CNN Exposes The Fact That Ted Cruz Is Unqualified To Be President Of The United States

Depends on what one considers "qualifications" of course. But I'm continually amused at seeing the same voices who wailed about "inexperienced" O'bama (with twelve years in gummint) now fawning over Ted Cruz (with two).

Hmmmm, really? Obama spent two years in the U.S. Senate before he started running for president. Prior to that he spent seven years as a state senator.

Cruz has spent four years in the U.S. Senate. Between 1999 and 2003, Cruz served as the director of the Office of Policy Planning at the FTC, an associate deputy attorney general at the DOJ, and as domestic policy advisor to President Bush during his 2000 campaign. He also served as Solicitor General of Texas from 2003 to May 2008.

If years in government are the barometer for being qualified then it seems like Cruz is over qualified compared to Obama. In my opinion, however, the only job that really qualifies someone to be President of the United States is being President of the United States.
Depends on what one considers "qualifications" of course. But I'm continually amused at seeing the same voices who wailed about "inexperienced" O'bama (with twelve years in gummint) now fawning over Ted Cruz (with two).

Hmmmm, really? Obama spent two years in the U.S. Senate before he started running for president. Prior to that he spent seven years as a state senator.

Cruz has spent four years in the U.S. Senate. Between 1999 and 2003, Cruz served as the director of the Office of Policy Planning at the FTC, an associate deputy attorney general at the DOJ, and as domestic policy advisor to President Bush during his 2000 campaign. He also served as Solicitor General of Texas from 2003 to May 2008.

If years in government are the barometer for being qualified then it seems like Cruz is over qualified compared to Obama. In my opinion, however, the only job that really qualifies someone to be President of the United States is being President of the United States.

I'm ah, pretty sure 2013 to 2015 is two years. Cruz entered the Senate January 2013. I don't count all that appointed and sub-elected office stuff, for either.
And O'bama actually spent four years in the Senate and eight in the state senate. That's twelve.

It's not my measure of "qualification" --- I'm just noting the double standard among those for whom it is. Got the same chuckle in 2012 (Romney: four)
I'm ah, pretty sure 2013 to 2015 is two years. Cruz entered the Senate January 2013.

I was thinking he got elected in 2010, not 2012.

And O'bama actually spent four years in the Senate and eight in the state senate. That's twelve.

Obama spent four years in the Senate prior to taking office in the White House, but he began running for president after a little over two years, which is the same thing Cruz is doing, and both had several years in government prior to the Senate, so again, what is the difference?

Yes, I agree, there is a double standard, on both sides.
I'm ah, pretty sure 2013 to 2015 is two years. Cruz entered the Senate January 2013.

I was thinking he got elected in 2010, not 2012.

And O'bama actually spent four years in the Senate and eight in the state senate. That's twelve.

Obama spent four years in the Senate prior to taking office in the White House, but he began running for president after a little over two years, which is the same thing Cruz is doing, and both had several years in government prior to the Senate, so again, what is the difference?

Yes, I agree, there is a double standard, on both sides.

Everybody begins running for office upon taking it -- either a higher office or a re-election to the same one. It's a flaw of money politics but there's no way to quantify how much of their time is devoted to either, so at what point either begins posturing for President is meaningless. Compare apples-to-apples, you get 12 to 2 (or to project accurately if Cruz finishes his next two Senate years, 12 to 4).

Just saying --- counting years of "experience" is either a legitimate measure... or it isn't. Shouldn't be switched on and off like a light switch.

FTR I don't buy that it is. But I almost never post about Cruz or O'bama or anybody else -- I post about logic.
CNN Exposes The Fact That Ted Cruz Is Unqualified To Be President Of The United States

"Dana Bash did an effective job of questioning Cruz about his weak spots, and the Texas Senator’s defense consisted of blaming Senate Democrats and lying about President Obama. Ted Cruz isn’t qualified to be president. Cruz is running what is amounting to a vanity campaign that is centering on advancing his own celebrity. Cruz isn’t as qualified as Obama was before he ran for president, and CNN isn’t playing along with inflating a 2016 pretender to the status of a legitimate candidate."


I just know that Ted Cruz has no policy but to oppose everything that Obama does. He is hungry for attention.

Cruz is qualified. I just would never vote for him because he represents what I believe is a very dark side of American politics.
And that very dark side of American politics is, for the most part, the TPM, social conservatives, and the extreme right.
It will be a bright day in heaven, when both sides recognize how dark they appear to each other!
I'm ah, pretty sure 2013 to 2015 is two years. Cruz entered the Senate January 2013.

I was thinking he got elected in 2010, not 2012.

And O'bama actually spent four years in the Senate and eight in the state senate. That's twelve.

Obama spent four years in the Senate prior to taking office in the White House, but he began running for president after a little over two years, which is the same thing Cruz is doing, and both had several years in government prior to the Senate, so again, what is the difference?

Yes, I agree, there is a double standard, on both sides.

Obama doesn't understand that imposing this "right to health care" through govt abridges people's religious freedom and discriminates by creed; also with gay marriage that is a onesided view and doesn't consider the other as equal. Cruz doesn't get that imposing traditional marriage exclusive of gay marriage is religiously discriminating.

Both are biased.

If Cruz wants to get rid of the unconstitutional IRS, that could be seen as better than Clinton and Obama abusing it.
But when it comes to not checking corporations, nobody from either party seems to have a grip on that.
When it comes to govt welfare, one side may forgive the social welfare, the other the corporate welfare.
Who is really talking about getting taxpayers paid back for money misspent by all this corporatized govt run amok?
He's also not qualified constitutionally for Article 2 Section 1. He is not a natural born Citizen.

Based on whose interpretation of the Constitution? There has never been a court ruling on what "natural born" constitutes, and unless someone files a suit against him and it is ruled on against him, then he can run and is constitutionally qualified.
The founding fathers and Vattels Law of Nations.
CNN Exposes The Fact That Ted Cruz Is Unqualified To Be President Of The United States

"Dana Bash did an effective job of questioning Cruz about his weak spots, and the Texas Senator’s defense consisted of blaming Senate Democrats and lying about President Obama. Ted Cruz isn’t qualified to be president. Cruz is running what is amounting to a vanity campaign that is centering on advancing his own celebrity. Cruz isn’t as qualified as Obama was before he ran for president, and CNN isn’t playing along with inflating a 2016 pretender to the status of a legitimate candidate."


I just know that Ted Cruz has no policy but to oppose everything that Obama does. He is hungry for attention.

You got a link to the CNN story, I don't go to left wing sites.
He doesn't need a real link. Just his Millennial 'feelings'.
Everybody begins running for office upon taking it -- either a higher office or a re-election to the same one. It's a flaw of money politics but there's no way to quantify how much of their time is devoted to either, so at what point either begins posturing for President is meaningless. Compare apples-to-apples, you get 12 to 2 (or to project accurately if Cruz finishes his next two Senate years, 12 to 4).

You keep claiming that Cruz has only served two years in government, but I've already shown you that is false. He's spent as much time as Obama had prior to running for president, maybe even a year or two more. If you want to say he has only two years experience as a legislator then that would be true, but half of his tenure in government has actually been at the federal level which one could argue is more valuable than someone who served eight years as a part time state legislator.
Here is the CNN link from which the OP story is derived: - Transcripts

There is only one law that Ted Cruz has ever been able to get passed through Congress, and that was a law banning the Iranian ambassador to the UN from entering the United States.

That's it. Nothing else.

BASH: You talk about sticking to principles and defending principles. Obviously that is your calling card. But if you were to achieve the next level, the presidency of the United States, you have to get beyond that and you have to really learn how to compromise.

Give me an example where you have successfully compromised in the United States Senate with Democrats.

Cruz then utterly fails to provide a single example of when he successfully compromised. He is only able to point to a couple examples of easy unanimity. Nothing that required anyone on either side to compromise.
As a rigid, polarizing, uncompromising person, Rafael strikes me as a person who will have to resort to EOs, a pen, and a phone to get his way.
Here is the CNN link from which the OP story is derived: - Transcripts

There is only one law that Ted Cruz has ever been able to get passed through Congress, and that was a law banning the Iranian ambassador to the UN from entering the United States.

That's it. Nothing else.

BASH: You talk about sticking to principles and defending principles. Obviously that is your calling card. But if you were to achieve the next level, the presidency of the United States, you have to get beyond that and you have to really learn how to compromise.

Give me an example where you have successfully compromised in the United States Senate with Democrats.

Cruz then utterly fails to provide a single example of when he successfully compromised. He is only able to point to a couple examples of easy unanimity. Nothing that required anyone on either side to compromise.
g5000 and given the Constitutional limits on Govt
most of the laws we need are already written in the Constitution and Amendments.
Most of the rest should WELL be reserved to the States and to the People.
We need to clean up govt first. Most of it should be shifted back to the States (and social programs
to the Parties or people) and only reserve Federal Govt to the authorities it is clearly given by agreement by all.
He's more qualified than Obama was. And they didn't have a problem in 08
Well well, FINALLY Cnn is interested in whether someone is Qualified to be the President. Screw them: you sat with your thumb up your butt over Obama and he didn't have the resume Cruz has...
Barak Obama was more qualified in 2008 to be President than Cruz is now really? Outside of the ideological differences between the two what is the difference between Obama then and Cruz now? They are about the same age they have very similar education backgrounds they had both served the same amount of time in the Senate.
Barak Obama was more qualified in 2008 to be President than Cruz is now really? Outside of the ideological differences between the two what is the difference between Obama then and Cruz now? They are about the same age they have very similar education backgrounds they had both served the same amount of time in the Senate.

Amazing some people still swallow everything that was "manufactured", made up, full of lies and bs..... about the man/thugs life...Who writes Two books about themselves before they even Accomplish anything outstanding...oh yeah he was supposedly a poor black child. Until he went to live with his wealthy white grandparents.
Everybody begins running for office upon taking it -- either a higher office or a re-election to the same one. It's a flaw of money politics but there's no way to quantify how much of their time is devoted to either, so at what point either begins posturing for President is meaningless. Compare apples-to-apples, you get 12 to 2 (or to project accurately if Cruz finishes his next two Senate years, 12 to 4).

You keep claiming that Cruz has only served two years in government, but I've already shown you that is false. He's spent as much time as Obama had prior to running for president, maybe even a year or two more. If you want to say he has only two years experience as a legislator then that would be true, but half of his tenure in government has actually been at the federal level which one could argue is more valuable than someone who served eight years as a part time state legislator.

I just said, in the previous post last night, that I'm not counting the appointed pre-election crap. For either one. It gets too messy splitting those hairs. For that matter they're both lawyers, you could count that time too since it involves "the law". Not going there.

Again I'll repeat, this is not my standard; I'm observing a double standard on the part of those who claim it as one. This is not like a deep profound point; it's a simple observation that if O'bama (with 12 years) is "inexperienced" and that's a problem, how is Ted Cruz (with two years) NOT a problem?

I don't have a dog in what the answer is to that. I really don't care what either one's experience is. I'm just amused by the attempt to answer it.

IOW it's not a question about anyone in the White House or in Congress; it's a question about posters on this message board. Get it now?
CNN Exposes The Fact That Ted Cruz Is Unqualified To Be President Of The United States

"Dana Bash did an effective job of questioning Cruz about his weak spots, and the Texas Senator’s defense consisted of blaming Senate Democrats and lying about President Obama. Ted Cruz isn’t qualified to be president. Cruz is running what is amounting to a vanity campaign that is centering on advancing his own celebrity. Cruz isn’t as qualified as Obama was before he ran for president, and CNN isn’t playing along with inflating a 2016 pretender to the status of a legitimate candidate."


I just know that Ted Cruz has no policy but to oppose everything that Obama does. He is hungry for attention.

Oh, well if the Soros hate sites say that a targeted enemy of the party is "not qualified," then we better listen. We know how fair and honest you demagogues are! :thup:
CNN Exposes The Fact That Ted Cruz Is Unqualified To Be President Of The United States

"Dana Bash did an effective job of questioning Cruz about his weak spots, and the Texas Senator’s defense consisted of blaming Senate Democrats and lying about President Obama. Ted Cruz isn’t qualified to be president. Cruz is running what is amounting to a vanity campaign that is centering on advancing his own celebrity. Cruz isn’t as qualified as Obama was before he ran for president, and CNN isn’t playing along with inflating a 2016 pretender to the status of a legitimate candidate."


I just know that Ted Cruz has no policy but to oppose everything that Obama does. He is hungry for attention.

Oh, well if the Soros hate sites say that a targeted enemy of the party is "not qualified," then we better listen. We know how fair and honest you demagogues are! :thup:

With all the BS coming out already on Cruz they must be vedy afraid...... as they should be. The people didn't kick Democrats into Minority in Congress just for no reason

they should worry over the scandals shrilly is involved in ALREADY. hehehehe

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