Colin Kaepernick: The United States Is The Worst Nation In The History Of The World

Yes. Those guys and the white guys that runs the party that caters to white racists. This is the result of following the southern strategy just like your party leaders admitted to.

You have been shown the are now embarrassed because you didn't know the you are going into bitch mode to hide your ignorance.....
I've only been shown your propaganda here. The facts are that your leaders admitted to the southern strategy.

This country enabled this guy to become a millionaire....with freedom, wealth, and opportunities available no where else in the world....

He is really stupid....
The country didnt do shit for him to become a millionaire. He did that on his own. There is absolutely nothing the country did to make him have the opportunity to work hard, train, and make the NFL.

Well just hold on there!!!! Barack Obama stated that we didn't built that, Milkweed! Anything you have you owe to the government for providing the means to be successful! Get your racist narratives straight...will ya!
Bullshit. You dont owe the government shit. You have never heard me agree with any bullshit like that.
Slavery is not a Black thing, In fact black slavery was Not even the first slavery.
And they still have slavery in Africa to this day.... boy
I didnt say slavery was a Black thing dummy. I said whites in the US enslaved Blacks and it was fucked up. I nor did Kap say anything about other countries. We say this country is fucked up. If you dont like that then move to another country.

When someone says that America is the worst nation on're obviously saying something about OTHER countries as well, Milkweed! You've lost your train of thought...haven't you?
Youre doing a comparison when you say "worst" or "best". The topic is the US not other countries. Now what is really funny is that Kap didnt say those words. Douglass did and as I pointed out he was absolutely correct and during that time the people listed in the OP didnt even exist.

Kaepernick didn't say the words...he QUOTED the words! Are you now claiming that Kaepernick didn't agree with Douglas' words? You're floundering, Milkweed...
Of course he quoted the words. The OP doesnt say he quoted the words. The OP implies he is the one that said them. Of course Kap agrees with those words. I do too. What do you mean I'm floundering? I love that Kap supports those words. What made you think I felt any other way about it?

Using words that describe a nation that is TOTALLY unlike what it once was simply shows how flawed you and Kaepernick's claims are in the first place! That's why you're floundering!
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
Send that man to Moscow.
You and what army?
He says we are the "Worst Nation on Earth" on our nation's 243rd birthday. If he thinks we're so bad and he's a socialist, he should give Russia a try. He might like it a lot better than here. Are you saying he doesn't mean it?
I'm saying who is going to make the decision to force him to move?
No youre the one that made the decision but you were afraid to tell him in person.
You have been shown the are now embarrassed because you didn't know the you are going into bitch mode to hide your ignorance.....
I've only been shown your propaganda here. The facts are that your leaders admitted to the southern strategy.

This country enabled this guy to become a millionaire....with freedom, wealth, and opportunities available no where else in the world....

He is really stupid....
The country didnt do shit for him to become a millionaire. He did that on his own. There is absolutely nothing the country did to make him have the opportunity to work hard, train, and make the NFL.

Well just hold on there!!!! Barack Obama stated that we didn't built that, Milkweed! Anything you have you owe to the government for providing the means to be successful! Get your racist narratives straight...will ya!
Bullshit. You dont owe the government shit. You have never heard me agree with any bullshit like that.

So you're saying that Barry was full of shit when he made that statement? Thanks for clearing that up...
I didnt say slavery was a Black thing dummy. I said whites in the US enslaved Blacks and it was fucked up. I nor did Kap say anything about other countries. We say this country is fucked up. If you dont like that then move to another country.

When someone says that America is the worst nation on're obviously saying something about OTHER countries as well, Milkweed! You've lost your train of thought...haven't you?
Youre doing a comparison when you say "worst" or "best". The topic is the US not other countries. Now what is really funny is that Kap didnt say those words. Douglass did and as I pointed out he was absolutely correct and during that time the people listed in the OP didnt even exist.

Kaepernick didn't say the words...he QUOTED the words! Are you now claiming that Kaepernick didn't agree with Douglas' words? You're floundering, Milkweed...
Of course he quoted the words. The OP doesnt say he quoted the words. The OP implies he is the one that said them. Of course Kap agrees with those words. I do too. What do you mean I'm floundering? I love that Kap supports those words. What made you think I felt any other way about it?

Using words that describe a nation that is TOTALLY unlike what it once was simply shows how flawed you and Kaepernick's claims are in the first place! That's why you're floundering!
More bullshit. This country is still a den for white racists. Thats primarily what this country is about despite its claims of being for freedom and equality. The whites in this country want so bad for it to be an all white country. Sorry but thats not going to happen. If you dont want to hear or see us talk about the shit this country did you are free not to watch or read it. If you do then you have no one to blame but yourself.
Kaeperdick is no man...the real men wear the uniforms of this nation's military.

Kaeperdick isn't fit to clean their boots
I've only been shown your propaganda here. The facts are that your leaders admitted to the southern strategy.

This country enabled this guy to become a millionaire....with freedom, wealth, and opportunities available no where else in the world....

He is really stupid....
The country didnt do shit for him to become a millionaire. He did that on his own. There is absolutely nothing the country did to make him have the opportunity to work hard, train, and make the NFL.

Well just hold on there!!!! Barack Obama stated that we didn't built that, Milkweed! Anything you have you owe to the government for providing the means to be successful! Get your racist narratives straight...will ya!
Bullshit. You dont owe the government shit. You have never heard me agree with any bullshit like that.

So you're saying that Barry was full of shit when he made that statement? Thanks for clearing that up...
Anyone that says that is full of shit. I dont owe this country shit. Everything I got was through hard work fighting against the obstacles this country white leaders put in my way.
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
Send that man to Moscow.
You and what army?
He says we are the "Worst Nation on Earth" on our nation's 243rd birthday. If he thinks we're so bad and he's a socialist, he should give Russia a try. He might like it a lot better than here. Are you saying he doesn't mean it?
You do know that Russia is no longer a communist country dont you ?
I've been to Russia. They cheated my late husband by taking his first-class seats and putting us at the back of the airplane. Those seats cost $700 more than back-of-the-plane seats. He wrote them a letter to give him the difference in a refund form, and they ignored him, keeping the money for themselves. They cheat regular American people out of money that was hard-earned. Fair is always fair and Russia isn't.
When someone says that America is the worst nation on're obviously saying something about OTHER countries as well, Milkweed! You've lost your train of thought...haven't you?
Youre doing a comparison when you say "worst" or "best". The topic is the US not other countries. Now what is really funny is that Kap didnt say those words. Douglass did and as I pointed out he was absolutely correct and during that time the people listed in the OP didnt even exist.

Kaepernick didn't say the words...he QUOTED the words! Are you now claiming that Kaepernick didn't agree with Douglas' words? You're floundering, Milkweed...
Of course he quoted the words. The OP doesnt say he quoted the words. The OP implies he is the one that said them. Of course Kap agrees with those words. I do too. What do you mean I'm floundering? I love that Kap supports those words. What made you think I felt any other way about it?

Using words that describe a nation that is TOTALLY unlike what it once was simply shows how flawed you and Kaepernick's claims are in the first place! That's why you're floundering!
More bullshit. This country is still a den for white racists. Thats primarily what this country is about despite its claims of being for freedom and equality. The whites in this country want so bad for it to be an all white country. Sorry but thats not going to happen. If you dont want to hear or see us talk about the shit this country did you are free not to watch or read it. If you do then you have no one to blame but yourself.

Amazing! All those white racists must have not realized that Barack Hussein Obama wasn't a white guy! No way in the world that they'd vote for someone of color...right, Milkweed? (eye roll)

Gosh, he fooled them not once but TWICE!
Youre doing a comparison when you say "worst" or "best". The topic is the US not other countries. Now what is really funny is that Kap didnt say those words. Douglass did and as I pointed out he was absolutely correct and during that time the people listed in the OP didnt even exist.

Kaepernick didn't say the words...he QUOTED the words! Are you now claiming that Kaepernick didn't agree with Douglas' words? You're floundering, Milkweed...
Of course he quoted the words. The OP doesnt say he quoted the words. The OP implies he is the one that said them. Of course Kap agrees with those words. I do too. What do you mean I'm floundering? I love that Kap supports those words. What made you think I felt any other way about it?

Using words that describe a nation that is TOTALLY unlike what it once was simply shows how flawed you and Kaepernick's claims are in the first place! That's why you're floundering!
More bullshit. This country is still a den for white racists. Thats primarily what this country is about despite its claims of being for freedom and equality. The whites in this country want so bad for it to be an all white country. Sorry but thats not going to happen. If you dont want to hear or see us talk about the shit this country did you are free not to watch or read it. If you do then you have no one to blame but yourself.

Amazing! All those white racists must have not realized that Barack Hussein Obama wasn't a white guy! No way in the world that they'd vote for someone of color...right, Milkweed? (eye roll)

Gosh, he fooled them not once but TWICE!
Most whites never voted for Obama. Why do you think white people got so agitated when he won twice. If you dont believe me go look at the results.
This country enabled this guy to become a millionaire....with freedom, wealth, and opportunities available no where else in the world....

He is really stupid....
The country didnt do shit for him to become a millionaire. He did that on his own. There is absolutely nothing the country did to make him have the opportunity to work hard, train, and make the NFL.

Well just hold on there!!!! Barack Obama stated that we didn't built that, Milkweed! Anything you have you owe to the government for providing the means to be successful! Get your racist narratives straight...will ya!
Bullshit. You dont owe the government shit. You have never heard me agree with any bullshit like that.

So you're saying that Barry was full of shit when he made that statement? Thanks for clearing that up...
Anyone that says that is full of shit. I dont owe this country shit. Everything I got was through hard work fighting against the obstacles this country white leaders put in my way.

So now you're stating that Barry WAS full of shit? Noted. Like I're FLOUNDERING and floundering badly!
Kaepernick didn't say the words...he QUOTED the words! Are you now claiming that Kaepernick didn't agree with Douglas' words? You're floundering, Milkweed...
Of course he quoted the words. The OP doesnt say he quoted the words. The OP implies he is the one that said them. Of course Kap agrees with those words. I do too. What do you mean I'm floundering? I love that Kap supports those words. What made you think I felt any other way about it?

Using words that describe a nation that is TOTALLY unlike what it once was simply shows how flawed you and Kaepernick's claims are in the first place! That's why you're floundering!
More bullshit. This country is still a den for white racists. Thats primarily what this country is about despite its claims of being for freedom and equality. The whites in this country want so bad for it to be an all white country. Sorry but thats not going to happen. If you dont want to hear or see us talk about the shit this country did you are free not to watch or read it. If you do then you have no one to blame but yourself.

Amazing! All those white racists must have not realized that Barack Hussein Obama wasn't a white guy! No way in the world that they'd vote for someone of color...right, Milkweed? (eye roll)

Gosh, he fooled them not once but TWICE!
Most whites never voted for Obama. If you dont believe me go look at the results.
I sure as hell didnt, but only a black tard would ever 5hink it was because of skin tone. You see EVERYTHING thru race colored glases
The country didnt do shit for him to become a millionaire. He did that on his own. There is absolutely nothing the country did to make him have the opportunity to work hard, train, and make the NFL.

Well just hold on there!!!! Barack Obama stated that we didn't built that, Milkweed! Anything you have you owe to the government for providing the means to be successful! Get your racist narratives straight...will ya!
Bullshit. You dont owe the government shit. You have never heard me agree with any bullshit like that.

So you're saying that Barry was full of shit when he made that statement? Thanks for clearing that up...
Anyone that says that is full of shit. I dont owe this country shit. Everything I got was through hard work fighting against the obstacles this country white leaders put in my way.

So now you're stating that Barry WAS full of shit? Noted. Like I're FLOUNDERING and floundering badly!
I dont know you are having such a hard time understanding what I said....

"Anyone that says that is full of shit."

What part of that did you not understand?
Of course he quoted the words. The OP doesnt say he quoted the words. The OP implies he is the one that said them. Of course Kap agrees with those words. I do too. What do you mean I'm floundering? I love that Kap supports those words. What made you think I felt any other way about it?

Using words that describe a nation that is TOTALLY unlike what it once was simply shows how flawed you and Kaepernick's claims are in the first place! That's why you're floundering!
More bullshit. This country is still a den for white racists. Thats primarily what this country is about despite its claims of being for freedom and equality. The whites in this country want so bad for it to be an all white country. Sorry but thats not going to happen. If you dont want to hear or see us talk about the shit this country did you are free not to watch or read it. If you do then you have no one to blame but yourself.

Amazing! All those white racists must have not realized that Barack Hussein Obama wasn't a white guy! No way in the world that they'd vote for someone of color...right, Milkweed? (eye roll)

Gosh, he fooled them not once but TWICE!
Most whites never voted for Obama. If you dont believe me go look at the results.
I sure as hell didnt, but only a black tard would ever 5hink it was because of skin tone. You see EVERYTHING thru race colored glases
Show me proof it was not due to race. I'll wait.
Kaepernick didn't say the words...he QUOTED the words! Are you now claiming that Kaepernick didn't agree with Douglas' words? You're floundering, Milkweed...
Of course he quoted the words. The OP doesnt say he quoted the words. The OP implies he is the one that said them. Of course Kap agrees with those words. I do too. What do you mean I'm floundering? I love that Kap supports those words. What made you think I felt any other way about it?

Using words that describe a nation that is TOTALLY unlike what it once was simply shows how flawed you and Kaepernick's claims are in the first place! That's why you're floundering!
More bullshit. This country is still a den for white racists. Thats primarily what this country is about despite its claims of being for freedom and equality. The whites in this country want so bad for it to be an all white country. Sorry but thats not going to happen. If you dont want to hear or see us talk about the shit this country did you are free not to watch or read it. If you do then you have no one to blame but yourself.

Amazing! All those white racists must have not realized that Barack Hussein Obama wasn't a white guy! No way in the world that they'd vote for someone of color...right, Milkweed? (eye roll)

Gosh, he fooled them not once but TWICE!
Most whites never voted for Obama. Why do you think white people got so agitated when he won twice. If you dont believe me go look at the results.

Millions of whites did however vote for Barry and did so not once but twice! Who was more "agitated" when a President was elected whites when it was Obama...or liberal s when it was Trump? Still floundering...
That was his message to all Americans of this Fourth of July today. He apparently gives Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union a pass. Oh, and Cambodia under Pol Pot

Nike Rep Colin Kaepernick Attacks USA as the Worst Nation on Earth--on the Fourth of July
Send that man to Moscow.
You and what army?
He says we are the "Worst Nation on Earth" on our nation's 243rd birthday. If he thinks we're so bad and he's a socialist, he should give Russia a try. He might like it a lot better than here. Are you saying he doesn't mean it?
You do know that Russia is no longer a communist country dont you ?
I've been to Russia. They cheated my late husband by taking his first-class seats and putting us at the back of the airplane. Those seats cost $700 more than back-of-the-plane seats. He wrote them a letter to give him the difference in a refund form, and they ignored him, keeping the money for themselves. They cheat regular American people out of money that was hard-earned. Fair is always fair and Russia isn't.
So why should Kap go there ?
Well just hold on there!!!! Barack Obama stated that we didn't built that, Milkweed! Anything you have you owe to the government for providing the means to be successful! Get your racist narratives straight...will ya!
Bullshit. You dont owe the government shit. You have never heard me agree with any bullshit like that.

So you're saying that Barry was full of shit when he made that statement? Thanks for clearing that up...
Anyone that says that is full of shit. I dont owe this country shit. Everything I got was through hard work fighting against the obstacles this country white leaders put in my way.

So now you're stating that Barry WAS full of shit? Noted. Like I're FLOUNDERING and floundering badly!
I dont know you are having such a hard time understanding what I said....

"Anyone that says that is full of shit."

What part of that did you not understand?

Still can't bring yourself to say that Barry was full of shit...can you? LOL It's OK little buddy...I know that's an issue with you...
Of course he quoted the words. The OP doesnt say he quoted the words. The OP implies he is the one that said them. Of course Kap agrees with those words. I do too. What do you mean I'm floundering? I love that Kap supports those words. What made you think I felt any other way about it?

Using words that describe a nation that is TOTALLY unlike what it once was simply shows how flawed you and Kaepernick's claims are in the first place! That's why you're floundering!
More bullshit. This country is still a den for white racists. Thats primarily what this country is about despite its claims of being for freedom and equality. The whites in this country want so bad for it to be an all white country. Sorry but thats not going to happen. If you dont want to hear or see us talk about the shit this country did you are free not to watch or read it. If you do then you have no one to blame but yourself.

Amazing! All those white racists must have not realized that Barack Hussein Obama wasn't a white guy! No way in the world that they'd vote for someone of color...right, Milkweed? (eye roll)

Gosh, he fooled them not once but TWICE!
Most whites never voted for Obama. Why do you think white people got so agitated when he won twice. If you dont believe me go look at the results.

Millions of whites did however vote for Barry and did so not once but twice! Who was more "agitated" when a President was elected whites when it was Obama...or liberal s when it was Trump? Still floundering...
That doesnt change the point. The point was that most whites didnt vote for Obama. Youre floundering and because of that now youre trying to change the point.

What a dang Wanker.
Send that man to Moscow.
You and what army?
He says we are the "Worst Nation on Earth" on our nation's 243rd birthday. If he thinks we're so bad and he's a socialist, he should give Russia a try. He might like it a lot better than here. Are you saying he doesn't mean it?
You do know that Russia is no longer a communist country dont you ?
I've been to Russia. They cheated my late husband by taking his first-class seats and putting us at the back of the airplane. Those seats cost $700 more than back-of-the-plane seats. He wrote them a letter to give him the difference in a refund form, and they ignored him, keeping the money for themselves. They cheat regular American people out of money that was hard-earned. Fair is always fair and Russia isn't.
So why should Kap go there ?
Because it sounds like something cool to say on the safety of the internet.

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