CNN / Jake Tapper: No Collusion Between Trump & Russia

Does this make Trump as stupid as Obama, who claimed while campaigning back in 2008 that he had visited all 57 States? :p

Not that it's particularly important, but this line seems to have gotten popular again in the last couple years, and your trivia of the day is that the mistake he made reflected the fact that there were 57 contests in the Democratic primary: one for each state, but also contests for: D.C., Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, Democrats Abroad, Puerto Rico, and a separate set of caucuses in Texas. You can find them all listed here. In case you've ever wondered how anyone could make that particular mistake.
If Trump had said it the LIB MSM would be screaming that "Trump LIED!!!!!!!!".
Have you ever noticed the people who quote (actually mostly mis-quote) CNN the most are the ones who swear they never watch CNN?
Seriously WTF is wrong with Bob Mueller and his so called Investigation?

It is not Illegal to do business with Russia. If it were, then everyone involved in the Uranium One Deal would be going to jail.

It's not illegal to build a building in Russia or plan it or have discussions about it.

It's not illegal for a Russian to pay you a fee for consultation on any topic, or accept money for making speeches there. If it were, Bill Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal to have a meeting at a building with anyone of Russian origin.

It's not illegal to accept a donation to a "charity" from Russian Businessmen, even if it is $145 Million Dollars and its The Clinton Foundation. Otherwise Hillary Clinton would be in jail.

It's not illegal for Fusion GPS to send a Russian to Trump Tower to try to make it look like something seedy was going on.

It's not illegal to get drunk and talk with a Clinton Supporter in a bar about potentially getting dirt on Hillary Clinton.

If it were illegal to talk about Russians, meet with Russians, or accept documents from Russians, everyone involved in creating and disseminating The Dirty Russian Dossier would go to jail.

I never liked The Idea of a Special Counsel, but I was willing to give Bob Mueller a chance.

After researching him and his team, they are really just a bunch of political criminals covering for another set of political criminals and doing what they can to put a leash or President Trump.

How do you justify launching a Criminal Investigation without having a crime to investigate based on Russian Propaganda and a joke made on The Campaign Trail?

Add in the COUP etc. and The Insurance Policy and this entire thing stinks to heaven.

Add in Mueller completely ignoring Russian Collusion and The FISA scandal...and it gets worse.

Then looking at the staff he assembled, and half of them had to be fired they were that corrupt and biased, and others including Mueller have been charged with prosecutorial misconduct, tampering with witness statements, and manufacturing evidence and committing perjury themselves.

It's Disgusting.

But Democrats Love it. So that tells you all you need to know about them and their sense of justice, due process, and Civil Rights.
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There are as many as 32 sealed indictments filed in the DC Court where Mueller has the grand jury sitting....

now, after Cohen this morning, there are 31....

Interesting that these were all filed before Whitaker was appointed to the AG position.... these sealed indictments have protected the investigation in case the special counsel was stifled or mueller was fired by the new Acting AG......

IF these are all Mueller's sealed indictments or even if half are Mueller's, then there is a bumpy bumpy road ahead for President Trump.... and his acolytes.

Gotta laugh. There was no collusion and you can't possibly know who these sealed indictments are for.

Could be all kinds of people with their heads on the block.

Will be interesting to see once he finally reveals his report.
Everyone on President Trump's team has been lying Claudette.... every single one of them, from the first time they were asked about Russia, including the then candidate Trump, and always about their Russian connections and contacts. Jarrod, and Mannafort, and Cohen, and Sessions, and Don Junior, and Papadopoulis and Page and Trump and Flynn and Erik Prince and Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi.... and who the heck knows whom else??

People don't lie and conspire to lie in unison about their Russian contacts, unless they are trying to HIDE something....

that is simply common sense and it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist, to come to that conclusion.

Collusion has already been proven with the Trump tower meeting, they were willing and as Donny said, LOVE IT, that the Russian govt was going to give them dirt on Hillary.

And with Cohen and Trump lying about their dealing with Russia on Trump Tower Moscow, and their contact with Putin's right hand man.

All of this while knowing the Russians were influencing our election, and hacking/stealing emails from the DNC and Podesta.... They turned a blind eye to it... to the Russian crimes.... all so Trump could get the Russians to approve his Trump tower Moscow deal... and for them to hurt Hillary and help him....

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, in the very least.
There are as many as 32 sealed indictments filed in the DC Court where Mueller has the grand jury sitting....

now, after Cohen this morning, there are 31....

Interesting that these were all filed before Whitaker was appointed to the AG position.... these sealed indictments have protected the investigation in case the special counsel was stifled or mueller was fired by the new Acting AG......

IF these are all Mueller's sealed indictments or even if half are Mueller's, then there is a bumpy bumpy road ahead for President Trump.... and his acolytes.

Gotta laugh. There was no collusion and you can't possibly know who these sealed indictments are for.

Could be all kinds of people with their heads on the block.

Will be interesting to see once he finally reveals his report.
Everyone on President Trump's team has been lying Claudette.... every single one of them, from the first time they were asked about Russia, including the then candidate Trump, and always about their Russian connections and contacts. Jarrod, and Mannafort, and Cohen, and Sessions, and Don Junior, and Papadopoulis and Page and Trump and Flynn and Erik Prince and Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi.... and who the heck knows whom else??

People don't lie and conspire to lie in unison about their Russian contacts, unless they are trying to HIDE something....

that is simply common sense and it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist, to come to that conclusion.

Collusion has already been proven with the Trump tower meeting, they were willing and as Donny said, LOVE IT, that the Russian govt was going to give them dirt on Hillary.

And with Cohen and Trump lying about their dealing with Russia on Trump Tower Moscow, and their contact with Putin's right hand man.

All of this while knowing the Russians were influencing our election, and hacking/stealing emails from the DNC and Podesta.... They turned a blind eye to it... to the Russian crimes.... all so Trump could get the Russians to approve his Trump tower Moscow deal... and for them to hurt Hillary and help him....

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, in the very least.


Please enumerate THE LIES in detail and provide proof.

Please also show ONE INSTANCE of non existent and non crime of RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

You remember that word, right? Mueller's illegitimate investigation has been looking down everyone's boxers for it.


Is it selling 20% of US Uranium to Putin?

Is it giving Iran $150 Billion Dollars to buy weapons and Scientific Expertise in Nuclear Weapons from Russia? Is it Iran buying weapons with those same Obama Bucks and giving it to Hamas, the PLO and other terrorist groups?

Is it Obama working a sweetheart deal with Russia to oversee Syria's compliance with a Chemical Weapons agreement, and then being allowed to build military bases in Syria?

Is it Clinton, The DNC, and Obama paying Putin's Ex KGB agents $14 Million dollars for Russian Propaganda and using that to attack the president in a FISA Court by filing false affidavits with it?

Is it Clinton, Podesta, Obama Laundering money through COIE Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to Foreign Agents to pay for Russian Dirt on Trump?

Is it The Podesta Group having Russian Nationals sitting on their Board of Directors at The Podesta Group?

Is it accepting $145 Million in donations to a Secretary of State's Charity while approving a sale of 20% of US Uranium to Russia all the while knowingly suppressing a Russian Bribery scandal to get that sale approved?

Is it Bill and Hillary Clinton accepting speaking fees and consultation fees worth millions from Russia when traveling to Russia to give "speeches"

Is it a Obama caught on a hot mic telling Putin's Representative that he could work a deal with him "after the election"?

Is it Obama looking the other way and doing nothing while Putin annexed The Crimea?

Is it Obama paying for Russian Propaganda 'Dirt on Trump' while also ignoring "alleged" Russian interference in our elections?
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There are as many as 32 sealed indictments filed in the DC Court where Mueller has the grand jury sitting....

now, after Cohen this morning, there are 31....

Interesting that these were all filed before Whitaker was appointed to the AG position.... these sealed indictments have protected the investigation in case the special counsel was stifled or mueller was fired by the new Acting AG......

IF these are all Mueller's sealed indictments or even if half are Mueller's, then there is a bumpy bumpy road ahead for President Trump.... and his acolytes.

Gotta laugh. There was no collusion and you can't possibly know who these sealed indictments are for.

Could be all kinds of people with their heads on the block.

Will be interesting to see once he finally reveals his report.
Everyone on President Trump's team has been lying Claudette.... every single one of them, from the first time they were asked about Russia, including the then candidate Trump, and always about their Russian connections and contacts. Jarrod, and Mannafort, and Cohen, and Sessions, and Don Junior, and Papadopoulis and Page and Trump and Flynn and Erik Prince and Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi.... and who the heck knows whom else??

People don't lie and conspire to lie in unison about their Russian contacts, unless they are trying to HIDE something....

that is simply common sense and it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist, to come to that conclusion.

Collusion has already been proven with the Trump tower meeting, they were willing and as Donny said, LOVE IT, that the Russian govt was going to give them dirt on Hillary.

And with Cohen and Trump lying about their dealing with Russia on Trump Tower Moscow, and their contact with Putin's right hand man.

All of this while knowing the Russians were influencing our election, and hacking/stealing emails from the DNC and Podesta.... They turned a blind eye to it... to the Russian crimes.... all so Trump could get the Russians to approve his Trump tower Moscow deal... and for them to hurt Hillary and help him....

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, in the very least.


Please enumerate THE LIES in detail and provide proof.

Please also show ONE INSTANCE of non existent and non crime of RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

You remember that word, right? Mueller's illegitimate investigation has been looking down everyone's boxers for it.

They lied about having no contacts with Russians... lied about knowing about the emails that were stolen, lied about business deals in the works between Trump and Russia, lied about setting up a back door communication means between Russia and Team Trump, lied about the Trump Tower meeting, lied about the Seychelles meeting with Russians, lied about talking with the Russians regarding the new sanctions on Russia put there by Obama, lies about meetings with the ambassador, lied about meetings with Alexander Torshin and the NRA,

and that isn't even the half of them that have all been made public,

Who knows what Mueller's Special Counsel knows....
And with ALL of those lies told to the public,

RUSSIA KNEW they were LYING to us..... the American people.

Does this make Trump as stupid as Obama, who claimed while campaigning back in 2008 that he had visited all 57 States? :p

Not that it's particularly important, but this line seems to have gotten popular again in the last couple years, and your trivia of the day is that the mistake he made reflected the fact that there were 57 contests in the Democratic primary: one for each state, but also contests for: D.C., Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, Democrats Abroad, Puerto Rico, and a separate set of caucuses in Texas. You can find them all listed here. In case you've ever wondered how anyone could make that particular mistake.

57 contests are not 57 states.
Does this make Trump as stupid as Obama, who claimed while campaigning back in 2008 that he had visited all 57 States? :p

Not that it's particularly important, but this line seems to have gotten popular again in the last couple years, and your trivia of the day is that the mistake he made reflected the fact that there were 57 contests in the Democratic primary: one for each state, but also contests for: D.C., Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, Democrats Abroad, Puerto Rico, and a separate set of caucuses in Texas. You can find them all listed here. In case you've ever wondered how anyone could make that particular mistake.

57 contests are not 57 states.
would you have accepted Trump saying that by mistake, state vs contest? Or would you have gone nuclear and made up a gazillion meme s and gifs and hung on to that statement for the next TEN years as a lie or something idiotic?
Does this make Trump as stupid as Obama, who claimed while campaigning back in 2008 that he had visited all 57 States? :p

Not that it's particularly important, but this line seems to have gotten popular again in the last couple years, and your trivia of the day is that the mistake he made reflected the fact that there were 57 contests in the Democratic primary: one for each state, but also contests for: D.C., Guam, American Samoa, US Virgin Islands, Democrats Abroad, Puerto Rico, and a separate set of caucuses in Texas. You can find them all listed here. In case you've ever wondered how anyone could make that particular mistake.

57 contests are not 57 states.
would you have accepted Trump saying that by mistake, state vs contest? Or would you have gone nuclear and made up a gazillion meme s and gifs and hung on to that statement for the next TEN years as a lie or something idiotic?

I wouldn't accept anything but 50 states from anyone for any reason. That's grade school basic knowledge. If he'd misspoke and corrected it, that's ok. But it was never corrected and only "explained", which isn't the same.

BTW, I never heard anyone say it was a "lie"
Does this make Trump as stupid as Obama, who claimed while campaigning back in 2008 that he had visited all 57 States? :p

Obama again? :2up:
View attachment 231752
Oh and your OP addresses Michael Cohen, which is not the entire Mueller investigation. It's been pointed out to you, well over a hundred times, no one knows what Mueller and his team a specifically doing. What is in the press is pure conjecture based on court papers, subject interviews, indictments and guilty judgements.
But Little Trumpster easyt65, just keeps on pumping thousands on top of thousands of posts, projecting conjecture as facts.
You deserve another,,,,View attachment 231753
See here’s my problem with all this. The mueller probe was to look into Russian Collusion, mainly concerning the 2016 campaign. It must have been the most talked about subject of 2017, hands down. The left was sure of it. It has since evolved into “let’s keep throwing spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks.” Can we go after him for campaign finance violation with stormy Daniels, mmm no. Can we get him in a perjury trap, no not yet. Can we get him through manafort and his previous crimes 5 years ago, mmm no, nothing with trump there, throw manafort back in prison. Well Cohen didn’t work out with finance/stormy D deal, so let’s change up and move back to Russian collusion, and let’s also go after other trump buddies and see if we can turn them too. This mueller investigation has really turned into let’s see what we can get on trump, purjury trap, whatever.
There are as many as 32 sealed indictments filed in the DC Court where Mueller has the grand jury sitting....

now, after Cohen this morning, there are 31....

Interesting that these were all filed before Whitaker was appointed to the AG position.... these sealed indictments have protected the investigation in case the special counsel was stifled or mueller was fired by the new Acting AG......

IF these are all Mueller's sealed indictments or even if half are Mueller's, then there is a bumpy bumpy road ahead for President Trump.... and his acolytes.

Gotta laugh. There was no collusion and you can't possibly know who these sealed indictments are for.

Could be all kinds of people with their heads on the block.

Will be interesting to see once he finally reveals his report.
Everyone on President Trump's team has been lying Claudette.... every single one of them, from the first time they were asked about Russia, including the then candidate Trump, and always about their Russian connections and contacts. Jarrod, and Mannafort, and Cohen, and Sessions, and Don Junior, and Papadopoulis and Page and Trump and Flynn and Erik Prince and Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi.... and who the heck knows whom else??

People don't lie and conspire to lie in unison about their Russian contacts, unless they are trying to HIDE something....

that is simply common sense and it doesn't take a Rocket Scientist, to come to that conclusion.

Collusion has already been proven with the Trump tower meeting, they were willing and as Donny said, LOVE IT, that the Russian govt was going to give them dirt on Hillary.

And with Cohen and Trump lying about their dealing with Russia on Trump Tower Moscow, and their contact with Putin's right hand man.

All of this while knowing the Russians were influencing our election, and hacking/stealing emails from the DNC and Podesta.... They turned a blind eye to it... to the Russian crimes.... all so Trump could get the Russians to approve his Trump tower Moscow deal... and for them to hurt Hillary and help him....

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, in the very least.


Please enumerate THE LIES in detail and provide proof.

Please also show ONE INSTANCE of non existent and non crime of RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

You remember that word, right? Mueller's illegitimate investigation has been looking down everyone's boxers for it.

They lied about having no contacts with Russians... lied about knowing about the emails that were stolen, lied about business deals in the works between Trump and Russia, lied about setting up a back door communication means between Russia and Team Trump, lied about the Trump Tower meeting, lied about the Seychelles meeting with Russians, lied about talking with the Russians regarding the new sanctions on Russia put there by Obama, lies about meetings with the ambassador, lied about meetings with Alexander Torshin and the NRA,

and that isn't even the half of them that have all been made public,

Who knows what Mueller's Special Counsel knows....
How is it a lie to say I have no contacts with the Russians? Same BS as when you murdering scum tried it with Sessions. Like this Mr. whothehellever, we know theRussian government tried to hack our election process did you then or have you ever had any contact with the Russians? No sir I have not. >>>>>>
Me whothehellever did you not sleep with Miss Russia at the 2002 miss world pageant? Well yes I did. So you in fact lied about not having contact with the Russians. That is the kind of thing you are calling lies. You are all completely full of shit.
Does this make Trump as stupid as Obama, who claimed while campaigning back in 2008 that he had visited all 57 States? :p

Obama again? :2up:
View attachment 231752
Oh and your OP addresses Michael Cohen, which is not the entire Mueller investigation. It's been pointed out to you, well over a hundred times, no one knows what Mueller and his team a specifically doing. What is in the press is pure conjecture based on court papers, subject interviews, indictments and guilty judgements.
But Little Trumpster easyt65, just keeps on pumping thousands on top of thousands of posts, projecting conjecture as facts.
You deserve another,,,,View attachment 231753
See here’s my problem with all this. The mueller probe was to look into Russian Collusion, mainly concerning the 2016 campaign. It must have been the most talked about subject of 2017, hands down. The left was sure of it. It has since evolved into “let’s keep throwing spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks.” Can we go after him for campaign finance violation with stormy Daniels, mmm no. Can we get him in a perjury trap, no not yet. Can we get him through manafort and his previous crimes 5 years ago, mmm no, nothing with trump there, throw manafort back in prison. Well Cohen didn’t work out with finance/stormy D deal, so let’s change up and move back to Russian collusion, and let’s also go after other trump buddies and see if we can turn them too. This mueller investigation has really turned into let’s see what we can get on trump, purjury trap, whatever.

I agree. Its like lets throw everything at the wall and see what sticks.

There was no Trump/Russian collusion and I thought that was what his whole investigation was supposed to be about.

Now we have people on trial for crimes committed years ago and questioning and threats against others.

Sure don't see much collusion hunting going on in his investigation
In an obvious moment of ACCIDENTAL HONESTY, ANN's Jake Rapper declared he sees ZERO evidence of Collusion between Russia and the President, even with Cohen's plea deal 'revelations'.

"CNN host Jake Tapper expressed skepticism that Michael Cohen’s Thursday guilty plea necessarily amounted to “any evidence” of a conspiracy between the Trump team and the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election."

“Look, this is clearly not welcome news for the president,” said Tapper. “I don’t want to pretend that it is but once again I look at these documents and I don’t see any evidence of conspiracy between members of the Trump team and the Russian government to interfere in the election.”

Tapped just took a brave step in doing something Hillary and her minions refuse to do - admit there was NEVER any illegal collusion involving the President and Russia.

The fact is Trump made a joke about hoping the Russians could find the official subpoenaed documents Hillary tried to destroy, and the Democrats spun it into an entire witch hunt / political coup attempt.

The Russians did not change one vote (as opposed to the Broward County Democrat who attempted to steal elections recently) - Hillary ran the worst Presidential campaign in US history and lost after being GIVEN the DNC nomination she could not win on her own.

It's time for snowflakes to finally accept the 2016 election results and admit Hillary was the worst candidate the Democrats could have hand-picked.

Time to end the witch hunt, the treason, the coup....

CNN / Tapper is even saying now, again, 'Nothing to see here - 'No illegal collusion'!

Jake Tapper: ‘I Don’t See Any Evidence’ Of Conspiracy Between Trump Team And Russia


I like how you selectively choose what is fake news. Just goes to prove, the only news you b’lieve is the news you want to b’lieve.

Your selectiveness aside, did Tapper happen raise the issue that trump may have perjured himself if the answers he gave to Mueller regarding doing business in Russia during the election don’t match what we have learned since yesterday thanks to Cohen’s confession?
Does this make Trump as stupid as Obama, who claimed while campaigning back in 2008 that he had visited all 57 States? :p

Obama again? :2up:
View attachment 231752
Oh and your OP addresses Michael Cohen, which is not the entire Mueller investigation. It's been pointed out to you, well over a hundred times, no one knows what Mueller and his team a specifically doing. What is in the press is pure conjecture based on court papers, subject interviews, indictments and guilty judgements.
But Little Trumpster easyt65, just keeps on pumping thousands on top of thousands of posts, projecting conjecture as facts.
You deserve another,,,,View attachment 231753
See here’s my problem with all this. The mueller probe was to look into Russian Collusion, mainly concerning the 2016 campaign. It must have been the most talked about subject of 2017, hands down. The left was sure of it. It has since evolved into “let’s keep throwing spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks.” Can we go after him for campaign finance violation with stormy Daniels, mmm no. Can we get him in a perjury trap, no not yet. Can we get him through manafort and his previous crimes 5 years ago, mmm no, nothing with trump there, throw manafort back in prison. Well Cohen didn’t work out with finance/stormy D deal, so let’s change up and move back to Russian collusion, and let’s also go after other trump buddies and see if we can turn them too. This mueller investigation has really turned into let’s see what we can get on trump, purjury trap, whatever.
What’s wrong with getting trump in a perjury trap? If he lies to federal investigators, that’s on him.
I agree. Its like lets throw everything at the wall and see what sticks.

There was no Trump/Russian collusion and I thought that was what his whole investigation was supposed to be about.

Now we have people on trial for crimes committed years ago and questioning and threats against others.

Sure don't see much collusion hunting going on in his investigation
Mueller went back decades - to before Obama was elected President - just to find a crime that had nothing to do with investigating Russian Collusion but one a member of Trump's team was involved in so they could attempt to extort / blackmail / intimidate false testimony from that person against the President in exchange for 'Leniency'.

Several of Mueller's victims have now come forward to declare Mueller set them up in Perjury Traps and is extorting / blackmailing / intimidating them to provide false statements / lies to use against the President in exchange for 'Leniency' from the unethical / criminal scumbag who set them up in the 1st place.

NO ACTUAL DIRECT EVIDENCE OF RUSSIAN COLLUSION - Just attempted extorted, blackmailed, bullied false statements of people who were set up - indicted for crimes that have NOTHING to do with Russian Collusion.

Mueller's case is like playing the game 'SIX DEGREES OF KEVIN BACON'. (the game which posits that any two people on Earth are six or fewer acquaintance links apart) - no direct links, only 5 or 6 other steps that have nothing to do with actual Russian collusion....unlike the Clintons.

Hillary took $145 million from THE RUSSIAN who headed up the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.

Bill Clinton took $500,000 from THE KGB Bank that funded the effort to acquire Uranium One ... and then met personally with THE Russian leader, Vladimir Putin.

John Podesta - Hillary's campaign manager - 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors were prominent Russian Businessmen who had direct links to the Kremlin and to Putin. John also took thousands of un-reported Russian stocks....

Fat Tony Podesta, John's Brother, was working for THE KGB Bank who, paid Hillary and Bill and bought Uranium One....and was working for THE #! RUSSIAN INTEL AGENCY - the same one that supposedly hacked the DNC / Hillary server - as an unregistered foreign agent.

Mueller hid Russian crimes associated with the KGB Bank's (Hillary's donor and Bill's Speech Gig Boss) effort to buy Uranium One.

With Trump, it's 'Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon'. With the Clintons and their clan, the Russians are never more than 1 connection away.

(As soon as the word got out the Podestas were working for the Russians - clients - the Russians fled and the Podesta Brother's Lobbying company collapsed / went out of business.....Hmmmmm..... As soon as Hillary lost the 2016 election all of her 'CHARITY Donors - Russians, International, US - everyone, stopped giving and donations dried up ... Hmmmm, no Pay To Play / Influence-Peddling There.... lol)
Last edited:
Does this make Trump as stupid as Obama, who claimed while campaigning back in 2008 that he had visited all 57 States? :p

Obama again? :2up:
View attachment 231752
Oh and your OP addresses Michael Cohen, which is not the entire Mueller investigation. It's been pointed out to you, well over a hundred times, no one knows what Mueller and his team a specifically doing. What is in the press is pure conjecture based on court papers, subject interviews, indictments and guilty judgements.
But Little Trumpster easyt65, just keeps on pumping thousands on top of thousands of posts, projecting conjecture as facts.
You deserve another,,,,View attachment 231753
See here’s my problem with all this. The mueller probe was to look into Russian Collusion, mainly concerning the 2016 campaign. It must have been the most talked about subject of 2017, hands down. The left was sure of it. It has since evolved into “let’s keep throwing spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks.” Can we go after him for campaign finance violation with stormy Daniels, mmm no. Can we get him in a perjury trap, no not yet. Can we get him through manafort and his previous crimes 5 years ago, mmm no, nothing with trump there, throw manafort back in prison. Well Cohen didn’t work out with finance/stormy D deal, so let’s change up and move back to Russian collusion, and let’s also go after other trump buddies and see if we can turn them too. This mueller investigation has really turned into let’s see what we can get on trump, purjury trap, whatever.
What’s wrong with getting trump in a perjury trap? If he lies to federal investigators, that’s on him.
there is no such thing as a perjury trap...

in order to file a perjury charge, they have to have materialistic evidence that shows the lie was intentional, with tangible documents showing that it was an intentional lie to deceive.
In an obvious moment of ACCIDENTAL HONESTY, ANN's Jake Rapper declared he sees ZERO evidence of Collusion between Russia and the President, even with Cohen's plea deal 'revelations'.

"CNN host Jake Tapper expressed skepticism that Michael Cohen’s Thursday guilty plea necessarily amounted to “any evidence” of a conspiracy between the Trump team and the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election."

“Look, this is clearly not welcome news for the president,” said Tapper. “I don’t want to pretend that it is but once again I look at these documents and I don’t see any evidence of conspiracy between members of the Trump team and the Russian government to interfere in the election.”

Tapped just took a brave step in doing something Hillary and her minions refuse to do - admit there was NEVER any illegal collusion involving the President and Russia.

The fact is Trump made a joke about hoping the Russians could find the official subpoenaed documents Hillary tried to destroy, and the Democrats spun it into an entire witch hunt / political coup attempt.

The Russians did not change one vote (as opposed to the Broward County Democrat who attempted to steal elections recently) - Hillary ran the worst Presidential campaign in US history and lost after being GIVEN the DNC nomination she could not win on her own.

It's time for snowflakes to finally accept the 2016 election results and admit Hillary was the worst candidate the Democrats could have hand-picked.

Time to end the witch hunt, the treason, the coup....

CNN / Tapper is even saying now, again, 'Nothing to see here - 'No illegal collusion'!

Jake Tapper: ‘I Don’t See Any Evidence’ Of Conspiracy Between Trump Team And Russia


Obviously, Cohen alone and the Moscow Trump Tower does not "prove" collusion. It's this that proves collusion. Click this link to redirect to another post on this board.

Here you can read one article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper (National Intelligence director)--watch one FOX NEWS video and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice.

Click here to redirect:
Trump retweet's all those bastards that have committed treason against him.

The same 'James Clapper' buster TWICE for Felony Perjury before Congress....?

The same 'James Clapper' Oher testified worked with Brennan and Strzok to author false Intel Community Assessments and Reports based on the Dossier instead of legitimate Intel as they claimed they had done that they then illegally used to con Congress into opening an investigation and appointing Mueller Special Counsel ... And illegally used them to con the FISA courts to illegally acquire warrants to spy on Trump and his team...?

THAT 'James Clapper'? must be joking or referring to another 'James Clapper'....

Well you'll have to pull a credible--verifiable link out of your Ass on that one, otherwise it goes into the :bsflag:file which you're stuffed full of.

Yeah, god forbid you look it up yourself.
James Clapper Felony Perjury - Bing video
there is no such thing as a perjury trap...

Educating snowflakes and deniers every day is just getting too damn hard...because they are getting dumber and denying more and more every day!

A perjury trap is a form of prosecutorial misconduct in which a prosecutor calls a witness to testify, typically before a grand jury, with the intent of coercing the witness into perjury (intentional deceit under oath).
Perjury trap - Wikipedia

It also refers to the practice of asking a witness a question and already know the answer to the question, and if the witness even answers the question in what they think is an honest answer but is incorrect because of faulty memory, they are charged with LYING.

There is even doctrinal law and a legal definition for it:

Ok, my job here is done....protecting the world from Liberal Ignorance 1 post / 1 incident at a time...... :p
In an obvious moment of ACCIDENTAL HONESTY, ANN's Jake Rapper declared he sees ZERO evidence of Collusion between Russia and the President, even with Cohen's plea deal 'revelations'.

"CNN host Jake Tapper expressed skepticism that Michael Cohen’s Thursday guilty plea necessarily amounted to “any evidence” of a conspiracy between the Trump team and the Russian government to interfere in the 2016 election."

“Look, this is clearly not welcome news for the president,” said Tapper. “I don’t want to pretend that it is but once again I look at these documents and I don’t see any evidence of conspiracy between members of the Trump team and the Russian government to interfere in the election.”

Tapped just took a brave step in doing something Hillary and her minions refuse to do - admit there was NEVER any illegal collusion involving the President and Russia.

The fact is Trump made a joke about hoping the Russians could find the official subpoenaed documents Hillary tried to destroy, and the Democrats spun it into an entire witch hunt / political coup attempt.

The Russians did not change one vote (as opposed to the Broward County Democrat who attempted to steal elections recently) - Hillary ran the worst Presidential campaign in US history and lost after being GIVEN the DNC nomination she could not win on her own.

It's time for snowflakes to finally accept the 2016 election results and admit Hillary was the worst candidate the Democrats could have hand-picked.

Time to end the witch hunt, the treason, the coup....

CNN / Tapper is even saying now, again, 'Nothing to see here - 'No illegal collusion'!

Jake Tapper: ‘I Don’t See Any Evidence’ Of Conspiracy Between Trump Team And Russia


Obviously, Cohen alone and the Moscow Trump Tower does not "prove" collusion. It's this that proves collusion. Click this link to redirect to another post on this board.

Here you can read one article that was confirmed under sworn testimony by James Clapper (National Intelligence director)--watch one FOX NEWS video and another video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice.

Click here to redirect:
Trump retweet's all those bastards that have committed treason against him.

The same 'James Clapper' buster TWICE for Felony Perjury before Congress....?

The same 'James Clapper' Oher testified worked with Brennan and Strzok to author false Intel Community Assessments and Reports based on the Dossier instead of legitimate Intel as they claimed they had done that they then illegally used to con Congress into opening an investigation and appointing Mueller Special Counsel ... And illegally used them to con the FISA courts to illegally acquire warrants to spy on Trump and his team...?

THAT 'James Clapper'? must be joking or referring to another 'James Clapper'....

Well you'll have to pull a credible--verifiable link out of your Ass on that one, otherwise it goes into the :bsflag:file which you're stuffed full of.

Yeah, god forbid you look it up yourself.
James Clapper Felony Perjury - Bing video
wasn't Clapper's answer,
"NO, at least not intentionally"?
correction, ''not wittingly''

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