CNN is losing it

Dear Lord....He LIED every time he opened his mouth.
Biden was pathetic, trump LIED.
Even if he did, which I have no idea as I only watched a few moments of the Biden disaster, it is irrelevant. When Biden crashed and burned in the first 15 minute it was over, nothing that was said mattered at that point.
Even if he did, which I have no idea as I only watched a few moments of the Biden disaster, it is irrelevant. When Biden crashed and burned in the first 15 minute it was over, nothing that was said mattered at that point.
I agree that Biden was a disaster.
I've stated he needs to be replaced. Newsom...Obama....other....It is SAD.

I agree that Biden was a disaster.
I've stated he needs to be replaced. Newsom...Obama....other....It is SAD.

Then you folks have to convince Harris to step away on her own before the convention. While many Democrats might be willing to toss her under the bus, it would show some poor judgment to the rest of the country. It was the DNC that promised she was ready and able. To say they were wrong about that isn't going to inspire confidence in whoever they force on the people.
I agree that Biden was a disaster.
I've stated he needs to be replaced. Newsom...Obama....other....It is SAD.

but you never ever called out your dem masters for lying to the country and saying Biden is just fine .. sharp ,energetic , and hard to keep up with ..
Moderators have all thrown in the towel for Biden and declared he must step aside.

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It was the plan all along.

As much as M. Obama seeking public office has been a leftwing media fantasy for years, she has said more times than anyone can count that she doesn't want to do that sort of thing. I tend to think that as disastrous as Biden's performance was, unless he made an unheard of about face and withdrew, he's still the party nominee going into November.
So, Trump just ignored the questions every time and ranted out random lies, and the Trump cultists are thrilled. And nobody is surprised.

CNN did fail. They should have stopped Trump every time he wouldn't answer the question. Instead, they let Trump roll over them. Not calling out a liar is aiding and abetting the liar, and CNN did that.
💁🏼‍♀️_They didn't call out Joe's lie that he received the endorsement of the BP union for his re election....
The BP Union set the record straight on X during the debate, after he lied about receiving their endorsement
Michelle has no foreign policy experience.

All Michelle Obama represents is MORE Biden/Obama! She will lose
That doesn’t any sense, electorate are just fine with Obama / Biden.

Biden being Biden is not the problem, it’s his newfound inability to open his mouth that’s the problem.

Michelle will not run though.
So what do democrats do? Stay with Biden?

Democrats, and anyone sane, should vote for whoever is running against Trump. He is entirely unfit for office and endangers this country.

Biden’s handlers will have him watch his own performance and make a decision on how to fix this.
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That’s right, nothing to say.
This is for you and your cronies:

According to Kübler-Ross, the five stages of grief are:
  • denial
  • anger
  • bargaining
  • depression
  • acceptance


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