened as there was a thread posted on it on this very forum ahead of the date. But I'm flattered that you think little ol' me is "giving them a platform" by even discussing them, meanwhile major media outlets are covering the events 24/7. lol, I guess I'm really really important!
Wow, you really are retarded. I hope you have a study helmet. If you cannot follow a general converstaion on the merits, consequences, and wisdom of actions of groups in our country, then do yourself a favor and go masterbate in the corner and let the adults talk.

Yes, I get it. You think I'm "stupid." You think I'm "retarded." You think I'm the one who can't follow a topic while you yourself make baseless accusations about who I side with. Anything else?

I'm beginning to think you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. I haven't seen someone say so little with so many words as you do. Sort of a bizarre exchange here. Maybe you should spend a bit of time writing in your diary so you can become clear on where you stand?
I think you're easily controlled. You cannot follow a line of reasoning unless it is given to you. You refuse to accept the notion that those you oppose may have the same motives you do, but are going about it in a more sensible manner. That applies to this cluster-fuck in Charlotte right up to any given issue we face today.

So, until you show Me a reasoning and thinking brain behind the forum name, yeah. I'll think you are stupid.
I suspect he is like many on the Left. He gets all his news from hard left sources. So, naturally, he doesn't have a clue what is going on.

He is inflamed by the DNC media and is too stupid to recognize it.
This is why you're one of the dumbest fucks on this forum.

Let's begin with this. Until this shit went down, you didn't even know that these wanabe's were having this rally. You would never have known it went down if no one had done anything to bring the media into it. So that means they would have had to chew their fucking rage alone, with no one giving a fuck about them. Not now. Now you gave them a platform from which they can reach 100's if not 1,000's of weak-minded idiots willing to follow their hate. You want to stand up to them but you're just another enabler of hate.

I want them to fail and fade away into the past. That does not happen by giving them a national stage.

Second, you don't defeat hate by letting your own hate rule you. The Antifa fuckers are ever bit as pathetic and wrong as the wannabes. They are haters on par with the racists they were objecting to. They violated the rights of American citizens for no good cause than they don't like the message.

If you want to start silencing speech you don't like, then don't be a pussy and bitch and whine when those who disagree with you silence you. I guarantee you, in a war of force, you fucks will lose and lose big.

Start reigning in the bigots and haters of the left and leave the racists and haters in the white supremacist group die the slow death they deserve. Hell, make some popcorn and drink a beer and watch them gnaw on their bone of hatred and laugh at them.

Otherwise, just shut your stupid, retarded yap.

Triggered much, nutjob? I have nothing to do with "Antifa," ya crazed maniac. And I knew full well that this rally was going down before it happened as there was a thread posted on it on this very forum ahead of the date. But I'm flattered that you think little ol' me is "giving them a platform" by even discussing them, meanwhile major media outlets are covering the events 24/7. lol, I guess I'm really really important!
Wow, you really are retarded. I hope you have a study helmet. If you cannot follow a general converstaion on the merits, consequences, and wisdom of actions of groups in our country, then do yourself a favor and go masterbate in the corner and let the adults talk.

Yes, I get it. You think I'm "stupid." You think I'm "retarded." You think I'm the one who can't follow a topic while you yourself make baseless accusations about who I side with. Anything else?

I'm beginning to think you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. I haven't seen someone say so little with so many words as you do. Sort of a bizarre exchange here. Maybe you should spend a bit of time writing in your diary so you can become clear on where you stand?
I think you're easily controlled. You cannot follow a line of reasoning unless it is given to you. You refuse to accept the notion that those you oppose may have the same motives you do, but are going about it in a more sensible manner. That applies to this cluster-fuck in Charlotte right up to any given issue we face today.

So, until you show Me a reasoning and thinking brain behind the forum name, yeah. I'll think you are stupid.
I suspect he is like many on the Left. He gets all his news from hard left sources. So, naturally, he doesn't have a clue what is going on.

He is inflamed by the DNC media and is too stupid to recognize it.
He is a person who has been told his whole life what a wonderul person he is and the poo-poo heads who don't see it are really bad people.
Neo nazis have no intention of overthrowing the government, as far as I know, so I have no idea what that has to do with anything. At any rate, If you don't speak up and against neo-nazi scum, then you are just as bad as they are. I couldn't give a fuck if you view that as "giving them publicity."
This is why you're one of the dumbest fucks on this forum.

Let's begin with this. Until this shit went down, you didn't even know that these wanabe's were having this rally. You would never have known it went down if no one had done anything to bring the media into it. So that means they would have had to chew their fucking rage alone, with no one giving a fuck about them. Not now. Now you gave them a platform from which they can reach 100's if not 1,000's of weak-minded idiots willing to follow their hate. You want to stand up to them but you're just another enabler of hate.

I want them to fail and fade away into the past. That does not happen by giving them a national stage.

Second, you don't defeat hate by letting your own hate rule you. The Antifa fuckers are ever bit as pathetic and wrong as the wannabes. They are haters on par with the racists they were objecting to. They violated the rights of American citizens for no good cause than they don't like the message.

If you want to start silencing speech you don't like, then don't be a pussy and bitch and whine when those who disagree with you silence you. I guarantee you, in a war of force, you fucks will lose and lose big.

Start reigning in the bigots and haters of the left and leave the racists and haters in the white supremacist group die the slow death they deserve. Hell, make some popcorn and drink a beer and watch them gnaw on their bone of hatred and laugh at them.

Otherwise, just shut your stupid, retarded yap.

Triggered much, nutjob? I have nothing to do with "Antifa," ya crazed maniac. And I knew full well that this rally was going down before it happened as there was a thread posted on it on this very forum ahead of the date. But I'm flattered that you think little ol' me is "giving them a platform" by even discussing them, meanwhile major media outlets are covering the events 24/7. lol, I guess I'm really really important!
Wow, you really are retarded. I hope you have a study helmet. If you cannot follow a general converstaion on the merits, consequences, and wisdom of actions of groups in our country, then do yourself a favor and go masterbate in the corner and let the adults talk.

Yes, I get it. You think I'm "stupid." You think I'm "retarded." You think I'm the one who can't follow a topic while you yourself make baseless accusations about who I side with. Anything else?

I'm beginning to think you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. I haven't seen someone say so little with so many words as you do. Sort of a bizarre exchange here. Maybe you should spend a bit of time writing in your diary so you can become clear on where you stand?
I think you're easily controlled. You cannot follow a line of reasoning unless it is given to you. You refuse to accept the notion that those you oppose may have the same motives you do, but are going about it in a more sensible manner. That applies to this cluster-fuck in Charlotte right up to any given issue we face today.

So, until you show Me a reasoning and thinking brain behind the forum name, yeah. I'll think you are stupid.

So, you're just using your trusty telepathic powers then. Got it. lol

Seriously dude, figure out where you stand on things. You can't put forth a coherent argument because you lack a solid moral compass. This event has caused some imbalance within you precisely because you don't have a strong position. You're flailing. Same thing with Gipper. It's tweaking you guys in a major way. Get it sorted out.
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This is why you're one of the dumbest fucks on this forum.

Let's begin with this. Until this shit went down, you didn't even know that these wanabe's were having this rally. You would never have known it went down if no one had done anything to bring the media into it. So that means they would have had to chew their fucking rage alone, with no one giving a fuck about them. Not now. Now you gave them a platform from which they can reach 100's if not 1,000's of weak-minded idiots willing to follow their hate. You want to stand up to them but you're just another enabler of hate.

I want them to fail and fade away into the past. That does not happen by giving them a national stage.

Second, you don't defeat hate by letting your own hate rule you. The Antifa fuckers are ever bit as pathetic and wrong as the wannabes. They are haters on par with the racists they were objecting to. They violated the rights of American citizens for no good cause than they don't like the message.

If you want to start silencing speech you don't like, then don't be a pussy and bitch and whine when those who disagree with you silence you. I guarantee you, in a war of force, you fucks will lose and lose big.

Start reigning in the bigots and haters of the left and leave the racists and haters in the white supremacist group die the slow death they deserve. Hell, make some popcorn and drink a beer and watch them gnaw on their bone of hatred and laugh at them.

Otherwise, just shut your stupid, retarded yap.

Triggered much, nutjob? I have nothing to do with "Antifa," ya crazed maniac. And I knew full well that this rally was going down before it happened as there was a thread posted on it on this very forum ahead of the date. But I'm flattered that you think little ol' me is "giving them a platform" by even discussing them, meanwhile major media outlets are covering the events 24/7. lol, I guess I'm really really important!
Wow, you really are retarded. I hope you have a study helmet. If you cannot follow a general converstaion on the merits, consequences, and wisdom of actions of groups in our country, then do yourself a favor and go masterbate in the corner and let the adults talk.

Yes, I get it. You think I'm "stupid." You think I'm "retarded." You think I'm the one who can't follow a topic while you yourself make baseless accusations about who I side with. Anything else?

I'm beginning to think you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. I haven't seen someone say so little with so many words as you do. Sort of a bizarre exchange here. Maybe you should spend a bit of time writing in your diary so you can become clear on where you stand?
I think you're easily controlled. You cannot follow a line of reasoning unless it is given to you. You refuse to accept the notion that those you oppose may have the same motives you do, but are going about it in a more sensible manner. That applies to this cluster-fuck in Charlotte right up to any given issue we face today.

So, until you show Me a reasoning and thinking brain behind the forum name, yeah. I'll think you are stupid.

So, you're just using your trust telepathic powers then. Got it. lol

Seriously dude, figure out where you stand on things. You can't put forth a coherent argument because you lack a solid moral compass. This event has caused some imbalance within you precisely because you don't have a strong position. You're flailing. Same thing with Gipper. It's tweaking you guys in a major way. Get it sorted out.
Okay, now that is funny.

I know exactly where I stand on any given issue, use critical thinking to arrive at those positions, and have a moral compass that is based on the foundation of decency and love.

I do wonder about your moral compass, however. It seems to swing any which way that allows you to get your way and as long as that happens, who cares who gets hurt. Right?

Have a nice night. You're bleeding from the ass and don't even know it and I've been raised to never beat a man when he's down.

Yes. I slapped you around like the cock holster you are. Come back for more anytime, boy. It's fun toying with you.
And yet you cry like a little bitch, when I bitch slap for your hateful opinions.

Since when it is wrong to hate neo-nazis, white supremacists, and the kkk? Fighting Nazis is an American tradition. Are you an anti-American?
It's not wrong. It is wrong to violate their civil rights to satiate your blood lust.

When these wannabes actually begin to overthrow the government through violent means, by all means, I'll be right along side the left putting them in the ground.

Until then, they are using speech and made popular by the likes of you.

At least have the fucking brains to diminish them by not giving them what they want; publicity.

Their message of hate dies if they are not permitted to get a national stage and have to remain in the shit filled darkness of their own filth.

There is a poetic justice to watching them die of their own impotence. You people keep fucking that up.

Neo nazis have no intention of overthrowing the government, as far as I know, so I have no idea what that has to do with anything. At any rate, If you don't speak up and against neo-nazi scum, then you are just as bad as they are. I couldn't give a fuck if you view that as "giving them publicity."
This is why you're one of the dumbest fucks on this forum.

Let's begin with this. Until this shit went down, you didn't even know that these wanabe's were having this rally. You would never have known it went down if no one had done anything to bring the media into it. So that means they would have had to chew their fucking rage alone, with no one giving a fuck about them. Not now. Now you gave them a platform from which they can reach 100's if not 1,000's of weak-minded idiots willing to follow their hate. You want to stand up to them but you're just another enabler of hate.

I want them to fail and fade away into the past. That does not happen by giving them a national stage.

Second, you don't defeat hate by letting your own hate rule you. The Antifa fuckers are ever bit as pathetic and wrong as the wannabes. They are haters on par with the racists they were objecting to. They violated the rights of American citizens for no good cause than they don't like the message.

If you want to start silencing speech you don't like, then don't be a pussy and bitch and whine when those who disagree with you silence you. I guarantee you, in a war of force, you fucks will lose and lose big.

Start reigning in the bigots and haters of the left and leave the racists and haters in the white supremacist group die the slow death they deserve. Hell, make some popcorn and drink a beer and watch them gnaw on their bone of hatred and laugh at them.

Otherwise, just shut your stupid, retarded yap.

Can not improve on this, end thread!
Triggered much, nutjob? I have nothing to do with "Antifa," ya crazed maniac. And I knew full well that this rally was going down before it happened as there was a thread posted on it on this very forum ahead of the date. But I'm flattered that you think little ol' me is "giving them a platform" by even discussing them, meanwhile major media outlets are covering the events 24/7. lol, I guess I'm really really important!
Wow, you really are retarded. I hope you have a study helmet. If you cannot follow a general converstaion on the merits, consequences, and wisdom of actions of groups in our country, then do yourself a favor and go masterbate in the corner and let the adults talk.

Yes, I get it. You think I'm "stupid." You think I'm "retarded." You think I'm the one who can't follow a topic while you yourself make baseless accusations about who I side with. Anything else?

I'm beginning to think you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. I haven't seen someone say so little with so many words as you do. Sort of a bizarre exchange here. Maybe you should spend a bit of time writing in your diary so you can become clear on where you stand?
I think you're easily controlled. You cannot follow a line of reasoning unless it is given to you. You refuse to accept the notion that those you oppose may have the same motives you do, but are going about it in a more sensible manner. That applies to this cluster-fuck in Charlotte right up to any given issue we face today.

So, until you show Me a reasoning and thinking brain behind the forum name, yeah. I'll think you are stupid.

So, you're just using your trust telepathic powers then. Got it. lol

Seriously dude, figure out where you stand on things. You can't put forth a coherent argument because you lack a solid moral compass. This event has caused some imbalance within you precisely because you don't have a strong position. You're flailing. Same thing with Gipper. It's tweaking you guys in a major way. Get it sorted out.
Okay, now that is funny.

I know exactly where I stand on any given issue, use critical thinking to arrive at those positions, and have a moral compass that is based on the foundation of decency and love.

I do wonder about your moral compass, however. It seems to swing any which way that allows you to get your way and as long as that happens, who cares who gets hurt. Right?

Have a nice night. You're bleeding from the ass and don't even know it and I've been raised to never beat a man when he's down.


So little said. Can't you figure out a way to get your ideas across clearly?

My compass is rock solid as I've spent many years examining my own beliefs. There is no moral relativism here on my part. You sure do make a lot of assumptions there, sport. Must come from your own programming from your various right wing blowhards who tell you what to think about anyone on the left of you. Unfortunately for you, they're all wrong and you've been very badly mislead.
Wow, you really are retarded. I hope you have a study helmet. If you cannot follow a general converstaion on the merits, consequences, and wisdom of actions of groups in our country, then do yourself a favor and go masterbate in the corner and let the adults talk.

Yes, I get it. You think I'm "stupid." You think I'm "retarded." You think I'm the one who can't follow a topic while you yourself make baseless accusations about who I side with. Anything else?

I'm beginning to think you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. I haven't seen someone say so little with so many words as you do. Sort of a bizarre exchange here. Maybe you should spend a bit of time writing in your diary so you can become clear on where you stand?
I think you're easily controlled. You cannot follow a line of reasoning unless it is given to you. You refuse to accept the notion that those you oppose may have the same motives you do, but are going about it in a more sensible manner. That applies to this cluster-fuck in Charlotte right up to any given issue we face today.

So, until you show Me a reasoning and thinking brain behind the forum name, yeah. I'll think you are stupid.

So, you're just using your trust telepathic powers then. Got it. lol

Seriously dude, figure out where you stand on things. You can't put forth a coherent argument because you lack a solid moral compass. This event has caused some imbalance within you precisely because you don't have a strong position. You're flailing. Same thing with Gipper. It's tweaking you guys in a major way. Get it sorted out.
Okay, now that is funny.

I know exactly where I stand on any given issue, use critical thinking to arrive at those positions, and have a moral compass that is based on the foundation of decency and love.

I do wonder about your moral compass, however. It seems to swing any which way that allows you to get your way and as long as that happens, who cares who gets hurt. Right?

Have a nice night. You're bleeding from the ass and don't even know it and I've been raised to never beat a man when he's down.


So little said. Can't you figure out a way to get your ideas across clearly?

My compass is rock solid as I've spent many years examining my own beliefs. There is no moral relativism here on my part. You sure do make a lot of assumptions there, sport. Must come from your own programming from your various right wing blowhards who tell you what to think about anyone on the left of you. Unfortunately for you, they're all wrong and you've been very badly mislead.
The only rock solid thing you have, are all those rocks in your head.
Yes, I get it. You think I'm "stupid." You think I'm "retarded." You think I'm the one who can't follow a topic while you yourself make baseless accusations about who I side with. Anything else?

I'm beginning to think you don't even know what you're talking about anymore. I haven't seen someone say so little with so many words as you do. Sort of a bizarre exchange here. Maybe you should spend a bit of time writing in your diary so you can become clear on where you stand?
I think you're easily controlled. You cannot follow a line of reasoning unless it is given to you. You refuse to accept the notion that those you oppose may have the same motives you do, but are going about it in a more sensible manner. That applies to this cluster-fuck in Charlotte right up to any given issue we face today.

So, until you show Me a reasoning and thinking brain behind the forum name, yeah. I'll think you are stupid.

So, you're just using your trust telepathic powers then. Got it. lol

Seriously dude, figure out where you stand on things. You can't put forth a coherent argument because you lack a solid moral compass. This event has caused some imbalance within you precisely because you don't have a strong position. You're flailing. Same thing with Gipper. It's tweaking you guys in a major way. Get it sorted out.
Okay, now that is funny.

I know exactly where I stand on any given issue, use critical thinking to arrive at those positions, and have a moral compass that is based on the foundation of decency and love.

I do wonder about your moral compass, however. It seems to swing any which way that allows you to get your way and as long as that happens, who cares who gets hurt. Right?

Have a nice night. You're bleeding from the ass and don't even know it and I've been raised to never beat a man when he's down.


So little said. Can't you figure out a way to get your ideas across clearly?

My compass is rock solid as I've spent many years examining my own beliefs. There is no moral relativism here on my part. You sure do make a lot of assumptions there, sport. Must come from your own programming from your various right wing blowhards who tell you what to think about anyone on the left of you. Unfortunately for you, they're all wrong and you've been very badly mislead.
The only rock solid thing you have, are all those rocks in your head.

I abused YOU.

Okay I did.

Now answer this question. Did you abuse me?

Yes. I slapped you around like the cock holster you are. Come back for more anytime, boy. It's fun toying with you.
And yet you cry like a little bitch, when I bitch slap for your hateful opinions.

Since when it is wrong to hate neo-nazis, white supremacists, and the kkk? Fighting Nazis is an American tradition. Are you an anti-American?
You prove again what an idiot you are.

You are condemning anyone on the right. All Trump voters in your small deluded fucked up mind, are KKK and Nazis.

No, I'm not, retard. But the protest WAS an alt-right, white nationalist protest you idiot, and that's who were in attendance, moron.

Yes. Alt right. As in alternative to the right. Which by definition isn't right.
Yes. I slapped you around like the cock holster you are. Come back for more anytime, boy. It's fun toying with you.
And yet you cry like a little bitch, when I bitch slap for your hateful opinions.

Since when it is wrong to hate neo-nazis, white supremacists, and the kkk? Fighting Nazis is an American tradition. Are you an anti-American?
You prove again what an idiot you are.

You are condemning anyone on the right. All Trump voters in your small deluded fucked up mind, are KKK and Nazis.

No, I'm not, retard. But the protest WAS an alt-right, white nationalist protest you idiot, and that's who were in attendance, moron.

Yes. Alt right. As in alternative to the right. Which by definition isn't right.

Never said it was.
The alt-right guys had ARs and didn't fire the 1st shot. The alt-left had better stand-down and get peaceful before they get slaughtered.
You're standing up for the Nazi's over those that were fighting against their hate? Nice
No, I'm standing against left-wing terrorists who are willingly violating the civil rights of American's to feed THEIR hate.

The First Amendment applies to everyone, or it will not apply to anyone. Violent protesters are law breakers. If they bring deadly force, they will be met with deadly force.

I agree, I don't think there is a need for violence with protest and many on the left take it too far. It is ok to have that discussion in relation to last weekends events but I'd hope to see a clear condemnation of what the Nazi and White Supremacists were doing with out the "But the left..." argument watering it down. It makes it sound like you are defending and making excuses for the racists. Maybe you are
I can defend their right to speech without agreeing or supporting their ideology.

When you and those on the left denounce and attack the Antifa group for being just as wrong, then we'll get to the discussion part. Until then, I'm not going to sit in a one-sided insult fest to satisfy yours or anyone's notion that only one side in this was wrong.
I'll easily denounce any group that resorts to violence or destruction of property... Easy. I didn't like what happened in Berkley and I really didn't like what happened in Charlottesville. If we are judging based on degrees, i'd definitely say that those who advance an agenda of hate and racism, like the Nazi's are far worse than those who are fighting on an anti-hate, anti-racism agenda... Neither is OK if there is violence is involved and I'd also take a look at what is allowed as far as the hate talk is concerned.

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