CNN is losing it

Nice try

What you sick people are doing to Biden is elder abuse.
That's actually how it hit me. Just, sad. Reminded of my uncle who went the dementia route.

I think his handlers threw him to the lions to build consensus for replacing him. They first needed to make sure everyone understand, "Yeah, he really is in decline. Watch for yourself."
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They would have already switched out crooked joe. Things could be more divided for the DNC convention. It can be comical to watch. While the RNC will embrace the love fest for America!
Moderators have all thrown in the towel for Biden and declared he must step aside.

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It was the plan all along.

Six months ago I was all in on this--now I'm not so sure. I think she really does not want to be president, and especially does not want to be president to do the clean-up job Biden will have left her.

But my my are the Dems in a kettle of fish now
Nice try

What you sick people are doing to Biden is elder abuse.

The Republicans really, REALLY need to stop Trump from taking shots with his ego and keep on the message of how awful and shady this whole thing is, and how they lie and lie and lie and LIE to our faces. I mean, I'm old enough to remember that anyone concerned about Biden's mind was just believing "doctored videos"
Newsome said to DeSantis [sp] at their debate [from memory] "we know neither one of us are going to run for president, just admit it." you can chalk that up to paraphrasing but it was the gist of what he said./meant.
If DeSantis got him during that special debate. Then President Trump will make the Gruesome look so incompetent. We don't need a colgate commercial plastic man right now.

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