Clinton: "I'm back to being an activist and part of the resistance". "I would be president if...

the issues hillary is concerned with go beyond individual politicians and political parties...

these are issues hillary has spent her entire lifetime advocating for...

she understands more than anybody how such important issues are not all about HER, so why can't YOU??

The Clintons don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. You're an imbecile if you believe otherwise.
sure sure sure of course hillary has spent her life standing up for the interests of average Americans while being constantly abused mercilessly by rethuglicans because she only cares about herself... don't you people ever use your heads for anything besides a hat rack??

Hillary's List of Scandals is longer Than Her List of CAREER Achievements

:eusa_liar: FAKE NEWS

What Has Hillary Done For You? cannot say she does not have any accomplishments. Here are just a few:

Yes, Hillary Clinton has accomplishments. You don’t have to like them, but they do, in fact, exist.

Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any
One time I asked Valerie for some of hillarys accomplishments. The link she gave me mentioned giving birth and her husband winning an election :lol:

i just linked to that incident deliberately... your lack of honesty hasn't gone anywhere. :thup:
You are always stupid. How in the fuck am I supposed to know?
I know you understand I am wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy smarter than you, but I cant read minds, silly goose.
...not for the Comey letters."

She went on to blame a foreign government interference and Comey letter for costing her the election. Didn't offer an opinion about the media timely leaking an Access Hollywood video, or the phantom allegations of sexual abuse by so many women who then disappeared when Trump won the election.

Maybe she is a perfect example of the Democratic party. The more of these interviews she does (I suspect to promote her book and help her daughters ambitions), the more I believe the Democrats are hurt. This is all self serving, does nothing for the party or the challenges that America faces. She had a long run in politics, was the Sec of State with some controversies, she failed to win the hearts and minds of Americans and women voters. I will repeat it again, all of this harms the Democratic party, no question.

The American public believe that the Democratic Party are out of touch with regular Americans. I imagine their support will continue to rise in New York and California...after that, it's an uphill climb for them.

It was the Comey letter ....

You are always stupid. How in the fuck am I supposed to know?
I know you understand I am wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy smarter than you, but I cant read minds, silly goose.

^ TNHooey obsessed with making everything all about himself. kindly fuck off, bore.
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Hillary's List of Scandals is longer Than Her List of CAREER Achievements

:eusa_liar: FAKE NEWS

What Has Hillary Done For You? cannot say she does not have any accomplishments. Here are just a few:

Yes, Hillary Clinton has accomplishments. You don’t have to like them, but they do, in fact, exist.

Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any
One time I asked Valerie for some of hillarys accomplishments. The link she gave me mentioned giving birth and her husband winning an election :lol:

i just linked to that incident deliberately... your lack of honesty hasn't gone anywhere. :thup:
You are always stupid. How in the fuck am I supposed to know?
I know you understand I am wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy smarter than you, but I cant read minds, silly goose.
In other words, you have nothing but stupid insults and bs propaganda.

having a chapter in History books being the main one

you must talking about our so-called president??

talking about Your so-called presidential candidate

you must talking about our so-called president??

Hillary has spent her life promoting HILLARY

Two Wings of the Same Vulture. Carry On, Carrion.

She's just a spoiled, bossy, and pushy rich snob. She'd be a nobody if it hadn't been for her Daddy's money. That's where all the Limousine Liberals and RINOs come from. If that preordained class has a future, America doesn't.
Popular vote does not matter
It's runs that win the game and not hits nor efforts
Libs grew up on participation trophies so they don't understand winning
1 run with 2 hits beats 0 runs and 7 hits Every Time
This Was Before Venezuela Became Chavez Ravine

I once saw Sandy Koufax pitch a ten-hit shutout. He had to preserve his arm, so he toyed with the other team until they had a chance to score. Then he'd bear down and became unhittable.
...not for the Comey letters."

She went on to blame a foreign government interference and Comey letter for costing her the election. Didn't offer an opinion about the media timely leaking an Access Hollywood video, or the phantom allegations of sexual abuse by so many women who then disappeared when Trump won the election.

Maybe she is a perfect example of the Democratic party. The more of these interviews she does (I suspect to promote her book and help her daughters ambitions), the more I believe the Democrats are hurt. This is all self serving, does nothing for the party or the challenges that America faces. She had a long run in politics, was the Sec of State with some controversies, she failed to win the hearts and minds of Americans and women voters. I will repeat it again, all of this harms the Democratic party, no question.

The American public believe that the Democratic Party are out of touch with regular Americans. I imagine their support will continue to rise in New York and California...after that, it's an uphill climb for them.
She is not just an example of today's Democratic Party, she and her husband took the Party away from its roots during his reelection campaign to try to win back some of the middle class support it had lost to Reagan/Republicans. The Party had always been the party of the poor and working class, but the Clintons changed it to the party of he middle class, from a Party that wanted to win because of what it stood for into a Party that would stand for anything that might help it win - not one word during the Convention about the poor. It was only right that she should carry the banner for the Party she and her husband created, and it is emblematic of what the Democratic Party has become that she ran a campaign that was almost entirely devoid of substance.
Hillary's List of Scandals is longer Than Her List of CAREER Achievements

:eusa_liar: FAKE NEWS

What Has Hillary Done For You? cannot say she does not have any accomplishments. Here are just a few:

Yes, Hillary Clinton has accomplishments. You don’t have to like them, but they do, in fact, exist.

Here’s A List Of Hillary Clinton’s Accomplishments, So Quit Saying She Doesn’t Have Any

"Even though her major initiative, the Clinton healthcare plan, failed (due to Republican obstruction), you cannot deny that it laid ground for what we have today, the Affordable Healthcare Act, something Clinton supports and would continue."

Wanna know how I know you are an idiot?
The Senate voted 98-0 to reject her plan.
I thought they said it was Romney that the healthcare act was based.

It was. The ACA was patterned after "RomneyCare".
Muttophobe Mitt

What the RINOs have been seekin'
Is a dorky Mormon deacon

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