Climate Change; Can we afford to - not - fix it?

Ignorance is thinking we can change the earth's climate.

Detonate all of our and Russia's nukes at once and we would change the climate.

The most important issue is to figure out what does cause climate change and where that is going. Co2 does nothing. We know that from the satellite and balloon data.

Fuck you. And no shit. I said no such thing. We were discussing "government" and not specifying which exact level funds what. What an asinine post. If you want me in EVERY POST to specify which level of government I'm talking about then ask, but there is no cause if I don't specify for you to just decide for me, do it wrong then slam me as if I said something I didn't.

You've read my posts for years. You PMSing today?

A simple reply that you were talking about the States would have been sufficient to my fairly benign post. It appears that it's you who is on the rag. Enjoy.

  • Fact
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Typically, the F#cking red hat morons simply resort to denialism.
"All the climate scientist are lying"
Sure, that sounds reasonable, people dedicate their lives to a scientific discipline so they can run a world wide conspiracy to lie about their they can make F#cking red hat morons to give up their beloved last century technology Rube Goldberg internal combustion engines, which by the way waste one third of all the fuel consumed...if they are running at optimum efficiency. F#cking red hat morons don't care about wasting their money, as long as their cars go RRRROARRRR!!!

Someone, commented that petroleum produces a lot more than fuel. Lubricants, plastics, fertilizers, the whole long list of products derived from petro-chemicals. Yes, we will continue to need all of these, which is why the oil corporations will not be forced out of business. We simply have to stop burning it...and coal. Which should put coal companies out of business. Clean coal is a lie. It's time for this two century old "technology " to be retired.
A simple reply that you were talking about the States would have been sufficient to my fairly benign post. It appears that it's you who is on the rag. Enjoy.


I said I'm against government funding for beach home insurance. I seriously was supposed to specify which government I'm AGAINST doing that? Talk about being on the rag.

OK, I'm against BOTH STATE AND FEDERAL home insurance welfare. Jesus H Christ. Pay for it yourself
Typically, the F#cking red hat morons simply resort to denialism.
"All the climate scientist are lying"
Sure, that sounds reasonable, people dedicate their lives to a scientific discipline so they can run a world wide conspiracy to lie about their they can make F#cking red hat morons to give up their beloved last century technology Rube Goldberg internal combustion engines, which by the way waste one third of all the fuel consumed...if they are running at optimum efficiency. F#cking red hat morons don't care about wasting their money, as long as their cars go RRRROARRRR!!!

Someone, commented that petroleum produces a lot more than fuel. Lubricants, plastics, fertilizers, the whole long list of products derived from petro-chemicals. Yes, we will continue to need all of these, which is why the oil corporations will not be forced out of business. We simply have to stop burning it...and coal. Which should put coal companies out of business. Clean coal is a lie. It's time for this two century old "technology " to be retired.

Money for nothing, chicks for free.
We simply have to stop burning it...and coal. Which should put coal companies out of business. Clean coal is a lie. It's time for this two century old "technology " to be retired.

I don't really have a problem with this, but I do believe it's got to be done wisely. Too many people on the low-side of the income ladder cannot afford to get off of fossil fuel energy, and we just do not have sufficient and cost-effective renewable energy sources yet. And that's just us, what about the rest of the world? For the life of me, I do not understand why the democrats do not support nuclear energy if you're such a GD hurry to get off of fossil fuels.

And frankly I just do not see the urgency here. Yes, the planet may be warming, but it's appears to be in fits and starts and the question of how much GW is due to anthropogenic causes is unknown despite what the alarmists say. We just do not fucking know. Now do we know the efficacy of the various policies and programs to do something about it. Here again, we just do not fucking know how much difference any of these high dollar ideas will make. IMHO, we can no longer afford to throw trillions of taxpayer dollars at the GW problem like the democrats have been doing for decades now with little to show for it. Piss on that, if we can't stop or significantly slow down GW then maybe we should be looking at ways to deal with the consequences.
We can't say any particular EWE is caused by climate change, but we can say with certainty that we are sustaining 15 - 20 billion ( many are multi-billion) dollar loss events in excess of what we had before the rapid global warming over the last four decades.
There has always been extreme weather events (EWE) of all kinds, so it's difficult to point at any one EWE and say it was caused by climate change. But we don't have to prove any single EWE was caused by climate change to know that climate change is costing us ever greater losses. This graph on the NOAA website shows that since 1980 EWE ( described as those events with losses in excess of one billion dollars in inflation adjusted dollars ) have gone from 3 - 6 per year to now where we are having 15 - 20..

We can't say any particular EWE is caused by climate change, but we can say with certainty that we are sustaining 15 - 20 billion ( many are multi-billion) dollar loss events in excess of what we had before the rapid global warming over the last four decades.

Total losses due to Billion Dollar EWE are now more than 2 1/2 Trillion dollars.

When we can no longer afford to repair our infrastructure, or simply can no longer keep up the pace of needed repairs we will wonder why solving
our fossil fuels dependency was resisted at all.

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You should have emphasized that these data are CPI-adjusted.
The graph from the NOAA website documents the increase in EWE. It's the recorded facts, which by the way morons, proves that human activity can in fact change the climate, for the worse in this case. We can of course engage in activity that can reverse this trend. Now here is the part that the F#cking red hat morons can't seem to grasp...we stop adding additional CO2 and methane to the atmosphere! Why? Because science has proven that these increase the amount of heat retained by our atmosphere, thus warming the globe which changes the climate.

EWE have gone from being 2-4 billion dollar events every year in 1980 to where the last few years have seen 15-20 multi-billion dollar events. The cumulative cost represented by the graph is over 2 1/2 trillion dollars.

Here in California insurance companies are abandoning thousands of paying customers in high fire zones. I know, I've been dropped twice in three years. The same thing is happening all along the gulf coast and Florida because of flooding.


Can we really afford to - not - fix it?
The graph from the NOAA website documents the increase in EWE. It's the recorded facts, which by the way morons, proves that human activity can in fact change the climate, for the worse in this case. We can of course engage in activity that can reverse this trend. Now here is the part that the F#cking red hat morons can't seem to grasp...we stop adding additional CO2 and methane to the atmosphere! Why? Because science has proven that these increase the amount of heat retained by our atmosphere, thus warming the globe which changes the climate.

EWE have gone from being 2-4 billion dollar events every year in 1980 to where the last few years have seen 15-20 multi-billion dollar events. The cumulative cost represented by the graph is over 2 1/2 trillion dollars.

Here in California insurance companies are abandoning thousands of paying customers in high fire zones. I know, I've been dropped twice in three years. The same thing is happening all along the gulf coast and Florida because of flooding.

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Can we really afford to - not - fix it?
again you retard costs go up because MORE people and Business move into those areas. As to forest fires that was and is caused by piss poor prior management by the state and federal Government.
The graph from the NOAA website documents the increase in EWE. It's the recorded facts, which by the way morons, proves that human activity can in fact change the climate, for the worse in this case.

No, it proves nothing. There's a saying that correlation does not prove causation, and the higher dollar amounts are due to inflation and more estates built on beachfront properties and flood plains. So your graph proves nothing and BTW I do not trust the accuracy of the data. Taking a small subset of data and extrapolating from it is dishonest. Have there not been other highs and lows of EWEs throughout history? How many weren't counted cuz almost nobody was affected? There may have been more extreme weather events in recent years but there's no way to know how much was caused by or aided by anthropogenic activity.

Which is not to say that human activity might have some impact on the climate, but the extent of that impact is unknown. But the problem is that democrats such as yourself want to spend enormous amounts of taxpayer dollars without knowing how effective that money will be in fixing CC/GW. You flat out do not fucking know, and frankly I would not trust any 'scientific' report or study that makes claims of success if we do this or that.
The graph from the NOAA website documents the increase in EWE. It's the recorded facts, which by the way morons, proves that human activity can in fact change the climate, for the worse in this case. We can of course engage in activity that can reverse this trend. Now here is the part that the F#cking red hat morons can't seem to grasp...we stop adding additional CO2 and methane to the atmosphere! Why? Because science has proven that these increase the amount of heat retained by our atmosphere, thus warming the globe which changes the climate.

EWE have gone from being 2-4 billion dollar events every year in 1980 to where the last few years have seen 15-20 multi-billion dollar events. The cumulative cost represented by the graph is over 2 1/2 trillion dollars.

Here in California insurance companies are abandoning thousands of paying customers in high fire zones. I know, I've been dropped twice in three years. The same thing is happening all along the gulf coast and Florida because of flooding.

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Can we really afford to - not - fix it?

The graph from the NOAA website documents the increase in EWE. It's the recorded facts, which by the way morons, proves that human activity can in fact change the climate, for the worse in this case.

Really? How much of the increase was human activity, how much was natural?
There has always been extreme weather events (EWE) of all kinds, so it's difficult to point at any one EWE and say it was caused by climate change. But we don't have to prove any single EWE was caused by climate change to know that climate change is costing us ever greater losses. This graph on the NOAA website shows that since 1980 EWE ( described as those events with losses in excess of one billion dollars in inflation adjusted dollars ) have gone from 3 - 6 per year to now where we are having 15 - 20..

We can't say any particular EWE is caused by climate change, but we can say with certainty that we are sustaining 15 - 20 billion ( many are multi-billion) dollar loss events in excess of what we had before the rapid global warming over the last four decades.

Total losses due to Billion Dollar EWE are now more than 2 1/2 Trillion dollars.

When we can no longer afford to repair our infrastructure, or simply can no longer keep up the pace of needed repairs we will wonder why solving
our fossil fuels dependency was resisted at all.

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if climate change is the biggest threat and if its man made as dems claim it is why arent dems screeching about how evil and dangerous the biggest polluter on the planet by far is ! in other words why arent dems calling the CCP the biggest danger to us all ?
if climate change is the biggest threat and if its man made as dems claim it is why arent dems screeching about how evil and dangerous the biggest polluter on the planet by far is ! in other words why arent dems calling the CCP the biggest danger to us all ?

And why aren't they screaming for a carbon-free nuclear plant in every city?
Typically, the F#cking red hat morons simply resort to denialism.
"All the climate scientist are lying"
Sure, that sounds reasonable, people dedicate their lives to a scientific discipline so they can run a world wide conspiracy to lie about their they can make F#cking red hat morons to give up their beloved last century technology Rube Goldberg internal combustion engines, which by the way waste one third of all the fuel consumed...if they are running at optimum efficiency. F#cking red hat morons don't care about wasting their money, as long as their cars go RRRROARRRR!!!

Your vulgar epithets make your comments so very compelling and persuasive.
Why would you ever present facts and logic when you can simply spew profanity and ad hominem attacks..... which accomplish nothing....

1. You "blue hats" voted for, and support stumblebum president, who is the most corrupt, incompetent and evil president in American history.
2. You "blue hats" support and promote murdering unborn, helpless babies and call your savage butchery "choice" when scores of men are in prison for making that "choice."
3. What you called "scientific discipline" is grubbing for research millions of dollars and anyone who compromises the money trough is censored and ostracized, by institutions, journals and media. Obviously you are clueless to these realities.
4. There are thousands of scientists who know your liars are lying. I have assembled a fraction of their findings, which you desperately need to read and learn from, here:

Someone, commented that petroleum produces a lot more than fuel. Lubricants, plastics, fertilizers, the whole long list of products derived from petro-chemicals. Yes, we will continue to need all of these, which is why the oil corporations will not be forced out of business. We simply have to stop burning it...and coal. Which should put coal companies out of business. Clean coal is a lie. It's time for this two century old "technology " to be retired.

You are clueless. China and India are increasing their fossil fuel use more than we are reducing ours. Your god, Al Gore, told the UN that "If America stops using all fossil fuels, it will not make any difference." Deal with facts, for a change.
Meanwhile, your heroes who hold annual climate change panic conferences fly there in 1,400 or more private jets, spewing deadly carbon dioxide poison by the thousands of tons. Do you even care? No, you just want to posture and primp.

What needs to be put out of business is the corrupt, incompetent, socialist Democrat Party, subject of a great new book: The Democrat Party Hates America. I would provide the author but his very name puts you "blue hats" into fits of Bidenesque diaper shitting and stumbling.
Any time you wish to present your academic credentials, "blue hat," feel free.
Not just college degrees, but real-world achievements. I'm sure many members who are reading this are breathlessly awaiting your lengthy announcement. I certainly am. [wink, nudge]

Just for starters, have you written and published a book of science, much less one called "beyond incredible" by a medical doctor, and a "must read for all high school students" by a dentist? Have you written letters published in the Wall Street Journal, contradicting three different experts in their three entirely different fields of expertise? One of National Geographic's roughly ten million readers caught their error of publishing a half-page photograph upside down in one issue. Would that have been you, having claimed how very superior you are to any "red hat"? Which issue and which page? How did you catch it (if that was you who did)?
Go, fish.

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Democrats don't believe in global warming or that it's man made, they oppose the two by far largest and economically viable solutions, nuclear and natural gas. They instead want to force us to buy electric batteries that are worse than oil. That's a Democrat solution. Poorly conceived and ineffective
All libtard "solutions" are worse than the problems they create. Climate change is a bullshit excuse to raid the Treasury for money that has not even been printed yet.
The graph from the NOAA website documents the increase in EWE. It's the recorded facts, which by the way morons, proves that human activity can in fact change the climate, for the worse in this case. We can of course engage in activity that can reverse this trend. Now here is the part that the F#cking red hat morons can't seem to grasp...we stop adding additional CO2 and methane to the atmosphere! Why? Because science has proven that these increase the amount of heat retained by our atmosphere, thus warming the globe which changes the climate.

EWE have gone from being 2-4 billion dollar events every year in 1980 to where the last few years have seen 15-20 multi-billion dollar events. The cumulative cost represented by the graph is over 2 1/2 trillion dollars.

Here in California insurance companies are abandoning thousands of paying customers in high fire zones. I know, I've been dropped twice in three years. The same thing is happening all along the gulf coast and Florida because of flooding.

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Can we really afford to - not - fix it?

Are you adjusting for inflation ...

Are you adjusting for the population doubling? ...

Did you follow the recent PG&E bankruptcy case? ... Before: California Law placed liability on the electric companies for their fires, but that changed and now homeowners are responsible ... all that debt to the insurance companies was discharged ... and now California won't let premiums go up to cover those losses ... and any future losses ...

Why haven't you made your house to be in a low fire zone? ... clear cut all the trees within 100 feet and keep that area mowed ... nothing more than 3 inches tall during dry season ... otherwise form your own damn insurance pool, why should I pay for your luxury? ... do you want to be in the same car insurance pool as 16-year-olds who drop out of high school? ... of course not, so why I should pay more insurance just because you want fire-prone trees and chaparral next to your house? ...

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